American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 371: The Avengers (four/four)

The four in Ravencraft Prison agreed to Goofy's proposal with little thought, because it was an easy multiple-choice question.

To stay here as a prisoner and destroy the earth together, or to rush out as a hero to fight for the continuation of human civilization?

Of course choose the latter!

So the four each signed an agreement with Goofy and agreed to join the Avengers.

After the agreement was signed, Goofy released the four people from the incarceration unit as agreed.

At this moment, Thor walked to Gao Fei and whispered, "Gao Fei, can you come over and have a chat?"

Saying that, he walked to the corner window, followed by Goofy.

"Please tell me something." Goofy looked at Thor.

Thor's expression was a little hesitant, but he still asked straight to the point: "Since you can sign an agreement with Banner and Fury to make them commit crimes, I think Loki also has this opportunity?"

"Theoretically, yes." Goofy nodded, "but I personally don't advocate his release. He's an elusive guy, and he himself said that he was an Asgardian ruse. God, and he is proud of it, which means that he likes to play tricks and tricks, and he is not trustworthy..."

"On the other hand, Loki is not from Earth. He even tried to rule the Earth. I don't think he has any motivation to protect the Earth, so it doesn't make much sense to let him out."

Thor didn't deny Goofy's words, because what Goofy said made sense.

But after Goofy finished speaking, Thor still said sincerely: "Goofy, I don't mean to force you, and I don't want to use Asgard's current situation to play the card of grief, but Frigga is dead, she is My shared mother with Loki..."

"I know Loki hates me, he even hates the whole of Asgard, and our father Odin, but if there is only one person he cares about in this world, it must be our mother Frigga..."

"I know that Loki has committed unforgivable sins on Earth, and I also know that he does not deserve the opportunity to be convicted, but as his brother, as Frigga's son, I implore you to let me meet Loki, Let me tell him about Frigga's death..."

"If you can, I beg you to give Loki a chance and let me take him to avenge our mother. If Loki dares to play tricks again this time, I will definitely catch him back for punishment. If I can't catch him To him, then all his punishments, I will bear for him!"

Goofy listened to Thor's plea quietly, then reached out and patted his shoulder.

At this time, Thor had just sent Frigga away, and he was experiencing Odin's aging, irritability, and inaction alone in his later years. The burden on his body was very heavy, and the whole person was in a state of extreme depression.

Goofy considers his plea to release Loki and agrees.

This is not only because Goofy wants to appease his ally Thor, but also because it is the last consolation for the deceased Frigga.

"Go, tell Loki the unfortunate news, go and have a good talk with him..." Goofy pointed to Loki's confinement unit at the end of the corridor and said, "I will give him this opportunity to atone for himself, for Frigga's revenge."

"Thank you." Thor nodded towards Goofy, his expression finally relieved.

"Don't thank me, this is the only option under the current situation. I hope tomorrow in Greenwich, I can see Frigga's vengeance with my own eyes." Goofy said.

"Yes, Frigga's revenge, we will definitely avenge it! Earth and the Nine Realms will also be safe and sound, I assure you!" Thor said in a deep voice, then turned and ran towards Loki's prison unit.

Goofy gently opened Loki's shield and opened the door to his cell.

Then he heard Loki's voice.

"Oh! What's the matter? These **** earthlings finally decided to let me out? Oh, isn't this the great Thor, my esteemed brother, His Highness Thor? You finally remembered that there was a brother like me, did you? ?"

Loki sneered at Thor, but Thor's expression was extremely solemn.

" brother..."

"Oh, Thor, don't put on a dejected face, it's disgusting, the earthlings finally released me, is it Odin who put pressure on them? Or is it Frigga? I guess it's Frigga. Right? After talking to me last time, she finally thought about it. Hehe, I knew only Frigga still cares about me..."

"Loki..." Thor's voice became deeper and deeper, "Frigga she..."

"Sure enough, it's Frigga!" Loki didn't seem to notice the abnormality on Thor's face, and was still chattering, "I'm going to make these despicable creatures on earth pay the price, they dare to imprison their gods..."

