American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 370: Prison Speech (3/4)

After listening to Thor's description of the current situation, everyone's expressions were solemn.

Jane Foster whispered: "Let's not say whether we can defeat Malekith, if we want to stop the dark elves, we must at least have an army, right?"

Thor nodded: "That's right, the dark elf still has a battleship, it's one thing to defeat him tomorrow, it's another thing to protect the safety of London, we must have an army to stop them..."

"We do have an army." Goofy said, "Tomorrow I will take the Super Patrol, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Green Goblin, Spider-Man...all the superpowers in New York to Greenwich, and we will join forces Resist the invasion of the dark elves, and survive the celestial convergence."

"Gao Fei, the remaining forces of the dark elves are huge in number, and the lethality of the battleship is even more terrifying. I think your team may need to be expanded..." Thor whispered.

"Expansion?" Gao Fei smiled, "I haven't finished the full roster of this team."

Having said that, Gao flew to Ravencraft prison and pointed lightly.

"Please come in with me."

Thor was once locked up in this prison for three months, and now seeing the psychological shadow of the iron gate of the prison, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he asked slowly, "Can I... not go in?"

"What are you afraid of? I won't continue to detain you." Gao Fei smiled.

"Afraid?" Thor immediately raised his face, trying to maintain the dignity of the dignified god, "I, Thor, never knew what fear was!"

After all, he was the first to walk into Ravencraft Prison with Mjolnir holding his head high.

Goofy followed Hill, Skye and Jane Foster to the place where the prisoners were held.

During this period of time, there were constant exchanges in Ravencraft Prison, and Thor and Black Widow were once guests here.

There are six super criminals still imprisoned here, namely the top felons Ebony Throat, Loki, ordinary prisoners Nick Fury, "Hulk" Bruce Banner, "Absorber" Carl Creel , and Curtis Connors, the "Professor Lizard" who was transferred from the original prison.

After Goofy entered the door and pressed the switch, except for the top felons Ebony Throat and Loki, the shields of the prison cells of the other prisoners were all lifted.

Everyone saw Goofy standing in the corridor, and everyone could hear Goofy's voice.

In fact, Gao Fei was designing a plan from the time the celestial bodies converged.

This plan is the same as Nick Fury's Avengers plan, which is to use the most powerful warriors on earth to defend the homeland.

The combat power of the Super Patrol is indeed very strong, and the Fantastic Four are not weak.

Iron Man, Green Goblin, Spider-Man... any one of them has the ability to stand on their own.

But when a global catastrophe strikes, these people are far from enough.

Goofy must unite every psychic who can unite against the cataclysm that befalls Earth.

For every extra psychic warrior, there is an extra hope, and for every extra Avenger, maybe there will be a few more survivors in the end.

Just like in another timeline, when the original Avengers fought against the Chitauri army, Nick Fury took the risk to bring the uncontrollable Bruce Banner, this is a global disaster, it is necessary to find the of all the psychic warriors to find out.

Ebony-throated and Loki Goofy can't be trusted. After all, they are not from the earth, and they will not really take the life and death of the earth in their hearts.

But for the rest of the people, Goofy had confidence in them, maybe they went astray on the road of life, but they would never let the earth be destroyed by the dark elves.

"Everyone present, good afternoon, this is the first time we have communicated publicly in this way..."

"I know that this is not a decent way, and you may not have a good impression of me. After all, I personally sent everyone into this cold and dark cell. It is normal people's reaction to resent me..."

"But it doesn't make sense to talk about it now, because the earth is about to be destroyed. Yes, I am not sensationalizing, tomorrow at twelve noon, one of the oldest races in the universe, aliens named Dark Elves, will ride the universe. The ship comes to London, pushes the button to start the end of the world..."

Speaking of which, except for Nick Fury, who was aware of the matter, everyone in the cell was dumbfounded.

Bruce Banner frowned and said, "God! It's only been a few weeks since I went out to reform through labor, and such a big thing happened outside?"

"Absorbing people" Carl sneered again and again, he was a little suspicious of what Goofy said.

"Professor Lizard" Connors looked calm, he was waiting for Goofy to give the next information.

At this time, Gao Fei pressed the remote control in his hand and turned on the TV in the corridor.

