American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 462: Pies can really fall from the sky!


In a single-family home on the outskirts of Canarsie, Brooklyn.

Gao Fei was sitting in the living room watching TV, when the background of the system suddenly began to frantically pop up worship values.

[Worship from Johnson +5]

[Worship from Joshua +5]

[Worship from Ruiwen +5]

Strangely, these worship values ​​are provided by the incoming freshmen of the Super Academy.

"What's the situation?" Gao Fei looked bewildered, "Shouldn't the students be having a sorority meeting now? Why do they suddenly worship me?"

Gao Fei didn't know the situation at the scene. Carrie had just won a crushing victory on the baseball field of the Super Academy, and the freshmen of the Super Academy mistakenly thought that Carrie was Gao Fei's biological daughter and daughter's daughter. The extraordinary energy of course comes from the inheritance of the father.

So everyone donated the worship value to Gao Fei, which caused the worship value of Gao Fei's backstage to soar.

The freshmen talked a lot, but it was more about Goofy than Carrie.

"As expected, she is Principal Gao Fei's daughter..."

"She inherited the sky-defying fighting power of Officer Gao Fei..."

"If it wasn't for Carrie's mercy, Eric would be dead now. Carrie's fighting power is simply not an order of magnitude from us freshmen."

"I don't want to talk about us, even the superheroes like the little spider and the little green goblin are not her opponents, right?"

"My God, Principal Gao Fei's daughter is already so powerful. How strong is Principal Gao Fei's own strength?"

"I think... it should be the No. 1 combat force on Earth, right?"

Gao Fei didn't know what happened to the super academy. He only knew that he had swiped more than 3,000 worship points in the backstage in just half an hour, and with the worship points accumulated in the previous system, Gao Fei would again I can open the treasure chest.

"Oh, let me go, is there really a pie in the sky?"

There are ready-made pies, and Gao Fei is too lazy to ponder where the worship value comes from. Since he can open the treasure chest, let's open a treasure chest first.

Pricked up his ears and listened to the news. Skye was taking a bath in the bathroom on the second floor. This girl was watching TV shows on Netflix while taking a bath. She probably won't come out for a while.

Frank wasn't at home either. The old guy hadn't come back for more than half a month.

The night is dark and windy and there is no one around, it is a good time to open the treasure chest!

So Goofy sat on the sofa and silently opened the treasure chest with 10,000 worship points. This was the sixth time he had opened the traveler's treasure chest.

And every time the traveler's treasure chest is opened, the reward is the same, which is a small symbol in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Every time you get a lightning-shaped symbol, Goofy's speed can be increased by a bit. The last time, after opening the traveler's treasure chest for the fifth time, Goofy can already reach the speed of light.

This also means that after opening the traveler's treasure chest this time, he can truly surpass the speed of light.

And surpassing the speed of light is the beginning of crossing.

"I can finally cross?"

Gao Fei couldn't wait to overlap the lightning symbol in the treasure chest with the lightning symbol in his attribute column, which made the color of the lightning symbol behind "Agility" in the attribute column darker.

At the same time, Gao Fei felt that his body had undergone significant changes, and the rhythm of every cell seemed to be stronger than before.

Looking upstairs again, Skye was still taking a bath.

Gao Fei smiled quietly: "Or... I try to travel?"

When using the experience card before, Gao Fei had discovered a bug in the traveler template. If he used superluminal speed to travel back to the past, his accumulated worship value in the background would not change.

Moreover, he has now used up the backstage worship value just now and opened the sixth treasure chest of the traveler. If he travels back to an hour ago, he is still in the state of opening the six treasure chests, but he can get a new wave of new life again. The worship value they suddenly offered.

If you can use this trick to continuously travel back to brush the worship value, Gao Fei can finish the traveler template in one night and start the next template.

"It's exciting now..."

