Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 221 NO00dc: Don’t back up with bullet clues

Chapter 221 NO.00dc: Don’t back up with bullet clues

"That is to say..."

While Jim was talking to himself, he poured a shot of "Four Roses" brand whiskey into his coffee - a hundred years later, this bourbon distillery still exists in the world, which shows that the background of this world has been around for so many years. Not much has changed since then.

People still need to use alcohol to please or numb themselves.

"From now on, I will carry an 'urn' with the depth 4 adjuster's consciousness with me."

Mix the wine and coffee with a bar spoon, Jim took a small sip first, then frowned and continued:

"And he is also a morbid technology fetishist. He returned to the basic reality to pick up a darknet AI that once defeated half of the moon fleet?"

I don't know if he is frowning at this moment because the taste of this whiskey is much inferior to what Jiang Zhou remembered a hundred years ago, or because he has inexplicably found himself in a big trouble.

But no matter what, if Chen Wan really wants to return to the basic reality and turn himself into a "thought box", then he can only be kept by Jim. Instead of Jiang Zhou carrying a suspicious box and happily wandering around in Tartarus.

"if it is like this……"

Thinking of this, Jim drank more than half a cup of alcoholic coffee in one gulp, and then continued to mutter to himself:

"Then I have only one request."

Jim Leiter has always had a habit of thinking by removing himself from himself when thinking, standing in the perspective of a bystander, and verbalizing vague and abstract thoughts into instructions through talking to himself. And this habit seems to have taken on a new meaning after he and Jiang Zhou became one through the "Janus Program".

At this moment, it was as if he was talking to an invisible friend.

“No speakers on that ‘thought box’.”

He said so.

Jiang Zhou, who was far away in the "City of Sages", also nodded in cooperation.

So, I and I reached a consensus on this issue.

"So you agreed?"

Seeing Jiang Zhou nod, Chen Wan immediately asked with expectation.


Jiang Zhou answered, and then he continued:

"And I will send you to the Nord resettlement area and let you follow a master. Learn from him how normal people fall in love."

In fact, it may be an exaggeration to say that Jim Leiter is a master in this field. After all, in Jim's own memory, he has never seriously delved into relevant knowledge. And in fact, he rarely sleeps with female clients who have fallen in love with him for no apparent reason.

All good beds are hard to get out of, Jim Leiter has learned from experience.

But for Jiang Zhou, Jim's love history is definitely a science fiction story - after all, Jiang Zhou's hands were shaking when he counted the women who had the motive to kill him.

It can be said that Jim's experience in this area is ten times that of Jiang Zhou. If converted, it is about a hundred times that of Chen Wan.

"Watch well and study hard."

Jiang Zhou patted Chen Wan's hammer head and said seriously.

Although Chen Wan didn't quite understand what was going on, he still nodded his hammer.

Although he no longer has a body, Chen Huan, like all abyss wanderers, must use the deep dive interface to cross the Styx Firewall if he wants to float from the abyss dark web to the base reality.

The deep dive interface previously used in "Theseus Cargo" has been taken away by Hecate and used as a medium to project her own power in the abyss dark web. Nowadays, the Icarus Liberation Front no longer has a deep submersible interface, only the universal printer that was originally stored in the "House of Chiron" remains.

Jiang Zhou didn't intend to ask the goddess of the moon for this kind of thing, but fortunately, the deep dive interface itself was a special multi-purpose printer. The α-level deep dive interface can temporarily grant ordinary multi-purpose printers access to the Abyss Dark Web - Jiang Zhou speculated that it was for this reason that he was able to drag Liao Qi and Booker into the Abyss Dark Web. .

Therefore, for Chen Huan who only has a digital personality left, Jiang Zhou can completely use the universal printer as a portal to send Chen Huan back to the basic reality - just notify Booker to prepare a portable computer with sufficient computing power. .

If you want to perfectly run the mental model of a Pygmalion Path Depth 4 adjuster, you will probably need an enterprise-level computer, but this is not a troublesome thing for today's Icarus Front.

