America’s Big Hero

Chapter 335 Boom Boom...

(I must be crazy to post all 6000 words, fuck!)

Doha's missile force carries three missiles to switch the battlefield, and the vehicle-mounted launch base, the most important thing is this flexibility.

Adhere to the strategy of changing a place with one shot!

The fear is that the YL people send planes to attack.

To be honest, a serious missile force should be a combination of vehicle-mounted ballistic missile launch vehicles, vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missiles, vehicle-mounted phased radar arrays, etc., a complex system.

But Sean, no money.

You can only work hard on running and pretending.

Fortunately, the YL people were really scared this time, or maybe they knew what to do, so they retreated decisively.

Until Sean arrived at Daman Naval Port with the cargo ship.

After getting off the battleship, when they met, Sean didn't mention the conflict at sea just now.

Everyone who should know about this matter knows that he talks about it, making people feel that he is showing off for no reason.

The boss of the world's largest military company must look like a boss and be reserved.

We met here, and unloading began over there. The long trailer drove directly out of the cargo ship with the projectile.

Looking at the missiles one after another, Prince Fahd felt elated, his whole body seemed to be in full bloom, his big mouth was split open, and his little tongue was clearly visible.

"Did you conflict with the YL people at sea before?" Fahd looked at Sean and asked after watching it for a long time.

"Well, it's a small friction." Sean said with a 'reserved' expression, "The two sides only lost two warships, severely damaged one, a helicopter, an F-14, and dozens of missiles. As for those at the YL base Bits and pieces are not worth mentioning."

base:? ? ?

Fahd blinked a pair of small eyes squeezed together by fat, listening to your tone, it doesn't sound like a 'little' friction...

"The YL people have always been arrogant and bandit by nature. They provoked wars everywhere, and this time they attacked your fleet for no reason." Fahd shook his head, with anger and helplessness in his tone, as if he couldn't bear to look back.

Sean frowned, knowing that Fahd was provoking, but there was no need to provoke this matter, and he would not let it go, "This matter is endless!"

"Look at you, I'm tired just now, I'm going to rest first!" Sean reached out and grabbed Fahd's hand and shook it forcibly, waved to the others, turned around and left.

ai... Fahd raised his hand, his face was full of confusion, what the hell is going on, he was doing well just now, and he was bragging, how fat is he to lose his face all of a sudden?

Sean really didn't want to save face, don't talk about Fahad, it's useless when Reagan comes.

How dare he, Fahd, withhold money from Sean and refuse to pay it?

Going back in a hurry is not to say that Sean is really tired, but mentally exhausted, but there is also a faint excitement.

When he arrived at the villa given to him by Saudi Arabia, Sean called John William Vesey Jr. with just one call.

After explaining the matter in detail, Sean asked, "I want to take revenge back, do you think there is any problem?"

Wei Xi pondered for a while, and asked a few more questions carefully, and then said: "Revenge is definitely going to be revenge. This is in line with the setting that Umbrella Company has always created. Resolute, tough, and never back down. This point Can't lose it!"

"The only problem is proportion. YL people are not easy to deal with. I'm not talking about their force, but their philosophy."

"I have stayed in Asia for many years, and I have also learned part of the history and religious culture of the Middle East. I can only say that it is crazy and unreasonable, just like Europe in the Middle Ages."

"My concern is that they are using some drastic tactics."

"For example?" Sean raised his eyebrows.

"Attack your industry, or simply attack American merchant ships on a large scale!" John William Vesey Jr. continued: "The current government of YL overthrew BLW only after provoking ethnic and religious conflicts, which led to them being inevitably attacked by the grassroots. Once the matter continues to ferment, I am afraid they will be unable to control and be coerced by the bottom."

"Of course, there is also the possibility that they will deliberately add fuel to the flames in order to further consolidate their own rule."

"What?" Sean seemed to have misheard, and asked with a somewhat tangled expression: "Deliberately fueling the flames? Are you crazy?"

"Yes, crazy, I said before that they are crazy, this kind of thing has happened, and more than once, things are very complicated, to put it simply, although they captured the US embassy during the previous coup, arrested However, in 1981, Reagan really hoped to improve the relationship with YL and took the initiative to show his favor. The president of YL also wanted to actively negotiate peace. A lot of cooperation, this is not something that can be resolved simply by breaking off diplomatic relations.”

