American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 386: Do you know 9 snakes? (Nine/Ten)

Jiaying successfully turned against the Inhumans controlled by Whitehall, and led many Inhumans to resist. From the current scene, it seems that the Inhumans have a much better chance of winning than Whitehall's Hydra troops.

But Whitehall was not flustered at the disadvantage, and he still kept an intriguing sneer on his face.

"Jia Ying, are you underestimating me a little bit?" Whitehall asked Jia Ying, looking at him.

Jiaying vaguely sensed something was wrong, but she still didn't think Whitehall had any tricks to make a comeback. After all, she had united the inhumans at the scene, and so many inhumans had enough fighting power to crush the Hydra army in front of her. .

"What? Do you still have support? Or are you brainwashing these aliens? I have long known that your Hydras are good at brainwashing. This is your most used trick... Is there any of your Hydras in my aliens? Traitor?"

Jiaying asked tentatively.

"Traitor? No no no... You think of me too childishly, how could I use such a childish game on you?" Whitehall chuckled, "Jiaying, although you seriously underestimated me, But I didn't underestimate you, and I didn't underestimate your Inhumans... I have always respected and attached great importance to your Inhumans..."

"Do you think I really will mutate you hastily and bring you together without being fully prepared? Give you a chance to kill me?"

Jiaying's expression became a little ugly, she really underestimated Whitehall.

"What's your plan?" Jiaying asked in a low voice.

Whitehall laughed: "Jia Ying, my lovely Jia Ying, in fact, I knew long before the incident in Puerto Rico that you were behind the scenes. You asked your lover Mr. Hyde to change his name to approach me and pretend to be with me. Cooperate, keep giving me information, let's go to Puerto Rico to open the Cree Temple..."

"Do you think you successfully hid in the dark? Do you think you avoided my eyes and ears? Hehe, you are too naive..."

"The day after I met Mr. Hyde, I found out his relationship with you. I know that he and I have a feud for killing his wife. He will definitely not cooperate with me sincerely..."

"After that, I followed the clues and found you and the other side easily. I'm very happy that you didn't die in the slicing experiment many years ago. You also united most of the aliens in the world. I really I'm glad you saved me a lot of trouble by doing this..."

Having said this, Whitehall laughed grimly.

Jiaying was laughed at by Whitehall and broke into a cold sweat, because she had long believed that she was leading the Hydra by the nose. She thought she was hiding in the dark, but the Hydra was in the light, and she had already controlled everything. !

But as everyone knows, she was discovered by Whitehall from the beginning, and Whitehall is really taking advantage of her!

At this time, Whitehall continued: "Oh, Jiaying, I know that you are using me, I know that you are deliberately asking me to build an army of aliens, and then you will stand up against these aliens and lead them. Kill me...but do you know why I still follow your plan, step by step to this point?"

"Why... why?"

Jiaying really didn't know, she couldn't figure out Whitehall's routine.

Goofy, Steve and Skye, who were eavesdropping outside, also pricked up their ears. They also wanted to hear what Whitehall was up to.

Whitehall looked at Jiaying and smiled slightly: "Jiaying, do you know about Hydra?"

"Huh?" Jiaying was taken aback by the question, "Knowing Hydra? Isn't Hydra a war organization that originated in World War II?"

"Haha..." Whitehall shook his head and laughed, "You don't know Hydra at all, you underestimate Hydra."

After that, he asked again: "Have you heard of Hydra's distant star plan?"

"Yuanxing... plan?" Jiaying shook her head again, "What plan is this?"

Whitehall said solemnly: "This is the ultimate goal of Hydra's establishment, and it is also a plan throughout. It can be said that Hydra was born for the Far Star Project, and the Far Star Project is the ultimate pursuit of Hydra!"

Jiaying was at a loss again, and she finally realized that she really didn't understand Hydra.

Whitehall continued: "Red Skull's Nazi Hydra is just a small branch of Hydra. They are not orthodox. The real Hydra was born thousands of years ago!"

"What?!" Jiaying looked at Whitehall in astonishment.

"Three thousand years ago, the Kree people came to the earth, they transformed human beings, and made human beings into a powerful weapon - aliens..."

"The Mayans were the first to be used by the Cree as an experiment. The first Inhumans were born among the Mayans... The first Inhuman among many Inhumans, he was originally a Mayan hunter, and the Cree captured him. , transformed him and gave him incomparably powerful abilities..."

"So he is not only the first Inhuman in history, but also the most powerful Inhuman in history. He can devour other life forms, absorb their wisdom, energy and life, he can be immune to all damage, fire and cold can not kill he…"

"He has nine heads, and every time he cuts off one of his heads, two new heads grow..."

Having said this, Jiaying and the other aliens suddenly took a deep breath.

"He is... Hydra?" Jiaying asked in shock.

Whitehall nodded with a sneer: "Yes, he is Hydra!"

"This powerful alien can easily kill the Kree, and united all the aliens on the earth at that time. Because of his strength, the Kree are afraid of him... So they put this powerful alien Man, the Supreme Lord Hydra was exiled to an alien planet and thrown on a distant planet called Maveth..."

"Day after day, year after year, our leader was left to linger on an alien planet, enduring endless humiliation and loneliness..."

"The reason why Hydra was established is to welcome him back from Maveth, let him return to earth, and rule the earth! The plan to welcome our leader back from aliens is Hydra's distant star plan!"

"Otherwise, why do you think Red Skull is madly studying the universe Rubik's Cube? Do you really think he just wants to use that thing to make weapons? He wants to activate the wormhole, complete the Far Star Project, and bring our leader back to Earth!"

Whitehall exclaimed: "Now, do you really understand Hydra?!"

Jiaying finally understood, it turned out that the organization Hydra was founded by the Inhumans at all—the purpose of this organization's existence is to welcome back the first Inhumans in history, and it is also the most powerful Inhumans in history.

So, Hydra is an organization that is friendly to the Inhumans?

"But what if Hydra was established by Inhumans? Whitehall, you are so cruel to us Inhumans, do you still want to win our support? Even if your purpose is to welcome back the first Inhumans in history, we The Inhumans will not support you! The current Earth is no longer the Earth it used to be, and we Inhumans do not need the first Inhumans in history... We just want to live Dignified Live!"

Jiaying said loudly.

She didn't want to get back the "first Inhuman in history", she also wanted to be the leader of the Inhumans on Earth, if she really brought that old antique back, she would have one more competitor.

However, Whitehall looked at Jiaying, shook his head and smiled.

"Jiaying, I think you have made two mistakes."

"The first thing, we don't need your help, the Far Star Project has been completed. Thanks to your advance notification of Celestial Convergence, we not only used Celestial Convergence to get Terrigan, but also used Celestial Convergence to welcome back the Lord Hydra of Maveth;"

"The second thing, your Inhumans are just a high-level weapon, you shouldn't have freedom and dignity at all, you are like a gun, like a battleship, what you need is absolute obedience, and It's not resistance. Lord Hydra will lead you to realize the true meaning of the Inhumans..." Remember the website address of this site, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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