Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 230 NO00e5: New Abyss Office

"I never thought that I would finally fulfill my promise to you in this way."

Two hours later, when Jiang Zhou pushed a wheelchair out of the interrogation room of "Cerpolos" wearing a collar, the person standing at the door to greet him was Perse Fanny, the former director of the medical department.

At this moment, Fanny didn't turn on the electrostatic generator to give herself a flowing hairstyle like before, but simply tied her grass-green hair behind her back.

And what she was wearing had changed from the British fashionable stand-up collared jacket in the past to a simple white coat - which made her look less energetic and optimistic than before, but more tired and heavy.

"I'm very sorry about the fact that you were intercepted by Ye Qian on the way and forced to be sent to the third deep dive cabin."

Then, Fanny said apologetically - under the surveillance at the door of the interrogation room, she only dared to say that this was Ye Qian's intention, but she did not dare to mention "Cerpolos"'s instruction.

But this is completely understandable.

Recalling the conversation between Fanny and Liao Qi in the Nord resettlement area, Jiang Zhou thought to himself - there are still expectations for the company itself, and people who try to change the system from within will probably end up in such a predicament. among.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou drove a wheelchair to the other party, shook his head and comforted:

"I can't blame you. I understand that it's not something you can control."

Hearing Jiang Zhou's words, Fanny's face suddenly showed a very complicated expression - for a moment, she thought of someone who had said similar words to her.

Recalling that person's spectacular ending and her current powerless situation, she felt as if she was in another world for a moment.

Quickly stopping her train of thought, Fanny came back to her senses and continued:

"In addition, although this news may not necessarily make you feel better, but...Ye Qian is dead."

At this point, her complexion became slightly better, and she continued:

"It is said that it was because safety standards were not followed in the fourth prison. Unfortunately, his death was too simple. People like him should die..."

Jiang Zhou took the words:

"You should die a thousand and twenty-four times to satisfy your hatred."

After speaking, he nodded with deep understanding.

"Ah...well, right..."

Fanny nodded subconsciously at first, and then a strange look appeared on her face.

"But why one thousand and two four?"

Jiang Zhou did not answer this question, but instead said:

"Where do we go next?"

When Fanny heard this, she immediately entered the state. While getting out of the way, she sent a coordinate to Jiang Zhou:

"The office of the New Abyss in Tartarus is located in the original Ye Qian's office. Ms. Christie reserved it by name. By the way, speaking of..."

Fanny said, coughed slightly and stretched out her hand to Jiang Zhou:

"Mr. Theseus, welcome to join the New Abyss Office."

Jiang Zhou looked helplessly at his arm, which was still receiving electric shock stimulation, and gave an apologetic smile:

"Excuse me."

"Oh... I'm sorry, I forgot about this."

Fanny said, patted her forehead, and then said:

"Then let's go first. We need to let you regain your mobility first... We'll discuss the specific situation on the way."

Of course, Jiangzhou finally chose Christie to come up with the third plan: to join the studio codenamed "New Abyss". From now on, I will work for the famous "The Abyss" Carol Christie.

According to Christie, "New Abyss" still belongs to Pluto Deep Dive in principle, but in fact it is a semi-independent studio. Pluto Deep Diving Company can only be regarded as an investor in this studio and cannot interfere too much in the studio's decision-making.

However, Christie, who has been dormant for decades, cannot immediately build a team. In addition, after the plan to advance underground in the Nord settlement area and use Liao Qi's relationship to recruit the entire "Icarus Liberation Front" as the initial team failed. Nowadays, she has to make a lot of compromises with Pluto Deep Diving Company.

The most critical point is the personnel issue.

"...In other words, we are all temporarily seconded to the 'New Abyss' by the company. The establishment is still at Pluto Deep Dive, and the company can transfer us back at any time."

Fanny explained to Jiang Zhou in the corridor to the office.

Jiang Zhou heard this and said quickly:

"Don't leave us alone...you are a company employee and have an establishment, but I can only be regarded as a company asset."

As he spoke, he touched the self-destruct collar around his neck and continued:

"Maybe it's still a negative asset."

Although Jiang Zhou joined the New Abyss Studio, according to regulations, he chose the "horse" because he was suspected of being in the super abyssal layer. He is not allowed to undergo prosthetic transformation, is not allowed to leave Tartarus, and needs to wear this self-destruct collar at all times - according to the previous Cerberus director, this thing comes from the dark web technology of Depth 4 . No one can take off this collar except myself who put it on Jiang Zhou.

"Although Ms. Christie told me not to worry, they didn't use torture when they questioned you, right?"

Looking at the collar around Jiang Zhou's neck, Fanny asked worriedly.

"No, it's even polite."

Jiang Zhou replied.

Perhaps because of Christie's influence, or perhaps because of the deterrence of the "paradox", Director Cerberus was unexpectedly calm in his questioning - after having the testimony of Black Falcon-136 and Chinatsu Sakura In all places, he explained it truthfully; in other places, he put all the blame on the goddess of the moon named "Paradox", who was suspected of being a subordinate of "Paradox", and the dead Ye Qian.

As for my experience in the Abyss Dark Web in the past few months. Jiang Zhou insisted that he had slept for so long and woke up as soon as he closed and opened his eyes.

