Ascension For All: Start With Sss-Level Mechanical Heart

Chapter 64: The New City Lord, For The Great Rejuvenation Of Mankind

"Master, the lighthouse is divided into twenty-two areas, with a total population of 12,631. All of them have been gathered.

In the central hall, Ye Hang stands on the highest stage.

The Red Queen beside her was giving a summary, telling all the information about the lighthouse in detail.

Below, former city lord Morgan, commander-in-chief Jing Nan, and the surviving light bearer Fanti stood quietly below.

Then there were hunter captains Mark, Ran Bing and other hunters standing there together.

There were also a large number of high-ranking people and ordinary people gathered under the hall, tens of thousands of people gathered together in a dense crowd.

Everyone looked quietly at the powerful and mysterious young city lord sitting in the city lord's seat.

He is the new city lord of the lighthouse and the new leader of all lighthouse humans.

"Everyone, my name is Ye Hang."

Ye Hang stood there and spoke slowly: "From now on, the lighthouse will be ruled by me. I will become your new leader and lead you to a bright future."

"I will lead you to new life and reshape new hope for mankind."

"I declare that I will make fun of the three original laws of survival of the lighthouse and promulgate new laws of human survival."

"Starting from tomorrow, the lighthouse will be connected to the ground base and begin to expand, truly building an aerial fortress belonging to mankind and creating a real aerial home of hope for mankind."

"In the future, I will lead you back to the ground, take back everything that belongs to mankind, create a community with a shared future for mankind, and restore our homeland."

"For the great revival of mankind!!"

Ye Hang raised his right hand and announced.

"For the great revival of mankind!"

Below, all the common people cheered loudly.

Then one after another raised their right hands and shouted loudly, venting the countless anguish squeezed in their hearts.

Countless people present watched in horror as Ye Hang's speech actually moved all the common people.

Even most of the people started to join in, chanting slogans excitedly.

"For the great revival of mankind?"

Below, Mark looked confused and kept muttering this sentence in his heart.

This sentence is full of incitement and can easily mobilize the people in the lighthouse who have been suppressed for a long time.

For a time, the voices became louder and louder.

As the former city lord, Morgan's expression changed, and he looked at Kaihang on the high platform in shock.

The mood of the entire lighthouse was inexplicably aroused, exuding waves of strong emotional fluctuations.

Isn't this a huge signal source that attracts the attention of endless pole-devouring beasts?

"Trouble." "

Morgan smiled bitterly and was at a loss.

"For the great rejuvenation of mankind!!"

Immediately afterwards, more and more people joined in.

Including Ran Bing, Erica, Feixue, and Jing Nan couldn't help but feel excited, being stimulated by Ye Hang and unable to calm down.

This is the result of Ye Hang quietly inspiring their spirits and secretly guiding them.

"Master, the lighthouse has arrived over the base. Do you want to land?"

The Red Queen suddenly spoke up and reminded her.

Soon, a huge virtual projection light screen appeared over the hall.

It shows a huge base below.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh my god, are you really building a base on the ground?"

"Is there really any hope for humanity to take back the ground?"

"But there are all kinds of monsters on the ground, is it really possible?"

The common people and the superior people are all talking about it without exception.

They feel excited, yet uneasy, and confused about the uncertainty of the future.

"Morgan, as the former city lord, I have decided to appoint you as the deputy city lord, responsible for managing the people of the lighthouse and related government affairs."

Ye Hang looked at Morgan below who had a bitter look on his face and asked.

Morgan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "City Lord, please take back your life. I am already old and I have only a few years to live. I am unable to handle this important task. Please leave it to someone else."

He said it sincerely, because he was indeed old and had already made preparations and plans for his upcoming retirement.

But I didn't expect Ye Hang to come out and directly take charge of everything in the lighthouse.

"It doesn't matter!" Ye Hang waved his hand and reminded: "It's just life span. I can restore your youth and even let you continue to work for the great rejuvenation of mankind for another hundred years, two hundred years or even longer."

"I wonder if you are willing to continue to contribute to the revival of mankind?"

Ye Hang extended the invitation in a sincere tone.

Everyone below was shocked after hearing this.

"Restore youth?"

"extend your life?"

"Continue working for two hundred years or more?"

A large number of civilians and the original lighthouse senior officials were all shocked.

Morgan was even more stunned.

He was shocked and said: "City Lord, can you really do what you said?"

"Of course, I ask you again, are you willing to continue fighting for the revival of mankind?"

Ye Hang asked again.

This time, Morgan no longer hesitated.

He took a deep breath, stepped forward slowly, placed his right hand across his heart and solemnly knelt down on one knee.

"Morgan, you are willing to obey the city lord's orders, and you are willing to dedicate everything you have to the great revival of mankind."

Morgan finally chose to believe it.

"Very good. Next, you will be the deputy city of the lighthouse."

Ye Hang nodded with satisfaction, very pleased with Morgan's choice.

Immediately, he called a mechanical puppet and injected Morgan with a T-1 potion.

When the medicine was injected into his body, Morgan suddenly showed a horrified expression.


Others around him watched Morgan's body change, and his old face was quickly returning to a youthful state.

It's incredible.

"Really young again?"

Mark looked shocked.

Ran Bing, Erica, Jing Nan, Fanti and others were all moved, looking at Morgan who had regained his youth in shock, as if it was unreal as if he were in a dream.

"Am I really recovered?"

Morgan felt different.

The whole person seemed to have endless power, and his powerful and young body filled him with shock, and he couldn't wake up for a while.

More than 10,000 people present witnessed the old Morgan's rejuvenation with their own eyes, and everyone looked at it with fanatical faces.

"This is a genetic medicine we have developed. It can not only restore youth, but also extend life span for a hundred years, and strengthen physical fitness thirty times.

Ye Hang paused for a moment before continuing: "In other words, people who have been injected with this genetic medicine can have a body that is thirty times stronger. Fighting with the Devouring Beast with bare hands is no longer a dream."

"The future of mankind will be in our hands."

Ye Hang finished his words.

The audience suddenly erupted in unparalleled cheers.

"Long live the city lord!"

"Humanity revived!"

"Long live the city lord!"

There were cheers one after another, and everyone's emotions reached their peak.

"The body will be strengthened thirty times and the life span will be extended by one hundred years. Is this true?"

Zai Bing and others looked at each other in disbelief.

"Okay, everyone disperses, escorts.

"Queen Hong, take Mark to the laboratory.

Ye Hang said something and turned around and left.

Soon, two black-armored soldiers came to Mark and took him away.

"What are you doing?"

"Why were you taking Mark this away?"

Ran Bing and others immediately became anxious when they saw it.

"Don't resist, everyone, it'll be fine."

Mark hurriedly stopped the agitated crowd.

Then he left with the two black-armored soldiers, leaving only the people in the hunting team running around anxiously.

"No, I have to ask Shiromu."

Ran Bing couldn't sit still anymore and hurried towards the central city main hall. .

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