American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 463: time travel

Goofy, who had completed the crossing, sat on the sofa and observed his living room. He was carefully looking for clues that this timeline was different from the previous one.

There was a gurgling sound from the bathroom on the second floor. It was Skye filling the bathtub. Goofy looked up at the time. Skye took a bath four years earlier on this timeline than the previous timeline. ten minutes.

"Besides, what changes will my crossing bring to this world?"

Gao Fei thought anxiously,

"It won't cause any disaster, will it?"

Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, twenty minutes passed...

Except that Skye skipped dinner and ran to take a shower early, it seemed like nothing had changed in the world.

Just as Gao Fei's uneasy mood gradually calmed down, he suddenly saw a tropical fish turn its belly in the ornamental fish tank next to the sofa.

This poor little fellow seems to be dead, that's all for a few minutes.

"Damn, did I cross it to death?" Gao Fei pondered depressedly, "Did it die because of me?"

Gao Fei's already stretched brows furrowed again, and the matter is far from over.


the other side.

Located in the super power academy on the outskirts of Queens.

on the baseball field.

Carrie stretched out her left hand and snapped her fingers at Harry, and Eric Lanschel's ability instantly lost its effect.

Harry, who had been suppressed by Eric, was finally able to stand up. He brushed the dust off his body and said to Carrie, "Thanks, Carrie."

After that, turning to Eric, Harry's eyes flashed with sympathy.

"You're in trouble, Eric."

Seeing that Carrie snapped her fingers easily to remove Eric's ability, the classmates were all shocked.

Eric was even more horrified, and asked in shock, "Is it you? Is it you who released my control over Harry?"

"Of course it's me, no one else?" Carrie shrugged and said lightly, "but it's just an appetizer, and you're only going to be more shocked..."

Speaking of which, Carrie opened her arms, she opened the double star form at this moment, and the whole person turned into a human-shaped white hole, constantly radiating energy!

"It's a double star!"

"Principal Gao Fei's double star form!"

"Carrie can actually open the double star form, she is indeed the daughter of Principal Gao Fei!"

The freshmen were all shocked by Carrie's state, and Eric was even more stunned.

But before Carrie could act, another exclamation came from the audience.

"My God!"

"It's incredible!"

"What kind of power is this?!"

Carrie was taken aback by what everyone said - I'm just starting a double star form, is it so shocking? Haven't you seen it before in Greenwich against the Dark Elves invasion?

But Carrie soon realized that people weren't shocked by her powers, they were shocked by something behind her.

Carrie turned around curiously, and then exclaimed like the rest of her classmates.

"My God! This is incredible!"

I saw that the space behind Carrie suddenly became fragmented, as if it were a picture seen in a broken mirror.

But everyone knows that there is no mirror there, there is nothing there, but the real world is suddenly distorted and shattered.

at the same time.

In these broken mirror images, there are many figures that are constantly shaking... These figures seem to be people living in another world, another dimension, and they are now watching Carrie as Carrie is watching them, and they are also watching people in this world...

Carrie was stunned. What the **** is this?

At this moment, Harry, who was standing by the side, asked nervously, "Carrie, what kind of power is this? Is it your newly developed skill? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Peter also asked in confusion: "Carrie, is this related to ether particles?"

Carrie hurriedly shook her head and said, "I don't know... this is not my ability, I don't have this ability."

Although Carrie did master a new ability of ether particles a few days ago, she can distort reality when she manipulates ether particles - but the situation at hand has nothing to do with Carrie, she just entered the double star form and did not use any other Ability.

And since Carrie denied that the situation at hand was related to her, the only explanation was that the power belonged to another contestant.

Charles walked to Eric and asked in a low voice, "Eric, did you open this space? Did you use the power?"

"Of course not." Eric said solemnly, "My ability is to control metal, don't you know?"

"Then whose ability is this? Who opened this different dimension space?" Charles asked helplessly.

No one answered, and all the freshmen were silent.

Everyone gradually guessed the truth of the matter. This strange different-dimensional space was not brought by anyone's ability, it was opened by itself.

"Then we... should we continue to learn from each other?" Eric glanced at Carrie and asked in a low voice.

"What do you think?" Carrie pointed to the other-dimensional space and said, "Let's deal with this thing first..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a piercing sound in the different dimension space, and then these strange broken glass suddenly became more scattered, and the gaps in the glass became bigger and bigger.

At this moment, a **** hand suddenly stretched out from the crack in the space. This hand was as huge and ferocious as the branches of the oldest locust tree on the campus. It twisted and struggled to grab it in this world. order something.

Many students on the baseball field screamed in horror. This scene was too scary.

If the owner of this big hand is allowed to crawl into this world, wouldn't they all become dinner for this big monster?

Eric hurriedly used his ability to manipulate the metal railings on the baseball field, and then used these railings as shackles to fix the **** hand to the ground.

Carrie looked back at her terrified classmates, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Classmates, everyone is a superpower. You all have superpowers, but you're just a **** hand. Don't be so afraid, okay?"

"Bring out your superpowers and beat this mischievous monster back to its home!"

After speaking, Carrie jumped high and threw her fist at the **** hand.


The strong energy of the little girl shook the entire baseball field, and the wind was even stronger than when the wind was blowing just now.

The gigantic black hand was punched by and immediately became soft and slack, while Carrie chased after the victory and smashed the **** hand into the interdimensional gap with a backhand.

"It's done!"

The little girl waved her hand and said with a smile.

Eric took a deep breath—thanks to the sudden appearance of this terrifying different dimension, which prevented him from discussing with Carrie, otherwise, with Carrie's fighting power, he would simply be more fortunate...

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However, although the **** hand was beaten back, the different dimension still exists.

The broken glass kept changing positions and made a harsh sound. Harry frowned. "How did this happen? When will it end?"

Peter suggested, "Or give Principal Gao Fei a call."

Carrie did not agree with Peter's suggestion. Father Goofy finally went home to rest for a night. She didn't want him to come over again.

"You don't need to call Dad here, I can handle this situation," said Carrie confidently.

"Then what are you going to do with it?" Peter asked worriedly, always feeling that Carrie was bragging.

Carrie narrowed her eyes and looked at the gradually expanding different-dimensional space in front of her. She said fiercely, "I don't care how he came out. Call him back and it's over?"

After finishing speaking, the little girl condensed the energy in her body and sent a super-strong energy beam directly towards the different-dimensional space.

Booooom! !

The powerful impact almost knocked down the freshmen who were far away in the audience.

And as Carrie's terrifying energy beam blasted into the other-dimensional space of broken glass, this strange space really began to shrink...

"Successful?" Peter and Harry looked at each other and said in surprise, "Carrie really sent this weird other dimension back to...?"

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