A small transport plane was flying over the plains outside Crescent City. Apart from the pilot and instructor, there were only two passengers in the cabin, Su Mo and Qi Ling.

Skydiving without an umbrella sounds as funny as bungee jumping without a rope.

But in fact, both of these things are real and are high-risk extreme sports.

Qi Ling lay beside the window and looked at the land below curiously: "I've never seen a skydiving without a parachute. How do you do this?"

Su Mo came to the window, pointed in a direction in the distance, and smiled mysteriously: "Look over there, there is a white place, do you see it?"

The plains on the outskirts were all covered with withered grass. Among the withered green all over the mountains and plains, there was a very conspicuous square white area with an X-shaped red mark painted on it.

Qi Ling: "I saw it, what is that?"

Sumer explained: "That is the next landing point. Parachuteless skydiving is different from ordinary skydiving. We do not carry a parachute and need to fall in a designated area."

"The white area is a giant net of special material 30 meters long and wide. When we jump from a high altitude, as long as we can land on it, the giant net will wrap around us to complete the buffer and finally land safely."

Qi Ling had never seen this method before. She thought for a while and asked, "But this is too extreme. The airflow in the sky changes at any time. If you are not careful, you may deviate from the position. How can this be calculated accurately?" ?”

"So, we still need some equipment assistance." Su Mo led Qi Ling to the equipment rack, picked up a pair of mechanical gloves and put them on.

He slightly closed his fingers, and with a "squeak" sound, a rapid airflow erupted from the palm of the mechanical glove, and then said: "In the air, we can adjust our body position through the airflow ejected from this glove to ensure that we fall in the net bag area."

"Hey~" Qi Ling reached out and touched the equipment rack.

She turned around and asked curiously: "What will happen if it accidentally falls outside the net bag?"

Su Mo smiled angrily and said, "What do you think? It will definitely be smashed into meat pies, otherwise how can we call it a high-risk extreme sport?"

"Alright, we'll be at the take-off position soon. You put on the straps and tie them with me, and I'll take you flying."

At this point, Su Mo smiled deliberately: "Of course, if you get scared, we won't play this. Don't be brave~ Don't be scared in the air until you cry."

The corners of Qi Ling's lips curved into a mysterious arc, and she looked at Su Mo playfully: "If I accidentally separate from you and are in danger in the air, will you come to save me at all costs?"

Su Mo said without hesitation: "Then I must come to rescue you. Although I am bringing you for excitement, I must also focus on ensuring safety. You are my employer. If you fail in the commission, I will never be able to do it again in this life." Become a mercenary."

Qi Ling's amber eyes were filled with smiles. She stretched out her fingers and gently placed her fingers on Su Mo's lower lip, looking at him with a smile.

Su Mo: "What's wrong?"

Qi Ling: "Then we agreed, you must come to save me."

After saying that, she ran directly to the open hatch without wearing any equipment.

Before anyone could react, she leaned back and fell out of the plane.

In an instant, everyone in the cabin was frightened.

The instructor shouted in horror: "We haven't reached the jumping area yet!!!!"

"Me! Damn it!" Su Mo hugged the mechanical glove and jumped down desperately.

The high-altitude wind howled wildly in his ears, and the feeling of weightlessness surged throughout his body. Every nerve in Su Mo was tense, and his heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to burst out of his chest.

The free fall made it difficult to control his body, and the wind blew so hard that he could hardly breathe. The scenery in his sight changed drastically over time, and the earth continued to approach, as if he was falling into the abyss of death.

Qi Ling jumped earlier than Su Mo and was far below him. It was impossible to catch up in the free fall state.

Su Mo resisted the wind pressure, put on his mechanical gloves in mid-air, turned on the jet switch, and continuously sprayed strong air behind him.

With the extra power, Su Mo's falling acceleration exceeded Qi Ling's, shortening the distance between the two little by little.

Qi Ling's condition gradually came into Su Mo's sight. She remained motionless, relaxing her whole body and letting herself fall. Her long silver hair was flying wildly, and her eyes were closed as if she was asleep.

By constantly accelerating and adjusting his position, Su Mo finally caught up with Qi Ling and hugged her tightly.

Qi Ling felt the hug and slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as he saw Su Mo, his amber eyes turned into a happy smile: "You really came to save me!"

Su Mo was so angry that he yelled: "Are you crazy?! People will die if you act like this!!!"

