The small room was extremely depressing, with large sections of wall peeling off and covered with mottled mold. Spider webs were tangled in the corners. There was only a broken window that let in a faint light, making it seem like an isolated world.

"Creak" As the iron door creaked open, two guards walked in.

The old guard stood in front with his hands on his waist and introduced: "It is feeding time at 6 o'clock every night. Let them finish eating within 5 minutes. Remember to check the tableware when closing."

"Some little bastards will secretly hide the tableware and use it to commit suicide. If they find it, just break their hands."

The new guard followed in and kept fanning his nose: "What the smell, I really can't stand it."

"Stop complaining, a better place for a bastard to live." The old guard threw the key to him, then shined his flashlight on the iron cage in the corner and said, "The person is over there, let her out."

The new guard went over and opened the cage door.

"Squeak" the cage door slowly opened.

The first thing the flashlight illuminated was a skinny arm with almost pale skin. Because there was no flesh, the blood vessels under the skin became very conspicuous, twisting and coiling like little green snakes.

A thin child crawled out of the cage. There were many bloody scabs from mosquito bites on her head, resulting in almost no hair. Her eyes were sunken and her cheeks were sunken. She was so thin that she was completely out of shape. From a distance, she looked like an ugly animal. Human monster.

The new guard opened his eyes wide and sneered: "Fuck, is this a human? It's too ugly. Where did you get it?"

The old guard said calmly: "Do you know about the "Origin Project" in the park a few years ago? "

New guard: "I know, it is to use genetic editing technology to modify the DNA of embryonic cells to create humans with no defects in all aspects."

Old guard: "Most of the experimental subjects of the Origin Project did not live past their full age. This guy is the only one who survived. She is 4 years old this year. We all call her 'Number Zero'."

The new guard gasped: "Can anyone really survive that kind of experiment? What a monster!"

The old guard joked nonchalantly: "Who says it's not the case? The gap between us and her might be even wider than the gap between dogs and humans."

The new guard sneered: "So what, we are the regulators here. Monsters must also surrender to us."

After speaking, he opened the lunch box in his hand.

The lunch box contains mashed potatoes made from potatoes and mixed vegetables. The raw materials are all mass-produced in factories. It tastes like chewing wax. The only advantage is that it is cheap and will not kill anyone.

The new guard turned the lunch box over, poured the mashed potatoes on the ground, and sneered at Zero: "Come on, ugly monster, come and eat."

Zero raised his thin arms and crawled over following the smell of food.

She squatted in front of the pile of mashed potatoes, picked up a handful with her dirty little hands, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Shasha." The mashed potatoes were stained with a lot of dust and gravel on the ground, and there was a constant sound when she chewed them in her mouth.

Some of the gravel was sharp and cut her mouth, and traces of blood seeped out from her lips, but she seemed not to feel anything and was still stuffing the dirty food into her mouth.

She was about to grab another handful when suddenly there was a "boom" and the booted foot stepped on the back of her hand.

The new guard stepped on Zero's hand, rubbed it back and forth with the hard sole, and said coldly: "Have you forgotten the rules? Before eating, you must say thank you to us."

"You bastards who have no father or mother, but it's all because of us that you have food to eat. Why should you be a little grateful?"

Zero said nothing, his eyes were lifeless and lifeless. He allowed his hand to be trampled and bruised, and stretched out his other hand to grab the mashed potatoes and stuff them into his mouth.

The new guard couldn't lift his other foot and continue to step on it. He would not be able to maintain his balance. He was a little embarrassed and angry for a moment.

"You son of a bitch, you still have a temper?" He grabbed No. 0's tattered collar and punched her hard in the face.


No. 0's nose was broken and blood was flowing out, but she seemed to feel nothing. There was no emotion in her dim eyes. The guard was clearly in front of her, but she didn't look at him, as if he didn't exist. .

"Shasha." She continued to chew the mashed potatoes, and the nosebleed flowed into her mouth, staining the incomplete baby teeth red.

This disregard made the new guard even angrier and he punched her in the face.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!."

During this beating, No. 0's nose was crooked, several baby teeth fell out, his mouth was full of blood, his eyebrows were fractured and swollen, and his face was covered with bruises.

"Shasha." She still had no reaction, just eating the dirty food numbly, bite after bite.

Seeing that the new guard was tired from beating him, the old guard sneered: "Don't bother, this guy was genetically modified before he was born. He was born without pain nerves and can't feel any pain."

The new guard kicked Number Zero over and cursed: "He is really a monster among monsters, huh?"

The old guard patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Young man, don't be so impatient. Monsters also have monster training methods. I'll do it."

The old guard used the key to open the secret door on the wall of the room, his eyes became deep,

Then, he came over and grabbed No. Zero by the collar.

When Zero saw the secret door open, he seemed to realize something and finally reacted.

"Ugh! Ah!" Those eyes were filled with panic. She struggled and screamed, and her throat cut by the gravel kept coming from a hoarse hiss, like a monster howling.

The old guard threw Zero into the darkroom and said only two words with a smile: "Three days."

"Ah! Ah!!!." Amid Zero's heart-rending whine, he closed the door.

Three days later, the old guard and the new guard returned to the room.

The moment the secret door was opened, the thin body leaning on the edge of the door fell out.

After three days and three nights of fasting without water and food, No. 0's body became even thinner than last time, and her lips were covered with blood. In order to relieve her thirst, she could only bite her lips and drink her own blood.

If No. 0 was still a little angry when he came out of the cage last time, now he is like a puppet with its strings cut off, lying on the ground with empty eyes and no light in his eyes.

The old guard kicked Zero over with the toe of his shoe, looked at those empty eyes and sneered: "The place where she is held is called the "dark cell". It is surrounded by soundproof cotton, so no light can enter, and no sound can come out. In a state of absolute darkness. "

"The fear of darkness is engraved in human genes. People may not be afraid of pain, but it is impossible not to be afraid of the dark. The only reason they are not afraid is because the darkness is not long enough."

"To deal with this disobedient monster, just use darkness."

The old guard took out the kettle from his arms and poured the water on Zero's face: "Drink it, drink it with gratitude. Remember, this is what will happen if you don't obey me in the future."

The cool water flowed into his mouth, bringing a sense of resuscitation. Driven by the desire to survive, No. 0 drank heavily. Because he drank too fast, he was choked to the point of tears and snot flowing out.

Her vision was blurred by tears and the water poured on her face, and she looked at the ceiling numbly while coughing.


Why is life so disgusting?

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