After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 205 Counter-violence Attack

As Ou Chenyu and Broken Blade were wrestling with each other, the distance between them and the tunnel was rapidly shortening.

A strong wind was blowing in his face, and the stone wall symbolizing death was right in front of him, but Ou Chenyu had no intention of giving in and was still entangled with the broken blade like crazy.

Duan Ren's face turned ugly: "You want to die?!"

Ou Chenyu's eyes were full of determination: "It's not a loss for me to support a master like you!"

Broken Blade's first reaction was that Ou Chenyu was bluffing, and this guy should stop at the last moment.

But he had no idea.

Even if the possibility is 99%, what about the remaining 1%?

What if you happen to bump into the 1%? This guy named Ou is really a lunatic. Will you die here in confusion with him?

It is true that mercenaries lick blood with their swords, but they are not as careless about life and death as imagined.

The older the mercenary is, the more he has survived countless death situations, the more he understands how valuable it is to survive.

Those who dare to say anything inappropriate are the kind of young people who have just entered the industry.

It's not that Broken Blade is afraid of death, it's just that he can't accept that in a foreign mission, he will die together with a newcomer who has been in the industry for less than a year, and become a debris that cannot be shoveled off a stone wall.

The tunnel is getting closer and closer, and is about to break through the inevitable and dangerous distance.

Ou Chenyu's face was full of ferocity, and he stared at Broken Blade, threatening to drag him into the abyss.

The howling wind was like the whisper of death, Broken Blade's heart rate was extremely high, the mechanical heart was beating wildly, and the oppressive feeling of death was like an invisible hand strangling his throat.

The stone wall of the tunnel quickly enlarged in sight, and the two of them would be smashed into pieces in two seconds.

Ou Chenyu roared like a demon: "Die!!!"

At the last moment, Broken Blade had no choice but to give up the attack stance first.

In an instant, Ou Chenyu took advantage of the broken blade to retreat and kicked him like lightning, knocking him off the train and onto the track.

At the same time, Ou Chenyu lay down and huddled on the top of the train. The tunnel stone wall almost brushed against his body, and the train carried him deep into the tunnel.

Broken Blade tried to pursue Ou Chenyu again, but when he landed, the rear compartment of the train had already entered the tunnel. In addition, the train was too fast and he could no longer catch up.

Broken Blade could only stop the pursuit, turn on the communication band, and said in a deep voice: "My side is not blocked. He got on a train on the G781 railway line and went east."

Soon, Su Mo's answer came from the communication frequency band: "It doesn't matter, his vehicle is scrapped, and your mission is completed. The pockets have been packed and handed over to the Anti-Violence Section 4."

Ou Chenyu crossed the tunnel without any danger and came to the other side of the mountain.

The heavy rain was still falling, and he was soaked all over and looked miserable.

His mobile phone was damaged in the previous battle and he was unable to obtain the latest information, so he got into the gap between the carriages, opened the door and walked in.

He was dripping wet with every step he took and looked out of place in the carriage. The passengers all looked at him strangely.

He saw a passenger playing with his mobile phone and snatched it away.

"What are you doing?!" The passenger stood up dissatisfied.

Ou Chenyu glared fiercely, and the other person sat back with his head shrunk, mumbling that he wanted to find a police officer.

Ou Chenyu ignored this person, opened the social software on his mobile phone, entered the local topic in Crescent City, and browsed the news here.

Soon, a news video caught his attention.

"According to news from the Ruiqiang District Public Security Bureau, the stolen gold from Crescent Commercial Bank was discovered in the Tehu Industrial Park the day before yesterday. 672 members of the company have been arrested and brought to justice."

"Ou Chenyu, the actual controller of Tooth Tiger Industry, is still on the run. The Public Security Bureau has issued an S-class arrest warrant. If citizens can provide any information, please contact the Public Security Bureau immediately for processing."

The news video also posted a clear frontal photo of Ou Chenyu.

Ou Chenyu was completely horrified at this time.

Gold was discovered? !

How did the information leak out? !

Those who handle the gold are all his most trusted confidants, and there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal.

The place where the gold is hidden is also very hidden, and there are several secret passages to the outside world, which can deal with most emergencies.

Why did the people from the Public Security Bureau discover gold? !

The changes in the base, combined with Broken Blade's pursuit just now, made Ou Chenyu suddenly aware of a possibility.

"Su Mo?" He muttered in disbelief.

Is Su Mo behind all this?

But how is this possible

Aren't the edges always being pressed by yourself?

How did Su Mo turn over?

At this time, there happened to be a passenger in the carriage watching the same news. He was stunned when he looked at the photos on the video, and then looked at Ou Chenyu, his eyes almost widened.