Qi Ling hugged Su Mo's neck, raised her head and laughed loudly: "Then let's die together, okay? Hahahaha! Ahhahahaha!"

Su Mo had no intention of talking anymore, all his attention was on the landing point diagonally below.

If he fell to the ground from such a height, even his fourth level blood code body might not be able to withstand it.

Not to mention ordinary people like Qi Ling, it's not a question of whether they will die, but how many pieces they will break into.

The only hope now is the giant white net.

Su Mo held Qi Ling tightly with one hand to prevent her from being blown away by the wind. The mechanical glove worn on the other hand jetted air at full power, constantly correcting the trajectory of her fall.

High in the sky, the two people swooped through the clouds in a diagonal line, like meteors falling into the mortal world.

The field of vision became boundless, and the earth was like a complicated canvas, with mountains, rivers, and forests all rotating around them.

The two of them were getting closer to the ground and closer to the giant net. The white color continued to expand, as if a hand was reaching out to catch them.

Su Mo's tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

Caught up.

Although it was thrilling, fortunately, the trajectory correction was completed and we could safely land on the giant net.

Su Mo hugged Qi Ling tighter: "We are about to land. You may feel overweight for a while. Don't be afraid. It's okay."

"Bah—" He relied on the airflow to complete his turn, turning his back downwards to minimize the impact Qi Ling was about to receive.

The two people falling freely were like birds about to return to their nests. The wind near the ground also became lighter, and the sun shone on their faces, bringing a warm feeling.

At this time, Su Mo felt his neck being hugged gently.

Their cheeks met, and he couldn't see Qiling's expression. He could only feel the soft little face rubbing against his cheek, and a soft murmur came from his ear.

"Momo, I'm really happy today."

Before Su Mo could recover, he suddenly felt a huge resistance coming from behind him, and he subconsciously protected Qi Ling's head.

The two fell onto the giant white net. The strong pulling force made Su Mo feel a heavy pressure. His body decelerated sharply, and finally stopped at a safe distance of more than ten meters from the ground. After shaking up and down for several rounds, it came to a standstill.

Soon, cheers and applause from the usher erupted all around, celebrating the two completing this difficult challenge.

Everyone was laughing and laughing, and suddenly someone made a confused voice: "Hey, why don't you have any belts on your body? I am *Civilized Crescent*! You jumped down directly?!"

Su Mo recovered from the thrill just now and grabbed Qi Ling's shoulders, preparing to scold her.

But before she could curse, Qi Ling stretched out her little hand hidden behind her back and showed what was in her hand to Su Mo.

Su Mo looked at the spherical metal seal in her hand and was stunned for a moment: "Is this a Type IV rescue airbag?"

Type IV rescue airbag is a high-tech survival prop that is usually compressed in a ball for easy portability. Once opened, the material inside will expand and pop out, forming a huge sphere around the carrier.

The outside of this sphere has a rigid structure that can withstand ultra-high-strength impacts, while the inner membrane material is very soft and has great cushioning properties.

There are also mechanical holes on the surface that automatically sense gravity and spray high-pressure airflow in the opposite direction to complete adaptive deceleration.

Type IV rescue airbags are "life-saving props" in parachuteless skydiving.

After all, extreme sports companies have to do business. If nine out of ten jumps fail, they will lose money.

Therefore, if customers want to go skydiving without parachutes, they will be required to carry an IV-type rescue airbag before jumping off the plane. If they cannot fall in the designated area, they can open the airbag to wrap themselves up, and there will be no danger to their lives if they fall directly to the ground.

The IV-type rescue airbag in Qi Ling's hand had obviously been sneaked away from the equipment rack before jumping down.

Seeing Qi Ling sticking out her tongue and smiling like a bad little cat, Su Mo rolled his eyes wildly and lay down on the net bag.


He sighed deeply, closed his eyes and said, "I was really scared to death by you just now, why did you do such a dangerous thing?"

Qi Ling lay next to Su Mo and poked his face with her finger: "There are too many liars in this world. I want to see if you are what you say and if you can really do what you promised me."

Su Mo said in a joking tone: "That means you don't trust me enough. If you believe with all your heart that I will come to save you, you should jump out without taking the rescue airbag."

Qi Ling's eyes became a little blurry, she leaned her little head forward slightly, pressed her forehead against his cheek and murmured: "I will believe you next time."

