In underground gambling, if there is still basic order in the upper space, you can gamble until you lose all your pants, but you can still walk out with two legs.

Then in the lower space, the bottom line of order is completely different.

It is a "slaughterhouse" for human beings, where everything can be clearly marked with a price.

An eyeball, a kidney, a pair of hands, even a life

As long as you have the final say on something, you can use it as a bargaining chip to gain a chance to change your life.

In front of a gaming table in the lower space, a man and a woman sat facing each other, with a thick stack of 1,000 monthly banknotes in front of them.

The man held a revolver in his hand and slowly put the barrel into his mouth. His face, which had not been washed for a long time and was stained with dirt, twisted unconsciously. His bloodshot eyes were wide open and his breathing was as heavy as a cow.

"Click." The trigger was pulled.

Nothing happened.

The man's breathing became obviously slower, and his eyes began to fill with provocation. He threw the revolver in front of the woman with his backhand: "It's your turn. If you don't dare to play, just admit defeat."

The woman picked up the revolver without any delay, pointed it directly at her temple and pulled the trigger, so fast that no one around her could react.


Still nothing happened.

"It's your turn." The woman threw the revolver back.

It was obvious that the man's eyes began to wander and he hesitated.

Seeing this, the surrounding audience began to boo:

"Hurry up! Don't be a coward and kill this dog farm!"

"There are only three shots left, just a one-third chance. If your gun misfires, the pressure will be on her side. What is there to be afraid of?"

"It's so funny that you can't even play with women? You're such a loser."

Perhaps the phrase "turtle man" stimulated the man. With a grimace on his face, he grabbed the revolver and stuffed it into his mouth, then pulled the trigger hard.

"Bang!" The impact from the muzzle of the gun directly shook his cheek into a wave shape. The bullet penetrated the oral structure and flew out from the back of his head. Blood sprinkled a radial trace on the back wall.

"Plop." He fell into a pool of blood, trembling and motionless for a moment.

After a brief silence, the audience sighed at the man's body:

"It's a pity that Gouzhuang won again."

"It's really just a close call. This kid is unlucky."

"It's pretty good. In middle age, you still have to rely on gambling to make money, and you don't have much hope for life. Let's reopen it as soon as possible."

The woman took the smoking revolver from the man's corpse, wiped the blood and saliva from the barrel on his clothes, threw the thick banknotes to her companion, turned and left, without looking at him again. .

At the main counter, the boss of this underground gambling venue nodded with satisfaction.

No money was won, the atmosphere was still in place, and today was another lively night.

"Throw the body into the incinerator and wipe away the blood." The leader ordered his companions, and then shouted to everyone at the top of his voice, "Is there anything else you want to play? Win once and you will be happy for a lifetime. Luxurious cars and beautiful women are waiting for you guys. Scumbag!"

A desperate gambler had just died, and everyone was afraid to step in for a while, so they were all waiting and watching.

At this time, a voice sounded: "Yes, I want to play."

Su Mo took Qi Ling and squeezed out from the crowd.

Their bright clothes were incompatible with their surroundings, and they instantly became the focus of discussion:

"Where did this young boy come from? He's still holding a girl's hand."

"Hey kid, are you tired of living and want to die? Just go ahead and I'll help you raise your girlfriend, haha."

"This girl's white silk stockings are really strong. I can't even imagine how fragrant it is when I put it on and take a sip."

The leader looked up and down at Su Mo, who was dressed in youthful clothes, and said mockingly: "You are still a student, right? Why are you taking a big gamble here after borrowing a campus loan and not being able to pay it back?"

Su Mo choked back: "There's so much nonsense, are you allowed to play?"

"Hey, you have quite a temper." The leader crossed his arms and said casually, "Hey, anyone can come and play with me. What do you want to play?"

Su Mo closed his fingers and made a shooting gesture to his temple: "Roulette, bet on your life."

The audience whistled all around, and the leader also shouted happily: "Okay, I have the guts!"

He slapped a revolver on the table, turned on the screen behind him and said, "Here's the price, 30,000 apiece. The more bullets you put in it, the higher the price. How many do you want?"

Su Mo smiled briefly and slapped the revolver away from the table: "I don't want this one."

He pointed to a strange, sci-fi-style revolver on the wall and said, "I want the 36-round one."

The audience immediately booed, and the leader rolled his eyes at him.

Ordinary revolvers have a 6-round magazine. Even if only one bullet is inserted, there is a one-sixth chance of "winning", which is very exciting.

