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Just as Lu Yan was quietly thinking about his future strategic plan, the entire world channel had already exploded.

[System: All members of the samurai team of the second-ranked team in the original power list died, and will be replaced by the third-ranked team! 】

[System: Ranked fifth in the original power list...]

[System: Ranked sixth on the original power list...]

[System: The ranking of the kill list has changed. The original third player, Kitanoji, was replaced by Lu Yan! 】

A series of red system announcements floated across the world channel, leaving all the players who were paying attention to this matter tonight dumbfounded.

The swarm is gone...

The West Coast Alliance and the Stinger Combat Company were also wiped out...

Not even the most powerful samurai team can escape!

Is this the number one strength of the refuge?

"Holy shit! That's amazing! Lushen actually killed the four major teams by himself. This is simply against the sky! From today on, Lushen is my idol!"

"This is outrageous! No matter how complete his shelter is, it's impossible to kill so many people in such a short period of time!"

"Miracle itself is made to be created!"

"I bet this is definitely not Lu Yan's own record, someone must help him!"

"Let's see... what the hell, Lu Yan's refuge has not entered the top ten power list, and his refuge still has only one person, a falcon!"

In the world channel, the topic about Lu Yan was instantly maxed out.

Before the announcement was made by the system, everyone's guess about the battle tonight was... who would finally be able to take off Lu Yan's head, and which faction would be able to get Lu Yan's refuge.

But the result at this time caused those who wanted to see Lu Yan's jokes fell into a long silence and self-doubt.

The Revenant Squad.

A member sat cross-legged next to the charcoal basin in the safe house, looked at Kadilov next to him with a strange tone, and said with a smile: "Boss, I remember we had a bet once, after the location of Lu Yan's shelter was revealed, , You said he couldn't last an hour..."

Upon hearing this, Kadylov shrugged his shoulders very frankly: "Well, I admit that I made a mistake in my judgment on this matter. That oriental man is indeed... very strong."

"But I don't think his life will be easy in the future, because the location of his refuge has been exposed on the World Channel by the leader of the Stinger Combat Company, and now the whole wilderness knows where Lu Yan's lair is."

"Unless he is willing to move, it won't be long before he will suffer frequent harassment!"

Liu Yuanyuan looked at the information on the World Channel, put his hands on his chin and said, "Yao Qi! Lu Yan's geographical location has been exposed. Are we really not going to meet him?"

"He who just won a battle is at the peak of his momentum and mentality. We will definitely hit a wall in the past now! Wait, when his pride and momentum are smoothed out, it is the best time for us to meet him Moment." Yao Qi's voice came from the shadows.

"But when are we going to wait?" Liu Yuanyuan pouted and asked in distress.

"It won't take long." Yao Qi's voice was full of confidence: "In this world, there will never be a shortage of greedy guys! Lu Yan's refuge is now like a treasure trove whose location is known by everyone, although there are dangers. , but human nature is always willing to take desperate risks for profit!"

"Look, people like the samurai squad can never be killed!"

In the world channel, intense discussions are still going on.

And as the topic deepened, the topic discussed by the players also changed from the shock at Lu Yan's complete anti-killing at the beginning, to "Lu Yan killed so many enemies, what price did he pay, and the firepower inventory is still left?" How much...] Discussion.

It has to be said that most of the players who have survived to this day are ruthless guys who have a very thorough view of problems.

The destruction of the warrior squad really made them feel strong fear and awe of Lu Yan.

But what followed was speculation about the details of the war and whether he could take the opportunity to catch the leak!

"I found out that Lu Yan's refuge is not far from my house. I plan to go there early tomorrow morning to take a look. If he is seriously injured and his life is hanging by a thread, can I take the opportunity to make up the knife and solve it without any effort?" Drop him?"

"Team up! Has anyone gone to the Luyan Refuge together to find out the situation?"

"Forget it! Even the samurai team has stopped, we used to deliver food!"

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, the risks are high, but the rewards are also great!"

"I, I, I, I sign up! I really can't stand the life of eating dry bread every day. I want resources, and I want to rob Lu Yan!"

In the world channel, a group of hot-headed players soon announced that they had formed an alliance, and they were going to set off as a team at dawn to explore Lu Yan's refuge.

time flies.

The night on the wilderness is slowly being torn apart by the morning sun.

Just when the first ray of golden light was revealed on the eastern horizon, a large army of sixty people came from afar.

This group of people held machetes and wooden spears in their hands, and wore homemade wooden and leather armors. They looked very close to the image of the "beggar gang" in the film and television drama!

Each of them had greed and eagerness in their eyes, and they were advancing according to the coordinates revealed by the leader of the stinger combat company on the world channel yesterday.

"There are so many of us, even if Lu Yan is not injured, a mouthful of saliva can drown him!"

"Yes, yes, we will be able to break through his refuge!"

"I'm going to chop off his head..."

The crowd is is patting their chests and roaring, as if they are cheering for themselves.

The distance from the target point was getting closer and closer, and the speed of the large army slowed down.

Behind a high ground, the large army stopped.

A thin player was assigned as the trailblazer. He quietly climbed to the top of the high **** and looked towards the shelter in the distance.

Under the rising sun in the early morning, he saw the stone drainage ditch outside the shelter, and saw something... even more peculiar.

Suddenly, the thin player's pupils constricted, and he stumbled down from a high place as if he had suffered some kind of fright. When he came to the big army, he said tremblingly: "Go back... let's go! We, we Can't win! Lu Yan is a demon!"

"What did you see? Say it!" A strong player shook his shoulder vigorously, but the thin player just kept repeating this sentence as if he was frightened.

"Go back! Go back!"

The strong player finally became anxious. He shook off the opponent and strode up to a high place to look towards the shelter.

he saw...

In the twilight of the rising sun, some large wooden crosses were planted near Lu Yan's shelter. These crosses were arranged in a straight line, spreading from the shelter to the high ground under the feet of the strong players!

The players who died in the hands of Lu Yan last night were naked, with steel nails piercing through their palms, shoulders, calves and other parts, and nailed them to the cross.

Both arms of these corpses were pointing to Lu Yan's refuge, looking like **** signposts, guiding the way for those who came after!

Guide... the direction of death!


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