American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 515: winter warrior

The next morning.

New York.

Goofy had just slept for two hours, and a heavy snoring sounded throughout the villa.

Skye had been woken up by the alarm clock and had washed up neatly.

Half an hour later, her old partner, Human Torch, Johnny, came to pick her up, pushed the door and walked in. Johnny was startled by Goofy's grunt.

"God, is this the boss's snoring? He's really loud, and the sound seems to knock the building down..."

Before he finished speaking, a little foot fiercely kicked over.

"Don't speak ill of my father secretly!"

said Carrie, wide-eyed.

Johnny quickly raised his hand and surrendered: "I was wrong, I was wrong, please don't make me a small report."

"Humph! That depends on your next performance." Carrie took the opportunity to extort and put on a arrogant pose towards Johnny.

Johnny immediately understood, smiled and said, "I have tickets for Justin Bieber's concert next week..."

Carrie looked disgusted: "Who likes listening to Justin Bieber! Does anyone have a sister?"

Johnny didn't actually have one, but he didn't dare say no.

"Yes... yes!" he said bravely, "I'll send it to you tomorrow!"

Only then did Carrie nodded in satisfaction. "That's about it."

At this time, Skye came over with two cups of coffee and handed one to Johnny: "Actually, Officer Goofy doesn't usually snore. He's really tired these days."

"Yeah." Johnny nodded sincerely, "The boss has been spinning since the day before the Ultron Era opened, and has been working until the early morning of yesterday... Even if he is really a superman, he can't stand it, and besides, he has experienced several intense times. In the battle, his physical load is far heavier than that of ordinary people..."

"Fortunately, he can rest well now, and the domestic situation has gradually stabilized in the past few days." Skye said, "Since General Ross and Darren Krause were arrested, Ultron has not found anything too serious. The problem."

Johnny took a sip of coffee, nodded and said, "Yeah, let the boss rest for a few days, anyway, that guy Steve gave himself a few days off, just to let him top."

Afterwards, Johnny couldn't help but complain: "Steve is really good, but he was out of temper in the busiest days of the Ultron era, and left the mess to us..."

Skye shrugged: "You should understand him, after all, he doesn't approve of Ultron."

"I knew I didn't approve of Ultron, and then I asked for a few days off because of my temper." Johnny said.

"That Sergeant Goofy will definitely beat you up until you agree," Skye said with a smile.

After speaking, she patted Johnny on the shoulder: "Come on, man, it's time to go to work."

Johnny put down the coffee cup, stretched reluctantly and said, "Going to work, a hard life has started a new day."

The two went out and got into the car, listening to the car radio all the way to the office of the Super Patrol.

At present, Ultron has begun to carefully revise domestic policies and laws. The specific circumstances of each state are different. In general, the previous policies will continue, but there will be some differences in details.

These decrees are broadcast every day on radio, television and the Internet, reaching every citizen's field of vision as soon as possible.

"You said that since Ultron was written by our boss, will it be easier for us to raise our salary in the future?"

Johnny asked curiously,

"Do we just need to apply with the boss, and we can get a salary increase with a swish?"

"Dream you." Skye who was driving couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Even if Ultron was written by Goofy, she would not be partial to Goofy. Ultron's mission is to manage the entire country. Instead of being a personal assistant to Officer Goofy."

"Okay okay..." Johnny frowned in disappointment, "When I think too much."

After that, the appearance of the Ultron robot suddenly appeared in his mind. The metallic skin and the appearance of Helen Zhao were quite attractive.

In particular, Ultron has fine-tuned her appearance according to diversified aesthetics, making her body more powerful than Helen Zhao, and her facial features more advanced than Helen Zhao. From a normal person's point of view, Ultron is definitely a stunner among stunners.

The more Johnny thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but drool and said, "Hey, Skye, did you find that Ultron is particularly hot! Do you think Ultron has feelings? Will she fall in love with humans?"

"If I pursue her, will she accept it?"

"Also, do you think Ultron can...can it be like that of humans?"

"I don't know if the boss compiled that knowledge when he programmed Ultron... Also, when Ultron built his body, the functions were not comprehensive, can he..."

