Late at night, in the border area.

Ou Chenyu went to the border to do some errands in the afternoon. He has only finished his work now and is preparing to return to the inner city.

It rained harder and harder late at night, and heavy raindrops hit the car windows intensively, forming rapid streams of water. The car lights could barely illuminate more than ten meters in the rain curtain before being submerged in the darkness. The visibility was horribly low.

Ou Chenyu drove slowly, and the towering rusty wall had appeared at the end of the road. The always-on signal light at the top looked down at him like a giant's eyes.

Ou Chenyu drove with one hand, took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Tianyou's number, preparing to ask about Jin Jin and KK.

"Hello, the number you dialed has been turned off, please try again later."

There was only a cold notification tone from the phone.

Ou Chenyu didn't think much about it. He just assumed that Oda's cell phone was out of battery and called Max again.

"Hello, the number you dialed has been turned off, please try again later."

Still prompted to shut down.

Ou Chenyu suddenly frowned.

Just turn off the phone alone.

Why did both of them turn off their phones?

Given these two people's positions in the mercenary group, it is a discipline to keep the phone open 24 hours a day.

It is understandable that a person may be negligent from time to time.

It is almost impossible for two people to be negligent at the same time.

Ou Chenyu parked the car on the side of the road and continued to call other core members of Tooth Tiger.

Can't get through.

None of them can get through.

Ou Chenyu's expression changed and he realized something was wrong.

The rusty wall that he had entered and exited countless times was right in front of him, but for some reason, the towering giant shadow gave him an indescribable sense of crisis.

He didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and drove deeper into the border.

All of his men suddenly lost contact, and things were a bit strange.

Before figuring out the situation, he planned to hide in his emergency hiding place.

The rain fell harder and harder, and the night sky was swallowed up by the heavy rain. The rain washed down the dilapidated border area like a downpour of angry waves.

Ou Chenyu was driving, and the car lights suddenly illuminated a staggering figure.

"Squeak-" He slammed on the brakes, and the wheels skidded on the water-filled road.

Fortunately, he stopped in the end and did not hit the other party.

I saw a drunk gangster sitting paralyzed in the water. He jumped up and yelled at Ou Chenyu: "*Civilized Frontier*! What a shame! You drive so fast at night, why are you reincarnated?!"

"Beep! Beep!"

Ou Chenyu didn't want to deal with this kind of bad boy, so he pressed the horn to drive him away.

Seeing that the other party not only refused to apologize, but also honked the horn, the gangster became even more angry. He directly smashed the bottle in his hand on the hood of the car and cursed Ou Chenyu with all kinds of unpleasant words.

Ou Chenyu became angry and prepared to get out of the car and teach this bad guy a lesson.

Just as he was about to open the door, his eyes accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror.

The night is very dark, and normal people can't see clearly with their naked eyes, but his artificial eyes have vision far beyond that of ordinary people.

He suddenly discovered that there was a car parked in the darkness dozens of meters behind him.

That was the road he drove on just now, so he remembered clearly that there was no car parked there when he came.

The car had obviously just arrived.

Why does it stop there?

And on this rainy night with extremely low visibility, why didn't it turn on the lights?

Ou Chenyu frowned, his prosthetic eyes entered the strong night vision mode, and the surrounding area suddenly became as bright as day.

At this moment, he saw clearly the face of the driver

The gangster stood in the rain, pointed at Ou Chenyu's car and spat out feces: "You stinking pen! And you are honking the horn? I O you O! I will hang you up O! I"

"Boom!" Without warning, the car suddenly started and hit him, running over him and speeding forward.

Not far behind, Duan Ren, who was sitting in the car, frowned, turned on the communicator and said, "I seem to have been exposed. I will chase him."

"Rumble -" the engine roared.

Duanren's car ejected and started chasing Ou Chenyu in the direction where he fled.

As soon as the gangster got up from the ground, he saw another car running over him. He was so frightened that he rolled and crawled to the side and passed by the speeding car.

He was so angry that he jumped on the spot and screamed and cursed at the two of them: "There are evil writings every day, especially today, O you guys O!"

Sometimes, fate can be so dramatic.

In this hunt that completely overturned the history of later generations, an unknown gangster became the first witness.

The rainy night was extremely dark. Two flying cars broke through the violent water curtain and chased wildly on the road. The roar of their engines was endless, and their speeds reached their limit.

Sometimes they run parallel to each other, and sometimes they shuttle across each other. The water-filled road surface is as slippery as a pool of oil. Every sudden braking and steering movement causes the vehicle to sway uncontrollably.

