American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 516: Altron's plan

Ultron, who deduced the best plan, did not hesitate, and rushed straight towards the Winter Soldier, while the other Iron Warriors behind her were responsible for dealing with the Winter Soldier's helpers. Those people were all innocuous little fish.

The Winter Soldier at this time was actually bruised and bruised. After all, the guards in Ravencraft Prison were all fortified people who had been injected with the Green Goblin reagent. Even the Winter Soldier could not easily defeat them. Killing these guards made him pay for it. a lot of cost.

Seeing Ultron attacking him, the Winter Soldier hurriedly waved his mechanical arm and rushed towards Ultron.

It's a pity that Ultron's combat effectiveness is far beyond the Winter Soldier's imagination. Even if this version of Ao Mei does not have the blessing of the Mind Stone, it is enough to deal with the Winter Soldier.

She leaned forward and charged towards the Winter Soldier, firing laser beams from her eyes.

The Winter Soldier hurriedly turned to dodge, but was still hit by Ultron's laser beam.

In desperation, he could only wave the mechanical arm to block, and the laser swiped through the mechanical arm to bring out a dazzling spark.

In just a few rounds, the Winter Soldier fell into a passive beating situation.

And Ultron's program has calculated the result of this battle, and she can kill the Winter Soldier in less than ten minutes.

At this moment, a police car with "Super Patrol" printed on the side galloped to Ravencraft Prison, and Steve brought Johnny and Skye to support.


Skye asked nervously,

"how is the situation?"

"Everything is under my control, please follow me to kill these intruders." Ultron said in a deep voice, and after performing close-up body techniques, he smashed the Winter Soldier to the ground with hard vibration gold limbs.

However, the Winter Soldier's ability to resist attacks is very strong. After being continuously hit at the key point, he can still grit his teeth and roll back to the side.

At this time, the members of the super patrol team also joined the fight, and Steve waved his shield and smashed it at the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldier, who fell to the ground, hurriedly waved his mechanical arm to block.


The metal symphony sounded, and Steve's vibrating gold shield was directly shaken by the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm, and the intersection of the Winter Soldier's own broken arm and the mechanical arm also oozes blood.

"This guy's arms are very strong!" Steve complained while chasing after his Zhenjin Shield.

And Johnny turned into a human-shaped torch, soaring into the sky, and then released flames at the Winter Soldier.

The Winter Soldier scrambled to the side and was almost burned to death by the Human Torch.

Only then did Johnny react, and he turned back and asked Ao Chuang: "Hey! Ao Mei, are we going to capture them alive or kill them directly?"

"Others were captured alive, and the one with the robotic arm was killed on the spot." Ultron gave the instruction succinctly.

"Huh? Why?" Johnny asked curiously. "The one with the robotic arm looks the most powerful. It should be the leader of this group of people. Shouldn't the leader keep his mouth alive?"

"Do as I say!"

Ultron did not give Johnny an explanation, and she had no obligation to explain to Johnny.

Skye was very obedient and released a shock wave directly at the Winter Soldier.

hum! !

The powerful shock wave nearly knocked the Winter Soldier's robotic arm off his shoulders, and directly shattered some of the Winter Soldier's bones.

No matter how strong the Winter Soldier's fighting ability is, he is still mortal, unable to withstand Skye's powerful shock wave.

When Skye released the shock wave, the mask on the Winter Soldier's face was also shaken down by Skye, which exposed the Winter Soldier's face, which was a resolute and handsome face.

Steve, who had just picked up the shield and trot back all the way, happened to see the Winter Soldier taking off his mask, and he was instantly stunned in place.

"Ba, Bucky?"

Steve asked in shock,

"Is that you Bucky?"

However, the Winter Soldier didn't pay any attention to him at all. The Winter Soldier himself was dying. How could he still care about what others said.


The Winter Soldier, whose internal organs were shattered, spat out a small mouthful of blood, and staggered forward two steps.

At this moment, Ultron flew directly in front of him, reaching out and strangling his neck.

With one more force, the Winter Soldier was directly lifted by Ultron.


He stretched out his hands to grab Ultron's hand, trying to break free from her Zhenjin big hand.

It's a pity that Ultron's hand is as solid as a rock and cannot be shaken at all.

Steve rushed towards Ultron and shouted loudly: "Let him go! Ultron! Don't kill him first! I know this man! I know him! Save him a life! Save him a life first!"

The Winter Soldier looked back at Steve, and as he was dying, he suddenly asked, "Steve?"

It is a pity that Steve's instructions cannot order Ultron, who has already planned his own operation plan.

Ten minutes earlier, Ultron had decided the fate of the Winter Soldier.

She ignored Steve and snapped the Winter Soldier's neck.

"Crack it!"

A crisp sound came, and the Winter Soldier's body suddenly softened and slipped directly from Ultron's hand.

Johnny and Skye didn't think there was anything. It was very common to kill a criminal who robbed a prison and also killed several jailers.

But Steve went crazy, because Ultron was likely to kill his good friend Bucky!

"Ultron! What the **** did you do?!"

Steve rushed towards the Winter Soldier's body, and he fell on the Winter Soldier's body to study his face carefully.

"Bucky, is that you?"

"Bucky, is that you?"

"Please don't be you!"

"You're not Bucky, are you?"

Skye was a little surprised by Steve's reaction. He walked over and asked curiously, "Officer Steve, who is this person... Who is this?"

"He...he looks like a friend of mine who grew up with me," Steve said.

"A friend who grew up with you?" Skye frowned, "Then the whole person must be in his nineties even if he lives now?"

"Yes, so I suspect that he is not the person I know, just looks like, please, it must just look like." Steve said in a broken way.

But just now he could clearly hear the Winter Soldier calling his name, the tone of his voice was exactly the same as it was seventy years ago!

Skye quickly patted his shoulder and comforted: "Don't worry, he's definitely not your friend. He looks like he's only in his thirties, much younger than your friend."

"Thank you, Skye." Steve clapped her hand and whispered.

Then he looked up at Ultron and said solemnly, "Ultron, please tell me, he's not Bucky, right?"

Steve didn't have a good impression of Ultron in the first place, and his affection is even worse now.

However, Ultron did not intend to lie to Steve. As an artificial intelligence, Ultron would not lie on many occasions.

"No, Steve, he's Bucky, Bucky Barnes. He was captured by Hydra after World War II and brainwashed into a murder weapon. Now he's a very dangerous guy, and I have to kill him. took him."


Hearing Steve's eyes widened,

"You're lying to me, aren't you? You're talking nonsense, aren't you?"

Ultron spread his hands: "Please, I'm an artificial intelligence, and I don't usually lie."

"You really killed Bucky? Did you really kill my Bucky?!" Steve gritted his teeth, his jaws splitting.

Ultron shook his head and said: "He is no longer the Bucky you know, and killing him is the best solution I calculated."

"Damn!" Steve roared angrily, and at the same time rushed towards Ultron, "Go to your best solution!"

Ultron did not entangle with Steve, but volleyed up and left the scene.

"Calm down, Steve, you're out of your mind now."

Ultron said calmly.

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