1980 My literary era

Chapter 61 Graduation

When he was about to graduate from the Institute of Literature and Art, Shi Tiesheng was discharged from the hospital. In fact, it was mainly because the National Day was approaching and Shi Tiesheng's illness improved greatly and he chose to be discharged from the hospital.

On the day of discharge, Lin Weimin met Qu Xiaowei to help. During his hospitalization, Shi Tiesheng had a cystostomy because he often had hydronephrosis due to urinary retention.

Before leaving, Shi Tiesheng asked the doctor a question: "Dr. Bai, how many years can I live?"

Dr. Bai said: "An optimistic estimate is that it will take at least ten years."

Shi Tiesheng was very happy after hearing this and said, "I have made money for ten years."

What Lin Weimin admires most about Shi Tiesheng is his open-mindedness.

Helping Shi Tiesheng return to his home at No. 26 Yonghegong Street, Shi's father arranged for a meal to get rid of bad luck.

During the meal, Shi Tiesheng was talking about his upcoming graduation from the Institute of Literature and Literature, and Shi Tiesheng became concerned about Lin Weimin's work.

"Everything is arranged, just waiting for graduation."

Hearing Lin Weimin's words, Shi Tiesheng had an expression of relief on his face.

Qu Xiaowei said in a tone of envy and hatred: "Don't worry about him. I accepted Mr. Wan as a teacher and went to "Contemporary" as an editor. He is the best in our class."

Shi Tiesheng nodded, "Indeed, not everyone can have such an opportunity, Wei Min is a blessed person."

"Who am I to be a lucky person? At most, I am lucky."

"Regardless of whether it's luck or luck, it's just annoying." Qu Xiaowei concluded.

"Haha, good point."

Staying at Shi Tiesheng's house until the afternoon, Lin Weimin and Qu Xiaowei returned to the Literary Research Institute.

There is a panic in the institute right now. The day of the thank-you banquet is a climax of life in the Institute of Literature. From that day on, the students in the class seem to be waiting for the end of the day.

From the beginning in April to the graduation in October, half a year passed by in a flash, and tomorrow is the day of graduation.

Jiang Zilong and Zhang Lin went from house to house. When they arrived at Lin Weimin's dormitory, they handed several notebooks to Lin Weimin.

"For the people, please leave your home addresses and contact information so that we can contact you if you have any questions in the future."

Jiao Yundian and others wrote down their addresses and communication methods in their notebooks one after another, but when Lin Weimin arrived, he was in trouble.

He didn't know what to write.

Longjiang rural area was a place to jump in line, and it was impossible for me to go back. In addition to an old house in Fengtian's hometown, there are no dogs.

He did stay in Yanjing, but now he didn't even have a place to live.

After much deliberation, he could only write the address as "The Editorial Department of Contemporary, No. 166 Chaonei Street."

"For the people, you..."

Only a few people in the dormitory and Qu Xiaowei in the class knew that Lin Weimin stayed at "Contemporary" as an editor.

Lin Weimin explained: "I will stay in Yanjing from now on."

Recalling that Lin Weimin had previously communicated with "Contemporary" to release an album for his classmates, Jiang Zilong and Zhang Lin immediately understood what he meant. He must have stayed at "Contemporary" to work.


"Congratulations, Weimin!"

The two of them smiled and congratulated Lin Weimin, feeling a little envious in their hearts.

Lin Weimin's situation is not something that everyone can have. There are more than thirty students in the class, and among the more than thirty students in the class, Lin Weimin is undoubtedly the one who has changed the most since he came to the Institute of Literature and Literature.

After Jiang Zilong and Zhang Lin left, the news that Lin Weimin was going to work at "Contemporary" quickly spread throughout the Literary Research Institute.

Let Lin Weimin shine again as he nears graduation.

The classmates rushed to congratulate him, not forgetting to express their envy and jealousy.

The next day, the graduation ceremony of the Institute of Literary Studies was held.

Compared with the blooming flowers at the beginning of the semester, the graduation scene was a little bleak. Several leaders from the Literary and Art Association came, but the main ones were the teachers and students of the institute.

After the leaders finished speaking, they began to issue graduation certificates.