"Next time?!" Su Mo sat up directly, "I was so frightened by you today that my little heart was damaged and my life was shortened by at least ten years."

He took Qi Ling angrily and took her out of the net bag: "Let's go, it's time to go back."

On the way back, Su Mo received a call from the skydiving company. He and Qi Ling were permanently blacklisted for serious violations of safety regulations.

But five minutes later, another call came, saying that the blacklist of the two of them had been lifted and they had been upgraded to supreme VIP customers.

The reason.

Su Mo saw with his own eyes that Qi Ling opened online banking and transferred 20 million in settlement funds.

Seeing this, Su Mo was so regretful that his intestines turned blue. He thought to himself: Why didn't I open the pattern yesterday? I should have known that the commission quotation would be 100 million!

Qi Ling put down her phone and asked expectantly: "Where should we go next?"

Su Mo was shocked: "Haven't you had enough fun?!"

Qi Ling puffed up her cheeks: "It's only the afternoon, and the date will take a whole day."

Su Mo leaned on his seat and sighed.

Qi Ling blinked and deliberately said in a bad tone: "Are you okay? Momo~"

"Squeak--" The sports car braked to a sudden stop.

Su Mo turned around and drove towards another road.

Qiling: "Where to go?"

Su Mo smiled coldly: "You forced me to do this, I'm going to use my ultimate move!"

Yadong is a city 628 kilometers away from Crescent City. Its economy is based on the tourism, shopping, vacation and other industries centered on Bojie. Therefore, it is also nicknamed the "City of Bozi".

There are gambling venues everywhere and the lights are bright all day long. Whether you are a rich man who spends a lot of money or a gambler with a poor family, you can find a game that suits you there.

Yadong's gambling venues are all formal, protected by the laws of the world government, and have strict rules and regulations. They are not as barbaric as in the movies.

Such things as deliberately holding someone back after winning a lot of money, and forcing the other party to lose all before letting him go, would never happen in a regular gambling game.

You don’t need to cry to any gambling venue that dares to do this. The Yadong authorities will immediately eliminate this rat shit and maintain the reputation of the gambling capital.

Of course, there are regular gambling venues, and there must be underground gambling venues as well.

Those who go to underground gambling venues are often those who do not have legal status, or bad gamblers who have been blackmailed by regular gambling venues.

If the service targets are different, the projects will naturally be very different.

This evening, an underground casino in Yadong welcomed two very special guests.

Unlike those gamblers whose clothes were wrinkled and whose eyes were red and whose gambling was ruined at first glance, these two guests were well-dressed and looked like two pieces of tender meat looking for excitement for the first time.

Logically speaking, this kind of people don't look like gangsters, they should go to regular places to play, and they don't know what they are doing in underground gambling.

Of course, the rule here is that no one is turned away, any guest is welcome, and we will work hard to cater to all their crazy ideas.

Su Mo led Qi Ling into the underground gambling venue, only to see a smoky atmosphere inside.

There were groups of men and women sitting at various tables.

Some people were smoking with a gloomy look, with no hope for their future life in their eyes. It would not be surprising to jump off the rooftop directly after leaving the house.

Some people yelled and threw cards on the table, kicked chairs, smashed the table, and scolded the dealer for cheating. Finally, they were pushed to the ground by the guards who came and beat them until they vomited blood.

Some people tore off poker cards and stuffed them into their mouths, and slapped themselves furiously until their faces were red, swollen and bloody. Their eyes were filled with unwillingness, and they howled like mad dogs.

Qi Ling followed Su Mo, looking here and there, with curiosity on his face. It was obvious that he had never been to a place like this.

She poked her head around and asked, "Mo Mo, why are we chartering a plane all the way here?"

Su Mo chuckled: "Aren't you looking for excitement? Is this place exciting enough?"

Qi Ling asked with some confusion: "You don't want to force me on the gambling table and make me lose all my money."

Su Mo rolled his eyes and almost rolled his head: "Am I sick? If you lose your money to the casino, you might as well give it to me."

Qi Ling took Su Mo's arm and looked at him with a smile: "Okay~ Stop being a mercenary and come to my house as a pet. I will take care of you."

"Come on, I'm not such a worthless person." Su Mo led Qi Ling towards the passage leading to the lower level, with a mysterious smile on his face, "Come on, you want some excitement, right? I'll see if you can withstand it." Such excitement.”

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