Quietly, the high-speed train slowed down, gradually came to a standstill, and stopped on the track on the outskirts of the wasteland.

"Ding dong." The sweet voice of the train conductor sounded over the announcement, "Dear passengers, due to the severe thunderstorm weather, the train will be temporarily stopped. The crew is deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to you."

"Rong——" Just after the broadcast, a thunder flashed in the hazy sky, and the turbulent thunder light poured in through the window, almost lighting up the entire carriage.

From the surprised looks of some passengers, Ou Chenyu realized that he had been exposed.


He directly smashed the carriage glass and rushed out amidst the screams of the passengers.

The sky was tearing apart and pouring down heavy rain, almost engulfing the earth.

The soaked clothes hung extremely heavy on Ou Chenyu's body, his hair was messy and dripping from his forehead, and his soaked shoes left a series of deep footprints on the muddy ground.

He wiped the rain off his face and cursed, "If it's really Su Mo who did it, then you really underestimated me, so I'll send a Broken Blade here."

"Haha, if it were me, I would immediately set up ambush in all escape directions after discovering the whereabouts. It would be really hard to fly without wings."

"Long——" Another thunder flashed.

Ou Chenyu was stunned.

It is normal for lightning to occur during thunderstorms, but for some reason, this burst of thunder brought a strange sense of oppression.

There seemed to be something watching in the darkness, waiting for his moment of relaxation.

The pressure continued to rise, his heart accelerated wildly, and he felt a chill running straight into his heart.

The next moment, majestic thunder rose from behind.


Ou Chenyu looked back in horror and saw a roaring thunder coming.

It was an extremely tall figure, with blue light like a thunder dragon intertwined all over his body. Wherever he passed, violent plasma rolled, forming endless arcs on the water-covered ground.

The light of thunder illuminated his pitch-black combat uniform and the skull armband on his arm, which symbolized the Crescent City authorities' supreme combat power.

"Boom!!!" The speed of the intruder was too fast. When the thunderous fist hit Ou Chenyu, the super electric current spread directly to his whole body, and he flew backwards with billowing smoke everywhere. .

Ou Chenyu kept trembling in the electric arc all over the ground, spitting out black blood.

He struggled to get up from the ground and stared at the visitor's armband in shock.

"Alpha Team?!"

The intruder stood in the rain, the flashing arc of electricity on his body illuminated his sharp eyes, and he looked at Ou Chenyu as if he were looking at a corpse.

As the leader of the mercenary group, Ou Chenyu is very familiar with various power systems.

He recognized at a glance that this anti-riot team member was the bearer of the "Thor Blood Code".

The Thor Blood Code is a "superpower" blood code. It is weak in improving physical strength, but it can mutate the biological cells of the bearer, thereby mastering the power to control plasma, and is extremely destructive.

The fact that this counter-violence member can join the Alpha Team of the Fourth Anti-Violence Class means that his Thor Blood Code level has reached the "critical high level".

It's another thunderstorm night, and the air is filled with water molecules and electric charges, making it the home of Thor's Blood Code.

The anti-riot team member said coldly: "Capture them without mercy, surrender without killing them."

Ou Chenyu gritted his teeth and tried to escape.

The anti-riot team members immediately exploded with thunderous light and punched Ou Chenyu.

His fist did not actually come into contact with Ou Chenyu, but the ultra-high-pressure plasma penetrated the air, electrifying Ou Chenyu until his whole body exploded with blood, and he flew backwards, leaving a long trail of blood on the ground.

"Ah!!!" The anti-riot team member was about to pursue him when Ou Chenyu roared angrily, and his mechanical prosthetic eyes lit up with a dazzling light.

"Boom--" He activated the prosthetic spine and entered bullet time, pulling it into a twisted afterimage during the high-speed attack.

No blood code in this world is comprehensive.

The blood code is a kind of compilation and development at the genetic level, and genes cannot have unlimited carrying capacity.

If you want to improve your abilities in one area, you have to make sacrifices in other areas.

The bearer of the Thor Blood Code has powerful supernatural powers, but is weak in muscle strength and reaction nerves.

Ou Chenyu's prosthetic body was of military grade, and there was no big gap between the blood code and the critical grade. After entering bullet time, his speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the anti-riot team members were already in front of him.

The counter-insurgency team member was experienced and knew that it would be foolish to compete with the prosthetic implant for speed. He waved his hands and directed the plasma to explode a plasma barrier around him, wrapping himself in it.

Wherever the plasma passed, the rainwater evaporated, and the land became scorched black, as if the surrounding area had turned into an abyss of death.

