America’s Big Hero

Chapter 420 Chapter 427: Guo Family Crisis

Sometimes, the answer needs to be tactful, and sometimes, the answer needs to be firm.

At least in the current situation Mr. Guo encountered, he must not be vague and give any hint of weakness to Sultan Iskandar.

Leaving the Johor palace, Mr. Guo sat in the car with an unsteady expression and an ugly face.

He had known for a long time that these aboriginals were giving wealth to the Guo family, and it wasn't just a day or two, or one person or two people.

After all, the wealth of the Guo family is much greater than that of the Sultan of Johor. For these lazy and stupid natives, jealousy is certain.

Taking root in Malaysia for a hundred years, the Guo family has never changed their views on the aborigines, and they look down on them.

The tax package system was first created by the Portuguese colonists. Later, the Portuguese were driven away by the Dutch, but this management system was still preserved, and the later masters were the British and Japanese. For the colonists Speaking, this is normal.

The colonists did not think of turning the colony into the native land.

But for the natives, what the hell, you are the owner of the land, the leader of the tribe, you can't do basic management well, to be precise, you don't even bother to do it, you don't even bother to collect taxes yourself and hire outsiders...

How lazy and stupid is that?

Well, it's really impossible to let them manage by themselves, he doesn't have that ability.

How can such a person, such a ruler, such a nation be looked up to?

This is also the reason why wealth and the country's economic lifeline are still controlled by the Chinese after the colonists left.

For so many years, the donations from the sultan and the local nobles have been accompanied by the Guo family and all the rich Chinese, and the secret tricks have always existed.

However, the Guo family is not easy to bully. The sugar king of Asia has spread its reputation in Southeast Asia. Even in Europe and America, people in the industry know the Guo family.

Fear of international influence, coupled with the fact that many economic lifelines are in the hands of the Guo family, they dare not go too far.

With three melons and two jujubes, the Guo family will be able to play, but this time the appetite is too great, and the Guo family cannot retreat.

Of course, whether it is Mr. Guo or Sultan Iskandar, everyone knows that things cannot be done absolutely.

It is possible to rob some assets, but it is absolutely impossible to kill them all.

The reason is simple.

It’s not that these aborigines have tried to snatch property from the Chinese. They feel that they are very smart and capable, and those properties can make money in their hands, and they can earn more.

But the actual situation is that the original good assets, in the hands of the natives, turned into negative assets within two years, and they lost everything directly.

That's embarrassing.

After all, he still doesn't have that ability.

This is also the reason why the vast majority of countries in the world are clearly under the control of capitalists, but they have nothing to do with them.

Especially for those capitalists who employ a large number of workers, there is nothing they can do.

Even if they knew there was a huge problem, they could only help cover it up. Many times people thought it was a collusion between power and money.

Actually, no, or not at all.

In the imagination, the government can take a strong hand to arrest people, directly take over the enterprise, and maintain smooth operation without causing any unemployment or other effects.

This is not the case, capitalists don't like the government at all.

Is it because the politicians don't want to take the company into the hands of the government, nationalize it, and increase their own rights?


The fact is that once the company is in the hands of the government, it will turn a profit into a loss within two months and become negative equity...

Then there is bankruptcy, layoffs...

A lot of trouble ensues...

Bureaucrats all over the world are the same. After the state-owned enterprises go bankrupt and sell to private individuals, they rectify a little bit, hey, they immediately turn losses into profits...

Of course, you can talk about other companies that are not for profit, such as the infrastructure in the east.

Closer to home, now the Sultan of Johor State and the local nobles are looking at the money in the hands of the Guo family!

Or the real estate, mines, plantations and other industries that are used to collect rent are difficult to lose money.

Of course, in their hands, it will be a balance of payments at most, no more!

I went home depressed all the way, and called my brothers and sons over for a meeting.

The current public opinion environment is very bad, and he is very afraid that the Sudanese government will act forcefully.

"How did this wave of public opinion come about?" The eldest son Guo Kongcheng asked with an annoyed expression on his face.

(Guo Kongcheng was once engaged to Teresa Teng.)

"It was first hung up in Thailand. A newspaper over there reported a set of statistical data, the rich list and wealth changes in Malays in recent years." Mr. Guo frowned and replied: "It was reported by Xingcheng media after that, and then reprinted in China. , which sparked this trend.”

"There were locals marching today." The fifth elder brother Guo Qinbao said with a frown, "They blocked the entrance of the company and were filmed by the media. The local police didn't care at all, and the impact was very bad."

"Okay, don't talk about this!" Mr. Guo waved his hand, "The most urgent thing is to talk about how to deal with the Sudanese government."

"This time the Sudanese government has a big appetite, and it is impossible for us to satisfy their appetite..."

