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If Lu Yan's first two sentences were a warning, then what he said later was a blatant threat!

Sure enough, after these speeches, there was a frenzy of anger in the World Channel.

Hundreds of players were crazily insulting and accusing Lu Yan of his domineering behavior.

Lu Yan looked at the unsightly words on the World Channel, but didn't take them to heart, and didn't explain too much.

Lu Yan and these players do not have the perspective of God. The fact that Wang Zhi may be a puppet supported by a pig-headed man is still a guess of Lu Yan. He has no strong evidence to prove that Wang Zhi is related to those monsters.

And even if he could prove that Wang Zhi had a relationship with the pig-headed man, so what?

Can it stop the footsteps of those low-level players who want to hug their thighs?


These players have long been exhausted by the pressure of survival. At this time, a team that recruits members unconditionally appears. , they will not stop taking refuge in the footsteps!

Because those monsters can give them benefits and allow them to live in the wilderness.

Although some of these players may be eaten by the leader after entering the pig-headed forest, even so, as long as the benefits given by the pig-headed man can be fulfilled, there will still be a steady stream of players pouring into Wang Zhi's command.

Because they have no better choice!

Just like when the Yanhuang Kingdom was invaded by the Cherry Blossom Kingdom, many people became puppet soldiers because of their difficult survival. Don’t these people know that after becoming a puppet army, they would be bullied by the devil army and treated as cannon fodder by the devil army? Will it face a death rate several times higher than before?

they know!

But when they faced the temptation of interests, they still chose to do so.

And there is still a fluke mentality in their hearts. With so many people, how could it be their turn to die by such a coincidence? And if I have made some contributions after joining this team, maybe I can be reused! Completely transform into a pivotal character!

Under such circumstances, even if Lu Yan could collect the truth of the whole incident and present it to these players, he might not be able to persuade these people to go back.

It was useless to explain, and Lu Yan didn't bother to explain.

So... just don't explain it!

Lu Yan directly chose the simplest and violent method, blocking the way for these players to join the King of the Hill team, becoming a stumbling block.

As for the crazy, desperate, and hysterical accusations of those players on the World Channel, Lu Yan didn't take it to heart at all.

[Liu An: You don't have to worry about eating and drinking by yourself, and you don't have any pressure to survive! Can't we give the bottom players a chance? 】

[Kadia: People like you will be punished by God! 】

[Wang Quanqu: You are trying to drive us all to a dead end, Lu Yan, if we die because of this, won't you have nightmares when you sleep at night? 】

Lu Yan casually flipped through a few pages of chat messages, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On Blue Star in the past, a certain country named Uklan wanted to join the North Alliance and strengthen its own power. However, the powerful country Ross next to it chose to open fire on the opponent after the warning failed.

Even on Blue Star, where the rules are relatively stable, people will not hesitate to launch a war after they have a premonition that they may be threatened, let alone in the wilderness where there is no law?

[Lu Yan: Let me tell you, I can allow bottom players to survive, but only if they don't pose a threat to me! Don't try to kidnap me with morality, I don't like this! 】

After Lu Yan sent this message, he lowered his head and packed his things, preparing to go to the pig-headed forest to carry out the plan to block the door.

Although a warning message has been posted on the world channel, Lu Yan knows that just a few words cannot quench the already boiling blood of those players, and he must take some substantive actions.


Only kill!

He removed the four flintlock guns in the shooting hole, put them all into the inventory, and brought enough food and drinking water. After a short stay in the refuge, he walked out of the gate again and headed towards the pig-headed forest.

The distance of five kilometers is not too far, and it took less than twenty minutes to reach the destination by riding a sand motorcycle.

Lu Yan was standing on the bed of the dry creek outside the pig-headed forest. Thirty meters in front of him was the spot where the pig-headed man stopped after chasing and killing him. The animal path leading into the forest was also at that location.

"Go and investigate and see if there are any roads into the forest in other directions!" Lu Yan gave Xiao Bailong an inspection order, and then he opened the trading ground and bought an old ground with two spears and some pieces of meat. Safehouse Core.

【Ding! You lost two spears (ordinary grade), you lost 5 catties of pork]

[You get the core of the above-ground safe house (broken)]

It is now 10:35 in the morning, and the air temperature has soared to a suffocating level. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, even with Lu Yan's physical strength, I am afraid it will not last long.

Due to the previous acid rain attack that killed many players, many unowned safe houses appeared in the wilderness. These damaged safe houses were picked up by other players and sold in the trading field, which is not a rare item.

Lu Yan looked at the slightly glowing core ball of the safe house in his hand, he was going to build a temporary base here, otherwise let alone blocking the door, he would be thankful if he didn't get sunburned to death.

After he wiped out the four major forces last night, although there were also safe house cores among the spoils, those safe houses were all placed underground, which could not meet Lu Yan's needs.

"The damage to this core is only 14%, which is relatively complete... If it weren't for the soaring price of weapons, I'm afraid it would take more supplies to buy it." Lu Yan played with the core sphere. A lot of homeless thugs were killed. Players started to buy weapons frantically for self-protection and thugs for looting.

And since the first battle last night, Lu Yan wiped out the four forces with the suppressive power of high-quality weapons, and let the players see the crushing nature of high-end weapons.

This morning, the price of weapons in the trading field has risen sharply again, especially the weapons produced by Lu Yan with [excellent grade] special effects.

"It seems that the more chaos there is in the wilderness, the more arms plan will go smoothly." Lu Yan touched his chin. He thought of the beautiful country that started from selling arms on Blue Star in the past. Disputes between countries, so as to sell their own weapons to both parties for profit, although the method is very despicable, but it is indeed very effective!


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