America’s Big Hero

Chapter 421: Really Cowardly and Pressing Every Step

"The Liu family was broken into by the crowd." The office door was suddenly pushed open, and Guo Kongcheng rushed in, saying urgently.

Mr. Guo put down the newspaper and asked sullenly, "What's going on, where are the police?"

"Return the police, the Liu family was arrested by the police." Guo Kongcheng's face was full of anger, and he cursed fiercely, "Now the Sudanese government wants to punish us, and they are counting on the police!"

"The police are all local aborigines, and there are not many Chinese!"

"We can get money on weekdays, not because we are afraid of them coming to make trouble. Now that the higher ups want to do something, they won't remember our kindness!"

Mr. Guo bowed his head slightly and remained silent.

Guo Kongcheng watched his father still not speak, closed his eyes angrily, panting heavily.

After a while, he shouted loudly: "When are you going to wait until they arrest us too!"

"No, the Sudanese government doesn't dare to really touch us." Mr. Guo said in a somewhat difficult tone, "They just want money, they don't have the ability to operate, if they do, there will be no economic lifeline controlled by the Chinese situation."

"Ha, what's going on outside, what's going on in the Liu family?" Guo Kongcheng laughed angrily, he couldn't understand what his father was afraid of.

"The most they can do is move those small and medium-sized families..." Mr. Guo turned his head slightly, "It's like this every time, isn't it, the past is the past."

"You, you, you..." Guo Kongcheng was so angry, his nostrils were enlarged, his fists were clenched and then loosened, clenched and then loosened.

"You go to Hong Kong Island." Mr. Guo didn't go to see his son, but told himself: "Go and manage the projects over there, and you don't need to participate in the things here."

"The wider the family's business expands, the safer we will be. No one can be relied on. Our Guo family can only rely on ourselves."

"I will let your cousins ​​go to Xingcheng."

"Call your fifth uncle here. The ADM in the United States has always wanted to cooperate with us. It's time to talk." A series of orders came out of Mr. Guo's mouth.

Guo Kongcheng stomped heavily, shook his arms vigorously, turned around and left.

He knows his father's plan, which is part of the transfer of assets from Malaysia. As for the cooperation with ADM, he also understands.

ADM wanted to buy a stake in their Guo family plantation, but was rejected by his father before.

Now it is trying to use the Americans to check and balance the Sudanese government.

This method should be able to scare off the Sudanese government. The interests of the Americans are not so active. Now, Guo Kongcheng doesn't know what his father is going to use to persuade the Americans.

Give up shares?

Compared with long-term losses, in Guo Kongcheng's opinion, it is better to directly ask for an umbrella.

However, it is obvious that the father and son think about the problem from different angles.

Not long after Guo Kongcheng left, Guo Qinbao opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered, he asked eagerly, "Are you really going to give up the shares?"

"No." Mr. Guo shook his head.


Hearing Mr. Guo's greeting on the phone, Belloc Tony looked blank.

How could the call be for him, shouldn't it be for Sean?

Doubt only flashed, Belloc Tony responded with a smile.

After chatting for a few words, Mr. Guo mentioned that he wanted to talk to ADM about cooperative distribution.

After hanging up the phone, Belloc Tony immediately went to Sean, "Mr. Guo called me and wanted to talk to me about the cooperative distribution issue. Does he know that we are behind the scenes?"

"What the hell, can you talk!" Sean scolded, "Their troubles are caused by their own inaction over the years, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"I was digging out the information buried in the depths, and the public has the right to know!"

"Yes yes yes, I was wrong." Belloc Tony quickly admitted his mistake, "Then what should I do."

"He wants to talk, so you can talk. Tell him, in this situation, you can go to the Sudanese government to negotiate. With the same money, you can directly get the management rights of those industries." Sean lowered his head and didn't look at Bei. Locke Tony picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth.

"Huh!" Belloc Tony was stunned, and then smiled: "Yes, wouldn't it be better to take it directly from the Sudanese government, they are useless."

"Aren't you stupid!" Sean cursed angrily.

"What's wrong?" Belloc Tony looked puzzled.

"Why are there so many Chinese here?" Sean didn't answer, but asked instead.

"I don't know, because of the war in the east?"

"Because the local aborigines are lazier than fucking African slaves, they are the most unusable labor force in the world, so the colonists brought in a large number of people from the east!" Xiao En said with a sneer: "When ADM buys it, the expensive Managing costs will break you down."

"The most Chinese people have the means to reduce management costs and labor costs. This is a racial talent!" Sean said with a strange expression.

The earliest civilization in the world to liberate slaves began in Qin Dynasty.

However, European serfdom was not liberated until modern times, starting from the French Revolution. The latest was Tsarist Russia, and it was not truly liberated until the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Why does this phenomenon occur?