The revolver on the wall is a high-tech firearm that came out in recent years. It uses needle-shaped bullets and the bullet body is very small, so the magazine wheel can only accommodate such an outrageous number of 36 rounds.

If this kind of revolver is stuffed with only one needle-shaped bullet, the probability of winning is less than 3%.

This is for the most useless cowards.

The leader took off the revolver and put it on the table. He looked at Su Mo with disdain and said, "Why do you come here to me if you care so much about your life? You only get 2,000 bullets for this gun, so hurry up and get out."

Su Mo: "When did I say I only wanted one bullet?"

The leader was puzzled: "How many do you want?"

A sharp light flashed in Su Mo's eyes, and his voice suddenly echoed throughout the audience: "I want 35!"

In an instant, it was as if a sharp blade had cut through him, cutting off all sounds.

Gradually, the noise started again, and the horrified voices were like a wave, almost overturning the ceiling.

"Fuck, did I hear that right? 35?!"

"I'm not good at math. Can anyone calculate the probability of getting shot in the head?!"

"Awesome, brother! Come on! Beat this dog farm to death!"

Since the establishment of this gambling venue, and even the development of the entire Yadong to this day, the revolver game has been famous for its cruelty and efficiency.

This game doesn’t have that many bells and whistles, nor does it have any technical content.

Just load bullets into it. The more bullets you load, the higher the price.

Then just shoot him in the head.

When you die, your life begins again.

The money that is not dead is yours.

It's that simple.

The boss has seen this coward with one bullet in a 36-round revolver.

The boss has also seen the madman with 5 bullets in 6 revolvers.

35 bullets in 36 rounds of revolver? Could it be that he couldn't afford a coffin and asked someone to collect his body?

The leader couldn't sit still, he slapped the table and angrily shouted: "You are just taking advantage of me for fun, right? Believe it or not, someone will destroy you!"

Su Mo glared and poked the leader's shoulder with his finger: "You talk a lot of nonsense. In one sentence, do you want to play or not?"

The surrounding audience were shouting crazy:

"Let's play, Dog Village, play with him!"

"People who risk their lives are not cowards, so why are you the one who gives money?"

"If you don't play with him today, I will scold you for a year, and my brothers and I will never come here again!"

There is a special algorithm between the number of bullets and the bonus in the Revolver game.

The higher the probability of death, the higher the bonus, and it is not a simple linear superposition, but an exponential increase.

36 hair plugs, only 2,000 monthly coins.

6 bullets and 1 plug, it’s 30,000 monthly coins.

There are 35 bullets in 36 rounds. Although no madman has ever played like this, it still has a price, 1.5 million!

Su Mo refused to retreat, and the surrounding audience booed. The leader also became serious and said fiercely: "Come on, if you dare to play, I dare to pay! Come here, put 1.5 million in the box, bring it up!"

1.5 million means 1,500 banknotes of one thousand denominations, divided into 15 bundles in total. The person behind the ticket directly packed the money in the suitcase and placed it on the table.

The atmosphere almost exploded, and the surrounding gamblers rushed forward to get a better view, so much so that the casino had to send out guards to maintain order.

The leader grabbed a large box of needle-shaped bullets from under the table and personally helped Su Mo fill the magazine. Then he patted the revolver on the table, indicating that he could start.

Su Mo picked up the revolver, turned the magazine around and around, and finally stopped.

He turned back and looked at Qi Ling with a smile: "How about it, this is exciting enough. Are you scared?"

Qi Ling shrugged: "I have nothing to be afraid of. But I advise you not to play so big. If you shoot yourself in the head, I will be sad."

"Blast your head off?" A sly smile appeared on Su Mo's face, "Who said I was going to do this?"

He raised the revolver and aimed at Qi Ling's eyebrows: "You are the one who wants to play this game."

At this moment, Qi Ling's expression froze, and there was a solemn look in her eyes that she had never seen before.

These words also caused an uproar among gamblers:

"Nima, can it still be like this???"

"Boy, you don't dare to play and let other girls fuck you. Are you a man?!"

"Fuck you, uncle, you are willing to point a gun at such a beautiful girl?"

"Girl, please see clearly what this bitch man is like, break up with him quickly and come be my girlfriend!"

Su Mo ignored the abuse from the audience around him and just looked at Qi Ling with a smile: "What, you don't dare?"

Qi Ling's eyes were wandering and her eyebrows were furrowed tightly. She was obviously calmed down by Su Mo.

But suddenly, she saw a flash of sly smile in Su Mo's eyes.

