American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 385: Whitehall's Inhuman Army (8/10)

Seeing the petrified children shattered beside Whitehall, and the newly mutated children imprisoned like guinea pigs in the closed room, Goofy, Steve and Skye felt quite heavy.

They were still a step too late, Whitehall had already made a move on the children.

He cruelly used Terrigan on these children, prompting them to mutate, but the number of mutants among the dozens of children was only about 30%, and 70% of ordinary humans became cannon fodder.

These cannon fodder were petrified and turned into statues, and then smashed and fell to the ground.

"Whitehall is the devil!"

Skye gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

She released a slight shock wave out of anger, and the underground laboratory shook imperceptibly.

Goofy quickly held Skye's arm and whispered, "Calm down, Skye, you have to calm down."

Simultaneous casting of the Instructor template skill confiscated Skye's wrath.

Skye's mood calmed down instantly, and the ability stopped.

Gao Fei said: "Now that the child has been poisoned, we can't reverse the tragedy. Instead of rushing in to disrupt the situation, it's better to first listen to what the two of them want to do."

Steve also agreed with Goofy: "Look at what they're going to say, it always feels like they still have secrets that haven't been revealed."

"Okay..." Skye, who had calmed down, nodded obediently, and quietly peeped.

Gao Fei also looked back at the laboratory. At this time, Jiaying was still looking like a Virgin.

She sternly accused Whitehall: "You cruel warmonger, vicious remnant of Hydra, in order to satisfy your own selfish desires and to build your own Hydra army, you would not hesitate to treat these poor children. start..."

"Look at what you've done, how many innocent children have you killed? You actually experimented on them with something as dangerous as Terrigan, you devil!!"

When Jiaying scolded Whitehall, the newly mutated children in the closed room looked at Jiaying as if they were looking at the savior, because they had just experienced Whitehall's viciousness. He was obviously a complete villain, and Jiaying Since he is Whitehall's enemy, Jiaying must be a good person.

But they were wrong, they were too naive.

At this time, Whitehall sneered twice, mercilessly dismantling Jiaying's disguise.

"What kind of good people are you running in front of me now? You just want to bribe the hearts of these newly mutated aliens... Yes, I do want to build an alien army, but aren't you the same?"

"You want to be the master of the Inhumans in the world, overthrow the rule of humans, and turn the earth into a colony of your Inhumans, right? Your ambitions are no smaller than mine, and your methods are no cleaner than mine..."

"You accuse me of murdering these children? Hehe, you really will bite back..."

Having said this, Whitehall turned to the children in the closed room and asked with a smile, "Guess, children, who helped me get Terrigan?"

The children stared at Whitehall in amazement, and they probably guessed the answer.

Whitehall pointed to Jiaying and said with a sneer, "It's her! This vicious woman has been giving me news, she told me where Terrigan was stored, and she accurately calculated the convergence point of the two celestial bodies. A shortcut between…”

"She helped me get Terrigan, and she let her men kidnap you kids! After I used Terrigan to mutate you all, she ran up to me and poured all the dirty water on me. On the head, act as your savior... Haha, it's the most poisonous woman's heart!!"

The children were dubious about Whitehall's accusations, but Goofy and the others knew that Whitehall should be telling the truth.

Terrigan had always been preserved by the Illuminati before, and Hydra had no chance to find out Terrigan's specific location, but Jiaying learned of Terrigan's location through Atlan's aliens, which made them More chance to steal Terrigan.

In addition, Hydra may not be able to know about the gathering of celestial bodies in time. It is difficult for them to quickly study the route from Los Angeles to Jotunheim to New York to steal Terrigan.

On the other hand, Xiaohua Leina, who has the ability to predict the future in the "Other Shore" organization, can predict the occurrence of the gathering of celestial bodies in advance, and then plan ahead to come up with such a dark and dark way.

And Jiaying has been cooperating with Whitehall through Mr. Hyde as a medium. The theft of Terrigan is likely to be Jiaying's conspiracy.

In this way, it is not only Whitehall but also Jiaying who should be really responsible for the deaths of these children.

Thinking of this, Skye's mood is even more complicated - her father is a monster who kills without blinking an eye, and her mother is a poisonous woman with a heart like a snake... As their daughter, it is very difficult to be a good person!

