American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 384: Clear the level by swiping your face (7/10)

After Gao Fei and his party had finished discussing, they decided to rush in to **** Terrigan as soon as possible. After a simple calculation, it should not be difficult for the three of them to join forces to take down a secret Hydra stronghold.

"Time is life, rush!"

With Gao Fei's order, the three of them galloped towards the food processing factory at the fastest speed.

Among the three, Gaofei was the fastest, with an average speed of 208 m/s, or Mach 0.6.

Steve Rogers is close behind, at about 50 m/s, which is nowhere near as high as Goofy, but very powerful.

Skye is the weakest of the three. After the mutation, her physique has improved a bit, but the improvement is not obvious. Now her speed can basically reach the level of a sprinter. They are far apart.

The security guard outside the Hydra secret base suddenly saw three strange young men and women running in their direction in the dark night, and immediately freaked out.

What's so special about this?

Could it be a sprint competition held by some folks?

But why is the speed difference between these three people so big, and why is the guy who ran in the first place so fast? Is he going to take off?

The two security guards were both experienced and slick, and with a frown, they realized that things were not easy. One of them took out the pistol on his waist to prepare for battle, and the other immediately took out the radio to ask for support.

And after they finished these actions, Gao Fei had already rushed in front of them.

A strong wind blew across their face, and the two security guards at the door were almost knocked to the ground by the strong wind brought by Gao Fei.

"Who?" The security guard with a gun pointed at Gao Fei's chest with the viper in his hand, and asked sharply.

His Viper is amazingly lethal, and can penetrate a business car remotely.

Gao Fei glanced down at the Viper, smiled disdainfully, then raised his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, you either let me go over, or I go over by myself."

The security guard's face changed, and the Viper muzzle in his hand was raised. He was about to fire when his companions quickly stopped him.

"Idiot, didn't you watch TV?"

"What?" The security guard with a gun was stunned, then turned back to stare at his companion.

Lao Tzu worked hard at work and bravely blocked suspicious elements. It's fine if you don't help, and I still have the mood to ask me if I watch TV! You rude bastard!

Unexpectedly, his companion saw that he did not speak, and slapped him on the head.

"Didn't you watch TV? Didn't you watch the Earth Defense battle that was broadcast live yesterday? The Avengers vs. Alien Invaders, didn't you watch?" The companion asked loudly.

"I saw it, I saw it..." The security guard with a gun nodded quickly, "No, can you stop talking about this during working hours, if you are heard from above, your performance will be deducted."

The companion was about to collapse: "Brother, you haven't reacted yet? Look up at this friend again, don't you think he looks familiar?"

The security guard with a gun suddenly realized that he looked up at Gao Fei.

Squinting his eyes, he suddenly took a deep breath.

"It's you?!"

Gao Fei didn't mean to hide his identity: "It's me."

"It's really you?!" The security guard with a gun still couldn't believe it.

"It's really me." Gao Fei nodded again.

At this time, Steve, Skye, and the others ran over, and Skye raised his hand to release the shock wave to open the door.

However, before Skye could act, the door opened by itself, and then more than a dozen Hydra agents armed with firearms and disguised as security guards rushed out of the base for support.

"What happened?"

"Someone invaded?"

"There are enemies?"

The security guard with a gun pointed at Gao Fei and said tremblingly, "He, he seems to be the enemy..."

Several Hydra agents quickly picked up the guy and looked at Gao Fei eagerly.

Gao Fei didn't mean to do anything at all, just turned around and faced them with his face.

"Two options: take the initiative to let us go, or let us force our way through."

The Hydra agents squinted their eyes, why is this Asian friend familiar?

Thinking about it again, isn't this the superhero Goofy who beat the alien invaders to protect the earth yesterday!

The Nima family has pierced through the double-star-shaped space battleship. How can we be his opponent? Doing it with him is not the same as committing suicide?

Although Hydra's agents are desperadoes, this does not mean that they will die for nothing, even if they risk their lives, they may not be able to hurt a single hair of Goofy - of course they will not do that .

So the agents had no intention of resisting at all, and threw their weapons aside one after another.


Goofy smiled contentedly and greeted Steve and Skye.

"Quick, let's go in."

Before leaving, Goofy asked the security guard, "Do you know where Terrigan is?"

The gun-wielding security guard and Gao Fei stood face to face, sweating from fear.

"I... I really don't know, I'm just a security guard, and I don't have a system with this mysterious organization in the food factory... But I know that there are two secret underground bases under the No. 3 warehouse and No. 5 warehouse..." Holding a gun The security guard knows everything and talks endlessly, and he is afraid that Gao Fei will not be left with the scum that he blasts like a cursed warrior.

Then he pointed to the armed security guards who supported him and said, "You can ask them, they are not real security guards, they are disguised by the agents of that mysterious organization!"

Gao Fei was about to laugh. I didn't expect him to be so intimidating now. It seems that he doesn't need to do anything to deal with bad guys in the future.

Then he turned to the real Hydra agents and said in a deep voice, "Do you know where Terrigan or Whitehall are?"

After the question, Gao Fei deliberately stimulated the Desperate Virus in his body, making his eyes glow with dazzling light - so that he looked like Carrie who had turned on the double star form, but it was only superficial.

"If your answer disappoints me, I will blow you to ashes!" Gao Fei enjoyed the feeling of intimidating others, and added a line to himself.

