“She was a simple girl, she was full of energy;”

"Sexier than dreams, lonelier than the road;"

"The world she lives in is burning in rolling fire;"

"Endless suffering abounded, and she was unwilling to live there."

Under the clear blue sky, there is an endless sky full of yellow sand.

In a corner of the desolate desert, brightly colored heavy motorcycles raced wildly in the flying sand, and the heavy drums and songs from the car stereos echoed in the vast wilderness.

The person driving the motorcycle was a girl in hot clothes. Her long hair fluttered in the hot wind, and the orange sunglasses on her nose shone in the sunlight.

She was wearing tight-fitting denim shorts and a black tube top, with her two slender thighs straddling both sides, and her large swaths of snow-white skin enjoying the brief coolness brought by the speed.

The pink bubbles swelled and shrank with her cheeks, complementing her fiery red car.

She also carried a double-barreled shotgun that was completely silver on her right shoulder. Judging from its brand-new appearance, it seemed that it was not commonly used. It seemed that its owner only carried it behind her back as a decoration.

Her fingertips tapped on the handle to the rhythm of the music. She blew bubbles and looked down slightly at the rearview mirror.

The sunglasses slid down the bridge of his nose, and a pair of cunning eyes were reflected in the rearview mirror.

"Not many were drawn out today. Forget it, it's almost enough."

Behind her car, more dust billowed into the sky like a storm.

That's not the impact of motorcycles. In the long dust, huge black shadows were surging, chasing behind the motorcycle at the same speed.

She twisted her right hand hard on the handlebar, and the motorcycle began to speed up, and the black shadows followed closely, roaring.

The yellow sand dispersed, and ugly monsters were exposed to the sun.

This is a swarm of zerg.

There were about ten of them in this group, all similar in appearance. Overall they looked like a mantis with ten legs. Their towering limbs made them look like spiders magnified hundreds of times.

The entire body of the zerg was a disgusting flesh color, and its torso was covered with protruding flesh spines that seemed to be oozing pus. Hundreds of insect legs marched on the hard wasteland, and the crashing sound like rain was like the beating of war drums.

After running fast in a straight line for several minutes, the motorcycle driven by the woman suddenly turned and headed towards a slope not far away.

Under the huge kinetic energy, the motorcycle jumped up along the slope and flew in mid-air.

At this moment, the song also reached its climax:

“This girl is invincible;”

“This girl is unstoppable;”

“She walks through the blazing fire;”

"Dazzling and sparkling."

On the leaping red motorcycle, the corners of the woman's mouth raised, and she raised her left hand and snapped her fingers.

A deafening explosion sounded in the rear. It was the countless landmines that had been buried under the ground. They all exploded at this moment.

Some insects wanted to run away, but a strange arc of light lit up on the ground, blocking their way.

Waves of gunpowder smoke and fire rose into the sky, and all the terrifying insects turned into food for the bombs. The remaining limbs and legs flew around in the strong wind.

The woman spit out the bubble gum in her mouth and whistled proudly, the sound rising.

With a wave of his hand, five or six gray robots appeared out of thin air.

They turned their mechanical legs equipped with small wheels and ran into the insect corpses on the ground; they stretched out their spring arms with spiral patterns and rummaged through the broken corpses.

While these little robots were busy, the woman felt a vibration on her waist and her cell phone rang.

She turned off the music temporarily, and when she saw the name of the caller on the screen, her face showed joy, and she clicked to answer without hesitation:

"Senior sister, are you out of seclusion?"

"Well, rebuilding this secret method of consciousness seems to be much easier than I thought before." A clear female voice came from the other end of the phone. "Let's not talk about it for now. As soon as I succeeded, I noticed something strange here. You'd better come over and take a look. look."

"Senior sister, when did you learn to tell the truth? Is it a good thing?" The woman smiled, showing her white teeth in the sun.

"You are the only one who is smart." The senior sister smiled and said, "Come here earlier."

"Okay, after I sell this batch of goods, I will go find you."

The woman was Chu Yao, and the person calling her was Bai Yuejian.

Today is January 10, 2515 in the Celestial Calendar, the third year of the Insect Tide Era.

Three years have passed since the outbreak of the insect wave.

Three years ago, the Lingyuan people who were struggling to survive in the insect chaos were not waiting for reinforcements from Ari Company, but a protracted war.

The war lasted for three full months, and finally ended with the defeat of Yali Company President Ke Yun. As the winner, Steel Dome Company became the new owner of Lingyuan Star.

Steel Dome's method of dealing with the insect infestation was simple and crude. They used dozens of high-yield nuclear bombs modified by magic stones.

This nation-destroying magic nuclear weapon can greatly reduce the impact of radiation, which may be the last mercy Steel Dome has left.

The effect is remarkable. Although the crisis of the insect tide has not been completely solved, it has reduced the number of zerg to a controllable level.

But it left countless consequences.

The purpose of reducing radiation was just to protect resources. This group of war lunatics did not care about human life at all. Hundreds of millions of people were buried together with the zerg in the mushroom cloud of the nuclear explosion.

These nuclear bombs landed on land and sea, leaving nothing but scorched earth in their wake.

Chu Yao and the others are lucky. The Third Continent has a special status on Lingyuan Planet: because there are branches of various interstellar companies stationed there, in order not to become the target of public criticism, Steel Dome Company has adopted relatively mild methods here. Xindu and Liberty City have been relatively affected. light.

But other places are not so lucky.

The southern part of the First Continent and the western part of the Third Continent were both turned into a wasteland under the influence of country-destroying nuclear weapons.

The worst thing was the Second Continent. Except for some cities in the center, the rest were in ruins.

The heat generated by the nuclear bomb explosion evaporated a huge amount of sea water, the sea level dropped, the land area continued to expand, the distance between the second and third continents was shrinking, and straits were even formed between the adjacent lands.

The impact of war and nuclear weapons, as well as the subsequent almost squeezing resource exploitation by Steel Dome, have led to increasingly intensified desertification on Lingyuan Planet. Except for a few intact cities, all that can be seen is vast desert and wasteland.

The little robots completed their work, and Chu Yao put them and the demon pills into the storage bag, then took out a large sack and put all the valuable materials stripped from the insect corpses in it.

Tie the mouth of the bag tightly with hemp rope. Chu Yao tied the bag firmly to the back seat and got on the motorcycle again.

The music sounded again along with the engine and blowing sand, and the speeding locomotive was like a fiery red meteor, galloping in the dead desert.

About twenty minutes later, several white protrusions appeared at the end of the desert, and a series of slightly crude tents came into view.

The lyrics at the beginning of this chapter are adapted from girl on fire

The source is the ending theme of the game Borderlands 3

Friends who are interested can listen to it

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