America’s Big Hero

Chapter 334: Cowardly

It sounds ridiculous that YL people look down on Americans, but it's actually normal.

Many Chinese also look down on Americans, um, American soldiers.

Except for the luxurious equipment of the American soldiers, there is... only luxurious equipment left, nothing else!

We couldn't do it in North Korea, and we couldn't do it in Vietnam!

Going forward, the Philippines also surrendered the book, and the entire establishment surrendered together, without any will to fight.

In the eyes of the YL people, anyone who dares not rush over with a bomb strapped to their bodies to die together is a manifestation of lack of fighting will.

From this point of view, there are only Chinese people left to challenge.

In addition, it is the front of YL, the Imperial Graveyard, and Syria.

In the impression of YL people, the Americans immediately surrendered if they failed, without any spirit of perishing together.

If you catch a few, you can use them as threats to make the U.S. government obey. They are just a bunch of bitches.

Worse than YL women!

In YL, it doesn't matter if anyone is arrested, they beat you anyway.

Therefore, what the Deely class, which has clearly lost its combat effectiveness, should surrender. The sudden resistance caught YL by surprise.

With 4 missiles coming, YL does not have such an advanced anti-missile system as Sean has.

To be honest, Keeling has never been modified.

To put it bluntly, Harpoon was designed for the old system when it was designed.

At this moment, it does not provide much interception capability at all.

It's still an honest Phalanx plus jamming bombs.

Another point is that although the harpoon in Sean's hand and the harpoon in YL's hand are the same type of missile, the model is completely different!

YL's is RGM-84 Block 1A, Sean's is RGM-84 Block 1C, two generations behind.

After Falklands, considering the application of the anti-missile system, the shortcomings of this ship-borne anti-ship missile, which are too slow and easy to be intercepted, were improved. 1C improved the guidance system, improved the electronic anti-countermeasure capability, increased reliability, improved Fuze, increase penetration capability, etc.

In terms of defense penetration, the guidance system of 1C can pre-set three cruising turning points, change the flight altitude, change the time point when the active radar is turned on and the distance from the target, mislead the air defense system of the enemy ship, and cause a huge deviation in the flight trajectory judged by the opponent. Greatly increased ability to hit targets.

Of course, this design is definitely not aimed at targeting YL and his ilk, Americans are targeting Su people!

Now don't use it against YL's old-fashioned Keeling class purchased from the United States, it is simply bullying.

An old beauty who can open the back door of the computer operating system, can he still count on the fact that there are no loopholes deliberately left in the weapons for export? ? ?



In this regard, YL people are worse than Ah San.

I also brought Ah San with Soviet goods... Even though the radar and anti-missile system are actually the same, but they are 'clean'.

Of course, Ah San's sea power is indeed much more luxurious than that of YL, so, theoretically, YL's people are miserable this time.

But this is the reason why YL people look down on Americans. What if the anti-missile system is not strong enough?

The time is short, there is not so much time to think about it, and there is no time to change the jamming bombs for the helicopter.

Missiles can't be jammed without jammers?


According to the official statement of the British island of Centaurs, Prince William personally drove the helicopter and led a team to attract the flying fish missiles to change course, and finally guided the flying fish to avoid the aircraft carrier and plunge into the sea.

Leaving aside the facts, it can be concluded here that helicopters can do this. Afterwards, the United States developed a similar method, and the helicopters were loaded with jamming bombs.

The incident was urgent, and only two helicopters had time to complete take-off, so they rushed out straight.

If there is no formation to induce together, it can only be a straight collision!



Two sparks exploded on the surface of the sea, and hundreds of kilograms of explosives tore the helicopter into pieces on the spot, and the pieces mixed with seawater splashed hundreds of meters high.

Immediately afterwards, there was the roar of Phalanx and the explosion of induction bombs.

It's just that at the critical moment 1C made another weird drift and jump, jumping out of the position estimated by the fire control system on the battleship.

It is too late to calculate and trace.

"boom" "boom"

Two more explosions sounded on the sea, and the flames flew hundreds of meters away along with the broken hull.

A Keeling suffered heavy damage, shaking violently but barely holding steady.

A huge hole was blown open in the middle of another battleship, and the entire hull shook violently and creaked, as if it was about to fall apart.

Exclamations, screams, and roars were mixed together, and the gas on the hull was blazing, and the entire fleet was in chaos.