"After the coup, YL's economic development has regressed rapidly, people's income and living standards have dropped sharply year by year, unemployment and other problems have frequently and large-scale outbreaks, and they must be resolved."

"However, the religious group headed by Khomeini tried to stop and destroy it. He spoke on TV and incited the people to attack the government. In their propaganda, YL's economic regression, unemployment, poverty, and hunger are all because of Americans. They should What we did was to never compromise, to fight to the end, and to take the opportunity to drive out President YL who intends to promote the peace talks."

"For religious forces, it is beneficial to maintain anger and a certain degree of poverty, which can consolidate their rule. After all, there are examples in Europe. The power of the Pope can no longer be described as weakened, open, free is the worst enemy of religion."

"This is" the issue of the dispute between theocracy and kingship. It has never been us, but they, who have always created conflicts between the two countries, hindered negotiations, and damaged relations. Can you imagine? "

"They will do anything to maintain the theocracy!"

"Who gave them the courage? Su people?" Sean understood the crazy actions those people made in pursuit of power, but it doesn't take courage!

"Su people, hahahaha." John William Vesey Jr. laughed loudly, "He was killed, all of them were killed, and the Su people still used the old method to infiltrate YL with xxism, and then Khomeini said Kill them all, compared to these religious lunatics, capitalism is simply too benevolent."

Ha, Shock and surprise are written on Sean's face. In his heart, the United States has always appeared as a bandit, either trying to provoke other countries to interfere in internal affairs, or on the way to sow discord.

Powerful, black-bellied!

When did you have such a dog-licking side?

It is not too much to say that licking a dog, YL has abused the United States thousands of times, and the United States treats YL like first love.

Of course, in a few more years, after 91 years...

After laughing for a while, Sean continued to chat with Wei Xi about a lot of things. He was an army general, worked in Asia for a long time, and served as the chief of staff. The advice he gave was very in-depth and highly credible.

After the conversation was about the same, after hanging up the phone, Sean finally made up his mind.

The rest on the boat was not very good, after a good cleaning, Sean fell asleep directly, as for the disturbance outside, heh, let’s say, let’s do it!

Fahd and his group saw that Xiao En was hiding, so they didn't look for them, and their whole body and mind fell on those artifacts.

Including the 500 people from the east who followed, they were a little at a loss by the enthusiasm of the Saudis. They looked like they were afraid of bumping into each other, and they almost put them on the altar.

In the future, it will be up to these people to support the scene whether they can shout out who else is there.

The Saudi side directly dispatched more than 2,000 troops to escort the transport team and 500 people to the inland. The destination was the permanent underground fortification selected by the Eastern personnel before the inspection.

But in fact, Daman didn't transport all the things away. A huge warehouse still stored the 30 Dong 1s brought by Sean.

The reason why Sean chose to forbear while at sea was because he had a hole card in his hand.

Spicy next door wants you to look good! !

When Fahd saw it, he gritted his teeth in agitation. He hated the YL people, but he really didn't want to get involved in the conflict between Sean and the YL people.

The family is big and the business is big, rich and powerful, why do you get involved in this kind of thing, you can't get anything.

He could only secretly scold Sean for being cunning, no wonder he just hid out.

The conflict was caused by delivering goods to them, and at this time he couldn't say anything about the prohibition of unloading.

This is not just a contractual issue, it is a human relationship.


Qatar, Doha.

Sean ate something the next day and went directly to Doha next door, which is only 140 kilometers away.

Before Sean arrived, a large number of reporters poured into the hotel conference room that had been booked.

Hearing that Sean was going to develop a press conference, the reporter was very excited.

As we all know, Sean = News = Dao Le, not to mention today after the fight with YL just yesterday.

The five hooligans tacitly did not promote the affairs of the Persian Gulf. After all, according to the official mouth, the world is peaceful, free and developing under the control of the five hooligans.

Haiqing, Heyan, prosperity and peace.

Even if the Elephant Party and Reagan hoped that this matter would cause a disturbance in the country, they still would not end.

Because they have great confidence in Sean! !

Sean really lived up to their expectations.

The three major TV networks including New Century Media, Fox, and ABC have all received notification from Sean that they will hold a press conference today to explain yesterday's conflict.

"I've never liked nonsense, let's get straight to the point." The originally noisy conference room fell silent the moment Sean walked in.

Sean did not disappoint his friends in the media.

The cameras and video cameras were all aimed at Sean.