Because the east discovered 2,000 years ago that the feudal system can better liberate productivity and mobilize labor enthusiasm than slavery.

Of course, this is a high EQ statement.

Low emotional intelligence: can better squeeze the bottom labor force, the same people can create more wealth.

What is social progress?

Where is capitalism better than feudalism?

It is also able to better squeeze the bottom labor force. In the era of capitalism, people who lost their land had to go into factories.

This 'lost' and 'have to' fully demonstrate the essence of the matter.

The life expectancy of workers is lower than that of farmers, the working hours are longer, the labor intensity is greater, and their lives are more insecure.

In the same way, from capitalism to... Entrepreneurs can squeeze out the bottom labor force better than capitalists, with lower life expectancy, longer working hours, greater labor intensity, and fewer vacations...

What is advanced.JPG

As he said, Sean waved his hand, "If it's that simple, it's your turn, okay, okay, you go, talk to Guo's family, let them recognize the reality."

"But don't mention me, they are very vigilant, understand?"

Belloc Towne walked away with a smirk.


The agreed negotiation location was Johor Bahru, Johor Bahru, in the office building of Guo’s family, and the building downstairs was blocked by demonstrators.

Belloc Towne arrived on the second day. When he arrived, thousands of people were crowded at the gate, all of them were aborigines.

Looking at the noisy crowd outside through the car window, Belloc Tony raised his brows, and immediately understood what Mr. Guo meant.

This is for him to show his ability. If he can't even handle the demonstrations and demonstrators outside, it is impossible to solve the Guo family's troubles.

Belloc Tony motioned, and the secretary beside him took out a phone and dialed out.

Belloc Towne didn't know how to communicate with the local police at all, and he didn't even bother to contact the Sudanese government, so he went directly to the American consulate in Johor.

The consulate knew very well who was the owner of the United States. After receiving the news, it immediately contacted the Sudanese government, expressing its dissatisfaction in a calm but forceful manner.

The demonstrations in Johor Bahru have seriously interfered with the normal business transactions of American citizens here, and the government is required to disperse the demonstrations immediately!

If the Englishman is the father in Malay, then the American is the grandpa.

Especially after being severely beaten by Sean's umbrella more than a year ago, the Malays have a clear understanding.

Well, there are also consulates, and the voice is a little louder.

Soon, a large number of police cars appeared, and the police began to disperse the demonstrators. Mr. Guo's family upstairs watched all this silently, feeling inexplicably relieved.

I can't cure you, and foreigners can't cure you!

Hurrying down the stairs, he happened to run into Belloc Tony who was walking into the hall.

The lobby on the first floor was in a mess, and there were dirty marks left by the natives everywhere...

"I made Mr. Tony laugh." Mr. Guo walked up with an apologetic face. "There is no way. You have seen the situation. It is very difficult for us to go out now. We can only trouble Mr. Tony to come to the door."

"It's okay, small things." Belloc Tony waved his hand indifferently.

No greetings in the lobby, the environment is too bad, there is a smell of feces and urine.

After going upstairs to the living room, we had coffee and exchanged pleasantries for a while before Mr. Guo led the topic, "Mr. Tony must have noticed that we have encountered some troubles. Many products this year may not be so convenient to export."

"So, we want to entrust part of the distribution rights to ADM, as we all know, ADM has a sales network all over the world, which is very good for both of us."

"Distribution rights? Only partial distribution rights?" Belloc Tony looked at Mr. Guo in surprise.

Who on earth gave you the courage to say that?

"I have some understanding of the situation." Belloc Tony thought for a while, then suddenly looked up at Mr. Guo with a smile and said, "The Sudanese government has already looked for us."

Um? Mr. Guo was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned ugly.

These words mean too much.

"What does Mr. Tony mean?"

"The Sudanese government believes that monopolistic operations are not a good phenomenon. It will reduce market liquidity, weaken activity, and lose competitiveness, which is not conducive to economic development and scientific and technological progress." Belloc Tony began to fool "At the same time, handing over the lifeline of the country's economy to one group is a manifestation of irresponsibility for national security," Dao said.

"Only by introducing enough competition can the market be activated and national risks reduced. What does Mr. Guo think?"

Mr. Guo felt very depressed in his heart, as if there was an abyss in front of him, and the cold and biting breath kept attacking his body.

After taking a deep breath, he exchanged a glance with the other brothers. To introduce competition, there must always be industry as the foundation. Most of the industry is now in the hands of the Chinese, and a small part is in the hands of the local nobles.

Will the Sudanese government let the local nobles spit out their interests to attract foreign businessmen?

Obviously not!

Then the only ones who give up their benefits are Chinese people like them!

After all, the purpose is to check and balance them!