More than ten kilometers away, the first group of soldiers on the speedboat heard the explosion and turned their heads to look. The battleship couldn't see it, but the billowing smoke that rose hundreds of meters could be seen clearly, and the crowd cheered and cursed.

Cool! !

I was asked to top the tank before, so don't mention how uncomfortable it was. Fortunately, I was prepared to be bombed, and I didn't panic so much, but my own battleship was scrapped.

The YL people panicked and made the still active Keeling retreat, and the other one simply gave up and could only save people as much as possible.

Four retaliatory missiles were fired towards the Dilly-class, which was tilted and motionless on the sea.

The automatic anti-aircraft weapon was activated, and a series of 8 sea sparrows were shot out, and the Phalanx was paralyzed, unable to rotate and inflexible.

The sound of explosions on the sea kept ringing, and as a result, all four missiles failed to intercept, and they were separated from the radar support on the flagship. The radar of the Deely class was nothing, and the sea was choppy, and it was full of interference when detecting targets flying close to the sea. Waves cannot be accurately locked at all.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

In the sound of the explosion, the ammunition of the Deeley-class battleship was completely detonated, and the battleship was directly blown into several pieces, and it sank toward the sea surface with billowing black smoke.

Looking at the black smoke rising from the sea, Commander YL was silent. Who could tell him when the Americans became so hard-headed, and they were so determined to pull them back.

What hatred?

What's the blame?

For no reason, an inexplicable conflict.

He didn't think it was caused by his own side, it was a problem with the umbrella, if you don't let us check it, there is a problem!

Big country thinking!

So, what was on that merchant ship?

Make Americans so crazy?

Are there really nuclear warheads?

Or something more powerful?

I didn't expect the answer, but this grudge has become big! !

On the other side, Sean also received a message from the captain of the Dealy class. After getting the YL people's vote, their battleship was directly sunk.

Sean just hummed a few times, told them to be careful, and hung up the phone after leaving the battlefield as soon as possible.

All of this was pre-arranged, and a counterattack was a must, all that was needed was to be silenced by the retaliatory bombing.

Xiao En will not let the battleship be captured by the opponent, even if he detonates it himself, he will not let the opponent capture it.

He is an American, and it is impossible for him to get back what the YL people seized.

Not to mention that the remaining missiles cannot be taken away, the battleship was dragged back by YL people, and after some repairs, it became YL people.

The Persians are also gangsters.

It's just that a plan is a plan, and when it really sinks, Sean also feels distressed and aggrieved.

Although the price was scrap iron when I bought it, the subsequent renovation, repair, modification, and those missiles added up to tens of millions!

In the midst of this stuffy tension, Sean's phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up to answer it, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, hit me at the military port in the Strait of Hormuz!" Sean growled viciously in a low voice.

"How many rounds?" Sean originally wanted to shoot all of them, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Five rounds first!"

With an order, the launch vehicle at the Doha missile base began emergency debugging. Ten minutes later, "Puff... Whoosh"

The flames shot up into the sky, and 5 missiles shot up into the sky.

At this moment, the two sides were still teasing each other on the sea, and the battleship guarded the merchant ship and slowly drove towards Daman Port.

YL people don't know yet...

It was too late when the problem was discovered.

Five large fireball meteorites fell from the sky, amidst the huge explosions of "boom", "boom", "boom", "boom", and "boom", small mushroom clouds rose into the sky. There was no defense at all in the military base, people, equipment, The house was rolled up high amidst the sound of the explosion, and the shock wave rolled over, destroying the entire base like a gust of wind.

The entire naval base was shaking violently, as if it had experienced a small earthquake.

When the dust settled, four huge craters appeared on the scene, and more than 100 meters around each crater were devastated.

The air raid sirens sounded frantically, and the scene was in a panic.

No one knows whether there will be missile air strikes in the future, and everyone is taking action.

Those who moved towards the underground air defense system, those who quickly treated the wounded, and those who moved important items.

The pier was also in chaos, and a large number of people rushed towards the moored warship.

Just now, a missile accidentally fell on the water, and several nearby warships were directly shattered, and those within a hundred meters were directly overturned and sunk, and the small ships more than a hundred meters away were not much better.

There are still many ships parked here, coastal defense type, transport type, supply type, and now they all have to run away quickly!

The news that the naval base was bombed by missiles quickly spread to the top management, and the top immediately exploded.

From the conflict on the sea to now, in just a few hours, things have developed too fast, and they are completely caught off guard, which has doubled the pressure on everyone.

