Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 319: There is a situation

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Gu Gu happily ate the small dried fish, while Xie Zhi said with a smile: "I guess Gu Gu is so valuable, it must be one of the reasons why it can be used as a space storage device, and it is convenient to store."

"Ah, yes." Bucky pointed his fingers: "Xiao Ai watched that cartoon, what's it called? Anyway, it's a cat, blue is quite fat, and can take everything out of its stomach."

"Then every time you take something out, is there a pile of gurgling gastric juices? Maybe there are fishbone on it, is it disgusting?" Xiao Yu looked disgusted.

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Of course our family is more high-end, but the aliens may not care about it, just use it as a wipe."

Ryan nodded: "There is also a digestive problem. Gugu can swallow everything, can he digest everything? Then save things or feed the cat?"

Youde said: "According to the data, Gugu's digestion ability is relatively strong, but compared to the earth's creatures, Gugu can't digest any substances, at least the sentinel robot can offset the corrosion of its gastric juice.

Moreover, Gugu's ability to spit out what it swallows is enough to show that there are more things it can't digest, and it has formed a physiological habit. From the perspective of manifestations, swallowing is its means of attack, not for eating. "

"Don't talk about cooing." Xie Zhi touched his bald head and sighed: "This trip did not achieve the intended purpose. Tifeng is indeed taken advantage of, but good things are too expensive. In short, we are poor in the universe."

Ryan wondered, "Why don't I feel poor?"

Bucky shook his head and laughed: "Of course we don't lack fixed assets. The problem is that we don't want to exchange them for money. This problem is not easy to solve now. Looking at those interstellar robbers, they don't look like they have money. There is nothing lucrative in voluntary suppression of bandits. .”

Xie Zhi nodded: "That's the reason. I can't think of any short-term way to make money quickly. The cosmic spirit ball is very valuable, but unfortunately I don't have any clues."

Xiao Yu said: "Everyone wants to do it in one step, but it's so easy. It takes a process to accumulate. Let's contact the Skrulls first. They know this universe better than us. Maybe we can get some inspiration from them."

"Cheng, Youde, let's get in touch."

According to the communication code given by Hakuna, Yutoku sent a communication signal to the universe.

After a little more than a minute, Youde said: "This communication method is enough to cover the Milky Way, and it can be connected within a minute, but there is no response from Talos."

"No response... something happened to that Talos?" Xie Zhi frowned: "Wait five minutes and send it again."

After the second communication, after a while, there was still no response.

Youde said: "Three possibilities, either something happened to the Skrulls, in this case we have nothing to do.

Either that, Marwell made some kind of agreement or warning in the last communication with Talos, or even Marwell did not contact him again, which made Talos suspicious, and now he is preventing the Kree from intercepting the communication, After all, although this communication method is universal, each race has unique characteristics, and the Cree know the Skrulls too well. Now Talos may refuse all external communication requests, or even not open communication at all.

The last possibility is that they are not within the communication range, and may have fled to a more distant place, such as outside the Milky Way. Of course, this possibility is very low. "

Xiao Yu said: "Youde, which one do you think is most likely?"

Youde said: "The second type, according to Hakuna, as long as the communication is kept silent, it is difficult for the Cree to trace the traces of the Skrulls. In addition, they are good at transforming and camouflaging. way, the possibility of success in hiding is greater.

It is unlikely to leave the Milky Way, whether it is because of technology or practical needs, and since Marwell has successfully contacted Talos, it also shows that Talos will not choose to escape outside the Milky Way.

Therefore, the greatest possibility is to refuse communication out of caution. "

"It's right to be cautious, but..." Bucky spread his hands and said helplessly, "We won't be able to find them either, it's troublesome."

Xie Zhi sighed: "We must keep in touch, um, let's send it several times a day, but we can't just wait,"

Xiao Yu said: "Huh, what? What did you think of?"

Xie Zhi grinned: "A vague idea, maybe we can let the Skrulls take the initiative to contact us."

"Ah..." Bucky raised his eyebrows, with an expression that I understand you, he pointed at Xie Zhi: "Do you want to make trouble?"

"I haven't figured out how to do it. Generally speaking, I think it can be famous. It was a random name. Now 'Dongfeng 17' may have a small reputation in the underworld, so let's continue to use it. If we make the name The larger ones, the farther ones, and show...we are friends of the Skrulls, and I believe that Talos will respond to our contact sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi smiled and rubbed his hands: "Of course, by the way, our journey to the universe cannot be wasted, just like what the lady said, accumulation is a process, so let's continue to accumulate.

Money, resources, technology, and even combat experience, making friends, fighting, and accumulating diplomatic capital in advance.

In a word, we can get benefits and travel, and we can let go of our hands and feet and have fun when the children are not around. "

Xiao Yu said: "There are benefits, but it is also equivalent to publicly stating that you are against the Cree people. At least you have to know yourself and the enemy... Virtuous, what does the intelligence say about the Cree people?"

Youde said: "The Kerry Empire has a huge territory and strong national strength. Its strength ranks among the top ten in the Milky Way. It belongs to the top interstellar civilization. It has always been tough and warlike. The combat power of the Star Fleet also belongs to the first-class echelon.

The Cree's home planet, Hara, is a high-gravity environment. Life born in that extreme environment has evolved a very strong body, so the Cree's individual soldiers are also outstanding, and they can even be as strong as elite individuals. The degree is higher than that of the entire ethnic group, and this is also reflected in their foreign wars. The Cree also have an advantage in the interstellar in terms of physique. "

Ren whistled: "Wow, it sounds much better than the hunters."

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "It's no big deal. Although the Kerry Empire is powerful, they are not the boss of the universe no matter how strong they are. The Milky Way is getting bigger, and it is not all their territory. Our Dongfeng 17 is an unofficial organization. As long as we don’t expose our relationship with the earth, right?”

Youde said: "That's true. There are forces that are powerful and at odds with the Kree. Apart from the traditional interstellar powers, there is also a free organization that is also very powerful. It is the predators that Hakuna mentioned, but they are a very loose organization." There are a hundred factions in the mercenary alliance, if they really unite, the powerful countries will be afraid of three points, but usually, they are scattered in every corner of the universe, doing their own things, and they are not a threat."

Xie Zhi snapped his fingers: "Look, the universe is so big, everything is possible, just a Cree Empire, the engines we have now are top-notch in the Milky energy comes from the universe Rubik's Cube, fly the fastest! Who can catch up with us? Unless it is a monster that can cross space... huh? There is a situation!"


Before Xie Zhi's voice fell, the spaceship suddenly shook! Like being hit by something!

Following the spacecraft, the flight is unstable and almost out of control!

Youde said anxiously: "There is something lying on the spaceship! The engine index is abnormal! The engine energy is rapidly disappearing! That thing is absorbing the energy of the engine!"

Xie Zhi said with a sneer: "Look, let me just say that there is a situation."

Everyone rolled their eyes and ignored him, Xiao Yu said: "Youde, how is the spaceship?"

"The energy-absorbing armor is on, but there is no damage, but the three hatches cannot be opened, only the bottom hatch."

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