Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 132: For survival, who isn't?

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About twenty minutes later, Xiao Bailong returned with some important information.

First, the area of ​​this mountain forest is not large, only 18 square kilometers.

Second, there are only two passages that can enter and exit this mountain forest.

The first one is a steep cliff located in the southeast of the forest, where the mountain is steep, and the mountain wall is almost at right angles to the ground. There is only one rock sheep stepping out of the passage, but because of the special terrain, there are only rock climbing experts like blue sheep. Only then can they walk freely. Other creatures, even cheetahs and monkeys, dare not try to climb easily. Once they lose their grip, they will immediately fall into the abyss of hundreds of feet.

The second path is in front of the creek bed that Lu Yan is stepping on at this time. Although the path leading to the depths of the forest is also a beast path, it is flat and wide, and there is basically no chance of slipping.

In addition to these two roads, the entire mountain forest is covered with dense shrubs and thorns, and there are a large number of highly poisonous snakes, rats, rats and swamps hidden in the thick leaves on the ground. I want to bypass the two passages Entering the forest from other places, the death rate of ordinary players is as high as 99%!

After getting this information, Lu Yan's heart suddenly settled a lot.

This passage is the only way to enter the pig-headed forest, and it is also the nearest blocking point.

"Place the safe house on the ground!" Lu Yan casually threw the core of the safe house he just bought on the ground, and as the brilliance flashed, a wooden building appeared in front of him.

【Safe House Above Ground】

【Owner: Lu Yan】

[Area: 130 square meters]

【Height: 3 meters】

【Equipment: None】

[Damage degree: 14%]

[Description: A dilapidated safe house on the ground, water seepage, air leakage, once soaked by rainwater, and the walls have begun to mold]

Lu Yan pushed open the door of the safe house, and an extremely strong smell of mold came to his face. He frowned and looked at the safe house. Green mold grew on the walls, load-bearing columns, and beams, and the roof was still Water drips from time to time.

There is nothing in the room, which can be described as bare walls.

"It is estimated that the players who picked up this safe house have already searched out all the supplies in it, but I didn't expect to find any leaks..." Lu Yan checked the safe house carefully, and confirmed that there are no problems with the load-bearing columns and safety performance. , there will be no sudden landslides.

The main function of this safe house is to act as a shelter, as long as the safety performance is passed, Lu Yan does not have too many requirements for it.

He observed the surrounding terrain, took out an ax and punched a gap of about 30 centimeters in length and width on the front and rear walls of the safe house, to observe the situation and serve as a shooting hole.

After doing all this, he put the weapons he brought on this trip in front of him.

Five flintlock guns, four long and one short, have been loaded with ammunition and are ready to fire at any time.

A shotgun with 17 bullets remaining, the same bullets are loaded.

An excellent grade spear and an excellent grade short knife.

A homemade earth mine.

One hand crossbow, twenty rounds of supporting arrows.

In addition to these, Lu Yan also had a sleeve arrow tied to his left wrist. After killing the pig-headed man, Lu Yan pulled out the pocket arrow from the opponent's eyeball and recovered it.

"There are still about 400 grams of gunpowder, which is enough to shoot dozens of times, and there are still two bags of steel balls... There will be no problem of insufficient ammunition for the time being." Lu Yan checked his equipment carefully, and sat cross-legged in front of the observation hole in front of him. , staring at the movement around him.

The little white dragon flapped its wings and flew into the forest, and hid in the dense canopy of a big tree. It was responsible for serving as a warning sentry for Lu Yan, monitoring whether there would be any sneak attacks by the enemy inside the forest.

If Wang Zhi and the pig-headed man find that their plan to recruit members is blocked by Lu Yan, they will definitely find a way to counterattack. Although the pig-headed man cannot leave the forest, Wang Zhi can come and go as he pleases.

Lu Yan didn't want an enemy with a firearm to suddenly jump out from behind him unsuspectingly while he was fighting the players in front of him!

Xiaobailong activated his mutation ability, and quickly merged with the surrounding environment, and his existence could no longer be found with the naked eye.

And Lu Yan is also seriously adjusting the weapon.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and it came to 11:23 in the morning!

The scorching sun scorched the earth, and the temperature in the air reached its peak. Even between breathing, the lungs felt scalded. Looking up, the air was violently distorted.

Four figures slowly came out from the end of the river, and they stopped immediately when they saw the safe house blocked in the middle of the river.

And Lu Yan also saw the few of them, and he picked up the flintlock gun and put it on the shooting hole very simply, and at the same time shouted loudly: "I am Lu Yan! If you dare to go any further, you will die!"

Lu Yan shouted loudly, and the players lowered their heads as if they were discussing something. After a while, they took out something from the inventory to block in front of them, and started moving forward again.

"This is... the gate of the safe house, right?" Lu Yan narrowed his eyes, and saw clearly that the thing that was used as a shield by the players was the wooden gate of the safe house, with a door frame and rivets on the edge, "With this thing, Do you want to block the musket too?"

The initial safe house door was made of wood and its thickness was less than three centimeters. If an ordinary adult kicked it hard enough, it would be broken, let alone a flintlock?

Lu Yan looked at the four players expressionlessly, and instead of talking nonsense, he picked up a flintlock gun and aimed at the enemy at the front.

Yes, the moment those players didn't heed the warning and still tried to enter the pig-headed forest, these people had already become their own enemies!

One hundred and fifty meters.

One hundred meters.

fifty meters.

At the moment the player at the front entered within a range of 50 meters, Lu Yan directly pulled the trigger. With the sound of roaring gunshots, the inferior "shield" in the player's hand burst open, and the chest of the player behind the shield soared. With a muffled groan, he fell to the ground in an instant!




Lu Yan moved extremely fast, quickly changed the gun and pulled the trigger, and changed four guns in a row within 3 seconds. Except for the last shot that missed, the other three shots pierced the shield with incomparable precision and hit the player!


"my leg!"

"Lu Yan, you must die!"

The player who was hit screamed and fell to the ground, wailing again and again.

And the only player who was not hit quickly hid behind a giant rock with the door panel, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Lu Yan! You are a high-level player on the leaderboard, why must you push us to a dead end? ? We have no intention of being your enemy, we just want to survive, just to survive!"

"To survive, to live..." In the safe house, Lu Yan, who heard the desperate cry of the player, picked up the flintlock and reloaded the ammunition, with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Who isn't?"


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