Now that Sean has used ballistic missiles, things are a bit out of control, and they are sliding in a direction beyond everyone's control.

At first, I just wanted to test Sean's reaction, and wanted to intercept it to see what was on the boat.

It's good now, our side lost a helicopter, an F-14, a warship was scrapped, and a warship was severely damaged.

A warship on Sean's side sank directly.

Now the naval base is being bombed by missiles again, and the loss of personnel and equipment is not small.

Of course, this seems to be serious, and many people have died, but in actual calculations, it is far less than an F-14 or a battleship.

YL people are not worth as much as Americans...

What should we do now?


no target!

Whether it is the port or the missile force, they are all leased.

Most of the missile forces are underground semi-permanent fortifications, and the warships spend most of their time at sea.

The most important thing is that you can't hit it!

YL has no missiles that can hit it, unless bombers are used, but these military targets are not easy to mess with.

At this time, the role of ballistic missiles can be seen. The preparation time for this thing is too long, the power is not as great as expected, and the accuracy is also stretched, but he can hit far!

YL can conclude that Sean still has several pieces in his hand, and there were 10 pieces in the last public display alone!

But if they are so subdued, the YL people are not reconciled. Damn, there is nothing to gain, and the loss is heavy!

At least worse than Sean.

A series of orders came from the top.

The bases near the Persian Gulf are fully on alert, always on guard against incoming missiles.

The air force units docked along the coast retreated in an all-round way, retreating to 700 kilometers away, to prevent being attacked by missiles.

The fleet immediately escorted the severely damaged battleship back to prevent Sean from tracking the bombing.

The Air Force, which is in charge of tracking the umbrella warships, stepped up its probing efforts.

Attitude has to show!

Still probing, pulling.

"YL's fleet is retreating." There was a reaction over there, and Robert immediately got the information that there were US military satellites in the sky staring at the movement of YL's fleet.

There is a conflict here, and the five-legged building will know the news.

On the one hand, I lamented that Sean really didn't stop, he always wanted to make some noise, but on the other hand, he felt that it was a matter of course, America.

The Five-Foot Building pays close attention to the development of the situation and is ready to step on the brakes at any time. As I said before, the US-Iran relationship is frozen, but this does not hinder cooperation under the ice.

According to the normal development, the old American shot a standard 2 here in the Persian Gulf and destroyed the YL passenger plane.

Sean gritted his teeth, and there were still 4 king bombs left in his hand, how to fight?

After a while, Xiao En squinted his eyes and said, "Calculate the position and send them a shot!"

With an order, the missile base immediately began to calculate, and ten minutes later, with a "poof... whoosh", Dong 1 went to the sky again.

After a while, the radar on the YL Fleet frantically alarmed, and a big fireball fell straight from the sky dozens of kilometers away. It is impossible for this thing to detect errors.

Thousands of kilograms of explosives, excess fuel,

Even if it is only tens of tons of self-weight and then shot on the battleship after the acceleration of gravity, it can't be fucking unbearable!

Ballistic ballistics, once it is shot, as long as it hits, even the aircraft carrier will play with it.

The YL battleship group exploded from the middle like a group of frightened rabbits, and fled in all directions.

In fact, the speed of this thing is too fast, and there is no time to measure the specific landing point. When launching, the final error of repeated calculations is within 150 meters.

The YL people naturally don't know, everyone's face is pale, and a few are compulsively calm. Now it's just luck.

Scattering is nothing more than keeping yourself from implicating others or being implicated by others.

It was only tens of thousands of meters, and it passed in a blink of an eye at more than 6 times the speed of sound. In fact, everyone didn't run far at all.

The fireball suddenly fell on the surface of the sea, and the intense white light flickered for a while, and then a huge amount of sea water mixed and rose up, followed by a rumbling explosion.

All the communication equipment failed instantly, and the communication was restored after a few seconds, and then there was an emergency contact to report their respective situations.

What made people breathe a long sigh of relief was that no bad luck fell on anyone's head. What made people panic was that the power was too great. Several warships nearby were shaken violently at a distance of more than 200 meters. As if it was about to overturn.

This kind of thing may fall from the top of the head at any time, and you will die if you touch it. It is absolutely unambiguous. This is so fucking bad.

This is where ballistic missiles are awesome. Beyond visual range strikes are completely unexpected, extremely fast terminal speeds, almost impossible to intercept, and huge destructive power.

