America’s Big Hero

Chapter 372 I, Sean, don't want to be famous!

Neo-Colonialism: Deciphering the Meaning Behind Umbrella Corporation Action in Morocco

"The Harm of the Unlimited Proliferation of Private Armed Forces: An Analysis of the War Made by the Umbrella in the Last 2 Years"

"How to Protect the Interests of Small Countries from Infringement by Private Armed Forces?" "

"The New Revolution Is Born!" "

"The Killing Made by Sean"

In Europe, the overwhelming coverage was on Sean and Umbrella.


If anyone hates the U.S. Congress the most, it must be the President of the United States.

The two drank black tea and complained about Congress for a while before talking about business.

"You've been working in Xisar recently, and you've actually pushed things forward. Tell us your opinion." Reagan put down his teacup and asked seriously.

"Actually, Europe and the United States should really have a say on the Morocco issue. As for Morocco itself, it doesn't have much say. All they can do is pay the price?" Sean asked after a little pondering.

"Of course, the Moroccans can't grasp the development of the situation very well. As a responsible world power, we have an obligation to help them tide over the difficulties." Reagan said with a smile.

Sean: piu bright!

What is high-sounding!

"I don't know what the French are talking about with Morocco now, suggestion now is to wait, just express concern, and pay close attention to the movements of the Europeans, and then we will know how to protect our interests." Xiao En thought for a while and said carefully.

"Well, you're right." Reagan raised his head and smiled after pondering for a while.

"That's it, I'm leaving." Sean got up, "Oh yes, there will definitely be reporters interviewing me."

"It doesn't matter. It's not the Americans' turn to smear them at will." Reagan waved his hand.

Sean smiled and reached out to give Reagan a high five, then turned and walked out.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao En walked out, Wuyang Wuyang's reporters rushed towards him.

It's just that when the charging crowd was 10 meters away from Sean, they stopped suddenly, and the soles of their shoes were worn out and smoked.

About 20 bodyguards jumped out from all directions to firmly block the crowd. The American journalists were very sensible and resolutely refused to rush!

This is a free America, so it can't be as rude as a native European reporter.

Ever since Hassan II was bombarded to death by a reporter, Sean became very suspicious of the reporter, and even brought too many bodyguards when he went out!

he tui!

The special car drove over, Sean got in the car, then rolled down the window, and then ordered the reporter to come over.

The reporters were more polite than ever. They formed a semicircle beside Sean's car door and asked loudly, "Mr. Sean, French President François Mitterrand's criticism of Umbrella's actions in Morocco is unjust. Now, do you have anything to say?"

"I don't remember when Umbrella set foot on the territory of Morocco. I feel sad for the French people. Their president can't even read a map. Let's march!" Sean curled his lips, "The operation of Umbrella does not need Fran Sowa Mitterrand is gesticulating, what should I learn from him? Do I learn how to surrender to look smoother!"

"I, Sean, need face!"

"Crown Prince Mohammed VI criticized Umbrella's action as an invasion. He wanted Umbrella to be responsible for the Moroccans killed and injured, and called on European countries to sanction Umbrella. What's your opinion on this?"

"Who can send me a modern history of Europe to Mohammed VI. He forgot that it was the protector he asked for help who invaded Morocco. However, history books will not forget that in October 1904 France and Spain signed a partition agreement in Morocco. sphere of influence, became a French colony on March 30, 1912."

"France's transfer of the Phantom fighter formation into Morocco, will this affect the next operation of the umbrella?"

"I, who has been called an invader, has not yet set foot on Morocco's territory, but the French fighter planes have arrived, which is really ironic." Sean sneered, "As for the impact, of course not, Umbrella Company Just resist the invaders on the land of Xisar, if the French dare to invade, then there will be standard 3 missiles to meet them!"

"The Spaniard's aircraft carrier battle group crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into the South Pacific. How does the umbrella company respond to this?"

"Carrier battle group, ha, it's a stupid idea to use an aircraft carrier leased from the United States to attack American warships!"

"Moroccans are very poor. They have been deceived. Those who once enslaved them have returned, but the rulers can eliminate this for their own interests and ruling needs. The spirit of Moroccans is still enslaved."

"The former foreigner came back after a circle. The foreigner is still a foreigner, but their history books have forgotten the hatred!"

Sean caught the French president, the Spanish prime minister, and some crown prince and lashed out. The reporters were so excited!

What's this?

What a beautiful knife!

Spicy, let you European media scold me!

There is nothing I can do in Europe, but in North America, I am your father!

Fucking sanction Lao Tzu, I will deal with you in North America now!

Feeling refreshed, Sean raised the window and left. That night, these interviews made the news.

In particular, the phrase "Learn how to surrender from the French president will look smoother", swept across North America overnight like a gust of wind, and was remembered and praised by countless people.

It's like a new buzzword!

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. The French President received a call that night, and he was so angry that he dropped the phone on the spot.

These words are so vicious!

If Sean dared to appear in front of him now, he would definitely give him a machine gun.

"Damn Sean, damn Umbrella!" Francois Mitterrand roared in the office. This would become his laughing stock. He would never let Umbrella Morocco get any benefits, definitely not!

Early the next morning, François Mitterrand personally called Mohammed VI to discuss joining the European Community.

The European Community is not the European Union. The European Community was founded in 1967, and the European Union was founded in 1993.

The European Community, the role of the European Community: the removal of trade barriers between member states.

Establish a single commercial policy towards non-member states.

Ultimately coordinating transport systems, agricultural policy and general economic policy among member states.

Eliminate private and governmental measures that restrict free competition.

To ensure the mobility of labour, capital and business entrepreneurs between member states.

The reason why several countries in France watched the umbrella push Morocco flat but did not make a sound was not only because the umbrella was too fast for them to react, but also because they had other calculations.

As I said before, when Hassan II came to power, he publicly stated that he would join the European Community, but he has been unable to reach an agreement due to various reasons.

Now the Europeans have found a great opportunity!

(The previous article Hassan II is not seeking to join the European Union, wrong, sorry.)


Due to some coquettish operations at the starting point, I had to split the chapters to test the waters.

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