After some discussion, a preliminary strategy was set.

First of all, ask the Li family in Xingcheng for help, give some attention from the international community, and let the Sudanese government throw a rat trap.

Second, contact all rich Chinese Malays, work together, buy media, and change outlets.

Third, contacting wealthy Chinese from other countries puts pressure on the Sudanese government. If the government cannot guarantee fairness and order, it will withdraw capital from Malays and reduce business exchanges with Malays out of considerations such as financial security.

Fourth, bribe the media in Hong Kong Island to report the anti-Chinese behavior in Malay.

Fifth, contact the British and hope that the British will come out to mediate.

There is no Dongbian from the beginning to the end. Everyone knows that Dongfang is pretending to be dead at this time and has no ability to control it. Of course, the rich people in Southeast Asia dare not let Dongbian take care of it now...

No matter how good it is, I'm afraid that if the east side intervenes, things will develop in a worse direction.

The British regard Southeast Asia as a taboo and strictly guard against sticking to the east. As for the expansion of power in Southeast Asia by the American father... Well, the same family, well, capital has no borders, and then there are difficult words, the American father breathes a happy air.

The United States also does not want the hand of the East to reach out.

Even the old Maozi, who is too busy to take care of himself now, doesn't want Dong Bian to reach out.

No one in the world wants to see them.

It's just that the development of things this time did not go where they imagined.


In three days, not only did the trend not pass, but it seemed to be intensifying.

The Li family in Xingcheng did help and called the Sudanese government to express their concern about the current wave of opposition in public opinion in Malay, but the Sudanese government ignored it at all.

The rich Chinese attacked the media together, which indeed caused some media to change their tone. They no longer reported similar incidents, whether they praised the Chinese or questioned wealth. They only reported some other hot issues, hoping to divert public attention.

It's just a pity that nearly half of the media still haven't achieved the effect of buying, and they are still reporting, and the trend cannot be reversed.

The expected media reports on Hong Kong Island did appear. Shao Laoliu was very powerful, but it didn't cause any splashes.

Purely Chinese media reports are useless, what everyone wants is to attract the attention of foreign media, such as the BBC, such as News Corporation, such as New Century Media, such as Columbia Radio...

Rich people including the Guo family also visited some people in the British embassy, ​​but the British only expressed their concern verbally, but did not actually fart.

The foreign minister did notice it, but after discussing it, he decided to wait and see. The matter has not reached a point of no return. Now it is over and he cannot show his importance.

The British, who are well versed in the essence of shit-stirring, are keen to judge that there are other people who are stirring up the wind and rain, and they can't act rashly without seeing it clearly. Now is not the best time to stir up shit.

The only ones who played a role were rich Chinese from other Southeast Asian countries. Economic warnings made the Sudanese government restrained, and no government personnel jumped out to say anything publicly.

However, secretly, the number of locals who ran out to march in various parts of Malay suddenly increased.

Demonstrations and strikes are legal.

In the Guo family, everyone is frowning. There are basically no Chinese in the police, and they have been in the hands of the Sudanese government. If the police don’t do anything, they have nothing to do.

Normal operations have been affected.

On the other side, Mr. Guo hung up the phone, frowning. In the past few days, they have felt that someone is pushing behind them. They thought it was the Sudanese government or the government of a neighboring country.

In the past few days, it has been found that it is not.

The Sudanese government cannot influence local media in other countries, let alone foreign media.

So, just now, Mr. Guo called Shao Laoliu of Hong Kong Island. Hong Kong Island is the financial center and media center of Southeast Asia, and the news there is better.

"How do you say?" Fifth Brother asked in a low voice.

"There are indeed people working behind the scenes, and they have greeted all those foreign media. No one has reported what happened in Southeast Asia recently."

"Who is harming us behind our backs?" Guo's family looked shocked and angry.

"Lao Liu can't help it. His influence in the media industry is limited to Southeast Asia. I can't find out who he is, but he is definitely not an ordinary person."

"In my opinion, instead of dealing with the Sudanese government and spending money on these places, it is better to ask someone for help!" Guo Kongcheng is still young, and his ideas are different from his father and others.

What the old men think is to put things aside and let others go, to protect themselves wisely, to quell the influence, and to maintain the status quo. They don't like change, and it is already the best. Any change will mean trouble for them.

But young people are full of anger and can't stand this grievance!

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Mr. Guo snorted coldly, "In this situation, who can make the Sudanese government give up, not to mention whether there is such a person, even if there is, why do they want to help, and what is the price they need to pay? ? Are you sure you are less troublesome than the Sudanese government?"

Mr. Guo considers the issue comprehensively, and I have to say it makes sense.

However, Guo Kongcheng pointed at the door and said angrily: "I don't know, but I know, these people must be driven away!"