Mr. Guo didn't doubt Belloc Tony's words at all. After all, if he was the ruler, he would have done it already.

Only a diversified market can be competitive.

However, Mr. Guo still made a preconceived mistake. He mistakenly put himself in the position of the Sudanese government.

But he forgot that if the Sudanese government were him, the situation in Malay would have been different for a long time...

But the reality is that the Sudanese government is an aborigine, and they don't have that vision!

Afterwards, both sides of the negotiations began to be perfunctory. There was no way, the Sudanese government was generous to others, and the Guo family couldn't match it, so how can we talk about it.

After Belloc Towne left, the Guo family gathered together again, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

After a while, Mr. Guo said, "This time the Sudanese government seems to have made up their minds, and the British are behind it!"

"No wonder the British have only shouted a few slogans!" Guo Qinbao said with a gloomy expression.

"This interest is not enough to impress ADM, and I also doubt whether ADM has the ability to compete with European capital!"

British capital and the capital of other European countries have long been infiltrating each other. During the Marshall Plan, American capital invaded. After that, American capital and European capital also began to be inextricably linked.

In this way, it is logical for ADM to be pulled into the chariot.

Now, under siege from all sides and full of malice, it is completely impossible for the Guo family or the wealthy Malay Chinese to maintain this proportion of resources.

In this struggle, Chinese capital without the support of the backstage state is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, and it is certain that they will suffer heavy losses. In the end, it depends on how much they lose.

"You can't sit still like this, sixth child." Second child Guo Qinnuan said in a deep voice.

"Is there any way, you know, our biggest background is nothing but Chinese capital in Southeast Asia."

"We can think about the protective umbrella mentioned by the eldest nephew." Guo Qinnuan continued: "As far as I know, their boss Sean Rockefeller, although he is also from the Rockefeller family, but because he is an illegitimate child, he almost Not much family help."

"He belongs to the emerging capital of the United States, and has little to do with the old consortiums."

"In recent years, there have been many frictions between emerging capital and established consortiums. It may not be a breakthrough for emerging capital to rise to the top."

"The umbrella is not afraid of the Sudanese government!"

Mr. Guo thought for a while, and finally nodded, "I'll ask Kong Cheng to contact you for a try."

It's inconvenient for him to have direct contact with Umbrella and Sean, not because he's arrogant, but because he doesn't dare.

Always leave some wiggle room.

This kind of private armed force is not like a state, it is too unrestricted and has no bottom line. Some things Guo Kongcheng doesn't know, but Mr. Guo does.

They are all top tycoons in the Chinese community in Southeast Asia. Mr. Guo is very familiar with Boss Li and Mr. Bao in Hong Kong Island.

After Boss Li made a strategy, then Husky suddenly gave up. During this period, Mr. Li was kidnapped, and Boss Li also mobilized a large amount of cash and dollars. Later, Husky was bought by Sean. There is no news about this weirdness. spread out.

But in such a short period of time, the mobilized amount of 4 billion Hong Kong dollars is still cash. Boss Li coordinated it within the circle, so how could they not know.

Before Xiao En suddenly went to Hong Kong Island, Boss Li mobilized funds again to re-acquire Husky...

Of course, a good relationship doesn't mean that Mr. Guo has no time to inquire, meddle, or hide.

Also, before Sean arrived in Hong Kong, he transferred his fleet to Japan to show off his might. .

What ordinary people know is that Japanese brands are being boycotted in the United States, to the point where everyone shouts and beats them.

Experts at a higher level know that there are major American companies such as Sean, General Electric, and General Motors behind the push, and there is a round of suppression of the Japanese business community.

But at the level of Mr. Guo, what he knew was that Xiao En forced Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to borrow money everywhere, Hitachi bowed and apologized, and spent money to eliminate the disaster.

The worst Toshiba, high-level changes, was forced to split the company.

Of course, this does not mean that the future results must be bad, but one thing is for sure, this is not voluntary, it is forced and helpless!

Guo Kongcheng didn't know about this, nor did Mr. Guo's older brothers.

This is why Mr. Guo is afraid of touching the umbrella!

Someone who cannibalizes people, has a violent personality, is unscrupulous, and holds heavy soldiers in his hands. Isn't this a warlord!

Mr. Guo is a person who has personally experienced the era of warlord separatism. He knows exactly how troublesome it is to be attached to such a person!

However, there are many things that can’t be said, mainly because it’s useless to talk about it, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

I can always hear a sentence, you can't know it now, you will know it when you are, and knowing it in advance is beneficial and harmless...

These words are really not pretentious, but knowing in advance what the current status level should not know will cause unnecessary impact on the judgment of the situation, and it is easy to make wrong judgments under heavy pressure. If you accidentally participate in it That's worse.

It's better not to know anything, easy.

