America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 451: william's taste

Naturally, Paris's answer could not satisfy the reporters.

But later, Paris brought the topic back to the AT Skin Care Center, and didn't answer any more personal topics.

As for the experience of dealing with reporters, Paris is now different from when she was young, so she naturally knows how to deal with it.

In this press conference, Paris also announced that Asia's economy has been booming. The brands of HC Fashion Company, whether Hermes or ParisHilton, have developed rapidly in Japan, China and other countries. Next, The AT skin care brand will also start from the Japanese market and be promoted to the entire Asian region, bringing the world's highest quality pure natural skin care products to the Asian people.

It can be said that the skin care products of the AT brand have now become the representatives of top skin care products, but because of the previous production capacity constraints, they have always been sold in limited quantities, which has caused the effect of hunger marketing, even if their products, price High is still the goal pursued by celebrities and celebrities.

Now, with the continuous expansion of the planting plant of "Energy Ball" and the increase of production lines, the output of AT skin care products has also increased, so expanding the market is also a due move.

At the beginning, the output of AT skin care products was low, and the impact on the high-end cosmetics market was not obvious, but as the market of AT skin care products expanded, those products that mainly focus on the high-end market began to come under pressure.

The financial market also reacted quickly, including Estee Lauder, Lancome and other brands, the stock prices have fallen a lot recently, in the Japanese market, including skii and Shiseido, which is preparing to transform to high-end, are also bearish.

Especially after the opening of the AT skin care center in Tokyo, this time Paris specially brought new AT skin care products - "W" series of nourishing masks and night creams.

The so-called "W" series is the skin care series named after William. In the words of Paris at the press conference:

"William has many attractive features. For example, he always has a faint fragrance on his body. We specially searched for the top perfumers, using the most natural materials to concoct the fragrance closest to William's body, and then match it with The most sincere AT miracle skin care serum is our high-end skin care product of the W series."

Under Paris's rather ambiguous introduction, the "W" series was snapped up as soon as it was launched, and the pre-ordered production capacity of the product has been scheduled for two months.

With the description of some users who have used this product:

"This mask has a pleasant fragrance, light and refreshing. It is said that this is the unique fragrance of William. When I use this mask, I almost feel like I am in William's arms. It was a wonderful experience to be cared for by him.”

"As for the effect of the product, I can say responsibly that it has made my skin much firmer and younger. It beats all the brands I've used, including Seablue Mystery."

If it is just the hot sale of AT skin care products, it is still acceptable for other cosmetic brands. After all, the cosmetics market is very large, and the output of AT skin care is limited by the "vigor ball", so it cannot occupy too much in the short term. market.

Then the next piece of news will make other cosmetic brands, especially the Japanese brands that Paris just announced to vigorously develop the Asian market.

According to American media, HC Fashion Group, the parent company of AT skin care, has made an offer for a wholly-owned acquisition to Estee Lauder. According to the latest stock price, Estee Lauder’s market value is $27 billion, and this time HC Fashion Group’s offer to Estee Lauder is $30 billion.

If this transaction is completed, then HC Fashion Group will become one of the largest cosmetics companies in the world.

However, according to the analysis of relevant experts, whether this acquisition can be achieved depends entirely on the wishes of the Lauder family.

The Estee Lauder brand was founded in 1946 by Mrs. Estée Lauder and her husband Joseph Lauder, but for 50 years, the Estee Lauder Company was just an ordinary family business.

It was not until 1995, under the planning of Mrs. Estée Lauder's son Leonard Lauder, that the Estée Lauder Company went public and was able to open the territory of its beauty empire.

However, although Estee Lauder, like many cosmetic companies, raises money through listing, it is different from many family-owned businesses that are eventually acquired by giants because of their listing, their equity falls by the wayside.

At the beginning of the listing of Estee Lauder Companies, under the planning of Leonard Lauder, a dual-stock structure was implemented, and the shares held by the family had higher voting rights. Therefore, the Lauder family did not lose its ownership of the Estee Lauder Group due to the listing. Absolute control, still owns 40% of the company's shares and 86% of the voting rights.

Therefore, at this time, Leonard Lauder, the speaker of the Lauder family, still firmly holds the control of Estee Lauder. If HC Fashion Group wants to acquire the Estee Lauder Company, it must first obtain his consent.

In an interview, Paris said that she would strive for the acquisition of Estee Lauder. After the acquisition, Estee Lauder, like Hermes under the HX Fashion Group, will still be operated by the Lauder Relatively independent, HC Fashion Group will provide more support for Estee Lauder, and will not do too much business.


Since he came to Tokyo, William Chen first went to see Sun Zhengyi from SoftBank Group. This time he came to Japan, not just for the trivial matter of opening the AT skin care center, but also for other plans.

In this case, as a local local snake, Sun Zhengyi has great energy and influence, so it is very necessary to meet and communicate with him before this.

After the meeting, the two talked about the situation of the joint venture between the two parties. At present, Meta Technology and Softbank Group have two joint ventures, namely the Japanese company and the Siri Japan company. The development of both is very smooth. The Japanese version, At present, it occupies the first user share in the mobile social field in Japan, ahead of the next LINE by more than ten percentage points.

As for Siri, there is no competitor in Japan at all. In the field of artificial intelligence, to be honest, there is no competitor in Japan that can challenge Siri.

After saying this, Sun Zhengyi told Chen William that Shiseido, a Japanese cosmetics giant, had contacted him recently, hoping to have the opportunity to talk to Chen William.

Although the chairman of HC Fashion Group is Paris, everyone with discernment knows that the person who can really influence this company is William Chen.

After seeing the other party's entry into the Asian market for AT skin care products, he was quite apprehensive.

According to Sun Zhengyi, the other party is willing to let HC Fashion Group take a stake in exchange for their support in all aspects.

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