Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 220 NO00db: Thought Box

Chapter 220 NO.00db: Thought Box

Being able to be dumped by the two-dimensional girlfriend he created, Jiang Zhou didn't have any expectations for Chen Wan's so-called "experienced in many battles". This is an old and cruel fact - the love experience accumulated through galgame has no guiding value for real love.

Besides, he doesn't even have a body that can move in the basic reality. He is essentially just a cyber ghost with a digital personality uploaded, and he actually has no material basis for this operation.

Let’s talk about more practical issues now.

"So, are you going to die now, or are you going to live a little longer?"

Jiang Zhou carefully considered his words and finally asked.

This is something that has been discussed a long time ago - as a reward for Chen Wan to help him build a substitute program for himself and Hecate, the goddess of the moon, after the completion of the matter, he will help him delete all the data of his digital personality so that the other party can completely rest in peace. .

Normally, Jiang Zhou should have sent the other party on his way long ago. But after the "Battle of Shattered Sky", there is still a series of work to be arranged for the underground reconstruction of the Nord Resettlement Area, plus the renovation of various program systems in the "City of Sages"... Jiang Zhou has been busy until now, It was not until the eve of returning to Tartarus that I finally found time.

Of course, on the other hand, from a selfish point of view, Jiang Zhou was actually not willing to completely delete this adjuster who had adjusted the "Pygmalion" path to depth 4.

After all, as long as you have a "sculptor" like the opponent who can reconstruct the stand-in program, relying on the specialness of the Janus program, unless someone can kill you and the stand-in program with controllable elements at the same time, otherwise you will be in the abyss secretly. The net is like having two lives.

In addition, Jiang Zhou actually thinks that Chen Wan is quite interesting - although he is a bit more two-dimensional. But in the realm of "City of Sages", there is no one except him. Only Ye Qian, who was tortured in the Genocide Museum, and a few digital personalities who were mentally disturbed in prison but did not choose to commit suicide still existed.

It's not easy to find someone who can speak normally.

Of course, if the other party insists on dying, Jiang Zhou will naturally respect the other party's free will.

After all, this is what I promised myself.

"But, I refuse." (Auto-translated answer, original words: だがbreakる)

As for Jiang Zhou's question, the hammer floating in mid-air suddenly tilted its hammer head towards him in a very artificial way, and then answered like this.

For some reason, this sentence still carries a certain sense of excitement that "I've wanted to try this for a long time."

The serious expression on his face froze for an instant. Jiang Zhou didn't answer the joke. He asked expressionlessly:

"Are you saying you refuse to live or refuse to die?"

As he spoke, he had already summoned the operation interface and hovered his finger over the "Delete" option.

"Of course I refuse to die!"

At this point, not only the hammer, but also the chisel on the side flew up - Chen Wan shouted loudly as if in protest.

Jiang Zhou's face showed an expression of "Sure enough."

"That's fine, can I ask the reason?"

Jiang Zhou waved his hand to disable the operating system and said.

The other party continued to maintain the previous momentum and replied:

"After so many things have happened, do you think I will be willing to die now? You know, that is the goddess of the dark moon! A powerful AI from the super abyssal layer that once triggered the 'lunar eclipse incident'! Of course, this is not The key. The key is that she is still a goddess who hopes to gain feelings. Now that she says she wants to understand what love is, she doesn’t..."

"I want to understand what love is."

Jiang Zhou corrected him.

But the other party said that he was in high spirits and had no intention of stopping.

"These details are not important... In short, the physical appearance of Ms. Hecate walking in the base reality today was modeled by me. So rounding up, the goddess walking in the world now can be regarded as my work... "

If you change the shell, it will be your own work. Is this how you use rounding?

Jiang Zhou thought to himself, and then he continued:

"So? What is your final plan?"

Jiang Zhou didn't know why he could see the mysterious expressions on the pair of hammers and chisels, but at this moment Chen Wan said with a mysterious look on his face:

"Haven't you ever heard of the story of one's work falling in love with its creator?"