The streets not far from Guo's house were full of local aborigines who were demonstrating. This was due to the government's consideration of the impact, and they didn't want to do anything to prevent the crowd from actually blocking the door.

But every time the parade left, the ground was full of rubbish, the road and the side of the road were covered with feces and urine, which was really disgusting.

Especially for this kind of big family, it is very unlucky to be shit and pee at the door.

Mr. Guo was silent for a while, and asked for a while: "Who are you looking for? Do you have a target?"

"Yes, look for a protective umbrella!" Guo Kongcheng said directly: "The world's largest military contractor, as long as they give money, they dare to do anything. What happened to the Sudanese government? They beat the shit out of them, and finally lost the Limbang area. , but also to buy his artillery at a high price!"

"They are now expanding their business, not only accepting war missions, but also accepting security services!"

"The umbrella fleet is right next door to Xingcheng, so we don't ask them to fight against the Sudanese government, as long as we protect our Guo family's property, isn't that all right?"

"I don't believe that the Sudanese government can still sit here safely when the army under the umbrella comes in!"

"We can't cure them, can't foreigners cure them!" Said, Guo Kongcheng raised his head with a proud face!

Mr. Guo was taken aback by what his son said. Of course, he also admitted that what his son said was absolutely correct. If the Americans were really invited to come over, the Sudanese government would definitely back down.

The Sudanese government is afraid of the umbrella, because of what?

Isn't it because the other party is more vicious, but for the Guo family, it is even more powerful, what if the wolf is lured into the house?

This is not Mr. Guo's unfounded worry, this is simply not too much in the long history of the East.

Historically, businessmen in the East are very resistant to contact with armed forces. They accept officials but not bandits, which is easy to get burned.

Unless what you are doing is robber business!

Hearing what his father said, Guo Kongcheng stomped his feet, "Dad, what time is it now, and now there are more security businesses, it's like the ancient bodyguard agency, they also want credibility, and it's not just our business, From Southeast Asia to Africa, they do business with the governments of several countries, you..."

Guo Kongcheng really wanted to tell his father, you think highly of yourself!

"Then we really have a falling out with the Sudanese government, no!" Mr. Guo still hesitated. When the contract period ends and the people who protect the umbrella leave, they will be left alone to bear the anger of the Sudanese government.

That is to say, Mr. Guo didn't know that Xiao En had instigated this trend, otherwise, he would have been too scared to touch it.

"Hey!" Guo Kongcheng stomped his feet fiercely, but there was nothing he could do. His father had the final say at home.

Young people will never be able to get along with the thinking of the older generation.

"Your father is right in thinking, mature and prudent!" At this time, Mr. Guo's fifth brother also nodded in agreement.

The bigger the body, the fear of change, unwilling to change, difficult to change, even if everyone knows that only change can survive better.


"No, it's been a month, why hasn't there been any movement from the Guo family?" Belloc Tony walked up and down behind Sean a little irritably.

After starting the operation, they stayed in Xingcheng. On the surface, they were talking about other business, but they were actually waiting for news from the opposite state of Johor.

"Our fleet is already anchored here!"

"The Sudanese government has been pushed to the wall. How can I endure it? I can't understand it at all!" Belloc Tony panted heavily. It wasn't that he was short-tempered. In fact, he was better than Sean in terms of personality. Too much.

"Oh, just wait, it's not the time yet." Sean looked uncharacteristically not in a hurry.

Now they were on the yacht and Sean was leaning against the side of the boat pumping iron.

"As for the Chinese, with this personality, they will not choose to cooperate with us unless they are forced to."

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm so quiet this time? If I were in Africa or South America, I would have f*ckingly come to my door with a battleship, plane, and cannon!" Not so peaceful.

Waiting is always annoying.

"Why, I can't understand. At this time, they should stand up publicly and be interviewed. They are the richest group of people in the entire Malays. They control more than 70% of the economy and control the economic lifeline of a country. Why? It will be like this..." Belloc Tony waved his arms with a constipated expression on his face, not knowing what words to use to describe it.

"So cowardly, let the other party yell." Xiao En added for him.

"Yes, that's it. I can't imagine Rockefeller, Morgan, and those old men in Chicago facing this situation. If you mess with Falk, let the government go!" Belloc Tony spat.

"Constitutional monarchy!" Sean emphasized.

"So what, Britain is still a constitutional monarchy, what about France, what about Tsarist Russia, what about Mexico, what about Portugal, directly overthrow the government, and send the king to the guillotine." Belloc Tony said sternly.

"This is impossible for the Chinese, they don't control the army, they don't control any violent institutions." Saying this, Sean threw the fishing rod in his hand to Torre not far away, and went to lie down under the sun umbrella on the deck .