Sean still has at least three of these things in his hand!

YL executives really couldn't sit still after receiving the news!

The naval base, the land base, and the permanent fortifications are actually not very scary. As long as the missiles are not washing the ground, there is no problem.

But the sea fleet is not good. This is nearly half of the sea power of the YL navy. It has already suffered heavy losses. If it continues to lose, it will really lose its maritime hegemony in the Persian Gulf area.

Well, the Umbrella Fleet is not considered, after all, that guy's escort mission is coming to an end.

At the highest leadership level, it's no longer something you can be impulsive if you want to be impulsive...

Maybe the F-14 was running low on fuel, maybe it was cowardly, and finally the four fighter jets cruising around began to return, but the replacement did not come.

Sean secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he received the news, found a chair to sit down and suddenly felt exhausted.

After more than 4 hours, there was no problem physically, but mentally it was really unbearable.

After relaxing, Xiao En thought back, and felt the atmosphere even more, fuck it, after so many years, this is the first time he was bullied on the head!

"It's a ballistic missile, son of a bitch." Sean cursed, then turned to look at Robert next to him, "No wonder Saudi Arabia paid such a high price to buy this thing, no wonder the five hooligans put so much effort into research , made it, no wonder Ah San..."

It seems that something strange has mixed in.

"This thing really can't spread!" Sean is now very supportive of Congress's decision, and supports it with both hands and feet!

Originally, I was thinking about getting more stuff and selling it at ten or twenty times the price, but now it seems, fuck it!

We can only have it ourselves, and no one else can touch it.

He didn't want the sword of Damolix hanging on his head, which might fall off at any time and chop his brains to pieces.

Therefore, you should place an order with the east side, don’t even think about east 2 and east 3, east 1 is already a challenge to everyone’s nerves.

Xiao En can guarantee that at this moment, the results of the brief battle just now have reached the desks of several big countries.

Well, we are talking about the five big hooligans, with satellites, so we can figure it out.

In fact, when the five umbrella warships appeared together, the merchant ships on this channel disappeared like frightened rabbits.

The last collective dispatch was in the Strait of Malacca. Most people in the world may have forgotten this, but these sailors will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

Who knows if there will be another conflict this time, everyone knows that the umbrella came this time to confront the YL people.

Everyone couldn't see anything else, and couldn't hear the sound of explosions, but the fighter jets continued to fly one by one, and no one would believe that nothing happened.


East Side: Rain Girl Without Melon

The fight started, and the delivery was really troublesome. I thought that with Sean intervening, the United States would not intervene. There should be no big disturbances. I didn't expect the YL people to be so impulsive.

The things were bought by Sean, and they were responsible for the transportation. We call for world peace, and everyone should sit down and negotiate.

By the way, by the way, Dongfeng Express, the mission must be fulfilled!

John Bull: If YL leader and Sean were women, there would be no conflict

In the confrontation between state terrorism and private terrorism, the world needs a big country like Britain to come out to uphold justice and mediate the conflicts between the two sides!

For, by the way, the signing of the XX technology non-proliferation agreement should be accelerated!

Gallic chickens: Mercenaries play big role in regional conflicts

The conflict should be controlled within a certain range. It is hoped that both parties will handle it calmly and not allow the situation to expand further. XX technology must not spread further.

By the way, by the way, the French Flying Fish showed excellent performance in this conflict and achieved great results. If you want to buy it quickly, from the perspective of the entire process of the conflict, the air force still has the greatest advantage, fast, flexible, Fierce firepower, the French Phantom series, the world's best-selling, once you have it, you don't want anything!

Soviet Union: stand at attention, take a rest, public property, public property

Capitalism and religion are the root of all evils, and they must be strongly controlled. The society needs great harmony, and individuals need to serve the collective. There should be only one voice in the world, and that is XXism!

By the way, by the way, the ruble is the most valuable currency in the world. Trust the people and imagine the Soviet Union!

America: Liberty, Democracy, Human Rights, Openness, Religious Freedom, National Liberty

We promise not to use Sean first.

The act of attacking merchant ships is extremely evil and a provocation to the American people and the people of the world. We absolutely do not have any kind of dealings with evil terrorist countries, politically or economically.

By the way, by the way, sorry, what I want to say is that everyone here is rubbish.

The East is proud, the United States is contemptuous, the British are fearful, the Soviet Union is proud, and France is...