Goofy smiled and immediately increased his speed.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Gao Fei, who became faster again, instantly entered a new dimension. The world in front of him was no longer static. He saw the rewinding of time and the rewinding of things.

But since his speed just surpassed the speed of light, it was very difficult for him to move in this new dimension. The most intuitive feeling was that before he could not travel too far, an hour or two was the limit.

After a quick kaleidoscope-like shuttle, Goofy opened his eyes and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. Goofy realized that he really went back an hour.

"I succeeded." Gao Fei was overjoyed.

Before he finished speaking, the door of the villa was pushed open, and Skye walked in with a tired face.

"Good evening, Officer Goofy, the patrol is finally over, I'm really exhausted..."

Skye just got home from get off work, she will have a simple dinner in the next hour, and then go to the bathroom to take a bath.

And the first sentence she said after returning home was exactly the sentence just now!

"It's really so magical? Everything is exactly the same as before the time-travel?" Gao Fei pondered with joy, as if his time-travel had no effect on reality at all.

But at this time Skye saw Goofy's strange expression, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Officer Goofy, what's wrong? Is there anything fun?"

Gao Fei hurriedly shook his head: "Oh, it's okay, the Knicks won today, so I'm happier."

However, starting from this sentence, the plot of the world after crossing is different from the original plot.

Skye didn't ask this question before, and Goofy didn't answer either, but Goofy after crossing became different from Goofy before, and Skye naturally became different from before.

"Today I was really exhausted. Johnny and I ran to Hell's Kitchen, and several new Inhumans appeared. We looked for them for a long time..."

Skye said tiredly, she had said these words before Goofy crossed,

"There are so many superpowers in New York now that Mr. Richards' compound eyes can't be monitored. And he's been busy researching the Kree's Dark Star battleship recently, but he doesn't have time to improve the compound eyes... All the tricky things come together. It's amazing to be together..."

According to the original timeline, Skye should go to the restaurant for dinner after complaining about these things, and then go upstairs to take a shower, but this time, Skye walked straight to the second floor after complaining about these things.

"No, I'm sweating a lot today, I have to take a bath..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei quickly asked, "Skye, are you not having dinner?"

"Huh?" Skye was stunned for a moment, rubbed his slightly disheveled long hair and said, "I'll stop eating today and lose weight."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on the stairs and went straight upstairs.

Looking at Skye's back gradually receding, Gao Fei suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He felt that time-travel was not as simple as he thought, and that time-travel probably came at a price.

Just as when Doctor Strange used time magic, Wang once warned him - what you do in time will be punished by the laws of nature.

It is very likely that Gao Fei's current crossing is the same.

Sitting on the sofa, he began to think about the mechanism of his time-travel.

Different from the Flash's crossing in the DC universe, Goofy's crossing is not actually a physical crossing, but a spiritual crossing.

His future body is not going back to the past and encountering his old body in the past time and space, because this will create a paradox, two completely different time and space substances exist at the same time...

Gao Fei's crossing is more like the consciousness of the future returning to the past through super-light and entering the body of the past.

But there is another loophole in this way, because matter determines consciousness. If Gao Fei's body is still the body of the past, how can his brain in the past obtain the memory of the future?

Gao Fei poured himself a cup of coffee and thought carefully while drinking it.

Soon, he had an idea.

He found the key to connecting the future with the past - the system.

The system travels back to the past, but the worship value in the background has not changed, which shows one thing, that is, the system is unchanged during the travel process.

Whoever does not change during the crossing process is the carrier who truly completes the crossing.

So Gao Fei can come to the conclusion that it is not Gao Fei's body, nor his spirit, but the system that truly completes the super-light speed crossing!

It's just that Gao Fei's consciousness is very likely bound to the system, so Gao Fei's future memory can follow the system to travel back to the past and enter the body of the past!

After wanting to understand all this, Gao Fei suddenly became enlightened.

Now he only has one question left - what impact will his crossing have on the real world? ...


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