This question caused Jiang Zhou's mind to flash back to some bad fan creations he had seen before, so he answered with a straight face:

"Are you talking about Pinocchio?"

"Of course I'm talking about Pygmalion and Galatea!"

Pygmalion and Galatea, the origin of the name of Chen Wan's ascension path - the king who was obsessed with sculpture, and the sculpture wife who came to life from his hands.

But didn’t the paper figurine wife you made dump you before?

Jiang Zhou resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and then said:

"It's up to you. Let's not talk about the possibility of you being able to pursue Hecate, but it's always a good thing to have dreams... In short, you don't plan to die, right?"

"Because I firmly believe that the most perfect love will definitely happen to me."

Chen Wan replied seriously.

Who asked you this?

Jiang Zhou shook his head, then called up the operation interface again and pressed a few times.

"If you choose to continue living and want to stay here, then please sign this."

He described the core requirements and asked the AI ​​of the "City of Sages" central system to generate a user agreement. After carefully checking and revising it for a long time, I sent it to the other party.

Agreeing to this user agreement requires verification of the "Mandala" password, which has a mandatory effect once passed.

No matter how much he looks like a funny character, Chen Wan is a depth 4 adjuster after all. If he was to be kept here, Jiang Zhou would naturally have to impose some restrictions.

Apart from anything else, after all, I don’t know when I will be able to come back next time. What if when I come back, the entire "City of Sages" computing power is used to generate a two-dimensional beautiful girl AI with very little fabric, turning it into some kind of weird theme park?

Jiang Zhou couldn't decide whether this would happen.

He even imagined that he would come back as "Paradox" in the future and drag Booker, Christie, and Perseus One back into the "City of Sages" to arrange trials. Then in front of those people, there was a scene where a lot of lolita in sailor uniforms surrounded him and kept shouting "Onii-chan".

Sure enough, it would be safer to kill...

Unknowingly, Jiang Zhou had murderous intentions.

"There's nothing wrong with the content of the agreement, but I think..."

On the other side, after Chen Wan carefully read the user agreement, his tone of voice became a little hesitant. It was as if some of the clauses in it made him feel very embarrassed.

Well, kill him.

Jiang Zhou thought.

"This is a little different from what I imagined... Do you really want me to stay here like this?"

Chen Wan asked.


Jiang Zhou was stunned for a moment.

"If you don't stay here, where else can you go?"

he asked.

In a special place like Narcissus Plain, the other party's digital personality can exist without following the JZ network protocol and rely on the servers of the "City of Sages". But once he leaves here, unless he has the blessing of "Hecate" to know the path, he will become a wanderer exposed in the dangerous abyss and dark web, and will never be able to find his way back.

The question is, will Hecate be willing to bless someone who wants to have sex with her?

Jiang Zhou felt that instead of asking her like this, it would be better to give Chen Wan a happy life.

"Huh? I thought I was going to float back to the base reality with you."

Chen Wan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then replied.

Then this is even more impossible. His body has long been gone in the basic reality.

As for printing a body - Jiang Zhou himself was able to print an additional body at the time, which was the body data retained by "Janus". I want to create a new body for Chen Wang, or to put it another way, I want to accurately print trillions of synapses in a space the size of a human skull, and ensure that his mind will not deform after being imported. …

Jiang Zhou estimated that even an AI of Hecate's level couldn't do this kind of thing - otherwise she wouldn't have used her own body to do it.

So, how is he going to return to the base reality?

Jiang Zhou explained his doubts like this.

"Oh...you seem to have forgotten again."

Chen Wan—or rather the hammer and chisel—replied:

"The special thing about Pygmalion's path is Descartes' theatre. I can control all kinds of strange bodies from the inside of the theater and from the outside.

"So, for me to return to the basic reality, I don't need a body that fits my digital personality. I just need a portable computer with enough computing power, and then install a variety of sensors on it. This transformation is done in This upgrade path is very common. We call this thing...

"Thought Box."

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