"Frigga is dead!" Thor's voice suddenly increased, and the expression on Loki's face suddenly froze.

"You... what did you say?!" Loki reached out and grabbed Thor's broad shoulders, shaking violently, "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Thor lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Frigga is dead! Frigga is dead! Frigga, dead!"

Loki stared at Thor in amazement, his lips trembling but he was speechless.

Gao Fei sighed and waved at the others.

"Go out and leave some space for the two of them alone..."

No one bothered the brothers Thor and Loki, and everyone followed Goofy out of prison.


After taking care of the Avengers business, Goofy and Skye returned to the Carnasse home.

He was struggling with what to tell Carrie Frigga.

For a child of Carrie's age, death was still too far away, she was just an innocent child, separated by countless barriers.

Of course she had seen birth, old age, sickness and death. These things happened around her every day, but these births, old age, sickness and death were just passers-by without names, and Carrie would not pay too much attention to them.

The family members related to her were all in their prime. Even the oldest grandfather Frank, who was a heavy drinker, was very tough. Death had never had a chance to get close to Carrie, and of course the little girl would not be afraid of death.

Until Frigga left, this was probably the first time Carrie had a friend who had died.

When she got home and sat down at the dining table, Carrie felt that the atmosphere at the dining table was a little weird, but the little girl couldn't tell the exact reason.

"Dad, dad, are there aliens going to invade Earth?"

She could only try her best to speculate on the reason behind it, even though her speculation was not accurate.

"Yes, aliens are about to invade again. They will go to Greenwich, London, England at noon tomorrow. The enemy this time is very powerful."

Goofy Road.

"Is that so..." Carrie nodded, then asked again, "do you need me to help?"

Goofy didn't answer her question, but threw another question.

"Carrie, do you remember Frigga?"

"Of course, she's only been gone for a few days, how could I have forgotten her!" Carrie said with a smile, and after speaking, she transformed herself into Frigga's face.

"Look at her if you don't believe me, I remember her clearly, and I haven't forgotten every detail." Carrie said proudly.

Seeing this scene, it was even more difficult for Gao Fei to speak. Sky next to him couldn't control his emotions, and silently shed tears.

Carrie didn't notice Skye's abnormality, and asked Gao Fei innocently: "Dad, Dad, when will Frigga be our guest again?"

Goofy took a deep breath: "Maybe... never again."

"Why? You guys quarreled?" Carrie seemed to understand why the atmosphere was so solemn today, Goofy's father must have torn with the Goofy shook his head: "No, Carrie, I didn't quarrel with Frigga, Frigga left us forever, she died in a fight."

"Sacrifice?" Carrie couldn't believe her ears. "You mean... is Frigga dead?"

"Yes, dead, she was killed by alien invaders, the alien invaders who plan to invade the earth tomorrow." Gao Fei said.

"But Frigga is very powerful. She is Odin's wife, Thor's mother, and the queen of Asgard! Dad, Frigga is very powerful!" Carrie ran to Goofy and said loudly , as if her justification could bring Frigga back to life.

"I know she is very powerful, but no matter how powerful people are, there are times when they miss." Goofy sighed, "This may be Frigga's fate."

Saying that, he gently hugged Carrie and rubbed the little girl's back. He saw tears welling up in Carrie's big eyes.

"Why the **** did they kill Frigga?" Carrie whimpered.

"So they are bad people. Bad people just like to do bad things." Gao Fei said softly.

Carrie wept for a while, and suddenly asked in a low voice, "Dad, you said that these aliens who killed Frigg are coming to Earth tomorrow, right?"

"Yes." Gao Fei said.

"Then can I go and beat them? Can I go to them tomorrow and avenge Frigga?" said Carrie through gritted teeth.

"Of course." Goofy nodded, "Dad will never stop you this time."

"Really?" asked Carrie, looking up at Goofy, with red eyes. "Even if I smashed them into the ground, ripped off their heads, and ripped them to shreds, you wouldn't stop me, right? ?"

"Yes, this time you can play freely, I promise you." Gao Fei solemnly promised.

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