Therefore, the pressure can only be borne by Mr. Guo himself.


Guo Kongcheng, who was on Hong Kong Island, couldn't tell what mood he was in when he received a call from home.

There is joy, there is depression, there is irritability, there is depression...

Since its reorganization, Umbrella has branches on all continents.

Take the Asian region as an example. The Asian branch is in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The reason is that the desert tyrants have money, and the Middle East is also chaotic enough.

However, for the convenience of operation, there is also a branch in Southeast Asia, which is located on Hong Kong Island.

After receiving the news from his family, Guo Kongcheng immediately rushed to the branch of the umbrella in Hong Kong Island.

In fact, he has other channels to contact Sean. The Guo family has a lot of influence on Hong Kong Island. It is no problem to get Sean's contact information. In addition, he can also get Sean's contact information from the entertainment industry.

Guo Kongcheng was engaged to Teresa Teng back then, although his grandmother messed it up later.

However, Guo Kongcheng has his own considerations. He is not a rich second generation who knows nothing. The price of asking Xiao En to come forward is completely different from going through the process directly.

He understands the truth that asking God is easy and giving God is difficult.

When we arrived at the branch of the umbrella, the manager here was already waiting in the lobby with a smile. This is a big customer!

In the reception room, Guo Kongcheng introduced the situation, and the manager of the Hong Kong Island branch nodded, "We have a general understanding of the matter, so the question now is, what step does Mr. Guo want us to take?"

"How?" Guo Kongcheng asked.

"The simplest, under normal circumstances, we send people to protect the security of the Guo family and its property, and charge according to the scale of employment."

"Going a step further, we will disperse the demonstrators and ensure the normal operation of your company's business."

"However, considering that the Sudanese government is behind the scenes, the charges will be raised appropriately."

Introduced the relevant fees, the simplest one is 5 million US dollars, and the time is one month.

As for going further, the fee is 10 million US dollars, and the time is also one month.

Normally, this time is enough time for the Guo family to communicate with the Sudanese government to resolve related troubles.

If you can't do it for a month, then don't do it.

Guo Kongcheng pondered for a while and suddenly asked: "Can the Sudanese government be completely dealt with so that they can no longer harass us?"

The manager of the Hong Kong Island branch didn’t change his expression, and replied simply and neatly: “Of course, but the boss needs to do it himself. As for the cost, then the Guo family can only talk to the boss in person. The Guo family, or the Chinese I understand the current difficulties of rich people. I personally recommend that you solve the troubles once and for all. You must know that greed is their nature. Temporary setbacks will not make them remember forever, but after the scars are healed, they will still attack again. of."

The corner of Guo Kongcheng's mouth twitched, he wanted to do it once and for all, but he didn't dare.

After thinking about it, I still said: "I want 10 million services!"

If it were Mr. Guo, he would definitely choose the lowest level of service, but Guo Kongcheng is young, so he really can't stand this anger, and wants to give the Sudanese government a wink, "When will it start?"

"Young Master Guo, you can rest assured that we have global distribution capabilities. Within 24 hours after payment, we can reach any place except the North and South Poles." The branch manager said proudly.



"How fucking cowardly!" Sean snapped and hung up the phone, clutching his forehead with a depressed face.

The call just now came from the Hong Kong Island branch.

"How to say?" Belloc Tony asked eagerly.

"Not so good!" Sean glared at Belloc Tony angrily, "Let me tell you, Belloc, without me, you ADM want to get rid of these Chinese, you don't have to think about it for 20 years!"

"Damn, it's too difficult!"

"Do you know what cultural heritage is?"

"This fucking is called cultural heritage. I have always been adhering to the mentality of sailing carefully for thousands of years. It's too conservative. It's really hard to say!"

"It's done this time, I want your shares in ADM, otherwise I'm sorry for the two months I wasted!"

"Shit!" Sean vented to Belloc Tony, and then said the matter again.

Belloc Towne's face was extremely ugly. After hiring the umbrella security service, Mr. Guo would use Rashawn to enter the venue to threaten the Sudanese government.

With Sean's deterrent power in the Sudanese government, the Sudanese government is sure to retreat after a little benefit.

Then all their previous efforts will be wasted!

In fact, this is also the case. It took more than ten years for ADM in the previous life to slowly penetrate into the Guo family's industry.

"What should we do now?" Belloc Tony asked with a frown.

"Make the matter so big that there is no room for relaxation on both sides!" Sean replied with a dark face, then grabbed the phone and dialed out, "Prepare to recruit people, mix into the parade tomorrow, provide them with more guns, let them Our people be careful, and run back after finishing!"


After hanging up the phone, Sean looked up at Belloc Tony, "If you kill more people, make things worse, and the Sudanese government will have no room to retreat!"

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