Groups of white tents were connected together and placed under a higher low mountain.

This small village is called "Lenghu Town". The name comes from a small lake a few hundred meters wide behind a low mountain. It may be the only bit of blue that can be seen within hundreds of kilometers except the sky.

Cold Lake Town was built by refugees on a ruins. It is located in the westernmost part of the third continent.

The closer you get, the more ruins you can see. The broken and decayed reinforced concrete was simply repaired and became the wall of Lenghu Town to resist sandstorms.

Chu Yao tightened the brakes and the motorcycle began to slow down, driving slowly between white tents of different sizes.

Although they are called tents, most of them are actually white cloth held up by tattered wooden sticks.

Corners of some tents were even set up on broken light poles, and the past glory of this place could be vaguely seen from the exposed wires.

Between the slightly narrow sidewalks, miscellaneous things were placed wantonly: four-wheeled off-road vehicles of extremely large size, piles of broken computers, dried bones of alien animals... and various daily necessities.

Chu Yao lowered himself on the motorcycle, walked through a "forest" composed of clothes hanging to dry, and headed deep into Lenghu Town on a familiar road.

The deeper you go, the louder the noise becomes. Accompanying the human voice are various smells: sweat, alcohol, engine oil, disinfectant, and so on. Chu Yao also smelled a smell of manure, which was coming from a certain pig farm.

Steel Dome Company's method of dealing with Lingyuan Star people can be simply summarized in four words: let it go.

Except for a few large cities, the rest are outside the law.

Therefore, there are many similar settlements in the desert, and they were all built brick by brick by ordinary people who survived the war.

Naturally, some people try to resist the tyranny of Steel Dome, but not everyone has this idea, and ordinary people do not have the ability.

After going through hardships and disasters, people still have to live, and only by living can there be hope.

Chu Yao carefully avoided a garbage dump filled with insects and flies, and finally found his destination.

This tent is much higher than the others, like a spire protruding from the white sea.

Chu Yao stopped the motorcycle, tied it to a relatively complete electric light pole with a lock, opened the curtain, and walked in carrying the sack.

The spacious tent was crowded with people. Scantily clad men and women sat around the wooden table in twos and threes, holding wine glasses in their hands, laughing and chatting.

Some of these people are traders, some are mercenaries, and some are ordinary people. Their cheeks are rosy due to alcohol. They punch and play cards, talk loudly, and let out a few rude laughs from time to time. They live a life of drinking and being drunk now.

Seeing Chu Yao coming from outside, many people waved to her at the wine table. It seemed that she was very popular here.

With a smile on his face, Chu Yao nodded to these people one by one and walked to the innermost bar calmly.

Sitting in front of the bar was a shirtless bald man. Seeing Chu Yao coming, he stood up early with a smile on his face.

"Miss Chu, what would you like to drink today, the same Vidi cocktail?"

"I won't drink any wine today." Chu Yao rolled his arms, and the large sack on his shoulders landed on the bar with a bang. "Please click on the quantity."

"Okay." The bald man opened the sack, revealing piles of strange animal limbs inside.

He sorted the valuable materials and arranged them one by one on the ground. The smile on his face became brighter every time he took out one piece.

There were already many good people around the two of them. They came to the side with wine glasses and counted the limbs together with the bald head.

"This, this, this... these are the compound eyes of the 'Flying Mantis'. There are so many of them. It looks like there are more than ten of them!" A man in simple clothes stared at the materials on the ground in amazement. "These ladies are What's the origin?"

"Hey, what are you talking about!" A strong man with drunken eyes touched the man with his elbow. "Boy, are you new here? This is the queen of our wasteland!"

"These dozen flying beetles are nothing. I still remember that our sister Chu brought back a whole 'stag beetle' last month. Oh, that scene was spectacular. Such a big stag beetle, if it wasn't chopped outside You can't even get through the door!" A thin man added standing nearby.

"You can't talk about the Queen, I just caught a few more bugs." Chu Yao replied humbly, but his chin was still raised proudly, appearing to be very useful.

"Sister, no matter how many times I see you, I'm still envious. Why don't you get a tan? On such a hot day, if I stand in the sun for a while, my skin will melt." A girl in the crowd asked Chu Yao said, "Comparing people to each other is really irritating."

"How about you try our company's new sunscreen? I always use this." Chu Yao chatted skillfully with everyone in the tavern.

"Oh? So here's the secret?" The girl wearing a cowboy hat's eyes shone. "Would you like to introduce it to me?"

"Company?" The previously stunned man continued to remain stunned.

"Hmph, our Queen Chu's true identity will scare you to death! She is the president of Maowei Company!" The thin man said proudly, as if he was an employee of Maowei Company.

"The president of Maowei Company...could he be the pretty entrepreneur Chu Xiaoye who was very popular a few years ago?"

The man's stunned expression was mixed with a hint of realization: "I wonder how she looks familiar!"

The bald head had already counted all the materials, and raised his head to look at Chu Yao: "There are fourteen flying beetles in total, compound eyes, forelimbs, tail bones, poison sacs... Does Miss Chu want cash, or the same old method of using insects of equal value?" Eggs for exchange?”

"Same as usual." After Chu Yao recommended sunscreen to the girl, he nodded towards the bald head.

Not long after, Chu Yao had more than 40 "insect eggs" in his hand.

These insect eggs are actually the demon elixirs of these alien insects.

If they can discover the demon pill, others can naturally discover it too. But ordinary people cannot see the true value of these demon pills, so they regard them as dead insect eggs.

There is also a market for these insect eggs, because it was discovered that bullets made from them are much more powerful than ordinary metal bullets, and even contain toxins.

Chu Yao put away these demon pills with a smile, and suddenly turned around to face the people in the tavern:

"I am happy today. All the wines consumed by everyone here today will be credited to my account!"

The crowd burst into cheers and high-fives, and everyone raised their glasses to pay tribute to Chu Yao.

"Queen Chu! Let's take the brothers to hunt zerg sometime. We also want to see the big scene!"

"Definitely next time!" Chu Yao put away the sack and walked out of the tent amidst the laughter of everyone.

She took out her phone to check the map, got on the motorcycle, and drove in the direction of her senior sister.

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