Abyssal Wanderer

Chapter 231 NO00e6: Pegasus (Part 1)

Chapter 231 NO.00e6: Pegasus (Part 1)

"I don't understand something."

After roughly reading the report, Jiang Zhou asked:

"It seems that there is no need to integrate the two abilities of 'zombie switch' and 'brain repair' into the same implant - they even have different basic principles of action."

According to Fenni's report, her research team has now initially conquered some of the related technologies of the "zombie switch". However, the "brain repair" technology at the nerve cell level is still in a state of complete confusion at present - because these two abilities are two completely independent systems that just happen to be integrated into this implant.

Fanny nodded and replied:

"You are very keen... If you look at the technology of manufacturing 'Pegasus', this is indeed an unreasonable design - integrating the glands for brain repair function into the prefrontal lobe will seriously slow down the process. The diffusion efficiency of the healing factor affects the brain's repair cycle."

Fanny said and nodded her forehead, then asked:

"Then what do you think this design has gained in return?"

In exchange for...what?

Being asked this question, Jiang Zhou couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Since "Pegasus" is an adjustment and transformation of Theseus' Path Depth 3, this design must reflect some of the concepts of this upgrade path. Considering the way Ye Qian used "Pegasus" before, that is to say...

One person and one wheelchair walked forward on the aisle for a long time. Jiang Zhou finally asked in a confirming tone:

"Could the function that 'Pegasus' really wants to achieve be to enable the body in the base reality to activate the 'zombie switch' when the adjuster is deep diving, thereby protecting the safety of his own body?"

This guess is not groundless, but Jiang Zhou's guess based on Ye Qian's many testimonies.

Because of the existence of "Pegasus", the adjusters of Theseus Path can choose to upload their own digital personality to the network after reaching Depth 3 to replace their own biological brain control avatar program - the original Ye Qian was Using this ability, he tried to seize control of the avatar from Jiang Zhou.

However, because of the JZ network protocol, only one human intelligence model is allowed to exist, whether on the Abyss Dark Web or the World Wide Web. Therefore, after the digital personality is uploaded, the adjuster's consciousness must also enter a standby state until the digital personality rises or is eliminated - in a sense, this is equivalent to his "soul leaving the body" and entering the network. .

For abyss wanderers, no matter how powerful they are, after entering the deep dive mode, the body in the basic reality will always be a fragile weakness. But for adjusters of Theseus' path, they can use "Pegasus" to activate the "zombie switch" to separate their "body" and "soul".

In other words, the reason why "Pegasus" wants to integrate these two functions is most likely this - this design can be activated immediately when the adjuster of the "Theseus" path uploads consciousness. Zombie mode". Make your body in basic reality protect the safety of your physical body.

After Jiang Zhou finished his guess, Fanny did not immediately answer whether it was right or wrong.

She just moved on without saying a word, until the two of them came to the door of an office, she took out an access card and said:

"Very... good. I understand why Ms. Christie fought so fiercely for you to come to the studio. In addition to the special abilities you gained as a 'horse', your insight is indeed enough to join us. It’s unbelievable that you were a native without even a brain-computer interface installed.”

She said, clapped her hands gently, and then continued:

"Judging from the information I have obtained so far, this is probably the closest answer. In fact, most adjusters of Theseus' path also operate in this way - separating the body and soul, allowing the soul to He continues to roam in the abyss and dark web, while his physical body is like a zombie, performing tasks he has arranged in advance in the basic reality."

Having said this, Fanny paused for a moment, and then she couldn't suppress the excitement in her tone:

"Let me put it this way, can you imagine the potential of this technology?"

In response, Jiang Zhou remained silent and just shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Fanny continued:

"'Pegasus' is a biological protein chip. As long as this heritage factor enters the human gene pool, as an excellent expression trait, its popularity among the population may exceed your imagination.

"Next, you can try to imagine a scenario where "Pegasus" is popularized by the whole people - everyone can upload their consciousness to the Internet, and the body will act on its own in the basic reality. The carrier of virtual reality , is no longer a matrix that cultivates human beings like in the ancient movie "The Matrix", but a physical body that continues to live. Different from the extremely dangerous consciousness uploading technology of the first deep diver back then, uploaded with the blessing of Pegasus The "soul" can return to the human world at any time."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou's expression turned serious.

Fanny didn't notice the change in Jiang Zhou's expression at all, but continued to talk to herself:

"Or, if everyone has a 'zombie switch', the boring and mechanically repetitive parts of daily work can be completely handed over to their own bodies - work is like breathing and heartbeat, becoming the body's Low-level movement. As for self-awareness, it only needs to be responsible for realizing the value that has a 'soul'.

"Creativity, curiosity, emotion, hope or sacrifice... Human beings will be completely detached from the animal nature of the body, and only need to focus on those noble and beautiful things."

Fanny became more and more excited as she spoke, but Jiang Zhou just coughed slightly when he saw this, then pointed to the door and asked:

"So, are we still going in?"

If he were still the same person a hundred years ago, Jiang Zhou might be like Perse Fanny, who firmly believed that a technology could change the shape of the entire society and make all mankind happy.

But now, after seeing the changes brought by the "Big Impact" to the world; after synchronizing his life with Liao Qi and Jim Leiter, he has finally become more sober - no one can predict those beautiful visions. What kind of changes will it bring to the world?

As for a utopia where everyone is happy, that is something that even Janus has not achieved. Today's Jiangzhou is not so optimistic just because of the prospects of such a technology.

But God knows how many irreparable pits are buried on this road.

On the roadside leading to hell, there is always a road sign for heaven.

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