1980 My literary era

Chapter 40 Beidaihe

The trip to Beidaihe that the class had been looking forward to for several days finally took place. All the people in the Institute of Literature and Literature went out, and no one was left behind.

The day before departure, Jia Dashan told Teacher Tang that he did not want to go to Beidaihe.

"Why don't you want to take such a good opportunity?"

"While you are all gone and the dormitory is empty, I will take my wife and children to Yanjing to play for a few days."

After listening to what he said, Teacher Tang did not persuade him again.

The classmates in the class were discussing privately. Even though Jia Dashan was not usually very showy, he had a lot of talent in his belly.

Departing for Beidaihe, take train and bus, departing in the morning and arriving in the afternoon.

A few hundred meters away from the guest house where they lived was the sea. Everyone suddenly became excited and ran to the seaside without putting down their things. Then they were called back by Gu Jianzhi.

Gu Jianzhi briefly explained to everyone at the meeting that the main purpose was to let everyone have a good rest, have fun, and pay attention to safety. In addition, he should also take advantage of this opportunity to promote mutual understanding and break the boundaries of geography and age.

After the meeting, everyone has dinner first.

The food in the guest house canteen is much better than that in the institute, and there is also a lot of seafood, which is very rare in the Institute of Literature. Transportation and logistics are underdeveloped these days, and many students from the central and western regions have never eaten seafood more than once in their lives. This seafood meal alone made everyone feel that their visit to Beidaihe was worth it.

Early the next morning, when Lin Weimin was sleeping hazily, he heard someone getting up in the room. Huang Zonghan called him, but he ignored him and continued to sleep. When he woke up, he found that the dormitory where he lived, including the surrounding dormitories, had long been empty.

When I asked, I found out that everyone was running to watch the sunrise.

For most people who don’t live in a seaside city, the sunrise on the seaside really needs to be seen once.

After having breakfast in the cafeteria, Lin Weimin went out wearing a vest, large pants and slippers.

The guest house is very close to the seaside. At around seven o'clock in the morning, the sun has already risen.

Looking around, the sky is blue and the sea is green. The eyes are open and the heart is heroic.

He walked for a few minutes and arrived at the beach. He saw many students from the Institute of Literature and Literature soaking in the water at the beach. Many of them couldn't swim, but since they were at the beach, it would be useless if they didn't go into the water. Come, just experience it like this.

The beaches in Beidaihe should be considered the best among the beaches in the north. The sand grains are very fine, silky and even.

"Thinking back to five years ago, how dare I imagine life like this!" Jiao Yundian said with emotion as he lay on the beach and basked in the sun.

"It will always be a good time from now on!" said Guo Yudao next to him.

Lin Weimin didn't go into the water. He found a clean beach to lie down next to a few classmates who were sunbathing.

After the tide receded in the morning, there were many shells, starfish, flowers and pebbles left on the beach.

After several female students in the class came out of the sea, they picked up these things along the beach.

Since they came up, the atmosphere on the beach has become a little subtle.

The swimsuits worn by several people were very conservative and exposed very little, but it still made many male students feel embarrassed, even if they didn't look at them.

After a few minutes, everyone gradually got used to it, sitting or lying on the beach chatting.

The sun slowly rose, the sea began to turn golden, and it gradually became hot outside.

It was almost noon and he went back to the guest house for dinner. After a good sleep, Lin Weimin didn't want to go out so he continued writing in the guest house room. The plot of "Cliff" had already progressed to the middle and late stages.

At night, Lin Weimin listened to the noise in the room next to him, walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Shixu said: "Just now Abair received a call from their hometown, saying that his wife gave birth to a big fat boy for him!"

Lin Weimin smiled and said: "What a happy event, congratulations!"

Abair showed a shy smile, "I'll treat everyone to dinner tonight!"

The students were in joy.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Abair walked out in a hurry. Everyone walked to the street, looked around and found a Western restaurant-Cheshilin.

Abeer was a sincere person and was about to go in without even thinking, but was quickly stopped by the big guy.

By the standards of this era, just looking at the facade, the decoration of Qishilin is already very luxurious, and the price is definitely not cheap.

There are more than 30 people in the class, and they must go bankrupt because of Abaier.

So everyone went into a state-run restaurant next door, but Abel still didn't give up. When everyone was not paying attention, he went into Shilin and bought a few sundaes for everyone to use as dessert. In the end, the sundaes were given away. Gave it to a few girls in the class.

Today's meal caused Abel to bleed heavily and cost him more than a month's salary.

Just like the last time Qu Xiaowei treated him to a treat, this time everyone gave him money afterward.

The reason this time is easier to find, just treat it as a gift for the child.

Life in Beidaihe is carefree. We don't need to go to class. The leaders and teachers in the institute rarely take a break. No one cares about us except for life problems. The students in the class are always in groups every day. Appeared on the seaside and streets of Beidaihe.

In such a relaxed atmosphere, Lin Weimin's first novel was finally completed.

After learning the news, his manuscript immediately caused a frantic rush among his classmates.

For no other reason than that, everyone was curious about how he would write one thing twice in a way that would be refreshing.

A week passed in a hurry, and the Beidaihe vacation trip came to an end.

Returning to the compound of School D of the Chaoyang District Committee, summer vacation is about to begin, and the students feel somewhat unmotivated.

Lin Weimin's manuscript was circulated in the class for several days, and everyone finally read it.

At the same time, several people in the class also completed this special writing, but they were mainly short and medium stories.

It took Lin Weimin a month to write a 200,000-word article. It is really an exaggeration. I don’t know who started it. When it comes to this matter, everyone will mention "quick gunner". ".

Lin Weimin attributed this matter to Huang Zonghan. He still remembered that the first time he heard this title was from the old boy's mouth.

"I was wronged! Really, so wronged! I just said it once in the dormitory. Besides, Weimin, you can't interpret these words blindly. Everyone is obviously praising you!"

Lin Weimin thought about it. Today, the words "quick shooter" do not have a special meaning.

On the fourth day after returning from Beidaihe, the institute was about to have a holiday. The holiday lasted for a month, and most of the students in the class chose to go home.

After four months of studying and living together, we were about to part ways, so naturally we had to say goodbye properly.

While everyone was saying goodbye, Lin Weimin found a few classmates who had finished writing their works and asked for their manuscripts. It was so mysterious that no one asked what they wanted to do.

"Let's wait until you guys come back."

With questions, the students left the Institute of Literature one by one.

Lin Weimin had no intention of leaving, and he had nowhere to go.

I made an application with Teacher Tang Yuqiu, and he was still living in the dormitory during the holidays.

The day after the holiday, Lin Weimin had a late sleep and didn't get up until after nine o'clock.

After washing up slowly, he waited for a while for lunch to open in the cafeteria. After eating lunch, he picked up a package of manuscripts and left School D.

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