America’s Big Hero

Chapter 373 Do I, Sean, Want To Be Fame? 2

Chapter 380:

Joining the European Community is very complicated!

This matter has been entangled for many years!

It's not that Hassan insisted on joining the European Community, but that the two sides had a passionate affair, but the reason why they didn't reach the final step was because the price was not agreed.

Internationally, these things are actually similar to visiting a brothel.

As mentioned earlier, the role of the European Community mainly revolves around trade barriers, tariffs and capital flows.

Is it good to break the trade?


This has saved many export products from being charged high tariffs and improved competitiveness.

How much effort the rabbit has spent in order to join the WTO!

It is best to rely on the blessing of this ** to join the WTO smoothly.

But the problem is that Morocco itself does not have any commendable technical products. The only thing they are competitive with is phosphate ore!

Once the regulations of the European Community are fully followed, Morocco will inevitably become a dumping ground for European goods, and those companies in the country will be completely crushed because they will not be competitive.

Coupled with the complete opening of capital mobility, the final result will be that all large and medium-sized companies in Morocco will be controlled by European capital!

Of course, on the surface, this will not reduce tax revenue, nor will it delay the construction of Morocco, but this is tantamount to handing over all the economic lifelines to European countries, and the king who originally controlled the country will become worthless ! !

This is completely unacceptable to Hassan II, well, the entire Arab world.

They are all constitutional monarchies, but in the Arab world, or more precisely, under the YSL belief system, the king is also the supreme leader of religion and military.

But look at those royal families in Europe. The property of the neighboring Spanish royal family can’t keep up with any humble prince or princess in the Middle East. It’s a fucking joke in the king’s world.

And the kings of Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg...



Of course, the external publicity is that the "monarch" is benevolent, they "rule but not rule", and the people are rich!

The European royal family has already fainted in the toilet!

Therefore, Hassan II has always adhered to the principle. He wants to join the European Community, but he does not want to pay the price. The countries of the European Community want to open the African harvest channel more conveniently through Morocco.

On this matter, the two sides did not reach an agreement until more than 30 years later. The rights of the royal family, the interests of the country, and the interests of the people obviously cannot be equated.

Bitter common people...cough cough.

(The speed of YSLization in Europe has been accelerating in recent years. Fireworks doubts whether there is a silent push behind the European royal family, cough cough, nonsense, nonsense.)

Now, what the Europeans are thinking is that Hassan is dead, the country is in chaos, the second dragon is taking the heir, and there are evil neighbors outside. This is an opportunity for internal troubles and foreign troubles. Convince the other party to back down on the matter.

The previous situation was extremely dangerous for Muhammad VI. Once his uncle successfully blocked the attack of the protective umbrella, then, with his great prestige and the current severe situation, he was bound to ascend to the throne. As the crown prince who was about to ascend the throne, he almost It can be said to be dead!

Isn't the modern-day battle for the throne dead?

In Saudi Arabia, Faisal bin Musayd assassinated his uncle King Faisal in 1975. In 2017, the succession dispute became more intense. Within two days, more than a dozen heavyweight members of the royal family died or were arrested.

Therefore, when Muhammad VI heard the news of Xiao En's victory, he yelled excitedly in the room, knelt down and kowtowed several times.

Well, to Allah's...

Sean is his soul mate...

Of course, it is not very safe now, he is too young, so this time, upon receiving the invitation from the Europeans, Mohammed VI immediately took a plane north to visit France secretly.

The promise of the Europeans is to drive the Umbrella Company out of Sisar, establish the prestige of Muhammad VI, and ascend to the throne.

And the price he needs to pay is to agree to the treaty of the European Community and open the country.

Of course, Muhammad VI is not stupid. What he wants is the throne, rather than being a joke in the king's world like Europeans. He is also fighting for reason, minimizing the degree of openness, and giving domestic companies and the royal family more room for activities. .


"Crown Prince Mohammed VI leaves in secret..."

In the White House, Reagan passed the secret report sent back by the CIA to Sean to watch. It involved negotiations between the two parties. There were many people in the negotiation team, and the news could not be completely concealed.

"Tsk tsk, spend your money." Sean tsk tsk twice, "I really don't feel bad for selling my father's land. If Hassan knew that his son did such a thing, he would jump out of the coffin and die with a shot. Son, then drag him into the coffin together!"

"This is not a joke. Once Morocco is allowed to join the European Community, all the money and energy invested by the United States in Morocco will be in vain!" Reagan said with a serious expression, "He is the crown prince and he is the first in line. Combined with the support of the Europeans, there is almost no risk to the throne."

Reagan did not know the specific details, such as driving the umbrella out of Xisar.

But this is actually not difficult. What Morocco wants is to restore the land it originally occupied in Western Sahara. It is of course better to occupy more. As long as the price is enough, carrots and sticks, European countries are sure to persuade Sean or the United States to make concessions.

After all, they are the ones who have the advantage now. Even if they don't take back the previous territory and have a legitimate inheritance right, the Europeans can forcefully push it, but it's not so glorious and stalwart, and they encountered a little resistance when they joined the European Community later.

Sean rolled the report into a paper tube and patted it in his hand. After a while, he looked up and looked at Reagan with a half-smile. He didn't believe that Reagan and his professional team had nothing to do, and asked him, a layman, for help.

"No!" Sean raised his eyelids and pinched Reagan, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked up and down angrily at Reagan, "I, Sean, am I born to be a badass!"

Reagan couldn't hold it back, and let out a chuckle. Seeing that Sean's face was dark, he stopped forcibly, "No, you believe me, puff, I, you are actually a good person."

Sean rolled his eyes, "I will believe you if you can hold back your laughter for a minute!!"

"Pfft, hahahahaha..." Reagan laughed like an idiot.

"I want compensation!" Sean said helplessly: "I will go to Prince Moulay Sidi to talk to each other on the battlefield. I think he will understand."

Reagan gave a thumbs up.

Europeans can push Mohammed VI to inherit the throne, and the United States can naturally push Prince Moulay Sidi to launch a military coup to seize the throne. The battle for the throne has always been bloody, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, the United States does not require Morocco to open its market, but will help Morocco develop.

YSL teaches that the richer the country, the more the royal family values ​​power, and the more closed the country is, it will become the first line of defense against Europeans.

Of course, there must be a military base to strangle the throats of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The United States has always liked to pinch such traffic arteries, such as the Panama Canal, such as Malacca.

The only problem is that it is inconvenient for the United States to directly intervene in this matter. A military coup is a scandal after all.


Anyway, Sean's reputation is already bad...


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