Chapter 105: Recruitment of the Avengers.

“Due to the increasing number of criminals and the growth of some super-powered criminal groups, we urgently need the participation of righteous people.”

“The Avengers, facing the whole society, recruit people with lofty ideals with righteous hearts, and those with special abilities are preferred.”

“Ordinary people can also apply to sign up, Avengers, will provide all joiners with enhanced serums, battle armor, training, and all other ways to improve the combat ability of all Avengers members.”

As soon as the recruitment order of the Avengers was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the whole network. In the past, the Avengers also recruited new people, but they were all privately one-on-one.

For example, Doctor Strange, Wanda the Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver, as well as Falcon, Spider-Man….

They themselves exist as the reserve of the Avengers, ready to be on standby at any time, and when there are vacancies in the Avengers, or when they need to be expanded, they will replace them.

This kind of operation has always existed, including in the early days of the formation of the Avengers, it was Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his agents Phil, Black Widow and 17 other people to woo the superheroes they chose.

Even Black Widow and Hawkeye in the Alliance are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. themselves.

It’s just that the loss of Avengers has been too great recently, and even if you count the support of parallel worlds, it is too far behind, and it is not enough to compete with the SXP Foundation.

Therefore, there is this recruitment order in the face of society. As soon as the recruitment order came out, it immediately caused a great response.

Avengers Building.

At the recruitment meeting, the crowd surged.

There are many people who have signed up, and many of them can have superpowers.

It is true that the reputation of the Avengers has not been good recently, but there are still many people who hope to join the Avengers.

“Why do you want to join the Avengers?”

Rodgers sat behind a desk and asked a question to one of the applicants in front of him. The other party is a teenage boy, white and fat, smiling very cheerfully, looking at his age, I am afraid that he is still in high school.

In the face of the question, the boy was very excited: “I, I… I….”


Captain America was speechless,

“Take it easy, don’t be nervous, speak slowly.”

The boy took several deep breaths in a row before adjusting his mindset, saying, “I’ve always wanted to be a superhero, I’ve read all of your stories, I’ve bought comics, and I want to be as strong as you!” ”

Captain America nodded;

“Then what are you capable of?”

When this question came, the boy said a little confused: “I’m not a mutant, and I don’t have superpowers, but I have a heart that has become stronger, I heard that you can’t provide weapons and serum?” ”

“Well, I see, you go and wait for the notification first. Next! ”

At the back of the line was a gangster who dressed like a tyrant, and even had ear studs, nose rings, and lip studs. He even left a towering ponytail head on his bare head.

He leaned one hand on the table and said with a wicked smile: “Hello Captain, I want to join the Avengers, I am a mutant.” ”

“Oh? What are you capable of? ”

Hearing that the other party was a mutant, the inclusiveness of Captain America suddenly became much greater.


The other party laughed strangely and put a finger in front of the American team. He stared at that finger deadly, and his face turned red.

That finger was even more red and frightening, and released heat far beyond human body temperature. Captain America was attentive, and he was interested.

He realized that this rogue dressed as a gangster in front of him was likely to have powerful fire powers!

As a kind of natural element, this kind of magical ability has a very powerful potential, even a junior awakened person can burst out with very powerful combat power.

With the correct guidance and training, at least the strength of a fourth-level mutant can burst out, which is very terrifying.

The gangster’s expression became more focused, his whole body turned red because of congestion, and the temperature of his fingers rose again, which was close to the ignition point


With a loud roar, the flames rose.

Captain America’s eyes widened.

The gangster also showed a proud look.

The people in the back lined up saw this scene and took out a lighter. Syllable!

The flame rises, and it is even greater than the fire power of the gangster.

“Dude, let it be, you don’t have a lighter to work yet.”

“Who said that! My ability potential is endless, it’s just not well developed! ”

The bastard is embarrassed and angry.

“Come on, it’s rubbish when it’s developed.”

The man behind him pushed it aside.

This is a man who weighs more than four hundred pounds, but you can’t say he’s fat.

He is more than one meter nine tall, covered with high bulging muscles, and his broad back is like a moving hill.

“Hello, my name is Ronnie Servis, I have won five world bodybuilding championships and hold the record for the highest weightlifting of ordinary people, I once had the experience of knocking down fifty people with my bare hands.”

Looking at the other party’s muscles that were so terrifying that they almost burst their clothes, Captain America did not doubt the authenticity of what the other party said. He also knew this person and had been published in the newspaper many times.

It is even known as the strongest human being besides superpowers.

Such a person, even with his own strength, is already more powerful than many ordinary mutants and even reinforced warriors, if he is injected with a strengthening serum, even if it is a castrated version, it is possible to obtain more powerful power than Captain America!

“How’s the result?”

Phil walked up to him and asked about the results of the recruitment.

Beauty stretched his waist 073 and said with a smile: “Most of them are children with superhero dreams, or first-level mutants who want to escape the Federation. But there are also a few good ones, see that big guy? ”

He pointed to Ronnie Servis who had just left to go through the formalities.

Phil was a little surprised: “That world Mr. Bodybuilder?” The strongest human? ”

“Hehe, it seems that you know him.”

“Of course, he is almost the ceiling of ordinary humans.”

“This guy has a lot of potential, and if Stark equips him with another set of armor, I even think he can fight the Hulk and nod his head to Phil, I think so.”

Fast forward a few days.

What was supposed to be a hot scene actually lasted only one day.

After eliminating a large number of people who fished in troubled waters, the next day was very deserted.

Counting up, there are only a few hundred people who come to sign up, and less than ten can barely meet the standard.

Stark was puzzled, because there was not a single famous superhero on the recruitment list. He sent an invitation to the Fantastic Four, but the other party readily rejected him.

The Mutant Academy has also made it clear that they are not willing to join.

This confused Stark until he found a wave of scolding on the Internet and didn’t know what was going on. The Avengers, the reputation in this world is too bad.

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