1980 My literary era

Chapter 60 Appreciation Banquet

Time flies to the end of September, and it is getting closer and closer to the graduation time for the fifth batch of students of the Institute of Literature and Literature.

During this period of time, everyone has basically become free-range, either running relationships, meeting friends, expanding contacts, or writing hard, striving to achieve a good result in their study career.

Zhang Lin and Jiang Zilong applied for a teacher appreciation banquet with the institute.

The teacher appreciation banquet was held in the cafeteria of School D. I have to admit that the chef in the cafeteria of School D was very good.

In the past, the staple food of cornmeal pancakes, rice porridge, and vegetables were all cooked in large pots. When push came to shove, the chefs were unequivocal.

Eight cold and eight hot, all the major cuisines of Sichuan, Liaoning, Shandong and Guangdong are served on demand, and all the cups, plates and bowls are provided.

Many people looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh. After staying in School D for half a year, it was only today that they saw the true abilities of the masters.

In the evening, the invited tutors arrived one after another, and their students greeted them at the door early to accompany them.

There was still some time before dinner, so everyone took the instructors to visit the institute's residence.

Today, the institute got a camera. Taking advantage of the good light at this time, many people took the instructor and ran to take photos under the trees in the yard.

Mr. Wan was accompanied by his daughter Wan Fang, and he arrived relatively late. He specially changed into a new white shirt today and looked very energetic.

Like everyone else, Lin Weimin first took a photo with Mr. Wan, and then took a photo with Mr. Wan and his daughter.

The tutors were all famous people, so Lin Weimin naturally would not miss this opportunity to take a photo. After taking a photo with Mr. Wan, he went up one by one to take a photo, which made everyone couldn't help but think about the autograph that this boy wanted to sign on the first day of school.

The past events were vivid in our minds, and everyone laughed.

In the institute, tutors and students are arranged at the same table. In addition to Mr. Wan and his daughter, Lin Weimin's table also includes Mr. Jin Jin and his three students, Huang Anyi, Qu Xiaowei and Guo Yudao.

The stools in the cafeteria all had no backs. Lin Weimin knew that Mr. Wan was used to sitting on chairs with backs at home, so he ran back to the dormitory to get him one.

"Just sit on a stool, it's not that pretentious."

Lin Weimin joked: "Today is the teacher's appreciation banquet, so I have to serve you well."

Only then did Mr. Wan sit on the chair.

Seeing him like this, Qu Xiaowei was naturally not to be outdone and ran back to the dormitory to get a chair for Teacher Jin Jin to sit on.

When the surrounding students saw it, they began to follow suit.

When the dinner was about to begin, each of the more than ten instructors sat on a chair under their buttocks.

At six o'clock, director Xu Gang came on stage and said a few words briefly before announcing the start of the dinner.

At the beginning, everyone was quite reserved and polite. From time to time, they would raise a glass to the instructor next to them and say some words of thanks.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere at the dinner became casual.

A few of the drinkers who had a bad drinking capacity spoke louder and seemed a little excited, perhaps because they were over the limit.

Lin Weimin, like everyone else, toasted a glass of wine to Mr. Wan. He knew that Mr. Wan was not in good health, so he did not offer another toast, but drank with Wan Fang instead.

After drinking some wine, Wan Fang became more casual in her speech, "Junior brother, it seems that you are going to get both our father and daughter drunk today, right?"

"Senior sister, what you said is wrong. As the saying goes, a thousand cups are too little when drinking with a close friend. Today is a happy day. How can you say that you are drinking?"

"It's weird if I believe you. Why don't you drink with others?"

"They are not senior enough, but you are my senior sister."

Wan Fang felt goosebumps all over Lin Weimin's body and gave him a look of disgust, but she drank the wine anyway.

After three rounds of drinking, crying began to come from the dining table.

Lin Weimin took a look and saw that it was Cheng Shixu.

He usually doesn't talk much in the class. He always feels inferior when facing talented classmates. He probably suppresses it for too long. Today he drank some wine and cried.

The study life in the Institute of Literary and Literature Research was coming to an end soon, and farewell was imminent. Cheng Shixu's cry seemed to open the tears in everyone's hearts, and several classmates who had low tears started to cry immediately.

Lin Weimin also felt a little unhappy. He was not a sensationalist.

Thinking back to this time last year, he was still digging for food in the countryside of Longjiang Province. In order to improve his life, he did not know how many pen tips were worn out.

Fortunately, he got the opportunity to study at the Institute of Literature, which completely changed his life.

When he first came to the Literary Institute, he was out of tune here, and all he could think about was how to make some quick money.

But gradually, he adapted to the environment here, got used to attending classes, writing, and getting used to the teachers and classmates around him.

Writing not only improved his life, but also brought him spiritual satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, and allowed him to meet many lovely people.

The crying at the dinner was like the bell ringing after class. The tutors did not have the melancholy of the students. Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually turning sad and noisy, tutors left the table one after another.

Mr. Wan also said goodbye at this time, and Lin Weimin and Wan Fang helped him leave the canteen. The teachers in the school came out to see them off, and Mr. Wan waved them back.

The dirt road leading to the No. 18 bus stop was pitch black.

There was no noise at the banquet, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet. Lin Weimin held Mr. Wan's hand and chatted with him.

After walking a few dozen meters, there was a street light on the side of the road. School D is the terminus of Route 18. The bus is already waiting here with the lights dimmed and the door open.

Lin Weimin reluctantly let go of Mr. Wan's arm, his voice was hoarse, "Teacher, then...goodbye."

Mr. Wan patted his hand and said, "Don't make it feel like you are parting from life or death. Haven't you finished all your work? When you are free, go and sit at home. Your homework hasn't been finished yet!"

Lin Weimin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Mr. Wan truly regarded him as a student, not an errand who was entrusted to deal with the problem.

A glint flashed in his eyes, and he nodded heavily, "I understand, teacher!"

Mr. Wan patted his arm and said, "You have talent, don't waste it."

"I remember, teacher."

The bus started moving slowly, and the melancholy in Lin Weimin's heart disappeared because of Mr. Wan's words. Instead, he was filled with infinite yearning for future life.

On the way back to the lecture center, I would meet classmates who were escorting their instructors out every now and then. They were chatting in low voices, their words filled with sadness of parting.

Lin Weimin completely understands everyone. After his work is completed, he can stay in Yanjing and his relationship with his teacher, Mr. Wan, will be maintained.

But most of the people in the class live and work in other places. With this separation, we don’t know when we will see each other again. Some people may find it difficult to see each other again in their lifetime.

Looking back on every bit of our relationship over the past six months, who can’t help but feel ecstatic?

When Lin Weimin walked to the gate of School D, just like the day he arrived, he couldn't help but look up at the sky. It was early autumn, the night breeze was cool, and the moon was rising.

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