"I don't understand. They are not too rich and underpopulated. They occupy such a large proportion. Each of them has a gun. As far as the fighting power of the Malays is concerned, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Chinese." Belloc Tony also came to sit. asked in a beach chair.

Belloc Towne has no doubts that the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army has been tested by the US military.

"First, the Chinese are Chinese, and the east is the east." Xiao En pouted his lips and explained: "Second, it's not that I haven't tried it before. Ma G existed very early. After the British ran away, they were based on the travel notes of the Japanese. The funny thing is that after the Japanese ran away, Ma G was supposed to be in power at that time. As a result, as soon as the British came back, the leader of the government immediately handed over the power. It turned out that the leader was a spy from Britain, France, and Japan. G is gone..."

Sean spread his hands speechlessly, this is the real version of three years later and three years later, three years later and three years later, if I don't come again, I will become the boss.

Belloc Tony was dumbfounded.

The real history is that France is the world's largest exporter of revolution. Before World War II, Britain supported 80% of the funding of anti-government revolutionary groups in the world. However, all revolutions failed and went into exile.

The money of the British is not easy to get, and countless spies have been exported.

"Later, the Ma G group learned from Soviet Union and successfully deceived the Malaysian Chinese, especially those above the middle class. They were finally beaten into shit, but at least they had the support of Lao Maozi at that time. Later, seeing the success of the East, I thought I am trying to learn from the victory experience of my fellow Chinese, and this has stabbed a hornet's nest."

"Globally, the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, almost all countries are attacking them. The most ruthless ones are the British and old men. There can only be one core of GCZY in the world. After all, heretics are more hateful than heretics!"

"Then, they started to carry out internal anti-revolutionary activities themselves, and then it was completely finished, but I suspect that it was a Malay conspiracy. Only Malay indigenous people can do this? They don't have the ability to know!"

"Looking back now, a series of brain-damaged operations at that time completely ruined hope, and the poison was endless, and it has not been eliminated until now."

"The group of Chinese people who were cheated are not dead yet, and the high-level Chinese people have long been stared at by the government. The snake has no head, it can't be done, and there is only opposition from the international community, but no support." Xiao En showed a strange Smile, "Even to the east."

"This is called the sky without two days!"

(Suddenly felt a mysterious force coming) Shawn shook his head, changed the subject and continued: "Actually, there was a chance before World War II. At that time, the Chinese accounted for the majority of the population, more than the aboriginals, but, just like the British from I never thought that the French would not occupy Africa when they established a country in the Americas, even if the local resources are scarce, even if the colonies are rich in resources, in the eyes of the British and the French, it is still a barren land, a place of exile."

"If Britain moved its capital to America back then, they would still be an empire on which the sun never sets, and there would really be no other countries."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, just wait, we don't need to do anything now, those brainless natives will help us finish the rest." Sean waved his hand, without much interest, "It's not about life and death." At this critical moment, these Chinese in Southeast Asia will not let down their guard and come to us."

Thinking of something, Xiao En waved his hand and shouted to Lorraine: "Let the Asian media continue to pay attention to the development of the situation, abide by the ethics of a journalist, and report more truthfully and in-depth, such as the current attitude and plans of the Sudanese governments around the world." , Pre-promoting wage increases for Malays and so on, the rich Chinese are firmly opposed, for example, some rich people even tried to use money to buy media people, all reported!"

Lorraine looked at Sean with contempt, what do you call true reporting?

"What?" Sean had a serious face, and the sun reflected on his upper body covered with sunscreen, as if his whole body was shining. "Didn't these things really happen? Am I talking nonsense? Isn't this the ethics of journalists?" !"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Belloc Tony smiled and gave a thumbs up. "If I didn't know that you were on the side of the Chinese, I would have mourned for those Chinese."

"No!" Sean turned his head and looked at Belloc Tony, "No, I'm on the side of interests!"


Mr. Guo looked at the newspaper report with a blank face. The shouts of the demonstrators downstairs from the company came from outside the window. He clenched his fists tightly and the veins on the back of his hands showed his anger at the moment.

The headline on the newspaper read: Beware of capital takeovers, adhere to journalistic ethics.

——Records of bribes from various parties received by the newspaper in the past month.

The next year is a long list of information, with time in front and events in the back.

On August 12, 1988, I received a call from XXX Chinese company, and XXXXXX ringgit reported an incident.

On August 12, 1988, I received an advertisement from XXX Chinese, and the advertising fee was XXXXXX.

More than 100 records, 90% are Chinese or Chinese companies, as long as there is no brain problem, it can be seen that the so-called donations, advertisements, and reports are all bribes in disguise.

But at this moment downstairs, the demonstrators broke through the police who blocked them, and were already heading towards the building.

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