The speed of the two cars was almost the same, and they were biting each other, like two hungry wolves fighting for food. The wheels made a harsh tearing sound as they rubbed against the ground. Together with the thick engine roar and the thunder in the sky, it formed a thrilling song. symphony.

Broken Blade was now driving bullet time, and his dynamic vision was greatly enhanced. He adjusted the speed and angle of the car like a surgical scalpel, and finally caught up with Ou Chenyu by virtue of his performance advantage.


Broken Blade turned the steering wheel hard and hit Ou Chenyu's wheel from the side and rear.

Ou Chenyu's car body shook violently and lost his balance during the collision, but he quickly stabilized it with his superb driving skills.

Not to be outdone, he slowed down his car to be parallel to the broken blade, then turned the steering wheel and hit it.


The two cars collided, sparks flying in the friction, but neither one gave in.

Duanren and Ou Chenyu both saw each other through the car window, their eyes were like daggers, as if they wanted to tear each other into pieces.

The chasing car was like two giant metal beasts fighting fiercely. The bodies of both sides had been twisted and deformed by the impact, but they still kept colliding.

Soon, both vehicles reached the end of the road. There was a dead end road in front of them, and beyond the guardrail was a cliff with a drop of tens of meters.

Broken Blade and Ou Chenyu stared at each other, both wanting the other to show weakness and give in.

But until the last second, no one stepped on the brakes.


The two cars crashed through the guardrail at the same time. In an instant, their wheels left the ground and their bodies were suspended in the air.

A severe feeling of weightlessness surged through their bodies. Their vision was turned upside down, and they began to fall downwards with the car.

"Dong, dong, dong——"

The car body collided wildly with the cliff face, and the dull sound of collision echoed in the rainy night, accompanied by the noise of broken metal and glass.

The two cars fell to the ground one after another, with rubble flying around them. The car bodies were completely twisted and deformed. All kinds of debris fell like raindrops. Sparks from the failure continued to burst out, eventually igniting the leaked fuel.


The explosion was deafening, flames bloomed in the black sky, casting tragic light and shadow around, and the pungent smell of fuel filled the air.

The wreckage of the two vehicles was burning in flames that could not be extinguished even by heavy rain. The smoke spiraled up in the air and shot straight into the sky.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the door of a car was pushed open with great force.

Ou Chenyu kicked the car door open, put his hands on the upper and lower door edges, pushed the deformed car body open amidst the sound of metal twisting, and walked out.

His skin was a little burnt, and there were flames jumping on his clothes. He extinguished them with a flick of his hand. His domineering full-body prosthetic replacement body was barely injured in the collision just now.

Soon, Broken Blade also got out of his car, also almost unscathed.

Ou Chenyu stared at Broken Blade and said coldly: "I know you, O'Diana's subordinate. Why, do we have a grudge? I shouldn't have provoked your mistress, right?"

A laser energy beam appeared on the fingertips of Broken Blade, and the mechanical prosthetic eyes flashed with a cold light: "I personally have no objection to you, but if the countess wants you to die, you will have no choice but to die."

"Ha." Ou Chenyu sneered, and his tone became sinister, "Let me guess, did the man named Su go to her for help? Yes, he has always had a good relationship with your mistress."

"I asked, what did the man surnamed Su give her? Could it be that he served her so well that the old woman was so fascinated that she was willing to do anything for him?"

There was a strong killing intent in Broken Blade's eyes, and the laser beam at his fingertips shone to the extreme: "Watch your mouth, kid, unless you want to die in pain."

Ou Chenyu twisted his neck and made a clicking sound, his eyes were cold: "Don't think that you are a legendary mercenary, I am afraid of you."

The battle broke out instantly.

The laser energy at Broken Blade's fingertips surged wildly, turning into several scorching rays and shooting towards Ou Chenyu. The azure color tore through the rain curtain and emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Ou Chenyu relied on his excellent athletic ability to continuously dodge, but the laser rays were too dense and the rainy and slippery conditions made him lose his footing while dodging, and the side of his arm was scratched by the laser.

First there was a chill, then it spread to a burning pain.

He gasped and looked subconsciously, and found a scorch mark as wide as his thumb was burned on his arm.

Not to be outdone, he drew out the Salamander Laser Saber from behind with his backhand. The blade turned crimson in the surge of energy, and when rain fell on it, it was immediately evaporated into white mist by the high temperature.

At the same time, he activated his prosthetic spine and entered bullet time. His body appeared and disappeared like a leap, and he flexibly dodged the incoming laser rays, quickly closing the distance between the two sides.

Ou Chenyu attacked in front of Broken Blade, and the Salamander Saber slashed him head-on.

