"Are you sure you want her to be a spy?"

"Are you worried about her safety? Clark."

Eric turned to him and asked.

"Do not!"

Clark shook his head. "I'm just not sure if she deserves our trust."

"There is nothing in this world that is 100% risk-free. As long as the risk does not exceed expectations, it is acceptable."


Clark stared at Rika flying into the sky in an instant, and nodded, "I almost forgot, she is also our clan."


Eric and Clark enter the Metropolitan Medical Center together.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Lionel of the Luther family walking out of Jonathan's ward.

After seeing the two, Lionel was stunned for a moment.

After reacting, he walked towards the two brothers, "Hi, Eric, Clark!"

Eric ignored him, glanced at him coldly, and walked towards Jonathan's ward.

As for Clark, he said two words to the other party.

After entering the ward, I saw Masha standing in front of the window sill with arms folded, staring at the blooming roses outside the window.

After hearing the voice, Martha turned around.

"What about Rachel?"

After a hug with her two sons, Martha asked Eric.

"She's resting at home, mom, don't worry about her. Usually, at this time, she sleeps until three o'clock in the afternoon before she wakes up screaming that she's hungry."

Eric replied to his mother.

"I always get a headache and she's running around."

Martha sat down and said helplessly, "Rachel inherited the style of you who couldn't rest when you were young. Being able to lie in bed for a few hours and sleep for a few hours, I can't get more peace of mind than this."

Martha, who looked a little tired, complained to Eric.

"Yes, she is always active."

Eric smiled beside him.


After a few words about Rachel, Eric turned the conversation to something else.

"Can I talk to you? Outside."


Martha followed Eric out of the ward in surprise and walked towards the common rest area.

Clark stayed in the ward to take care of Jonathan.

"Actually, I"

Eric hesitated and said, "I want to take my father out of the hospital."


Martha looked puzzled.

"We're in a bit of trouble. General Zod from Krypton will soon arrive on Earth. He's more malicious to us and to Earth than anything exists. I don't want you and Dad to get hurt."

Eric didn't hide it, and directly told his mother what he thought.

"Like last time? You fought Clark, and Jonathan and I hid at Baron Winters' house?"

Martha shook her head, stretched out her hand to hold Eric's right hand, "Eric, I won't leave Jonathan, and I won't leave you. Jonathan needs to be treated in the hospital, and he can't leave the hospital, neither do I so."

"Better security at Baron Winters."

Eric said to his mother.

Martha stroked the hair between her foreheads and smiled at Eric, "Dodging and escaping are not the means to solve all problems, every step we take is determining the final outcome, and our feet will go to the one we choose. end."

"Just send Rachel to Baron Winters with Clark. Your father and I won't leave here."

Looking at Martha's firm eyes, Eric knew that he couldn't convince his mother.

"I'll let Jenna and Bart protect you."

No way, Eric can only use the last resort, let two superhumans protect his parents.

On the other side, Clark in the ward was sitting beside the hospital bed, looking at his father's sleepy face.

With a look of melancholy in his eyes, he held his father's hand.

There were a lot of things in my heart that I wanted to tell my father, but now I can't say anything.

"Dad, I."

He suddenly remembered the image of his first awakening of superpowers.

Because of a fight with a boy who bullied a female classmate, he accidentally kicked the metal fence next to the school and deformed it.

Eric turned to tell his father about it.

Instead of criticizing him, Jonathan told himself that his talent was given by God, not a monster, but someone destined to change the world in the future.

I cried and asked my father, "Can I continue to pretend to be your son?"

As a result, the father replied: It has always been possible.

"If I can. I want to pretend to be your son all the time."

Clark looked at his sleeping father's face and whispered.

"Since you've been in bed, Dad, I've tried to carry the farm on your shoulders like you, and I thought it would be easy, like you did, but I found it wasn't easy at all. Being a farmer, But it's more complicated than going to college. At least when you go to college, you don't have to worry about the horses getting sick with the feed, and you don't have to worry about the financial crisis that may come at any time."

