Analog company starts with technology

Chapter 143 Medium meaning

"I wonder what big business Mr. Nomura has, but we can talk about it now, right?"


In a high-end private room, Niu Geng looked at Nomura Yu and got straight to the point without any intention of being muddled.

And in order to find out Nomura Yu's true purpose, Niu Geng also arranged Qin Xiaoman, Song Yuanchao and the others in other private rooms according to his wishes, leaving only He Guang by his side.

at this time.

Facing the inquiry, Nomura Yu first raised his gaze and glanced at He Guang next to him. After confirming that there was no problem, he slowly spoke.

"Mr. Niu, we are very interested in the super microorganism sewage treatment technology developed by your factory. If we can reach a cooperation, the investment will reach tens of billions. I wonder if this is a big business?"

Ten billion yuan?

Niu Geng smiled lightly: "If it costs tens of billions of dollars, it can still be called a big business."

It's not that he's being arrogant. With various incomes coming in during this period, and the recent purchase orders obtained by the processing plant, the company's working capital alone has approached the 100 billion mark.

Ten billion alone is nothing.

I can only say that it means moderately.

What's more, Niu Geng didn't know whether the other party was talking about the currency of the island country.

Hearing Niu Geng's words, Nomura Yu was slightly startled, and then said: "Meitao's words are not impossible, but I still have a question to ask Mr. Niu."

"The problem is nothing, but should you tell me your true identity first?"

Niu Geng did not directly answer Nomura Yu's words, but instead asked a question of his own.

Since Yu Nomura is not a trustworthy person, he must show his identity and strength, otherwise how can he convince others that he has the ability to discuss big business.

Niu Geng didn't want to waste time and energy in vain.

It's just that this question seemed a little sensitive to Nomura Yu. He paused for a few seconds before giving a vague explanation.

"Mr. Niu, I'm so sorry."

"My specific identity cannot be revealed for the time being, but please believe that I am willing to follow Yue Xin to your Jingzhou City. I come with absolute sincerity and sincerely want to promote this cooperation."

When Nomura Yu said this, Niu Geng kept looking into his eyes, and it really didn't look like he was lying.

In addition, the other party had successfully aroused his interest, so out of curiosity, he temporarily skipped the topic and signaled Nomura Yu to continue.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

"That's what Mr. Niu is like."

"I would like to know whether your factory's super microorganism sewage treatment technology has been tested on nuclear wastewater treatment, and what its treatment efficiency is. This is crucial for our cooperation."

...Nuclear wastewater.

When these words reached his ears, Niu Geng repeated the keyword in his mouth softly, and his thoughts started to work quickly.

Anything involving nuclear is extremely radioactive, and individuals or private companies will not be allowed to come into contact with it. Nomura Yu suddenly mentioned nuclear wastewater, which basically exposed his identity. At least he had a close guess.

Looking at the island countries that need to solve the nuclear waste problem, it is estimated that the only one is the Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant.

If this is the case, it is indeed a big business.

However, this is equivalent to posing a problem for Niu Geng, because the super microbial sewage treatment technology has not been tested on nuclear wastewater.

How is it possible to know its efficiency.

After all, nuclear waste is a key restricted item and it is impossible for outsiders to get it.

What's more, Niu Geng would only deal with such a highly radioactive substance if he had a headache. His original intention of optimizing microbial sewage treatment technology was only to solve the water quality problem in Long Lake, and he did not consider this aspect at all.

However, Nomura Yu's words gave him a wake-up call.

It seems that it is also a good thing to find out whether the bacterial liquid is effective in treating nuclear wastewater. If the experiment is successful, it will also have a positive effect on the domestic issue of nuclear waste treatment.


There was no reason to refuse the business that came to him, so Niu Geng did not tell Nomura Yu clearly about the situation.

"The super microorganism sewage treatment technology we developed may be slightly less efficient than industrial wastewater in treating nuclear wastewater, but I believe it is still effective. It's just that detailed data analysis may take some time to be available."

"That's such a shame."

A trace of regret suddenly appeared on Nomura Yu's face when he heard this: "Nuclear waste is a problem that the world needs to face, and there is no good way to deal with it yet. It's because my expectations were too high."

"I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate with your factory in the future."

For Nomura Yu, he originally came to Jingzhou City specifically to solve the nuclear wastewater problem, because he had learned about the latest technology developed by Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant through special channels. Due to the name of Xingyuan Technology, My expectations are still relatively high.

