Chapter 106: Iron Man:

“I’m going to make a movie!”

The Avengers Building, Georgia.

Parallel Stark brought up the video and public opinion that had been previously deleted by Ned. Ned is very talented and cleanly deleted.

But the Internet has a memory, and in front of the world’s top scientist, those are just children’s tricks.

Ned lowered his head in shame and whispered, “I just don’t want them to scold you again, I think the Avengers are just framed.” ”

“Is it framed and put aside first, why is such important information not shared!”

Stark looked at Captain America angrily,

“Rogers, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation.”

Everyone’s eyes followed Stark’s angry roar and turned to the US team, which was sitting in the second place.

Rogers pursed his lips, and he thought for a moment: “I don’t think this is very important information Stark, are you making too much of a fuss?” ”

“Make a fuss! We were busy for three days, and as a result, we recruited these people, you call this a fuss!? ”

“Or else?”

Captain America is also angry.

He himself does not deal with Stark, no matter which world it is, only because he asked for help, he has not spoken to himself, which does not mean that he will always be scolded like a subordinate.

“How much of the online public opinion is true? Do you think that both the contents and the invective of the masses are facts? ”

“False information, why share, I’m not selfish, I just don’t think it’s necessary.”

“This kind of content, any help in our operations? No, it only affects our plans. ”

Stark slammed the tabletop.

The powerful high-tech arm burst out with great force, and actually knocked the thick metal table directly out of a deep depression.

“Plans? What’s your plan? Shall we wipe your ass for your wrongdoing? ”

“Stark, I want you to pay attention to your attitude, I am the captain!”

Captain America glared. Stark scoffed, “Captain? Your teammates have been dead for sixty years, old fellow! ”


Only to hear a muffled sound, the US team directly burst up, overturned the heavy metal conference table, and smashed it heavily on the wall.

He took a step forward and confronted: “You are just relying on the inheritance left by your father, the rich second generation who squanders wantonly, do you think you don’t have that armor or what?” ”

“Genius, billionaire, playboy, scientist?”


“The mecha was made by myself, your serum was given by my father, but you, what are you without the serum?” A cartoon toy in a vintage tights? ”

“Oh, I’ve seen your photos before strengthening, it looks so small, I remember you seem to have at least a dozen genetic diseases, right?” If it weren’t for the super serum, I’m afraid you would have died of illness more than sixty years ago. ”

“Stark! Do you want to try my fist!? ”

“Happy to accompany you, mini boy.”

As the saying goes, one mountain does not tolerate two tigers.

When two leader personalities appear together, collisions are inevitable. Conflict is inevitable and inevitable in any world.

Just when the two were about to fight, Thor and others hurried to act as peacemakers. With the persuasion of everyone, this time the conflict was calmed down.

Stark sat down first, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: “The current situation is very unfavorable for us, the enemy is watching two kilometers away, if they want, they can even come and fight us in a minute.” ”

“But our combat strength is seriously insufficient, and there is not much time left for us, and there is no room for waste.”

This time, Captain America did not speak, silent.

Stark continued: “Right now we’re not in a good situation, and there’s a lot of pressure on the Internet. ”

“Whether it’s true or not, but the people believe it, the superheroes believe it, and it puts us in a bad situation and nobody wants to help us.”

“Therefore, our first task is to eliminate public opinion and put the image of the Avengers on the right track!”

Everyone nodded one after another, very much in favor of the plan.

“But what do we do?”

Knowing is one thing, how to deal with it is the most important thing. Stark looked at everyone and said seriously: “Make a movie.” ”

“Making a movie?”

Captain America frowned,

“That’s the idea you had in mind?”

Stark did not answer his question directly, but opened the big screen in the conference room and released a movie clip he wrote, directed and acted in, and attached hot comments from netizens at the end.

The film has a high rating and has a high voice in parallel worlds.

This is also the first step in his “Iron Man” series. It was also by relying on this movie that he successfully climbed to the first place and became the well-deserved chief of the Avengers.

“The masses have no ideas, their positions are like straws.”

“Which side you move closer to depends on which side the wind blows.”

Banner was intrigued by the idea and asked, “Shall we just put this film on it?” ”

Stark said: “This is just the beginning, we need to reverse not my personal image in the eyes of the group, but the whole Avengers, and we need to reshoot, including the series of movies for everyone here.” ”

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

“Hehe, I’m going to become a star.”

“You know, Stark, before I became a superhero, I actually dreamed of being an actor.”

“I can provide screenplays, I’ve published two novels before.”

Interest was high.

It seems that even superheroes can’t get rid of a movie dream, a star dream. Stark was satisfied with the positive attitude of the crowd.

“I’ll put my own movie on first, and then I’ll need to start shooting you.”

“But who to start?”

Someone asked.

Stark looked at Captain America. Rogers pointed to himself in disbelief and said in amazement: “Me? ”


Stark nodded reluctantly.

He and the American team of this world have just broken out into conflict, and the American team of another world is also in competition. They didn’t get along.

But through his investigation on the Internet, he found that the most notorious person is him in this world, as well as Captain America and the Hulk. The most notorious must be whitewashed first, and then others.

What is needed now is a blessing in the snow, not a icing on the cake.

Stark first synchronized the first part of his eponymous series of movies to major websites in front of everyone and offered free viewing.

After that, it was time to start Yu Mei’s personal movie.

He looked at Captain America and said in a deep voice, “Captain, I need to know all your past.” ”

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