At this time, Clark realized for the first time how his father supported the family.

"Dad, I learned responsibility from you. You used to always talk about my responsibility, and I always thought that was an illusory definition, but now... I get it!"

Clark's mouth curled into a smile, and he took Jonathan's unconscious hands.


The door of the ward was pushed open, Eric and Martha walked in together, and Clark let go of Jonathan's hand and stood up.


Martha said to Clark: "In the next period of time, your father and I will be transferred to Lawrence University Hospital. You and Eric can stop visiting us, you have your own business, and you can't focus on us. "

Although she did not agree to go to Baron Winters' house, Martha agreed to be transferred to Lawrence, a nearby city and closer to Smallville.


Clark came over and hugged his mother in a fluctuating mood.

Tears fell from Martha's eyes immediately.

"When you and Eric were kids, lying on the side of the cradle, I listened to your breathing. Your breathing was difficult and struggling, and I was worried."

Clark tapped his mother on the shoulder.

"Clark, you're kind and beautiful, we saw it all at once, and one day, the whole world will see that, I just."

There were tears in Martha's eyes, "I'm just worried that one day you will leave us, you and Eric will leave the farm, and I know that one day you will face it all."

"I'm not going anywhere, Mom, I promise you! I'll be back as soon as it's settled."

Clark said, patting his mother lightly.

At the same time, he turned his eyes to Eric.

The two saw each other's thoughts in each other's eyes.

Luther Manor, Lionel finds Lex.


Pushing open the door, Lionel faced his son and asked, "You hit my research team again! This is the third time this month that you have used despicable means to poach my people!"

In the face of his father's aggressiveness, Lex remained calm and steady.

"I'm just taking some kind of counter-attack. Look at the world, it's all a distorted collection of interests. If you don't go with the flow, you can only be swallowed by the collection."

Lex said to his father: "What I have done is nothing but repayment for the evil you have done to me, and this repayment is not even one-tenth!"

"What did you say?"

Lionel didn't understand what Lex meant.

"Don't play stupid! The black spaceship in my lab disappeared. You did it, right?"

Lex blamed his father for stealing the spaceship.

The place is closely guarded, and no one can enter or leave at will, and it is impossible for someone to steal the spaceship without their knowledge.

If there is, it is only the father in front of him!

Lex looked at his father with red eyes, "No one else can do it except you!"

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know anything about your spaceship?"

Lionel said to his son with a serious expression.

"I wouldn't believe it because you never put the labels of good and bad on your forehead!"

Lex stood up and walked over to Lionel.

"I also don't believe that a father who is trying to get away with his life will play the drama of a prodigal son. You can't deceive any smart person. The hypocrisy of disguise and closeness is just a mask for you to climb up."

Faced with his son's pressing question, Lionel shook his head and said, "Since you don't believe me, I don't need to explain."

Said to turn around and leave.

"I know the origin of that spaceship!"

Lex stopped Lionel who was about to leave.

He let out a breath, endured his anger, and said calmly:

"A little over a year ago"

His eyes turned to the window, his eyes were particularly dignified.

"I was locked in a mirror space by two strange guys."


"Yes, the mirror, those two aliens with superpowers just threw the mirror out at random and opened up a space and sucked me and Lana in. It was a world that was decidedly different from the present one, even though I It was released quickly, but some people were still seen inside."

Lex said something that confused Lionel even more.

"They called themselves General Zod and said that the place I was staying was 'Phantom Space'. They want me to work with them. I said no, then they grabbed me, something changed in my body, and they remodeled me."

Lex said something that shocked Lionel.

"You mean Lex, your body was transformed by them?!"

"I don't know, but I can feel it. They put something in my body, they're after it, they're coming from far away galaxies, to Earth!"

Lex's expression became more solemn, "I can feel that those terrifying beings will soon arrive on Earth."


Lionel asked him loudly.

"General Zod!"


Meanwhile, the Pentagon in Washington.

People from the Air Force's Supreme Information Command also noticed something unusual.


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