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Thinking of Lu Xiaoyu, Lu Yan's originally excited mood because of the big victory turned a little worried again.

I have been in the wilderness for eight days, and I have been away from the world I was familiar with for eight days.

During these eight days, what is Lu Xiaoyu's life like?

Have you ever panicked because of your sudden disappearance?

Have you eaten and taken your medicine on time?

Are you afraid of not being able to sleep because you live alone late at night?

Thinking of this, Lu Yan's heart was a little messed up again...

"Seven days, there are still seven days... Lu Xiaoyu will be thrown into the wilderness, and we will meet again at that time!" Lu Yan rubbed his cheeks, forcing himself to break free from his worries.

Although Lu Xiaoyu is physically weak, in a civilized society, taking care of himself should not be a problem.

At this time, the cold night wind blew over, and Lu Yan couldn't help shivering.

The blood-stained shirt was tightly attached to the skin, giving people a biting cold feeling. Lu Yan hadn't changed this shirt since he entered the wilderness. It was full of sweat stains and oil stains. The blood and mud looked filthy, and it felt very uncomfortable to wear.


Lu Yan took off his shirt very simply, and threw it into the ruins of the safe house that hadn't been burnt out. Then he stared at the naked corpses he picked up for a long time, took out some wood from the inventory, and prepared to use these Corpse to make something.

An hour later, Lu Yan finally finished all the work. He had cleaned up the corpses, and the ruins of the safe house burned by the fire were completely wiped out, and the wilderness once again fell into dead silence.

He clapped his hands, whistled and returned to the shelter with Xiao Bailong.

A few shells of metal gas bombs were scattered at the gate of the shelter, and Lu Yan kicked them away at will.


The door of the refuge was opened, and there was still a faint pungent smell in the room. Because the refuge was equipped with ventilation ducts, the poisonous gas did not accumulate in the room for too long, and most of it floated along the ventilation ducts. out.

And the remaining poisonous gas, as the door of the shelter opened, the cold and fresh night wind poured in like a tide, and it was also diluted and cleaned up!

Lu Yan walked into the living room and found Chen Hang collapsed on the ground motionless, foaming at the mouth, his face turning blue.

"Damn it! I was so excited just now that I forgot that there was another person in the refuge!" Lu Yan patted his head, strode up to Chen Hang, patted his face, and said loudly, "Hey! Wake up! Wake up!" Awake!"

Chen Hang didn't respond.

Lu Yan grabbed his wrist and found that Chen Hang's skin had turned cold, and the pulse at the neck and wrist had already disappeared.

Chen Hang, dead.

Lu Yan was a little emotional.

Chen Hang's death had no effect on the situation in the wilderness. Many people died tonight. Compared to Kitanoji and the others, Chen Hang was just an insignificant little character.

It's just that Chen Hang fought side by side with him once, and if he didn't have him tonight, it might not be so easy for him to win.

"To be honest, I really thought that if you can survive this time, I will recruit you as my subordinate, can only blame your bad luck!" Lu Yan looked at Chen Hang's body and said: "But you ate a full meal before you died, so I didn't treat you badly."

Lu Yan was just a little bit emotional when his cheap "comrade-in-arms" died. After all, in a strict sense, Chen Hang can only be regarded as a prisoner. Just kill him.

Soon, Chen Hang's body was also dragged out. Lu Yan dug a hole 200 meters away from the shelter and piled a small grave for Chen Hang. After thinking for a long time, Lu Yan inserted a wooden plank into the grave. In front of the bag, engrave a line of text with a knife.

【The Grave of an Ordinary Man】

Yes, Chen Hang is a true portrayal of too many ordinary people.

No outstanding ability.

No special luck.

Trying to survive in this harsh wilderness, it turns out that even eating enough is a luxury.

In the end, when he was cornered and wanted to take risks, blacken, and seize supplies from others, he was easily defeated.

In fact, people like Chen Hang exist not only in the wilderness, but also in reality.

I was born in an ordinary family, went to an ordinary school, and worked hard, but found that I couldn't even make up the down payment for the garage. Facing my elderly parents, I felt ashamed!

And in the end, when he was overwhelmed by the reality of his inner moral bottom line, he wanted to use crooked ways and crimes to make his life better, but found that he didn't even have the qualifications to be crooked, and was even more vicious and cunning. The seniors are playing like pawns!

In the end, he ended his life doing nothing in his life.

In the wilderness, in modern civilization, there are too many people like Chen Hang.

If you want to live a good life with dignity, you can't do it!

If you want to abandon the bottom line and seek glory and wealth, it is also not acceptable!

This is what is most depressing.

Back in the shelter, after cleaning up the vomit from Chen Hang in the room, Lu Yan extravagantly boiled 5 liters of rainwater on the stove, and began to wipe his body with a piece of cloth as a towel.

He hasn't taken a shower since he entered the wilderness. The hot weather, dust, sweat and blood stains made Lu Yan feel itchy all over.

After the demise of Kitanoji and others, I believe that no one will dare to have any thoughts about Lu Yan tonight. With the cloth soaked in hot water to wipe off the stains on his body, the body and soul are constantly releasing to him An emotion called "relaxation" and after the tense spirit relaxed, Lu Yan's thinking movement also began to become active.

After tonight's battle, I believe that my notoriety has spread widely in the wilderness, and I will definitely not be easily offended by forces in a short time, and my next main task is...

Get rid of the pig-headed man in the forest where the generator was once stored, and occupy the saltpeter mine in the forest!

Things like saltpeter are an important material for making black gunpowder. The gunpowder obtained from the pig-headed man is running low, so Lu Yan must make plans early.

Moreover, saltpeter can also be used to make ice. In ancient times, many dignitaries and dignitaries used it to make ice cellars to keep food fresh.

Thinking of the large amount of prey he got before, all of which had to be sold in the trading market because of the high temperature and rot, Lu Yan secretly made up his mind that he had to create a low-temperature cold storage to store food.

Although there is no food crisis in Lu Yan at the moment, and it is easy to hunt, but there are unpredictable circumstances, who knows if there will be heavy snow and ice in the wilderness in the future?

At that time, I won't even be able to leave the door, and the food stored on the shelves can last up to ten days and a half months. Once it's used up, can't I starve to death?

In order to deal with this sudden situation, Lu Yan plans to expand a layer of cellar under the shelter, with an area at least twice the size of the shelter, to store meat, fruits and vegetables, rice, flour, grain, oil, clothes, bedding and other living materials!

In this case, even if you can't go out hunting for half a year, you can still live a very nourishing life!

This is the legendary hamster attribute...

"It's decided, my main strategic plan for the next step is to conquer the pig-headed forest!" Lu Yan clenched his fists and said with firm eyes.


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