His eyes were very clear, without the madness of gambling, nor the ferocity of taking people's lives, only clarity.

The two just looked at each other in the surging crowd, without saying a word, but their souls seemed to be fused together.

Gradually, Qi Ling's eyes also turned into smiles.

She stepped forward with the muzzle of the gun in hand, put her hand on Su Mo's chest, and pushed him back.

With a "boom", Su Mo was pushed into a chair.

Qi Ling opened her legs and stepped forward, straddling Su Mo's legs ambiguously, wrapping one hand around his neck and lifting his chin with the other.

"Then, give me my life."

Qi Ling stuck out her little head, letting their foreheads touch each other, and her smiling lips outlined a mysterious arc: "But-"

She reached for the gun, moved it behind her head, and put the muzzle of the gun against the back of her head.

"You have to give me your life."

The gamblers were completely horrified.

The two of them were forehead to forehead, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the back of one person's head. One shot would kill two people!

Those gamblers who just wanted to be Qi Ling's boyfriend were all so scared that they gave up.

This woman is a crazy person!

Men are crazy, women are even crazier than men!

The two of them had their foreheads touching each other, and Qi Ling's delicate little face was right in front of them. From such a close distance, one could even clearly see the petal-like iris patterns in those amber eyes.

Su Mo: "Have you thought about it? If you lose the bet, you will kill two people with one shot."

Qi Ling's half-opened eyes were blurry, her face was stained with an intoxicating flush due to excitement, and her clear red lips were shining with a blood-like luster, and they were slightly raised:

"Then we will all be freed from this hellish world."

Su Mo was slightly startled and did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

He looked at Qi Ling's jewel-like eyes, and after a moment of silence, he asked the leader loudly: "Add one more life, double it, do you dare to play?!"

I haven't seen such a crazy scene for a long time. The leader also rushed to the head with red eyes and shouted: "Come! If you want to come, come! Bring another box of banknotes!!!"

Another suitcase full of banknotes was brought out.

Two lives!

2.78% survival rate!

3 million monthly coins!

"Open! Open! Open!" The gamblers roared like wild beasts, with their eyes red and spit flying, making the atmosphere completely boiling.

The leader and other companions also stared wide-eyed at the crazy couple hugging each other with guns on their heads, not wanting to miss any details.

Su Mo spoke and started the countdown to death.


Qi Ling hugged Su Mo, breathing rapidly and tremblingly. She grabbed his back with both hands, so hard due to over excitement that her beautiful nails almost dug into his body.


Qi Ling raised her hand and roughly tore off the elegant hair tie on her head. Her long silver hair poured out like a shining waterfall, filled with unprecedented wild beauty.


Qi Ling vigorously threw the fragrant headband to the crowd, like a star on stage giving gifts to fans, opening her arms as if to embrace the shocking sound.

Time seems to have stopped here.

The gamblers rushed like hungry wolves to grab the thrown hair tie.

The leader and others stood up from their chairs unconsciously with their eyes widened.

Su Mo smiled and looked at the passionate girl in front of him, her amber eyes blooming with the wildest light.

Trigger, pull.


A crisp sound came, even though it was slight, but it instantly suppressed the noise in the whole place, making the surroundings audible.

Everyone looked at the couple absentmindedly

There is no blood.

There is no death.

There is only silent victory.

"Ah ha ha ha!!! Ah ha ha ha ha!!!!" The iconic laughter resounded throughout the audience. Qi Ling stood up from Su Mo, her face flushed with excitement and she kept jumping up and down, "Win!! !Won!!!"

She stretched out her hand to the dull leader and said in a victor's tone: "3 million! Give me the money!"

3 million, which is just a small amount of pocket money for Qi Ling who can easily spend tens of millions.

But at this time, this seemed to have become the most urgent gift in her life. She kept shouting to the leader: "Give me money! Hurry up! Give me money!!!"

The muscles on the leader's face were twitching.

He instinctively felt that there was definitely something fishy going on here.

2.78% survival rate, how is this possible? !

But he held the gun with his own hands and loaded the bullets with his own hands. He watched carefully the whole process, unable to find any clues and could not rely on it even if he wanted to.

If he was a tough guy, with so many old gamblers watching, and if word got out, he would be useless in Yadong.

In the end, the leader could only pick up the two suitcases and throw them over. He pointed at Qi Ling and Su Mo and cursed: "I finally figured it out. You two are both *Wenming Yadong* lunatics! Take the money and get out!" "

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