If it had been the past, Bai Dong would probably have complained about the organization spending money indiscriminately...

Jiang Zhou immediately stopped his thoughts, looked at Chen Wan and said:

"But before that, I have to save a backup of your current data here. If something happens to you in the base reality, that would be..."


Regarding Jiang Zhou's proposal, Chen Wan answered decisively.

"I am who I am, my unique me. Even if I die, I don't need any copy or backup."

The tone of his voice reminded Jiang Zhou of the first time he met him. The voice is loud and sunny, with a firm belief that cannot be questioned by others.

"you sure?"

Jiang Zhou frowned and asked:

"In this way, if you die outside, you will really die."

"It's nothing. I was planning to die before."

Chen Wan answered like this, and then he continued:

"Besides, in my opinion, free will, like love, is absolutely exclusive. Since I am pursuing the most perfect love, it is impossible for me to allow another self to harass me, even if he has the same characteristics as me. thought of.

"I want to nip this possibility in the bud from the very beginning."


Seeing the other party's firm attitude, Jiang Zhou fell into extremely tangled emotions.

Firstly, Jiang Zhou himself has no objections to the matter of copying and backing up digital personalities. After all, the current self may also be the backup of Jiang Zhou a hundred years ago, so he does not understand the other party's mood very well; secondly, If Chen Wan's "thought box" is destroyed outside, then he will forever lose such a "sculptor" who can help him restore his stand-in program.

You know, by using the cooperation of the Janus program and the adjuster of Pygmalion's path, I could have had the degraded version of "immortality" in the Abyss Dark Web before Depth 7.


Jiang Zhou nodded.

In the end, he still planned to respect the other party's decision and not leave any backup for the other party in the "City of Sages".

Jiang Zhou's way of convincing himself was simple - he imagined that if he and Chen Wan were connected through the "Janus Program", then he would definitely agree to his condition.


"After all, everyone has their own way of living..."

Jim drank the last bit of coffee whiskey in his cup, and then opened his hand to the man in front of him.

At this moment, sitting in front of Jim was a strong man who was more than eight feet tall. He was wearing a woolen felt hat, a thick scarf around his neck, and his hands were covered with shiny leather gloves - in this midsummer season, his outfit simply had the word "suspicious" written on it. On the face.

"So I don't mind collaborating with people from the bottom of the resettlement area. Not only do I have no regional discrimination, I even sympathize with their struggle. Of course, if those punk bands who promoted the deeds of the 'Shattered Sky War' can go back to After studying basic music theory knowledge for a few years, I will be more able to sympathize... Sorry, but you need to understand a tired middle-aged man who is woken up in the middle of the night by the music of the energetic guy next door."

Jim said, and began to pour "Four Roses" brand whiskey directly into the cup - compared with what Jiang Zhou remembered drinking a hundred years ago, there was something inexplicable in this wine. The smell of diesel.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Jim continued:

"I have asked all the channels I know, and they all said that they have never seen such a classic bullet. As for the people who can smuggle gunpowder weapons, apart from them, as far as I know, the only people who can smuggle gunpowder weapons are underground in the resettlement area. So, I hope you can Help me show me the way and tell me where I can buy this old-fashioned nine-millimeter bullet underground in the resettlement area."

With that said, Jim pushed over the hologram in his hand that was created by scanning the two bullets in his brain.

The man's bright black eyes, hidden between his hat and scarf, carefully studied the rotating hologram. After a long time, he slowly said in a hoarse voice:

"Mechanically structured weapons powered by gunpowder do not use CNC chips, so there will be no backdoor programs installed by companies... This kind of thing is just rubbish for underground gang wars. But once it flows into the ground, That is an assassination weapon that is difficult to trace.

“Let’s not talk about the supplier of weapons for now, but there is only one channel that has the means to let this kind of thing flow to you.

"Dark Blue Zone Bar."

I have been busy with other things in the past two days, so the update is a bit hazy. It will be fine in a few days, probably.

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