Thinking of what Jia Ying did, Skye, the daughter, felt ashamed.

But Jiaying had no guilt at all, and her psychological quality was even more excellent. Although she was exposed by Whitehall in person, she was beaten to death and refused to admit it.

Whitehall is a Hydra after all. This guy has no credibility. Although what he said is true, those inhumans who have just mutated may not buy it.

"Whitehall, I see that you are confounding right and wrong? Demagogic is the usual trick of your Hydra, isn't it?"

Speaking of which, Jiaying played the card of grief, she pointed to the countless scars on her face and body, and said to the aliens in the closed room: "Children, we have the same disease, and I have also become a test of Hydra. Pin... You see, the scars on my body were left by Whitehall's autopsy. He once cut me open with a knife, drained my marrow, and took away my powers... That's why he can keep Qin Chun forever!"

Jia Ying's remarks indeed won the sympathy of the children, and at the same time these children were more willing to stand on Jia Ying's side.

After all, they are all aliens, they are the same kind.

What's more, they had just witnessed Whitehall kill their classmates, and they would never stand with Whitehall.

Jiaying saw that her bewitching of the children had succeeded, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Children, you were all weak students before, and it was difficult for you to fight against Hydra... But now you are aliens, and you have powerful abilities!"

"Stand up and fight against Hydra! Avenge your classmates with your own hands! I am your strong backing, and we Inhumans can no longer fall victim to human experiments!"

"If you don't resist, you will only have a dead end. Stand up and resist, and you will have hope of living!"

"Avenge the dead children! Fight for your freedom!"

Jiaying's words were very provocative, and under her appeal, these children began to move.

The fear, anger and hatred in their hearts need to be released as they witness Whitehall and Hydra murder their classmates firsthand.

At this time, one of the girls suddenly lost control and screamed loudly. At first, everyone thought her scream was harsh, but the tone gradually became abnormally high-pitched.

Goofy quickly said to Steve and Skye, "Cover your ears."

Jiaying also ordered other aliens: "Cover your ears!"

This girl's ability is similar to that of Black Bolt, both of which use sound to attack, but Black Bolt uses more powerful infrasound waves, while the girl uses high-frequency audio.

The expressions of Whitehall and the other Hydra agents became solemn, and they covered their ears to avoid the high-pitched attack.

At this moment, the tempered glass in the glass-enclosed room was unable to withstand the terrifying sound wave attack and shattered instantly.

The Inhumans who were originally locked in the closed room were freed, and they rushed out of the closed room one after another.

"Nice job, children!" Jiaying was still trying to control these inhumans, she shouted at the children, "Get behind me!"

At the same time, she mocked Whitehall mercilessly: "Whitehall, you are so naive, do you really think you can control our Inhumans and create an Inhumans force? Do you really think we are aliens? Is the human race so easy to control?"

"I tell you, even if you capture our aliens and control our freedom, you can't make the aliens obey you... The aliens are only loyal to themselves, and will never be loyal to a humble human like you. !"

"Now it's time for you to swallow the bitter fruit you planted with your own hands, these inhumans you transformed will kill you with your own hands! Never try to control a race more powerful than you are tantamount to Set yourself on fire!"

Before the words fell, the old and new Inhumans had already surrounded the Hydra agents. At this time, the number of Inhumans was the same as the number of Hydra agents, but the Inhumans' fighting power was obviously far superior to Hydra agents.

The situation seems to be that Jiaying and her Inhumans will win, and Hydra is finished.

"This time Whitehall is asking for trouble." Skye whispered, "He is going to be killed by the Inhumans."

"Do you think this old and cunning guy would make such a low-level mistake? If he doesn't have a way to control the Inhumans, how can he rush the Inhumans to mutate?" Steve didn't think Whitehall was finished, and analyzed in a low voice road.

Goofy also nodded: "That's right, Whitehall still has a hole card that hasn't been revealed yet."

Sure enough, in the face of the aggressive aliens, Whitehall smiled lightly: "Jiaying, do you really think I'm so stupid that I'm going to build an army that I can't control?" Remember this site URL, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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