"Yesterday, the Umbrella Company escorted a merchant ship to Dammam, Saudi Arabia. After passing through the Strait of Holmes, the YL people asked us to stop the ship for inspection." As he said, Sean sneered, "It's fucking Ridiculous, the Persian Gulf belongs to YL people? Ships from other countries need to be inspected?"

"Anyway, I, Sean, don't know when the Persian Gulf surname was YL, and the United Nations didn't send me a notice."

"Let's stop the ship to check? Why?"

"Then did you stop and let them check?" a reporter asked loudly.

"The spine of an American hasn't been broken yet, and I, Sean, can't bend down!" Sean said with unprecedented seriousness.

"I know some people like to compromise, but an American who walks on a land other than the United States represents the name 'America' to a certain extent, and what he does or says cannot be shameful to the United States as a whole! "

"America's affairs, American merchant ships, it's not up to them YL people to decide!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of Americans in the venue immediately cheered loudly.

The YL incident broke out, and the prestige of the Presidential Palace plummeted. Americans were very disappointed and ashamed of the Presidential Palace's attitude on the YL issue.

Now that Sean said that, he naturally pleased the vast majority of Americans.

"We are still sailing towards Dammam, but then, a YL military helicopter launched a shameful attack on the cargo ship. As I said before, the mission of the umbrella is to protect the legitimate interests of American merchant ships from being violated. Any Any form of attack will be the most severe counterattack, so we directly blow up their helicopter."

"If the matter ends here, YL people can shamelessly say that they accidentally attacked a civilian merchant ship, but..."

"Only half an hour later, instead of stopping their despicable attacks on civilian merchant ships, the YL side intensified and sent four F-14 fighter jets and Harpoon missiles sold to them by the Americans to attack again, launching a full 8 A missile." Sean's tone was full of disappointment and anger.

"Our side tried our best to intercept. In order to protect the merchant ship, the staff of the umbrella took the determination to drive a warship to block the path of the missile attack, causing one of our warships to lose the ability to sail..."

"Finally, under the counterattack of our missiles, the YL people finally stopped the attack."

"I want to say that the YL government is completely state terrorism. They are recklessly instigating wars, they are recklessly committing crimes, they are rampant, they are reckless, they ignore life, and they have no feelings!"

"Mr. Sean, can you guarantee that what you said is true? YL launched an attack on the merchant ship first?" A reporter stood up and asked, this is very important.

"Of course, we have reached a cooperation agreement with the military. When carrying out military commissions, we can use the military to use some military satellites. All of this happens under the monitoring of satellites."

There was a wow from the bottom, so there was nothing to say, YL made the first move, and there was no problem in counterattacking.

"Why did the YL people attack the merchant ship?" Another reporter asked loudly.

"No one knows except the YL government. This is not the first time they have attacked foreign merchant ships in the Persian Gulf. Maybe they think the Persian Gulf belongs to YL. Maybe they think people of other faiths should die. Maybe they want to challenge the world. Maybe they just want to kill people for fun." Sean shrugged, "Terrorism, they don't have any humanity, let alone human rights, and they never democratize. They will do everything, including destroying the world."

"May I ask what is loaded on it?"

"Originally, these are commercial secrets and should not be disclosed, but now that the goods have been delivered, it doesn't hurt to say it. It is a batch of missiles, a batch of ballistic missiles ordered by Saudi Arabia, produced in the East."

One sentence immediately detonated the scene. Saudi Arabia, missiles, and the East are three key words. Everyone knows the XX non-proliferation agreement that is being discussed internationally, but at this time Saudi Arabia bought ballistic missiles!

All of a sudden, a large group of reporters stood up cracklingly, and asked in a hurry: "What type of missile?"

"What's the range?"

"Is it a nuclear warhead?"

"how much?"

Sean raised his hand and pressed, "All I can answer is that they are all conventional warheads, and the rest are military secrets. There is a confidentiality agreement, so I can't disclose them."

At this moment, several Israeli reporters couldn't sit still anymore, and shouted loudly: "Damn it, this is creating panic, this is threatening Israel's national security, and this is disrupting regional peace!"

Xiao En cast a glance, and didn't pay any attention at all, you don't fucking give me money, and I don't care about you.

A group of Arab journalists were happy to see the Jews' distraught looks, and applauded loudly.

Both sides cursed loudly, and the scene was chaotic.

Everyone seemed to understand why YL had to attack that merchant ship.

