The Eden Project is a large-scale social plan promulgated by the World Government throughout the consular district through a resolution of the Upper Tribunal Council.

In 1992, due to the influence of economy, war, social policies and other aspects, the low birth rate and aging population in various places became more and more serious. The world fertility rate reached an inflection point and the population continued to decline.

In order to cope with the stagnation of social development caused by population decline, the world government collaborated with three giant companies to jointly develop mature artificial womb technology and passed the far-reaching "Artificial Baby Act."

The bill stipulates that under appropriate circumstances, world government authorities have the right to use human germ cell banks to directly cultivate human embryos in artificial wombs.

Since then, "reproduction", an act that determines the survival of a population, no longer relies on sexual relations, but can be accomplished in the laboratory.

You don’t want to give birth?

It's okay, the lab can build it.

As much as is lacking, so much is created.

However, the passage of the "Artificial Baby Act" only solved the issue of "reproduction" and not the issue of "nurturing".

Because these artificial babies are artificial products and do not have “parents” in social relationships, who will raise them after they are born? How to raise it? What will you do when you grow up?

We can't create a bunch of scum with no one to discipline us. When we grow up, we can't do anything, and we just get the subsistence allowance every day and work like worms, right?

The later "Eden Project" was promulgated in response to this problem.

In Dawn 104, the World Government built thousands of large "Gardens of Eden" throughout the territory.

The so-called Garden of Eden is a closed management institution similar to a school. It is jointly invested and run by world governments and private capital. It is specially used to house and cultivate artificial babies born in laboratories.

The artificial babies will grow up and live in the Garden of Eden, and the education and training staff will provide them with food and accommodation, knowledge education, and shaping of their outlook on life.

Then they are distinguished according to their acquired abilities, trained into different talents, and sent to different social positions when they grow up.

From the first cry of the artificial baby to the 18-year-old adult who enters society, the entire upbringing process is completed by the Garden of Eden.

Since then, historical development has completely deviated from objective laws, and human beings have completely held the fate of their own species in their hands.

This is the "Eden Project" that has a profound impact on the world of Dawn.

Daystar Eden is a Garden of Eden located in Anmi New District of Crescent City.

Before traveling through time, Su Mo was very curious about this Garden of Eden.

First of all, it is located in Anmi New District.

A Garden of Eden built in a wealthy area and isolated from the outside world is enough to arouse people's curiosity.

More importantly, today is December 6th, and at 19:23 tonight, this Garden of Eden will explode.

Literally, an explosion.


According to common sense, the explosion of the Eden Garden built in Anmi New District is sensational news.

But when Su Mo was playing the game "Dawn", he had never seen any relevant news. He knew about this because Er Zhoumu happened to pass by and witnessed the explosion.

After the explosion, no one reported it, no one discussed it, and no one even knew about it. It seemed as if all traces of its existence had been deliberately erased.

Su Mo wants to explore Morning Star Eden, but in the game, players cannot enter through any means.

He specifically asked the producer about this, and the answer he got was - it's not open yet.

As a closed beta game, "Dawn" has a complete main storyline, but some branches cannot be experienced because they have not been completed. This is not surprising.

Su Mo wanted to wait until the official version of "Dawn" was released before exploring Daystar Eden to see what stories there were.

Before I could wait, I traveled through time.

Su Mo was busy with various things and couldn't really care about a small Garden of Eden.

Today, when Future mentioned the date by chance, he remembered it and came over to take a look.

A game is a game, and there are some places you just can’t get into.

But in reality, you won't be walking and a flying creature will pop up and tell you - you can explore the area ahead later.

Daystar Eden is the same as St. Rivland. Even if it is inaccessible in the game, it certainly has a self-consistent environment in reality.

At this time, Su Mo was standing at the gate of Morning Star Garden of Eden.

Since the Garden of Eden is under closed management and is not open to the public at ordinary times, it is quite troublesome to get in.

Fortunately, Su Mo was well-known in Crescent City. He made a phone call to find connections and obtained the permission. The director of the garden, Hayato Miyata, came to the door to receive him in person.

"Hello, Captain Su." Hayato Miyata smiled kindly and shook hands with Su Mo. "You suddenly want to visit the Garden of Eden. I was quite surprised to receive the news."

Su Mo smiled and said, "I have read about the far-reaching "Eden Project" in history books before, and I have always wanted to come and see it if I have the opportunity."

Hayato Miyata was very generous and made a gesture of invitation: "Please, it will be very lively tonight."

The two walked into the Garden of Eden. Hayato Miyata gave Sumer a preliminary tour and introduced him to a series of facilities.

There are classrooms, dormitories, canteens, administrative buildings, etc. in the Garden of Eden. Children of different ages live here. They are all artificial babies from the laboratory, born through technical means. They have no father or mother, and there is only the big family of the Garden of Eden.

From a biological perspective, they are not much different from ordinary humans except for the way they are born.

It's late afternoon now.

The babies were lying in the climate-controlled room, sucking pacifiers, babbling, waving their chubby little hands, and crying from time to time, attracting the caregiver's attention.

Young children are arranged to watch the news in the multimedia room and learn about world events. Special instructors are responsible for ideological guidance, cultivating their three views, and teaching them to support court and make contributions to mankind when they grow up.

Older boys and girls need to "stay in class to make up lessons." According to each person's daily performance, they will be assigned to different classes to learn corresponding liberal arts and science knowledge.

Children who are sensitive to numbers will be taught knowledge in mathematics, finance, etc., and are likely to become actuaries and other figures, working for the government or large companies in the future.

Children with rich imaginations will be taken to participate in physical, chemical and biological experiments, and may become scholars or scientists in the future, with their names appearing in some heavyweight newspapers and periodicals.

Children with outstanding physiques will organize more various sports, and even be exposed to weapons early, and strengthen their support for going to court. They will become the mainstay of various armies in the future.

As for those kids who don't excel at anything, they'll be fine. They can find a class in a factory or go to a construction site to move bricks.

Although he had known the background of the "Eden Project" for a long time, Su Mo was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

Regardless of the moral and ethical issues involved, in terms of results alone, the problem of "lack of people" has been erased from human history forever.

After visiting the peripheral facilities, Hayato Miyata took Su Mo to the administration building: "Commander Su, please come this way. I will take you to meet the guests."

Hayato Miyata took Su Mo to the top floor.

When he opened the door and saw the scene inside, Su Mo was a little stunned.

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