Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 318: Those who shovel **** want to rebel

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Xie Zhi looked around, and said again: "Since it's high-profile enough, it's not bad for this trembling."

With the voice, Xie Zhi raised the ring, and amidst the flashing green and yellow light, a line of extremely large alien characters in a large language appeared in the space, and the flashing light was very eye-catching.

It just means one thing when translated... Who else!

As soon as the declaration came out, all types of giant ships turned around and flew away from this place.

After a while, the sky returned to deserted, only countless spaceship wreckage, which proved that there was a battle here.

"Call work." Xie Zhi clapped his hands and said, "Let's go, continue shopping."

That's right, everyone flew back to the barren land again, fighting to establish their prestige, it is estimated that there will be no one who is blind, unless they are robbers with the same strength or stronger.

But Xie Zhi, they estimate that a power with this strength is probably not short of money, right? There are a few of them like them, pure newcomers to the universe, who don't have a dime in their pockets.

Entering the black market again, everyone's attitude towards enjoyment is very different. Not only is the service attitude extremely enthusiastic, but also there is no need to bargain, and the merchants actively discount. At this moment, Dongfeng 17 has become the most potential high-quality customer in the eyes of the merchants.

And what should people in the barren land do, just like in the past, as if nothing happened just now.

There was also a small accident during the period, which may also have an impact on the business, but it said that after fighting for a long time, there was no movement, but after landing, it seemed to be nauseated. After retching a few times, it opened its mouth suddenly and spit out someone!

That is, the black cloak that was swallowed by it before was covered in mucus, but it did not die.

It's just that the spirit is obviously abnormal, and I yelled: "Mom, I was wrong! I should eat more vegetables! Vegetarian is healthy!"

Looking at the black robe who staggered away, what everyone was most concerned about was how did Gu Gu spit out someone with such a small mouth? Does this count as spatial ability? But Xie Zhi didn't feel anything unusual.

However, Youde made a rough assessment based on the performance of the enemy on the battlefield, and more than half of the more than 30 spaceships Xie Zhi caught were worthless. Selling them would be considered a small profit.

But it did prove Bucky's guess, the spaceship is really worthless, maybe it is worthless here, maybe the small spaceship is not worth much, anyway, there is no one worth more than 10,000, like selling a second-hand car.

Of course, those valued by Youde are relatively more valuable, but there is no need to sell them. It is more cost-effective to keep them for research than to exchange them for money.

Youde is searching for valuable things and making a shopping list, and let Xie know that what they are most interested in at this time is Gu Gu, the Yuan Devouring Beast.

According to the information I bought, the Yuan Devourer can devour almost all substances. Some people think that the Yuan Devourer's stomach is connected to another parallel universe, so no matter how many objects it swallows, it will not get fat, and it can lay hundreds of eggs at a time.

Xie Zhi frowned, staring at the intelligence dealer: "That's all?"

"Believe me, I have the most words in the description of Yuan Devouring Beast in the whole universe."

"in vain!"

"Why is it nonsense, obviously..."

Xie Zhi disdainfully interrupted: "Is a powerful creature that lays hundreds of eggs at a time rare enough to become a rare species? Is it so valuable?"

" seems to be the same."

When everyone turned their heads and continued shopping, Xie Zhi brought Gu Gu over: "Gu Gu opened his mouth and said."

Bucky smiled and said, "Thank you, be careful, don't let Cuckoo swallow you."

"It dares! Isn't it my lady?"

Xiao Yu said: "Don't worry, if it likes me, it may not necessarily like you."

That's right, everyone is really not afraid of the googoo-swallowing move. Those tentacles are really strong, but are the tentacles really strong enough to pull anyone in? It also depends on the target, at least it may not work for this family with the ability to manifest.

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Come on, open your mouth, I will treat you to a small dried fish if you are obedient, but if you are not obedient...I will sell you for money."

"Meow." Gu Gu reluctantly opened his mouth wide.

"Open it wider, yes, it's so cute." Xie Zhi's eyeballs almost reached Gugu's mouth, and he closed Gugu's mouth after a while: "I don't see anything special, just like a normal kitten. .”

Youde said: "Or else, let it swallow a sentinel robot, go in and have a look, and let Gugu spit it out."

"good idea."

As he said that, Xie Zhi released an ant-sized sentry robot, put it on his finger and stretched it out to Gugu's mouth.


Gu Gu Gu's objection was invalid, because Xiao Yu even spoke: "Good boy, Gu Gu Gu, this is to check your body."

There is no way, the one who shovels the **** is picked by himself, and now he wants to rebel, it seems that the swallowing move may not be successful, scratch it with small claws? Resign yourself to fate.

Cuckoo gave in, and with a lick of his little tongue, the robot swallowed.

Youde let out a surprised "Huh".

Xie Zhi asked, "What's wrong?"

"The signal has completely disappeared, and it is impossible to contact at all. Gugu's body can completely isolate communication."

"Okay, about an hour, when the time comes, spit it out and look at the data."

But he said that the purchasing power of 20 million is strong enough, but he still hasn’t bought good things that satisfy everyone. The problem lies in the quantity. Moisture.

The really cutting-edge technology and materials are not bought, it is too expensive, and the money is spent on the mid-end products, and even the mid-end only bought two technologies, which is the most effective after the optimization analysis. cost-effective results. (Note 1)

It's no wonder that Tifeng's own ring is asking for 300 million yuan, which means that the ring itself is a high-end product. If you want to buy a product of the same level, you must have at least 300 million yuan.

It can also be seen from this that Ti Feng is really not easy to mess with, 100 million has created a big scene, and if he doesn't blink his eyes, he can still raise the price, and the highest reward is worth 4 billion! If local tyrants become willful, the consequences will be dire.

As for picking up leaks, it depends on luck and eyesight. The lucky family thinks they are not bad, but their eyesight is not good enough, and they don't know enough about this world.

After shopping, everyone left the place.

And when it was almost an hour, everyone in the spaceship sat around and stared at Cuckoo.

Cuckoo retched a few more times, spit out a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then, the sentinel robot in the saliva suddenly enlarged.

After inspecting the sentinel robot for a while, Youde said with a weird expression: "These readings... are interesting. I am a little suspicious now, whether Mr. Hank Pym has also come into contact with Yuan Devourer."

Xie Zhi continued: "Pym particles?"

Youde said: "I can't confirm whether it is a Pym particle, but judging from the form of expression, the effect is the same. Gugu has the ability to scale the size of matter, but this ability comes from its stomach. To be precise, it should be The synapses on the stomach wall are the tentacles it spits out, and it is these tentacles that can scale.

Therefore, the size is meaningless to Gugu. The part where its tentacles protrude from the mouth can become and the things caught by the tentacles can also be reduced accordingly, and the process of throughput will not be affected by the size. "

What Youde said cannot be confirmed, everyone understands, yes, only Xie Zhi knows the formula of Pym particles, even now Xie Zhi controls the production of ants, and never pretends to others, the family also understands, this is the core card of the family, Moreover, it must not be spread casually, and it cannot be overstated.

Ryan said: "So Gu Gu, does it have anything to do with cats?"

Youde said: "I think Cuckoo is a cat. Although it has very special abilities, in terms of its main physiological structure and living habits, Cuckoo is not much different from cats. One of the more unique cats."

Xie Zhi smiled and rubbed Gu Gu's little head: "In other words, Gu Gu is a real cat."

Cuckoo, on the other hand, meowed unhappily, as if to say, "You **** shoveler, you've settled the matter, where's the little fish you agreed to do?"

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