European and American reporters didn't care about them, they just shouted at Sean: "Mr. Sean, will you take revenge on YL?"

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance!" Sean said loudly with integrity: "The umbrella of justice will never yield. We will seek justice for the US Merchant Marine, and we will seek justice for the sacrificed employees!"

"Then will you attack YL's civilian targets as well?" a reporter from New Century Media asked cooperatively.

"No, no, no, attacking civilian targets is not a sane person. The only thing a sane government can do is terrorism!" Sean said sternly: "We will only attack their military targets." , an upright, unflinching attack!"

"We all know that YL not only attacked merchant ships, he also repeatedly attacked some countries along the Persian Gulf to create panic, but, unfortunately, the Arabs did not stand up, maybe because they were afraid, maybe because they didn't dare." Xiao En looked regretful, and all the Arabs at the scene looked ugly.

Fahd, who was watching the live broadcast, stared at him, completely unable to understand why Xiao En suddenly said such a sentence.

What is fear?

What the hell do you dare not!

This disappointed King Fahd, who had just grasped the truth, and lost face.

I, Fahd, be brave!

Sean continued to talk eloquently, "We don't know who gave YL this kind of right, but, I know, our United Nations did not act, they did not severely crack down on this kind of behavior, and our five big hooligans are also irresponsible Yes, they should stand up as soon as this kind of thing happens, and fight against this kind of terrorism."

"This world needs some power for justice!"

"I think it's time for the umbrella to stand up!" Say it, Sean stood up straight, facing the camera, and waved his hand vigorously, "Launch!"



The scene was completely silent by Xiao En's sudden actions.

The air seemed to freeze, and everyone on the scene stared at Xiao En blankly, only the word 'missile' remained in their almost stagnant minds!

I thought of it, but couldn't believe it.

Everyone couldn't believe that Sean really ordered the launch of missiles at YL military targets in front of everyone and in front of the live broadcast camera!

For a long time, everyone at the scene, including those in front of the TV, became noisy together, while Sean was still standing there.

Just when everyone at the scene was in a daze, a total of 20 Dong-1 missiles shot up into the sky in the outskirts of Dammam. The launch site was completely covered by white smoke, and the missiles pierced the sky like sharp swords.

A big man in camouflage uniform strode over to Sean in the venue and saluted with a 'snap' and loudly reported: "Report, 20 missiles have been launched as planned!"

"Wow..." At the scene, in front of the TV, everyone lost their voices.

Still fucking launch missiles, 20 at a time?

real or fake?

Go crazy!

But regardless of whether it was true or not, everyone's emotions were completely ignited this time, and screams of unknown meaning came out from their mouths.

The Americans were excited and excited. Many people raised their arms and shouted Long Live Sean.

Arabia was equally excited, but mixed with more pleasure of revenge.

The Israelis are afraid, uncomfortable, and aggrieved. Now YL is trembling under Sean’s missiles, so will the missile launch in the future become Saudi Arabia, and Israel will tremble.

Sean still stood straight on the spot with a concave shape.

It's only a few hundred kilometers, soon, soon there will be news!

Not only people from the Arab world watching live TV, not only Americans, but also YL people!

At this moment, the YL government is completely fried. No one knows where Sean attacked. The coastline is too long, and there are many military bases.

Moreover, at this moment the missile has been lifted into the air, and they can't do anything they want to do.

The only fortunate thing is that Sean's ballistic range is only 600 meters, and he can't hit Hedland.

They will not die, their rights are still alive!

It was not only the YL people who shocked Xiao En crazy, but also John Bull, Gallo Chicken, Sioux, East, including the White House.

I thought Sean would take revenge, but I didn't expect it to be so ruthless!

If 20 missiles bombard an area at the same time, the effect will definitely be one plus one greater than two, but no one knows the specific effect, it is all theoretical data, and no one has done experiments in this area. After all, ballistic missiles were invented. It is used to launch nuclear bombs.

Well, it was a live-fire exercise.

From launch to landing, it took only ten minutes.

Whether they are scared or happy, whether they are YL people or Americans, whether they are leaders or the poor, for ten minutes, everyone is staring at the TV, waiting for the final result.

time passed by...

Suddenly, 20 huge fireballs appeared over the Abbas Shipyard.

There is no sound, but it seems that the end of the world is coming. The terrifying fireball is zooming in, zooming in, zooming in at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

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