A piece of news is playing on the big screen of the TV, and the content of the news is New York after the war.

The streets were horrifying with sewage, blood and the remains of humans and alien monsters, and the news host was broadcasting live in New York in her low tones.

"According to incomplete statistics, the number of citizens who were unfortunately killed last night has risen to 3,519, and the number of injured is too large to be counted... At present, major hospitals in New York City are overcrowded, and there are still a large number of injured people waiting for treatment. Here , we call on everyone to try their best to deal with the wounds by themselves, so as to free up valuable treatment opportunities for seriously injured citizens..."

"In addition, more than 500 citizens disappeared in this disaster. The explanation given by the relevant departments is that they may have entered other galaxies through some kind of spatial overlap. Relevant experts remind citizens to try not to go out at will. This kind of spatial overlap is not yet available. At the end, traveling without authorization may lead to straying into aliens, and the rescue of this phenomenon is very difficult, and it is almost impossible to implement at present…”

The news used the most intuitive language and pictures to describe the outside scene to the people in the prison, and they saw the ferocious alien invader ice giant who was trying to occupy the earth.

At this time, Gao Fei muted the news and continued: "I think everyone has seen that this is New York now. Last night, the first wave of alien invaders had invaded the earth and attempted to remove this magnificent planet from our human beings. Take it from your hands..."

"But they failed. We stopped the invaders in time. We gave these alien invaders a head-on attack and thwarted their plans..."

"But if they lost, does that mean we won? No, we didn't win. Our citizens were killed in front of our houses, our compatriots were lost on aliens... We didn't win, we and the alien invaders were lost, All losers..."

"Yesterday's aliens are just the vanguard. The invaders who invade the earth tomorrow are stronger. If we don't stop them, the earth will be completely destroyed..."

"Everyone, once the earth is destroyed, then we are all over, there will be no more you and me in this universe, and everything will be reduced to nothingness."

After listening to Gao Fei's words, everyone present had a solemn expression.


Once the earth is destroyed, then everything is over.

There is no more good and bad, good and evil.

They will accompany the damned Ravencraft prison to ashes!

This is not the result they want, by no means!

"Hey! Goofy, think of a way, I know you have a way to stop this, right?"

"Absorb people" Carl yelled loudly, hammering against the glass wall.

Professor Connors was calm: "Continue your speech, Goofy, I want to hear what you plan to get from us."

Goofy nodded lightly and continued his speech.

"I want to build a team, a team called the Avengers, I want to unite all the superpowers I know and know to fight the aliens that invade tomorrow..."

"I hope that every individual on the earth can stand up to fight against fate and fight for survival!"

"I'm not talking about the Super Patrol, not just the Fantastic Four, but you!"

"Maybe you have gone astray because of a single Maybe you have made big or small mistakes, maybe you have been cast aside by society and condemned by human beings..."

"But as long as you can stand up to save the world in times of crisis, you still have a chance to be heroes!"

"I applied for approval to my superiors as early as yesterday, giving you a chance to change your destiny, stand up to defend the world, and fight against aliens. If we can still see the sun the day after tomorrow, congratulations, you will no longer be Prisoners, but heroes of this planet!"

When Goo Fei said this, everyone finally understood his plan. This plan was really bold, which surprised Skye who was standing behind Goo Fei.

"Officer Goofy, you mean... as long as they join the fight against the aliens, their sentences will be pardoned?"

"That's right." Gao Fei nodded and said, "This is a privilege I specially applied to my superiors. If you can help me protect the earth, then you will not only be pardoned, but also commended!"

After all, what's the use of punishing these people if the entire planet is destroyed?

Hearing this news, "Absorber" Carl was the first to roar in approval.

"Come on, Officer Goofy! Get me out, I'm going to give those alien invaders a taste of my fist!"

Bruce Banner was a little hesitant: "Officer Goofy, I can't guarantee that if the Hulk comes out, he will help more than trouble... But from my personal point of view, I will do my best to protect the world. of."

Nick Fury already knew Goofy's plans, and he was ready to return to freedom.

Professor Connors was a kind person without the injection of lizard serum, not to mention that he used to be a soldier who defended his family and the country. At such a critical moment, he would of course choose to go to the battlefield regardless of his life.

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