With Jim's "representational topology observation" ability, Jiang Zhou could easily detect that the other party did not believe his lies. However, the other party did not persist in asking, nor did they take any extreme measures to obtain information.

If you look at it optimistically, maybe the other party wants to make friends with the two AIs behind them - after all, one of their directors was exiled to the abyss of the dark web not long ago.

But if you look at it from a pessimistic point of view, maybe the other party has noticed something. It's just that for some reason, I still have value, so I didn't attack it now.

However, there is no doubt that his identity as the "first deep diver" has definitely not been exposed.

Otherwise, today, I would not still have a certain degree of freedom.

In the end, the director of Cerberus, like Christie, proposed those three plans to himself. However, he put the plan of becoming the "Minos" node at the end - which shows that the top management of Pluto Deep Diving most wanted to choose this option.

Of course, Jiang Zhou still chose to join the "New Abyss Office".

After all, there are only two pressing issues for me:

The first, of course, is radiation sickness in one’s own brain. Although Pluto's deep dive will most likely provide him with life-extending treatment, this is still a time bomb. And right now, the only method he knows that can completely cure him is the "Pegasus" implant;

Second, it was precisely in order to completely solve the first problem that I chose to leave my home field and float back to the basic reality. And once he surfaced like this, he would probably not be able to go through the deep dive interface and return to the abyss dark web to act behind the scenes.

The third plan proposed by Christie perfectly solved these two points - he could obtain the data intelligence of "Pegasus", and he could also continue to dive into the abyss dark web in the process. And finally, by further strengthening the controllable elements, he helped himself to leave the prison of Tartarus.

But having said that, from a normal person's point of view, this choice should be the worst - not only is there no way to continue to adjust and transform, but you also need to continue to dive into the abyss of the dark web and face a dangerous environment. .

If you actively choose this, you will naturally be further suspected.

But there is nothing we can do about it...

Jiang Zhou thought.

"By the way, I have already sent you the information about Pegasus. Please take a good look at it on the way."

Fanny's words once again brought Jiang Zhou back to reality from his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh... ok, ok..."

Jiang Zhou, who had something on his mind, answered somewhat perfunctorily.

Fanny stopped when she saw this, then she looked at Jiang Zhou and said:

"I suggest that you should read this information carefully. Not to mention that it can completely cure your radiation sickness, but it can help the company crack the production technology of 'Pegasus'. This is also one of the conditions for the studio to strive for independence. .”

It's a biological protein chip again, and it's a "Pegasus"...

Hearing what Fanny said, Jiang Zhou thought to himself.

He couldn't help but think of the information he had received before - the "naturally adjusted human" technology conquered by Black Feather Gene Editing Studio, the core of which was to master the manufacturing of biological protein chips.

After Black Feather Studio was destroyed due to a strange cyberpsychosis outbreak, most of the remaining technical staff of the studio were absorbed by the two companies Apollo Biotechnology and Pluto Deep Diving - no, it was more than that. .

The resettlement area where the headquarters of Black Feather Studio was originally located happened to have the garrison of these two companies.

Nowadays, Pluto is eager to crack the "Pegasus" technology, and even poached Perse Fanny from Apollo Creatures.

Coupled with the recent outbreak of strange cyberpsychosis in the Nord settlement area, and the group of natural adjusters headed by Black Falcon-111, who are ready to move...

Could this all just be a coincidence?

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou solemnly opened the information sent by Fanny.

"A brief report on the implant "Pegasus" (monkey version summary)"

Pegasus, a biological protein chip, adjusts and transforms the prefrontal lobe of the brain, with a technical level of depth 3.

This transformation has a total of two functions, one of which is the "zombie switch". The adjuster can use the Mandala Code to actively activate. After activation, the control of the self-consciousness over the body will be blocked, causing the body to temporarily enter a "zombie" state.

In the state of "zombie man", the adjuster's self-awareness will only be able to issue simple instructions such as "protect him", "hide", "chase him" or "kill everyone" to drive his body Carry out action - unlike the "Cartesian Theater" of Pygmalion's path, this kind of control only requires giving orders, and does not require the adjuster to personally control and coordinate the movements of specific limbs.

It should be noted that between each self-awareness instruction, there is a cooling-off period of 2-10 minutes, depending on the development of the adjuster's own prefrontal lobe. This means that once the order is given, even the adjuster himself cannot stop the body's behavior within a short period of time. For example, when you are surrounded by enemies and you order "kill everyone around you" and suddenly civilians burst into the battlefield, your body will faithfully and efficiently execute the order.

Although there is no direct evidence, I believe this is not a design error or flaw, but a deliberate decision - when the body is focused on performing a specific task, human self-awareness is often an interfering option. If self-awareness can change orders too easily, the adjustment and transformation will never be able to exert its intended effect.

All in all, the "zombie switch" achieves a state of extreme concentration on a specific task at the expense of the flexibility of self-consciousness - without the interference of self-consciousness, the human body is much more efficient in performing certain tasks than ( About 2-15 times, or even higher) the state when commanded consciously.

The second ability, "Pegasus", will give the adjuster a powerful ability to repair nerves. Even if the digital personality is uploaded and scanned, and the brain nerve cells are cut to pieces by radiation, Pegasus can accurately release a certain healing factor and slowly stitch it back together.

Please see the appendix for details of some of the cracked chemical formulas of the therapeutic factors... (End of this chapter)

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