Those small red books are the testimony of these six months.

Lin Weimin held the graduation certificate in his hand and had mixed feelings in his heart.

The ceremony was basically over at this point, but Jiang Zilong and Zhang Lin, the class cadres, quit their jobs and insisted on letting the teachers say a few words to everyone.

Teacher Tang Yuqiu who is in charge of student affairs, teachers You Xiaoshan and Wang Yifen who are stationed at the school, typist Xiao Lin, librarian Xiao Jing...

Everyone walked up to the podium when everyone was called, and their eyes were red before they could say a few words.

After half a year of getting along, we have become familiar with each other, so when we face parting, we are naturally sad and inexplicable.

After the teachers finished speaking intermittently, the students spontaneously walked up to the podium and talked about their gains and feelings from studying and living in the Institute of Literature in the past six months.

Suddenly, there were tears on and off the stage.

After finally waiting for everyone to finish speaking, the ceremony finally came to an end.

Director Xu Gang came to the stage to tell everyone good news.

"Every student in the institute has asked for three months of creative leave from the workplace. You can write until the end of the year without having to go to work!"

The audience immediately burst into cheers.

For students, there is no better news than this right now.

After spending half a year of ample study and life at the Institute of Literary Studies, and suddenly returning to work, most people really need a buffer, and this three-month creative vacation is a perfect buffer.

After saying this news, the graduation ceremony is really coming to an end.

Everyone couldn't help shaking hands and hugging each other, showing their true feelings.

After Lin Weimin hugged several boys in the class, he turned around and saw Huang Anyi looking at him with a complicated face. Without thinking, he took the initiative to hug her. Huang Anyi suddenly blushed, and there was a lot of booing around her. Voice.

The graduation ceremony ended like this.

When everyone returned to the dormitory, many people had packed their luggage and basically bought their tickets for today and tomorrow.

After a brief goodbye, everyone packed their bags.

Those classmates who were leaving tomorrow took them to the No. 18 bus stop, the same bus that everyone took when they arrived.

The students got on the bus one by one, turned around, waved and said goodbye.

The No. 18 bus became smaller and smaller in my eyes until it disappeared.

On the last night we stayed in the dormitory, everyone pooled their money to buy food and drinks and drank until dawn.

Early in the morning, the scene of yesterday was repeated at the No. 18 bus stop.

This time, the fifth batch of students from the Institute of Literary Studies really disappeared.

Lin Weimin was only surrounded by Qu Xiaowei, a native of Yanjing. He looked at the back of the bus and muttered to himself.

"Goodbye, Lao Jiao!"

"Goodbye, Old Huang!"

"Goodbye, Lao Guo!"

After standing there in shock for a while, Lin Weimin came back to his senses at Qu Xiaowei's cry.

"Okay, don't be sad, it's not like we can't meet each other anymore."

Lin Weimin said calmly: "How many times can we see him?"

Qu Xiaowei was silent.

Yes, even if we meet again in the future, how can we get back the feelings we had back then?

"Okay, stop talking and let's go! Come to our house to play when you have time!"

Qu Xiaowei left Lin Weimin with a chic back.

Lin Weimin returned to the Literary Lecture Center. The bustling scene of the past disappeared, leaving only emptiness and loneliness. He sat on the bed in the dormitory, feeling lost.

"For the people!" Teacher Tang Yuqiu's voice came from the door.

"Teacher Tang!" Lin Weimin responded.

"A call from "Contemporary" came to the office. Your work transfer order has been sent to Northeast China. You have to go back to handle file transfer and household registration transfer."

Lin Weimin was shocked. He had been busy for so long, wasn't this the moment he had been waiting for?

"I understand, Teacher Tang, I will prepare now."

"Okay, be careful on the way back."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Tang."

Lin Weimin packed up his things and walked out of the Literary Research Institute.

At the entrance of School D, Xiaojing was cleaning up the entrance with a broom. Today's graduation ceremony left the entrance in a state of ruin.

"Weimin, are you leaving?" Xiaojing greeted Lin Weimin.

"Let's go, Xiaojing!"

Lin Weimin said something to Xiaojing and strode forward, just like when he came.

The first volume is finished.

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