But after listening to Niu Geng's answer, he understood that the Xingyuan Wastewater Treatment Plant probably did not take nuclear wastewater into consideration at all when it developed this technology.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to have any effect on nuclear wastewater.

Although this trip was in vain, there is nothing that can be done. It can only be said that everything is not so easy to solve.

It seemed that this business was going to be gone, but Niu Geng's expression did not change at all. He was still as calm as water, without causing any disturbance.

The nuclear wastewater problem in Fukushima is basically known to the outside world and is about to reach the maximum tolerance limit.

Appropriate methods must be adopted as soon as possible.

Otherwise, leakage again will cause immeasurable losses.

In this context, as long as the bacterial liquid produced by the Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant can have an effect on nuclear wastewater, this order will definitely not go away.

What's more, there is still a big killer like optimization point, so there is nothing to worry about.

Therefore, Niu Geng did not talk about this matter in the following time. It was not until Nomura Yu left the private room that his face became slightly gloomy, and he was carefully thinking about what to do next.


"Boss, do you think this Nomura is really an official of the island country?"

He Guang, who was standing aside at this moment, became quite interested in Nomura Yuya. As soon as his back disappeared from sight, he couldn't help but ask.

It mainly involves nuclear-related issues. With his relatively special status, he must have some understanding.

"Who knows?"

When Niu Geng heard He Guang's words, there was something meaningful in his eyes. As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and left. It was obvious that his interest was slightly ruined.

Although He Guang was confused by the words Niu Geng said, under this situation, he could only temporarily put them behind him and hurriedly followed Niu Geng out of the private room.

That night.

Longhu Yiyuan Villa Area.

Niu Geng was sitting in the study room on the second floor. There was a photo of Yu Nomura on the computer screen, which was intercepted by Xingling from the venue surveillance.

In order to ensure the authenticity of the matter, Niu Geng still felt it was necessary to find out the true identity of the other party, because only in this way could he ensure that they really had the intention of seeking external forces to deal with the nuclear wastewater problem.

Think of this.

Niu Geng no longer hesitated and immediately gave instructions to Xing Ling.

"Xing Ling, retrieve all the information about the person in the photo. I want to see him as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Niu Geng, I'm searching for you..."

As Xing Ling's familiar voice came from the study, several new pages were opened on the screen very quickly, which contained the entire experience of Nomura Yu and the introduction of related characters.

This speed is much easier than requesting information from above through He Guang.

Then Niu Geng started to check it carefully.

Twenty minutes later.

Niu Geng straightened his body, rubbed his slightly tired eyes, and said sincerely: "I really didn't see such a background. This means that Fudao's side is indeed about to reach its endurance limit."

That's right.

Through the content information collected by Xingling, it can be concluded that Yu Nomura has a deep relationship with Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant, and is likely to be a senior staff member there.

more importantly.

Among these materials, there is also a photo of Nomura Yu and cabinet minister Iwano Kazuma.

All signs indicate that the big business mentioned by Nomura Yu is not nonsense, but that the island country intends to use external forces to deal with the nuclear pollution problem.

This may be a good opportunity for Xingyuan Microbial Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Just imagine.

If the Xingyuan microbial sewage treatment plant can really solve the problem of nuclear wastewater, in addition to reaping at least tens of billions of profits, it will also become famous around the world.

by that time.

Enterprises are not the only ones who come to Xingyuan microbial treatment manufacturers to discuss cooperation, and it is very likely that they will be directly represented by the country.

But before that, the first thing to solve is whether the bacterial colonies currently cultivated in the factory can have an effect on nuclear waste.

"If we want to do this test, the factory does not have the conditions. It seems that we can only trouble the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Niu Geng murmured thoughtfully, and after making up his mind, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Wenmao's personal number, asking him to arrange the experimental test in advance.

Thursday, August 20th.

"Dean Yang, we meet again. I'm afraid this time I'm going to cause you a lot of trouble."

Imperial capital.

Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Niu Geng, who flew from Jingzhou City immediately after receiving the news, said hello as soon as he saw Yang Wenmao, and the two held hands tightly.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Niu? I wish you could come here every day."

Listening to Niu Geng's words, Yang Wenmao deliberately put on an unhappy face, and then said: "The laboratory is ready. Let's go over and see what the results are."

"Okay, let's go take a look."

Niu Geng responded with a smile, and after saying that, he led Qin Xiaoman and He Guang, who was accompanying him this time, and followed Yang Wenmao towards the inside.

Although Niu Geng already knew the results of this experiment, he still had to wait for detailed data to come out before he could better prepare for technology optimization and upgrades.

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