The door was pushed open, and General Ryan and several of his men walked into the headquarters.

"General Ryan!"

Everyone in the headquarters greeted him immediately.

"I came here after receiving your emergency call. I hope what you see will not disappoint me."

Ryan was wearing a general's uniform and looked very stylish.

Walking to the screen, looking at a black blurred image on the screen, General Ryan frowned.

"What is this? A comet?"

"Comets don't adjust their orbits on their own."

A gray-haired scientist said to General Ryan: "Although the image is somewhat inferior, like the masterpiece of a certain astronomy enthusiast, it is getting closer and closer to the earth."

"Can we communicate with them?"

General Ryan asked with a dry throat.

"I'm afraid not!"

Recommended, a story about an ordinary person who takes his **** daughter to fight for his faith in a different world.

Chapter 255 24-hour Armistice

Eric and Clark return to the Arctic "Secret Fortress".

Clark wants to know more about the supposed attack of General Zod.

"Welcome, my sons!"

As soon as the two entered the fort, they heard Joel's voice echoing in the "Secret Fort".

"We are here to ask you, Zod is about to attack, what should we do? Zod's spaceship is attacking, can we destroy it before he reaches Earth?!"

Clark asked him out loud.

"No, you can't! It's an interactive brain construct, and no force can stop this advanced technology unless its master, General Zod, destroys it himself!"

Clark looked up and shouted, "I'll find a way to stop him!"

"General Zod committed an unforgivable crime and was imprisoned in the phantom area. He is not the most powerful now, and you are not without a chance of winning."

"Unforgivable? Did he kill you?"

Clark asked him somewhat unacceptably.

"Yes, and your mother, the whole race! He'll do the same thing to Earth as Krypton!"

Joel's voice echoed in the empty fortress, "I know you are still ready, don't have enough time to grow and adapt, Karl El, Eric Kent, you must pick up your mission!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two sets of uniforms rose from the fortress and flew in front of them respectively.

Flying in front of Clark was a blue-and-black bodysuit with an S-mark on the chest.

In front of Eric is a dark black uniform, showing dark and simple tones all over the body. There is no "s" mark on the chest, and there are no extra patterns, but it can be clearly seen that this is Clark's clothes, belonging to uniforms of the same category.

Clark reached out and stroked the uniform in front of him, and an uncontrollable excitement suddenly appeared in his heart.

Does this "s"-shaped mark mean that you are now heading towards that goal called "Superman"?

Eric looked at the uniform in front of him with a thoughtful look.

The future I saw from Ms. Cassandra in the nursing home, I wore this uniform.

Since this time, the uniform has followed him?

Eric raised his head, glanced at the icicle in the center of the "Secret Fortress", reached out and grabbed the uniform and turned away.

"I go first."

For the so-called Zod, he has no fear of being like a tiger.

After defeating the Sannomiya Demon, he has absolute confidence in strong enemies.

"Good luck, my son!"

Hearing the other party calling his son again, Eric frowned, resisting the urge to tear it down, turned and left.

Seven days later, night.

Eric is standing on the farm talking on the phone.

After promising to the crying Rachel that she would definitely visit her soon, the little girl who loved to cry coquettishly to Eric stopped crying.

"Rachel, give the phone to Baron Winters and I'll have a word with him."

At Baron Winters' house, Rachel, who ravaged "Merlin" while talking on the phone, said "oh" and reluctantly handed the phone to the baron who was listening to the phone with her ears pricked up.

Eric had just said a few words to the Baron when Clark came up to him.

"Eric, did you see that?"

Clark pointed to the sky and said to Eric with a serious expression.

Eric looked up.

The line of sight penetrated the atmosphere and found that an octopus-shaped spaceship was rapidly approaching the earth.

The speed is not fast, obviously wanting people to observe.


At the same time, all the lights in the room went out.

Eric walked into the room, followed by Clark, who frowned.

After the lights went out, the room was pitch black.

The moonlight was obscured by black clouds, and no moonlight was visible.

Eric took two steps forward, and the TV in the room suddenly turned on.