Several agents were shivering, and some of them were reluctant to remain calm, but a few people had already collapsed.

"I...I know!" At this time, a burly man with gray hair stood up and said, "Mr. Whitehall has been here all this time, and I accidentally heard him say that he will use Terrigan to build an Inhuman army... this noon He brought in a group of children from outside, as if to mutate..."

"What?!" Goofy asked hastily. "You mean Whitehall brought in a bunch of kids at noon?"

"Yes... It should have been kidnapped in a middle school while the celestial bodies were converging in the previous paragraph. They were all fifteen or sixteen-year-old children... I think Mr. Whitehall wanted to mutate them into aliens..." The burly man answered honestly.

After listening to the agent's statement, Gao Fei hurriedly pointed to the factory.

"lead the way!"

Steve and Skye were also very anxious, and once the experiment started, these children would be in trouble.

The burly man did not dare to resist, and quickly ran to the front with his head down obediently to lead the way, while the other agents were silent, not a single act rashly.

Under the guidance of the burly big man, Gao Fei and the others easily entered Hydra's secret base. From warehouse No. 3, they swiped their cards and took the elevator all the way down. The second underground floor was the secret laboratory of Hydra.

"Terrigan is likely to be kept here, and those children..." the burly man whispered.

Gao Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, now take us in."

"Understood." The burly man obeyed Gao Fei's words and nodded quickly in agreement.

The elevator stopped on the second basement floor, and the burly man walked out first.

Unexpectedly, just after he left the elevator, he suddenly made a "tsk" sound.

"What's wrong?" Gao Fei didn't rush everyone out of the elevator, but first observed the outside environment.

At this time, the burly man carried a corpse from the side, frowned and said, "The agent guarding here... was killed."

Gao Fei walked out of the elevator and looked at the corpse in the hand of the burly man. He saw that it was indeed a Hydra agent, but his body was already charred and hardened.

It seems that the poor guy was burned alive by the fire. The temperature of the flame should be extremely high, but there is no trace of fire around the corpse, which shows that the flame that burned him was released precisely by man.

"Someone got here before us?" Steve asked with a frown.

Skye saw the clue from the method of death of this man: "Is it an alien, right? The alien on the other side, I think he was burned to death by an alien."

Before Gao Fei could respond, the burly man found another body not far from the corridor.

"There's more here!"

Gao Fei walked over to take a look and saw that the corpse was severely dehydrated, as if someone had drained the body of water—there was no doubt that he should also have died in the hands of aliens.

"It looks like it was done by an alien, but we can't be sure if it was an alien from the other side." Goofy said, "because we can't be sure whether they were killed by an alien who broke in from outside, or whether they were killed by an alien from outside. Killed by the aliens who escaped inside."

Steve suddenly realized: "You mean... it's possible that Whitehall has mutated the children he kidnapped with Terrigan, and these children did not follow Whitehall's orders after they became Inhumans. Take revenge, kill all the Hydras in the base and escape?"

Goofy nodded: "It's possible."

Skye pointed towards the depths of the base: "I think we will go in and have a look to know the truth of the matter."

Gao Fei said: "Indeed."

After all, Gao Fei walked towards the depths of the base. In the corridor, he found the bodies of several Hydra agents. Their deaths were strange, but they were all miserable enough.

After walking about 200 meters along the corridor, Gao Fei vaguely heard the voices of discussion in the depths of the base - in these noisy and low voices, Gao Fei recognized two familiar voices.

One is Whitehall, the leader of the Hydra, and the other is Jiaying, the leader of the "other shore" organization. It seems that the answer to the puzzle has finally been revealed. These Hydra agents in the corridor died of the "other shore" aliens. hand.

"It's Jiaying." Goofy turned to Steve and Skye and said, "She should have brought the aliens from the other side to the Hydra base to **** Terrigan. In addition, Whitehall and her have a **** feud, She just killed two birds with one stone, killing Whitehall to get revenge."

"She's really here..." Skye felt melancholy after hearing this. Jiaying was her biological mother after all. Although Jiaying's behavior made Skye very contemptible, the blood connection between the two was an indisputable fact.

"Then what do we do now?" Steve asked in a low voice. "Let's wait and see what happens?"

"That's right." Gao Fei said, "Let Jiaying and Whitehall fight and lose both, and we'll go in after they've fought almost..."

After finishing speaking, Goofy took Steve and Skye to the laboratory, and they quickly found a place where they could peep at near the vent of the laboratory.

Looking in through the gap in the vent, Goofy saw what was going on inside.

Whitehall and several Hydra agents stood inside the laboratory, beside him were the remains of a group of children who had been petrified and shattered, and in a glass-enclosed room farther away, a group of unharmed, A new Inhuman that should have been mutated through Terrigan.

In front of them are Jiaying and the aliens from the "other shore". These aliens are fully armed and eyeing, apparently coming to Whitehall for revenge.

Jiaying looked back at the aliens who had just mutated in the closed room, and her eyes flashed with the brilliance of a Virgin.

"Oh, children, don't be afraid, I will rescue you, I am an alien like you, we are the same kind, I will protect you..."

Whitehall looked at Jiaying with disgust, and sneered: "Oh, please, put away your hypocritical face, you are an old witch who cares about life, don't pretend to be the Virgin Mary in front of my eyes! "Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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