Ou Chenyu felt hot all over his body, and his combat nerves kept transmitting danger signals to his brain, but he suppressed the instinct to escape and slashed the anti-riot team member's waist with the salamander sword.

The anti-riot team members were shocked. They didn't expect Ou Chenyu's life-changing strategy.

"Boom!" The moment Ou Chenyu entered the plasma barrier, the skin and flesh on the contact surface became charred black and kept peeling off. The most serious parts even appeared carbonized. Every time he breathed, semi-agglomerated blood clots would spray out from his mouth and nose.

But this devastating blow was also effective. Even though the anti-riot team members evaded urgently, the salamander sword still cut a deep blood mark on his body. Blood gushed out from the wound, dyeing the rain curtain scarlet.

Both of them were severely injured and fell back unsteadily.

But in comparison, Ou Chenyu, who had a full-body prosthetic body, was less affected by his injuries. He relied on the pain compilation chip to suppress the pain, allowing him to regain his mobility in a very short time.

"Death!!!" Ou Chenyu roared and entered bullet time again. The salamander sword pulled into an afterimage in the rain curtain, trying to cut the anti-riot team members in half.

At the critical moment, the mutation occurred again.

"Roar——" The ground under Ou Chenyu's feet suddenly rose rapidly, and with a sharp roar, a huge thing broke out of the ground and directly knocked him to the ground.

Ou Chenyu rolled to the ground and looked in shock when his sight was blocked by a huge ferocious beast.

This ferocious beast has a body like a giant python, and its body is covered with fine and thick scales, which show a silver-gray luster against the lightning. Its mouth and jaws are extremely large, and the letters are spitting out like forked lightning, making a hissing sound. the sound of.

It also has three pairs of strong forelimbs, distributed on both sides of the body. Each limb is made of hard bones and curves to form three pairs of sharp horns.

This structure specifically designed for killing is obviously not a ferocious beast born in nature, but a constructed ferocious beast artificially bred by the Black Domain Group.

This constructed ferocious beast is called "Bone Scythe Python", and its strength is evaluated as "Noble Level Crazy Level".

The Bone Sickle Python has scales that are harder than steel, strong enough to withstand attacks from various conventional weapons, and its jaws have a powerful bite force that can easily crush rocks.

The most deadly thing is the three pairs of horn-edged forelimbs of the Bone Sickle Python. This killing organ not only gives it powerful killing power, but also brings an extremely flexible fighting method.

The Bone Sickle Python can easily dig through the ground with its horn-blade forelimbs. Its smooth scales allow it to "swim" between the strata, and it can sense all movements around it through its keen hearing, and then break out of the ground to launch a surprise attack on the enemy.

The appearance of a constructed beast on the battlefield means that it is controlled by a spiritual brain transformer. It is self-evident who the opponent is.

The bone sickle python turned its huge head and looked at the anti-riot team member who had the Thor blood code.

It kept spitting out letters, and a distorted and rich voice came from its mouth: "Zeus, I told you not to rush in when you find someone, you have to show off in front of the captain. You newcomers are too impetuous, go back and wait to eat Punish it."

The anti-riot team member named Zeus twitched his lips and injected the hemostatic agent in the bag into his body. Then he stood up and said in a deep voice: "This guy surnamed Ou will not die if he fights. Let's fight together."

"Roar——" The bone sickle python opened its huge mouth and exposed its ferocious fangs towards Ou Chenyu.

Ou Chenyu's body was covered with burns left by plasma. He had already had a hard time dealing with Zeus, but now there was another constructed beast, a knight-level and mad-level constructed beast!

Combined, this man and beast are probably several times more powerful than Broken Blade!

Ou Chenyu gritted his teeth and stepped back: "Do you want to kill them all like this? Can't you give me a way to survive?!"

The thunder light illuminated the eyes of the bone sickle python, and inside there was only the coldness unique to cold-blooded animals: "You have two choices, you can destroy the prosthetic body and capture you without mercy, or we will tear you apart."

"I'm useless!" Ou Chenyu roared unwillingly, his prosthetic arm transformed into a gun form, and he kept shooting at the bone sickle python.

The cannonball hit the bone sickle python and burst into flames, but it was unable to shake it at all. At most, it could only leave a few burn marks on its scales.

Bone Scythe Python: "I like your answer, otherwise it's raining on a cold day, and if we don't fight, our trip will be in vain."

"Boom--" The bone sickle python rushed to the ground, earth and rocks flew into the air in an instant, and its huge body quickly disappeared into the ground.

The wilderness is vast, and terrifying beasts are roaming underground, and threats are everywhere.

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