At first, snowflakes flickered on the TV, and then a letter popped up on the TV - "loneliness".

In the dark room, with the flickering snow screen and the flickering lights, it gives people a very strange feeling.

Clark stood behind Eric and was stunned for a moment as he watched the letters appearing in the snowflakes flashing on the TV screen.

The word "loneliness" first appeared in the snowflake, and then several words appeared to form the sentence "you are never alone."

It was English at first, and then various languages ​​were constantly switched.

English, French, Italian, Chinese, Spanish.

The phrase "you're never alone" is repeated in various languages.


After this sentence was shown, the snowflakes on the TV became more dazzling and even made a screeching noise.

Eric took out his mobile phone and found that his mobile phone had also become hacked.

"My name is Zod!"

Suddenly, a hoarse electronic sound came from the TV.

"I came across the sea of ​​stars, your world has sheltered our two people. I ask you to return them! Because of their unknown identities, they keep their identities from you, they try to integrate into your life, they look like you, But... he doesn't belong to you! For those who may know their whereabouts right now, the fate of your planet is in your hands."

"Karl El, Kael Mass, listen, surrender within 24 hours, or watch the world be destroyed because of you!"

After saying the last sentence, the snowflake image on the TV disappeared, and the light suddenly returned to light.

The lights in the kitchen even exploded directly because of the excessive voltage.

The shards of the light bulb smashed to the ground.

Watching the normal TV program on the phone resume, Eric shook his head.

"Kell's Mass?"

"Mass" in the Kryptonian language means a wild place and a place of exile, and "Kyle" is the descendant of certain crimes or people who have been spurned by the mainstream society of Krypton.

The other party refers to himself as Kyle Dispersion, which means "son of the exiled descendants of the borderlands of Krypton".

This is to regard yourself as a Kryptonian from a bad background, right? !

But unfortunately

Eric shook his head, I'm from Earth!

Seeing Eric preparing to leave, Clark asked him, "Eric, what are we going to do? What if the government, under pressure from aliens, handed us over?"

"No one can control me, and no one can point fingers at me!"

Eric glanced coldly at the TV, "Since Zod handed the ball over to the government, we can just wait! You'd better pray that the US government has some lower limit."

Clark exhaled as he watched Eric walk away from him.

The sky obscured by the dark clouds outside the window became even darker.

the next day.

The United States, which received this strange scene, immediately fell into turmoil.

The relevant reports on TV, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, wherever information can be transmitted, are all discussing the first large-scale contact between aliens and human beings since human history was recorded.

The whole country is wondering, who are these two people?

Why have you been lurking on the earth and living like a normal person?

Why are these aliens threatening to go to war to hand over these two aliens.

What do these two names stand for, Cal-El and Cal-Mass?

The Courtney family is watching TV in Blue Valley.

Mike was eating pancakes while looking at Courtney who was staring straight at the TV.

Several pundits on TV are debating whether to agree to the alien proposal.

"We don't know anything about these two aliens, Kal El, Kel Mass. If they're good for us, then it's time to go back and solve the problem ourselves. It's not for us to do it for them question!"

A bespectacled "expert" on the TV said plausibly.


Courtney couldn't help but curse out a foul language.

"Hey, Courtney!"

Barbara glared at her daughter.

Courtney apologized to her mother: "Sorry, Mom, I shouldn't be swearing, but how could they hand over Eric and Clark, they. They are earthlings, and even silently guard the earth, the Injustice Society, and also There is a sky bite, it is they who saved the world in an unknown corner!"

Courtney felt some grievances for Eric and Clark, and her eyes were a little red.

"Uh, are they aliens? That. That's really cool!"

Mike instead pays attention to the alien identities broadcast on TV.


Courtney glared at him.

"Well, I just thought they were really cool!"

Mike said angrily.

"It's not something we can decide, anyway."

Pat said helplessly to his daughter.

"I have to help them!"

Bowing her head, Courtney said to herself inwardly.

On the other side, the Pentagon.

General Ryan receives a mysterious call.

The mysterious man on the other end of the phone told him that the Pentagon had been informed that he knew the identities of the two aliens.

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