Dane opened the Dream Stone, unleashing the power of dreams.

Outside the King's City of Atlantis, the Peace Envoy led Team X to approach the territory of the Sea Tribe.

Because of their previous experience, their submersible was camouflaged this time to be more in line with Atlan's style.

But unlike the last time, when he came this time, the Peace Messenger clearly felt that Atlantis was much more gloomy.

Those gorgeous lights are gone, and the splendid palace-like buildings in the original memory seem to have experienced the corrosion of time, becoming mottled and crumbling.

"Is this Atlantis?"Killer Frost asked curiously.

She thought Atlantis would be more...more beautiful.

After all, when she took a quick look, she found that the clothes of these underwater people were quite artistic.

This time she was greatly disappointed..

The wise man squinted his eyes alone in the submersible. His intuition told him that something was not quite right. The

Peace Messenger opened the team channel:"Vixen, can you hear me?

The vixen pressed the headset:"I can hear it, just say it.""

"You can see clearly, right?"

The Straight Path necklace worn around the vixen's neck gives her access to the abilities of all known animals on Earth.

So if she wants, she can get the same vision as the Atlanteans in the near-lightless environment of the ocean floor.

Under normal circumstances, the underwater environment is dark, as dark as Talokan, the underwater civilization in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But when the Atlanteans evolved the ability to survive in the water, they also evolved dark vision.

This allows them to use any low light in the underwater environment to magnify the image of the light source.

This is why when Arthur saw the jellyfish, sea anemones and even fish in the deep water, he felt that they were all emitting phosphorescence. The reason.

That is essentially one of the special abilities of the Atlanteans.

This kind of vision is not the privilege of the people on the sea floor. Many other sea creatures also have this ability.

For example, some shrimps have 16 types of cone cells. , can see ten times as many colors as humans, they can see ultraviolet, infrared and even polarized light.

Waters that appear dark to humans are colorful in their eyes.

So the vixen heard the words of the peace messenger , just nodded

"I can see it, Ching."

As she said this, she subconsciously pinched the necklace around her neck, which was the source of her strength.

"Well, I need you to go into the water to investigate the water ahead..."

The vixen suddenly looked unhappy, but the handle was in the hands of others, and she had to take it.

So she activated the ability of the smooth path necklace and obtained the water of the fish. With her ability to breathe and the swimming ability of a dolphin, she broke away from the submersible like a swimming fish.

She swam forward and soon saw the location indicated by the Peace Messenger, a huge bridge and two huge stone statues guarding it on the left and right. Door.

Is there still a need to build a bridge under the sea?

The vixen didn't understand the significance of this, but she found that the bridge was full of scattered vehicles, and they lay quietly on the bridge motionless.

The vixen didn't see anyone, so she decided to Investigate in depth.

So she swam forward cautiously, approached the bridge, and randomly found a submersible closest to her to look inside.

Inside was a pale man with a pair of eyes looking straight out of the glass window.

Female Fox was startled by him, and hurriedly slapped the water with both hands and backed away.

But after a while, she didn't notice anyone coming out, so she had the courage to approach again.

She groped outside the submersible, found the switch to open the door, and pressed it , the submersible opened the door like a high-end supercar.

The person inside seemed to be driven out by the current, and the vixen put her hand next to the person's neck.

Now she was sure that the person was dead.

Could this be Is it the great change that Harcourt mentioned before?

The vixen looked at the other submersibles on the bridge, and a terrible thought suddenly came to her mind.

She hurriedly swam to the other submersibles to check, and there were people in each one, and their The signs of death were surprisingly consistent.

They all seemed to be infected by some sudden disease and died suddenly.

The vixen suddenly felt a cold that penetrated into the bone marrow. There seemed to be only one possibility that could cause this situation.

"Severe infectious disease!"

She immediately slapped the water with both hands and swam very fast, trying to leave this place as quickly as possible.

But not long after she swam out, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart. The pain made her face distort and her whole body curled up involuntarily.

In order to perform the trick To make it more realistic, Dane reinvested genetic weapons in this reshaped Atlantis.

Of course, this weapon was shaped in a dream, and the real thing has been sent to the Tower of Justice.

Without him, there would be a lot of potential here. This may be what Atlantis is about to become.

The vixen stretched out her hands feebly, as if trying to seek help from someone

"Ansali, please help me..."

Ansali is the ancient spider god, who passed the smooth path necklace to human beings.

However, in Dane's dream world, Ansali's divine power cannot be touched. The vixen eventually collapsed on the bridge due to heart failure.

This result was also learned by the Peace Messenger at the rear.

The Sky Eye had already done something on the vixen and was able to monitor her heartbeat in real time.

The Peace Messenger started from It was seen on the computer that the heartbeat of the vixen went from strong to weak and then stopped in less than ten minutes. This shows that genetic weapons are also useful for heroes with magical powers.

This is exciting news.

The Peacemaker had deliberately deceived him before. When Vixen went out, his purpose was to test the effect of genetic weapons on superhuman beings.

Now it seems that military luck is good. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The peace messenger showed a strange smile, but When he talked to other members, his tone was pretending to be confused.

"The vixen didn't respond, so all members took action immediately! I want to know what happened to her!"

Katana responded first. She is not a soldier, but she is more obedient than any soldier. I heard that people in this country are more slave-like. I don't know if it is true.

Killer Frost is slower than her. She is actually She didn't want to move at all, but the bomb in her head forced her to move.

The wise man finally acted. He became more and more doubtful about the true purpose of this mission. There was an unknown premonition that lingered in his mind for a long time. Don't go.

Waller, what are you hiding, Bichi!

Arriving outside Atlantis, the Peacemaker found the vixen through the positioning device.

Other members of the team wore fully enclosed aquatic suits and landed on the bridge.

In At the edge of the bridge, the vixen was lying on her back, with her eyes open and a dead look on her face.

".She is dead!"Killer Frost screamed.

She has seen the vixen's ability. Even if she wants to take down the opponent, it is not an easy task. How long has it been? Why did he die here?

Katana squatted down. , using the life detector on the water suit to check the vixen's vital signs.

After a moment, she stood up

"She had completely lost her heartbeat."

The wise man stood behind and carefully observed the surroundings. He discovered that the ways of death of the undersea people and the vixen were almost exactly the same.

He also had the same idea as the vixen. This must be caused by some kind of severe infectious disease.

But he thought more deeply, what kind of severe infectious disease can cause such serious casualties at once and in a short period of time?

((Zhao) He saw relevant reports that the Atlanteans had extremely high technological capabilities. Could it be that their technology could not cope with this disease?

No matter what type of virus, it takes a certain amount of time to infect the human body. This time is theoretically enough for them to develop the corresponding antidote.

But now it seems that the people of Atlantis died on the way.

What does this mean?

This shows that the virus infects people very quickly, so fast that they die before they have time to react.

How can this be called a virus? The poison that seals the throat upon seeing blood is nothing more than that.

And even the vixen couldn't bear it, which shows how toxic this poison is.

You can't stay here for long!

So he immediately suggested to the peace messenger:

"I think we should leave here right now. This place is too dangerous."

He originally thought that the Peace Messenger could realize the seriousness of the problem, but he never expected that he was the one who caused the current situation.

What's more, he was no longer"him".

The Peace Messenger turned his head and glanced at the wise man. , a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

"I do not think so"

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