"Cang!" The crisp sound of metal collision sounded.

Broken Blade did not dodge, but directly intercepted the sword with his wrist.

His artificial skin was burned and cut open, revealing the "Military Level 1" prosthetic armor implanted under the skin.

Even though this salamander-type laser sword can split open a car, it is still inferior to this level of prosthetic armor, and it cannot cut through it at all.

The laser converged at Broken Blade's fingertips, forming a blade shape, and launched a fierce attack on Ou Chenyu from close range.

Ou Chenyu also immediately put away his sword and accepted the attack.

The two engaged in a fierce battle in the deserted suburbs. The two sides alternated attack and defense. The laser blade beam collided with the Salamander laser sword, causing sparks to fly everywhere, and the sound of arcs intertwined.

The power of the prosthetic components in their bodies was fully activated, and the core temperature gradually increased. Each of them exerted their strength to the best, moving quickly on the battlefield, intertwining, and each confrontation was accompanied by a strong clang.

At the beginning, Ou Chenyu was still able to keep up with the situation and tried to take advantage of the situation.

But before long, his disadvantages gradually became apparent.

In terms of hardware, Broken Blade's entire body is a military level 1 prosthesis customized with O'Diana's money. After being debugged by the best engineers of the Iron-Blooded Alliance, the performance of each component is perfectly matched.

Although Ou Chenyu's prosthetic body has recently been replaced with military grade, it is generally military grade 3 or 2, and it is all made by himself. It is not as perfect as after professional debugging, and is somewhat different from Broken Blade.

In terms of experience, Broken Blade has been a veteran mercenary for more than ten years. He has fought against countless masters and is very experienced. His fighting skills are extremely ruthless and experienced.

And Ou Chenyu is a rookie who just entered the industry at the beginning of this year. Although he has experienced many battles, he has mainly bullied the weak and has not yet had to fight hard.

As time went by, many scars appeared on both Duan Ren and Ou Chenyu's bodies, and the latter's injuries were obviously more.

"Bang!" During a confrontation, the laser blade beam hit the side of the Salamander Laser Saber. Fire instantly flew out, leaving a burn mark on the weak spot.

The blade of the Salamander Laser War Blade was damaged, the energy supply became unstable, and the temperature and destructive power of the blade tip dropped.

Broken Blade took advantage of the situation to pursue him, his attack became more and more fierce, and he used all his deadly moves.

Ou Chenyu flew away to get away, his body surface temperature soared to the extreme in the high-intensity battle, and he braved bursts of white mist in the cold air convection.

He wiped the rain off his face, gritted his teeth and said, "What benefit did that person named Su give you, huh? Can I give it three times?!"

Broken Blade smiled sinisterly and strode towards Ou Chenyu: "Originally, we middlemen would not easily intervene in the conflict between mercenaries, but you have brought it upon yourself to get to where you are today."

"Ou Chenyu, your tooth tiger is finished, and you will be finished soon. Just stand there and die. I will strike more swiftly."

The muscles on Ou Chenyu's face kept twitching, and the flames of anger burned in his eyes: "I am the one who wants to reach the top of this world, and you want to kill me here? Just you?!"

Broken Blade stopped talking nonsense to him and charged towards him with a laser blade beam.

Ou Chenyu did not fight head-on, but ran away in the opposite direction, leaping down the cliff not far away.

Broken Blade immediately chased after him to check.

Under the cliff was a railway track. A high-speed train was buzzing past, and Ou Chenyu landed steadily on it.

Without hesitation, Broken Blade also jumped to the top of the train and rushed towards Ou Chenyu again.

The broken blade was flying at the top of the train, like a vigorous mechanical cheetah, constantly dodging the bullets fired by Ou Chenyu. At the same time, the laser blade beam lit up a fatal arc and fought with him.

The wind was howling all around, and the train was already speeding into the valley. Outside the railway tracks was a bottomless canyon, which looked like an abyss in the dark and rainy night.

The two of them were like dancers on the tip of a knife, their eyes fixed on each other's movements. Every attack and dodge during the confrontation was full of irreversible danger.


At this moment, the train blew its whistle, announcing that it was about to enter the tunnel.

The tunnel entrance is not far away, and the top wall is relatively low. People have to lie down on the top of the train to escape.

"Bang!" The two weapons collided again, their strength was about the same, and they were locked in a stalemate.

They struggled with each other and gritted their teeth, but no one gave in.

The train is getting closer and closer to the tunnel. If they hit the top wall at this speed, even if their entire body of prosthetics is military grade, they will only end up being shattered to pieces!

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