When the wise man saw the smile on the face of the peace messenger, warning signs rang out in his mind.

Just as he was about to stand up and retreat, he saw that the Peacemaker had taken out a golden knife.

This knife is an N-metal alloy saber that Peacemaker asked Amanda to forge.

The N-type aquatic suit worn by Trooper X has a very high defense, and human weapons cannot yet penetrate it underwater.

Only the same N-type weapons can break its defense.

But Amanda would never have imagined that the purpose of Peacemaker asking her for this weapon was to kill the members of Task Force X.

The wise man is not good at fighting, and the huge resistance of the water in deep water also prevents him from evading the peace messenger who has been prepared for it.

So his visor was instantly pierced by the alloy knife.

In an instant, the huge water pressure tore a channel through the punctured hole and crushed the wise man's head into pieces.

Katana was stunned for a moment, but Peacemaker was not stunned. He pulled out the knife inserted in the wise man's mask, and then stabbed Katana.

Although his brain was at a loss for words, the warrior who had experienced hundreds of battlesStill, he immediately used his sword and slashed open the saber that the Peace Envoy thrust towards him.

"What are you doing!"

Peacemaker followed the sound, and Killer Frost's eyes were already glowing with blue light. The armor of her arms lit up, and a freezing ray hit Peacemaker's faceplate, blocking his vision.

"kill him!"Killer Frost yelled at the samurai sword.

The female samurai was holding the sword and seemed to be hesitating. She didn't understand the meaning of the Peace Messenger's killing at all.

If it was just to execute them, why would it be so troublesome?

Killer Frost 177 couldn't see her being so hesitant. With a hesitant look, he pushed it away and tried to continue using the freezing ray to attack Peacemaker.

But Peacemaker took out his gun and shot himself in the face, shattering the ice and regaining his sight.

He saw Killer Frost coming. , raised his hand and shot at her.

Facing the gun, Killer Frost subconsciously hid, but she quickly realized that she didn't have to be afraid of bullets in this"clothes".

But she hid just once and the Peacemaker found her. With the opportunity to escape, his water suit was re-modified, and he could move faster underwater than anyone else.

Before leaving, he grabbed the smooth path necklace around the vixen's neck, and then dropped a mine.

Killer Frost was about to continue chasing, and Katana also decided to cooperate with her, but the timing of the mine explosion was too coincidental, and it exploded at this time. The water waves generated by the explosion scattered them, allowing Peacemaker to escape just in time.

With the help of Obtain everything of the host, including memory and abilities.

But the host is not limited to intelligent life.

So not long after the"Peacemaker" returned to his submersible, several large marine creatures came to help him

(bifj) Killer Frost and Katana also caught up here at this time

"quick! Our ship!"

After Killer Frost shouted, she quickly stepped forward to snatch her submersible back.

But at this time, a great white shark opened its mouth and bit her. Killer Frost was not flexible enough in the water and was about to be bitten.

At this time The katana arrived in time. She had received training to resist currents and water pressure during her training, so although her skills had declined, she was not completely powerless to fight back. What's more, her water walking suit was designed to allow her to survive underwater. It was specially customized for performance.

Therefore, the samurai sword fought bravely, and the"Soul Reaper" in his hand stabbed the great white shark's eye as accurately as a lancet. The great white shark received this heavy blow and rolled in pain, and the blood would The surrounding waters were extremely turbid, and nothing could be seen.

Killer Frost immediately took the opportunity to turn off the breathing light on her body, turned off the radio, and became a completely invisible person.

She did not swim towards her submersible, but instead Approaching the Peacemaker's submersible.

The real problem should be with the Peacemaker. They must figure out what is going on.

But she thought she was hiding well, but she didn't know that she was already hiding among the surrounding marine life. Hiding the accomplices of the"Peacemaker".

A killer whale suddenly rushed towards Killer Frost from the darkness. She transported the freezing air and injected freezing rays on the killer whale, and somehow escaped.

Killer Frost felt strange in his heart. What happened to the animals? Why did they suddenly become so aggressive?

But on the other side of the battlefield, Katana had learned their secrets through soul grabbing.

She immediately wanted to tell Killer Frost the news, but then she discovered The other party's radio is turned off

"Damn it!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She pulled out the"Soul Reaper" inserted into the Great White Shark and hurriedly swam in the direction of Killer Frost.

But the Peacemaker had already passed the radio that Katana had just launched. After finding her location, he controlled his submersible and fired a small torpedo at Katana. Katana subconsciously drew her knife to split the torpedo, but also detonated it at the same time, and the shock wave instantly blew her away.

The explosion had seriously affected her ability to think. She felt like her brain was shaking and she couldn't see anything clearly.

Killer Frost saw her condition and decided to make a quick move. She found an opportunity to seize one of the killer whales. With only one fin, it began to absorb the heat from the opponent's body.

The killer whale seemed to be able to feel that its own body temperature was losing rapidly, and it hurriedly twisted around desperately.

But this did not change anything. He was still losing heat very quickly, and he couldn't think of a way to do it. , he will definitely die here.

There is no way, the killer whale can't care about revealing his identity, his huge body begins to deform, and cuticles suddenly grow from the position where Killer Frost grabbed it.

Killer Frost still doesn't understand what's going on, the cuticles It broke open, and a claw stretched out to grab her.

She quickly ducked back.

"What the hell!"

Is this a killer whale? Or is this a local characteristic of Atlantis?

Seeing that the opponent was still deforming, and soon turned into a reptile like a giant crocodile, Killer Frost quickly backed away.

She used her ability to absorb the surrounding The temperature of the water quickly produced a mixture of ice and water, which seriously hindered the monster's movement.

The opponent's underwater mobility was far better than hers, and it was too disadvantageous to fight underwater. Killer Frost chose to retreat temporarily.

She first went to She swam in the direction of the katana. Although this opponent was a bit stubborn, her abilities were very good. The two of them helping each other would be more conducive to their subsequent survival.

Killer Frost turned on the radio again and started calling for the katana.

"Female warrior, go quickly! I can't stay here any longer!"

Katana was awakened by the sound, and her brain regained some clarity.

Seeing that she could connect to Killer Frost, she quickly told her findings

"Killer Frost, those things, they are intelligent life! And the Peace Messenger is with them!"

Killer Frost suddenly turned around and found that the Peacemaker's submersible had arrived near them, but the deformed monster did not attack him.

She knew that Katana was right.

"Escape first!"

Peacemaker controlled the submersible to fire another torpedo, but this time Killer Frost fired a freezing ray to silence it.

She continued to fire rays, directly freezing the submersible's launch port. Peacemaker didn't know yet and wanted to continue firing. The torpedo, and then the torpedo exploded in the magazine.

Peacemaker's submersible was instantly disintegrated by the explosion, and he himself was swept away by the bomb wave.

Killer Frost and Katana took this opportunity to swim towards their submersible, As long as they can return to the shore...

But the enemy did not give them this chance. The deformed monster opened its mouth, filled with densely packed sharp teeth.

He bit down on the submersible, biting off its propeller, and then shook the A machine was thrown in the direction of the two of them.

Killer Frost and Katana could only disperse and avoid the submersible.

In the distance, the overturned Peacemaker suddenly swam back again. He raised his hand and opened it. His own mask.

But inside is not the familiar face of Killer Frost and Katana, but a face with countless tentacles and horny ring teeth.

This is a fucking monster!

The tentacles are like blooming monster flowers, the flower in the center. The core instantly sprayed out a jet of black ink-like liquid, turning the surroundings into darkness again.

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