America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 452: Want to buy?

Sun Zhengyi was just talking about Shiseido. Originally, he was helping to spread the word, so no matter how William Chen decides in the end, whether he agrees to cooperate or not, it has little to do with him.

But next, what Sun Zhengyi said was his own business.

He told William Chen that SoftBank Group was preparing a big move to acquire SprintNextel, hoping to get help from William Chen in this, and even if the other party was interested, he also welcomed William Chen to join the acquisition and become part of the acquisition group. a member of .

SprintNextel is currently the third largest telecommunications operator in the United States. At this time, its market value exceeds 15 billion US dollars. The most important thing is that the telecommunications field has always been the subject of supervision in various countries. There are many barriers to entry of foreign capital.

Hearing his proposal, Chen William was a little surprised, but this is also reasonable. After all, it can be said that Sun Zhengyi has been very successful because of the acquisition of Vodafone's Japanese business.

In 2001, the global Internet bubble occurred, which caused heavy losses to Sun Zhengyi, who mainly invested in this, and the market value of SoftBank Group also fell to the bottom.

At this time, he needs a victory to salvage the defeat and regroup.

Sun Zhengyi is aiming at broadband business.

So in June 2001, Sun Zhengyi opened the broadband installation reservation application to users through the Yahoo Japan website. Users in Tokyo can enjoy the trial service in June, and the service for the whole country of Japan will start in August. This service is named as "Yahoo Japan BroadBand", referred to as Yahoo BB.

However, although this business has won the enthusiastic participation of users, it encountered many difficulties in the process of implementation.

The first difficulty was brought about by NTT.

NTT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Japan's largest telecommunications service provider, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Co., Ltd. If you want to open broadband services in Japan, you need to lease equipment in central computer rooms in various regions and their optical fibers from NTT.

SoftBank's network is composed of computer rooms connected by these optical fibers. If SoftBank's network wants to cover more areas, it needs more NTT computer rooms in different areas, as well as enough optical fibers, and ensure that there are already optical fibers between these computer rooms. connect.

It is very likely that no optical fiber is laid between the central computer rooms in certain areas, and the computer rooms that have been connected with optical fibers may not have idle optical fibers available for rent.

The staff of Yahoo BB had to confirm whether there was optical fiber between the computer rooms they needed, and only after getting a positive answer would they start laying network cables.

The engineers of Yahoo BB groped in various computer rooms of NTT. If they encountered a situation of "no way", they needed to modify the previous network laying line.

This is not the most maddening thing. What makes people more annoying is the problem that there is no idle optical fiber in the computer room to rent.

This problem is not entirely the cause of NTT, it is also related to the large number of applications for Yahoo BB's broadband service.

Because Yahoo BB's business is too popular with users because of its low price - since the announcement of the appointment application on June 20, more than 100,000 people have submitted applications by the end of July.

According to the project progress of Yahoo BB at that time, there was no way to provide services for these customers, Sun Zhengyi could only postpone the official service time to September 1.

But by September 3, Yahoo BB had received more than 1 million broadband applications in total, but the optical fiber equipment the company had rented was only enough to open services for 40,000 users. https://

More than 960,000 people were waiting for service, and the Yahoo BB project seemed to have no hope, so countless calls were made to Softbank, but they couldn’t be answered.

However, these people have no concept of broadband business at all, and there is nothing they can do except apologize, which increases the dissatisfaction of users.

Seeing that it can no longer be delayed, if applying for optical fibers through normal channels will only make the project impossible, and finally Sun Zhengyi went directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to negotiate with officials.

Said to be a negotiation, but in fact, Sun Zhengyi's behavior at that time was more like "threatening". It is said that Sun Zhengyi patted the official's table and said loudly:

"Give me the lighter, if I don't have an optical fiber, I might as well just pour gasoline here and set myself on fire!"

At that time, SoftBank was already the third largest mobile operator in Japan. Although there is still a big gap compared with the traditional old company NTT, the "listed company founder and CEO self-immolation on the spot" is definitely not a public opinion incident that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications can withstand.

For the broadband business, Sun Zhengyi can be considered to be willing to go out. Although the method is extreme, the goal is finally achieved.

After solving the optical fiber, Sun Zhengyi's next trouble is that some users do not meet the installation conditions of ADSL broadband.

For example, the user's line user name is inconsistent with their telephone line user name, and the major customers who originally used the ISDN network cannot use the ADSL service because the line is not suitable.

Therefore, whether users can smoothly enjoy Yahoo BB's ADSL service sometimes depends on their own information and their installation conditions.

However, Sun Zhengyi promised the user: Yahoo BB will install broadband into the home within 10 days after submitting the application, and if it exceeds the time limit, the user will be exempted from the usage fee for the next month.

Publishing such a declaration is to motivate myself and my employees to do their best to improve the service level and try their best to improve the service quality. At the same time, it also conveys the belief to users that SoftBank and Yahoo BB have been working hard to improve their business level.

Of course, when made this commitment, Sun Zhengyi did not forget to remind users: the service installed on the 10th is only applicable to the following users: users with the same user name on the line, non-ISDN users, and residential telephone lines without Users occupied by other devices. In this way, users will also confirm whether they have the conditions for installation before installation, so as to avoid a wasteful trip.

All in all, after the initial chaos and crisis, in December 2005, Yahoo BB reached 5 million users. The broadband speed also surpassed that of South Korea, reaching 61 megabits per second, becoming the world's first.

It can be said that Sun Zhengyi has always appeared in the Japanese business world as a disruptor, as if he directly changed the stubborn status quo of the industry after he entered the broadband business.

The most fundamental reason why broadband is so popular in Japan is that Sun Zhengyi has launched the lowest-priced broadband service in history. The monthly Internet service fee is only 990 yen, plus other additional service fees such as routing, a total of only 2830 yen. Compared to the tens of thousands of yen per month for other companies, this is a drop in the bucket.

To implement a low price, Sun Zhengyi must find a way to reduce the cost. In fact, he has already made preparations. He won a lower price in the procurement of routers.

The reason why he can get the low price is because he purchased in large quantities and ordered 1 million units in one go - this figure also shows Sun Zhengyi's courage.

Just this, Sun Zhengyi was still not satisfied, he directly aimed at the telecom giant - Vodafone.



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