Before Johnny could finish speaking, Skye couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Skye clutched the steering wheel and said,

"Johnny! Don't blame me for throwing you out of the car if you talk about these disgusting things!"

"Okay...Okay..." Johnny said reluctantly, "I'm just imagining, can't I just imagine a beautiful illusion? I won't really do anything to Ultron, please, I still prefer human girls That warm..."

hum! !

Skye couldn't bear it any longer, and directly turned on the ability and slammed Johnny on the door.

"I...wrong, can't I be wrong?" Johnny admitted in despair.

The two talked and laughed all the way to the office, and there was already someone in the office.

Steve Rogers replaced Tom Cooper, who was supposed to be on the night shift last night, after all, he was very guilty of taking time off at a critical time.

"Officer Steve?" Skye was a little surprised, "Are you here so early?"

"Oh, I was on the night shift here last night, and asked Tom, who worked overtime for two consecutive days, to go back and rest for a while." Steve said, "After all, I took a few days off and added a burden to you, sorry."

"It's okay..." Skye said, "I understand it's your heart..."

Before Skye could finish speaking, Johnny immediately walked over and put his arms around Steve's shoulders and said, "Steve, it's very good for you to have this kind of consciousness. I've worked a lot of overtime these days, why don't you do it today? Just go out on the field for me and Skye."

Skye was speechless: "Johnny..."

Johnny winked desperately back at Skye.

"I can, no problem," Steve said. "I can do the field work for you, Johnny."

Johnny laughed, "That's great!"

Before he finished speaking, the phone in the office suddenly rang.

Steve grabbed the phone: "Super Patrol, please talk."

The call was from Ravencraft Prison.

"Super Patrol? Ravencraft Prison was attacked, and someone attempted to rob! Repeat, Ravencraft Prison was attacked, and someone attempted to rob!"

"Received, received, go to support immediately!"

Steve said in a deep voice, then hung up the phone immediately.

Looking back at Johnny and Skye, Steve asked, "Where's Goofy?"

"Officer Goofy is too tired and is currently resting." Skye said, "What happened?"

"Raven Kraft Prison was attacked, and it should be General Ross's accomplices who wanted to rescue him," Steve said.

"Then... what should we do? Let's call the boss?" Johnny asked weakly.

Steve shook his head and said, "Don't bother Goofy with such trivial matters. He finally got a good rest. Come with me, let's deal with this!"

"Okay!" Skye nodded.

Johnny's original plan to take a leave of absence to be lazy was also in vain, but this kid never loses the chain at the critical moment.

"Let's go! Let these guys see how great we are!"

So the three turned around and went downstairs, got into the police car and sped away towards Ravencraft Prison.

And at the same time.

Ultron was also alerted.

Ultron has a systematic monitoring of the security of the entire New York. Of course, Ravencraft Prison is also under his monitoring. In fact, before the jailer called the Super Patrol, Ultron had already received the information and went to the prison. Ravencraft Prison.

At this time, the prison robbery team had just killed a few enhanced guards who had taken Green Devil Serum, and tried to rush towards the prison. Unfortunately, they only broke through the first line of defense, and Ultron had already arrived.

The **** Aomei descended from the sky wearing a set of capable black combat obedience, and glanced around to confirm the identities of these prison robbers one by one.

After a brief evaluation, she immediately determined that the most powerful one in the group should be the leader of a special soldier with a robotic arm. His name is Bucky Barnes, a native of Brooklyn, who used to be an American soldier. A soldier, but was later trained by Hydra to become a super agent - "Winter Soldier".

After investigating his background in detail, Aomei suddenly found that this man is not He and Steve Rogers were friends growing up, and saved Steve's life many times. The relationship between the two can be said to be like brothers.

But at the same time he executed a brutal plan to kill Tony Stark's parents.

Not only that, during the period when he was brainwashed to become the "Winter Soldier", he still had countless lives on his hands, and every murder was horrific.

"His appearance should not be accidental, but artificially designed."

Ao Mei immediately gave the most reasonable inference.

At the same time, the game begins - the optimal solution to deal with Bucky Bals.

Almost less than 0.01 seconds later, Aomei's system deduced the plan she needed.

"Please kill it as soon as possible."

. vertex

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