France: Come and buy them all, come and see them, they are of good quality and cheap, and they sell well all over the world. Our slogan is, if there is war, there will be French products!

Several major powers did not publicize this conflict, and tacitly compressed the matter into one place in the Middle East.

How to say that sentence, not that we live in a peaceful world, but that we live in a peaceful country.

American:? ? ?


Sean didn't know what the gangsters thought, and he didn't bother to think about it. He was sure that there would be no YL plane following him, so he was completely relieved.

The next four hours or so traveled very smoothly.

On the other side, in Daman, King Fahd arrived early with a group of people to welcome the artifact.

Waiting anxiously, but it's not easy to keep asking where to go, and there is no military satellite monitoring, so I can only wait anxiously.

But wait, wait, suddenly got the news that the YL fleet was dispatched on a large scale, and both sides seemed to be fighting!

"It's like a god!" King Fahd became angry on the spot, "Yes, yes, no, no, it seems like something!"

As a local snake in the Middle East, it is really not too difficult to get news, and the news came one after another quickly.

The YL people dispatched F-14 fighter jets, there was a violent explosion, black smoke rose hundreds of meters from the sea, and a battleship under the umbrella suffered heavy damage and was abandoned...

One by one, it makes the big dog feel more and more frustrated, mushrooms, blue skinny...

Just when the big dog was getting more and more irritable, news came from Doha that the missile unit of the umbrella was dispatched and was preparing for launch.

The big dog cheered up immediately, but the preparation time for this missile was simply too long, and the waiting was anxious.

Afterwards, various news came again. One of YL's planes was blown up, and then they continued to launch air strikes. The abandoned battleship suddenly launched a counterattack, severely damaged the YL fleet, and was then completely sunk.

Fahd's mood became more and more high-pitched, get up, the American people stand up!

Afterwards, the atmosphere became more and more heated. Finally, his people observed that five consecutive missiles were launched into the sky one after another. Soon it was reported that YL's naval base was bombed, and a large number of warships moored here began to flee. A distinct vibration felt.

Afterwards, another missile launched into the sky, YL's fighter jets retreated, and everything returned to the way it was before, as if nothing had happened.

King Fahd, his younger brother, and their son screamed in excitement. Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, otherwise, seeing the behavior of the king who is a nobleman all day long, he will hang himself.

But the Saudis are really excited!

Buy right, buy right!

Damn, look, how fucking arrogant the YL people were before, relying on the strength of the navy, the strength of the air force... well, everything is powerful, attacking this, attacking that.

Looking at the present, 6 missiles went down, not to mention the heavy losses, and I didn't even dare to release another one, and shrunk in despair!

That's only 6 East 1s, but we bought 36 East 3s!

Not the same!

With this shipment, the Saudi people stand up! !

The more I think about it, the more excited the Gou Dahu family is, and I really want to set up the missiles now and send congratulations to Tel Aviv and Tehran.


I mentioned it before, and today I started to participate in the training organized by the Provincial Writers Association in Hainan, in Boao.

This is your organizational training.

Until the 10th, we don’t know what will happen until the 10th. Those of us who haven’t seen the market don’t know. Anyway, I heard that we will go to Boao at noon on the 8th and gather in the afternoon.

Hehehehe, I didn't expect that when I was a big bastard and connected with such a lofty word as Caifeng, it was simply blasphemy...

I heard that most of them are writers from the entity side, and there are many famous people who are not well-known. When the notification was made two days ago, because one of the talented people was unable to be present, he specially wrote two ques and sent them to the group.

Saying que, the dictionary that fireworks are looking up...

The names of the lyrics are "Yongyule" and "Wangjiangyuan". The serious words shocked me, an illiterate who can write up to two doggerels!

Inexplicably nervous! !

Okay, let's get down to business.

Fireworks are usually coded during the day, and they are scheduled to be sent out at 8:00 a.m. the next day. Well, if they are not sent out, they will be in a small dark room, and they need the help of a monthly ticket to unblock them.

Lan Da:? ? ?

However, due to official activities, the situation on August, September, and October is still unknown, so try to stay up late at night and keep updating the code words.

After all, there has been no continuous update record since the codeword.

Although he is in his forties and his health is not good, he can't stop changing, even if he dies, in front of the computer, he can't!

Don't vote for monthly votes to motivate me, don't!

However, I still want to say hello here. After all, it is the first time. I don’t know if it hurts or not...

Apologies in advance.

Okay, take some sleeping pills and go to sleep.

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