Ascension For All: Start With Sss-Level Mechanical Heart

Chapter 65: Cyborg Brain, Mysterious Creature


The deepest part of the core database.

There is such a secret room, which contains the core system of the lighthouse.

Cloteau system.

A cyborg brain.

"Is this the core system of the lighthouse?"

At this time, Ye Hang was in front of a cylindrical transparent device.

He looked at a huge semi-mechanical transformation core system stored in the device.

The appearance is very much like a brain shape, semi-mechanical state.

It was covered with dense currents, which looked mysterious and weird.

"Interesting stuff."

Ye Hang's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and pressed it on the transparent device.

I saw nanoparticles pouring into it quickly, constantly invading the semi-mechanically modified biological brain.


The arc flashed, and bursts of electric current appeared on the semi-mechanical brain.

It seemed to be aware of Ye Hang's invasion and launched a strong resistance.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to stop Ye Hang's invasion. It was defeated step by step, and the core was invaded in the blink of an eye.


The cyborg brain shook slightly, as if something had broken.

Then a huge flow of information came.



An intermittent signal came over, very anxious.

Ye Hang remained unmoved and continued to invade and plunder all data information in the core data system.

Including a soul information about the existence of this system itself.

This is a mysterious creature.

It was originally an unknown mysterious species, but was transformed into a mechanical life form by humans.

It serves as the core system of the lighthouse.

To be honest, Ye Hang is very interested in the origin of this thing.

And its ability is very powerful. At least Ye Hang knew that the Red Queen's invasion was blocked by it.

If the Red Queen wasn't powerful enough, it might really be impossible to invade.

Now the Red Queen has sealed its core here, unable to control the lighthouse, and only then did Ye Hang seize control.

Ye Hang is solving the final threat of this mysterious creature.

"Chi-" As the semi-mechanical brain made a sound, the electric light flashed and a plume of smoke rose.

Then the last resistance disappeared.

Ye Hang completely invaded the core of this mysterious creature and obtained countless knowledge and data inside.

The scientific and technological knowledge about human civilization in the old world was very complete, which even surprised Ye Hang.

It turns out that its internal core stores all human knowledge, including humanities, technology, etc., and even includes the complete human gene pool.

"What a good guy, he actually has the complete gene bank of humans in the old world, and even the biological gene bank of the earth to store information."

Ye Hang was amazed after inspection. (bfdc)

There is even some curiosity about the origin and purpose of this mysterious creature.

Unfortunately, no information and origins about this mysterious creature were found during the search for information.

This made Ye Hang a little confused, and he vaguely guessed that this thing must have eliminated the relevant information to prevent it from being discovered.

"What a great research material."

Ye Hang showed a smile.

"Someone is coming!"

He gave the order and saw a mechanical puppet stepping forward.

Followed by a large group of infrastructure sentries, flying in densely.

"Tear this thing apart and send it to the laboratory for research."

Ye Hang directly ordered that this thing be dismantled and sent to the laboratory for further study.

After all, a mysterious creature has great research value.

He suspected that this thing was not the original creature of the earth, but most likely an alien creature from outer space.

Regardless, it must be studied thoroughly.

Based on the information database obtained, Ye Hang even felt that the mechanical heart had been greatly improved and gained.


Soon, the mysterious mechanical biological brain was disassembled and transported to the laboratory.

Ye Hang followed him to the laboratory.


As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw Hong Hou and stepped forward to salute.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Hang nodded and asked about the situation.

The Red Queen pointed at Mark in the laboratory and said: "Master, we just checked and compared Mark's body genes and found that there is an abnormality in his genes."

"Oh?" Ye Hang nodded slightly and looked at Mark in the laboratory.

Mark also saw Ye Hang and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Mark didn't care too much about being directly used as a test subject for experiments, and he didn't refuse.

He knew that he did not have the right or ability to refuse, so he was very obedient and followed the Red Queen's instructions to become a test subject.

"After examination and research, we found that his genetic cells had abnormal telomeres, and we concluded that he was not a normal human being."

Queen Hong opened a virtual projection, which displayed Mark's body details.

There are also genetic cells in his body. Various comparisons show that Mark is not a real human being.

"According to calculations, there is an 80% chance that he is a clone."

Hong Hou gave the results of the experiment.

"What about the other 20 percent chance?"

Ye Hang nodded clearly and then asked again.

The Red Queen hesitated for a moment before saying: "According to our research data on the Flower of Mana, there is a 20% chance that he is a product of the Flower of Mana.

"And we found some abnormalities in his genetic map. His genes contain some kind of abnormal genetic information."

"Once these genes are activated, some kind of mutation may occur."

The Red Queen gave her own research and calculation results.

Mark contains some secrets and his identity is a mystery.

Is it a human clone, or a humanoid creature bred from the Flower of Mana?

"Are his genes of value to us?"

Ye Hang only cares about this.

The Red Queen explained: "Master, Mark's special genes are of great help to us and can promote our research progress on the Flower of Mana.

"If we can thoroughly study the special genes in him, we may be able to produce second-generation genetic medicines that will have a huge effect."

After listening to Hong Hou's introduction, Ye Hang silently looked at Mark in the laboratory.

He thought for a while and said: "Let him come out, I need to talk to him."


The Red Queen immediately executed it, and soon Mark in the laboratory received the notice.

After putting on his clothes, he walked out of the laboratory and came to Ye Hang.

"City Lord, do you have any other instructions?"

Mark bowed his head respectfully.

Ye Hang stepped forward and handed him a research information report.

"You can read this research information yourself."

Mark took the information and looked through it with a puzzled look.

It was nothing at first, but soon his expression gradually changed.

When he finished reading, he stayed where he was.

The research report clearly states that his genetic information is different from that of normal humans.

The result is that he is not human in the normal sense.

"You mean, I'm not human?"

Mark was a little shaken inside. The news was so exciting that it was difficult for him to calm down.

Ye Hang stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and asked: "What is the definition of human beings? Are humanoids that are naturally reproduced by humans, or cloned from humans, or humanoids bred by other creatures, are they considered humans? "

Mark opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

What is the definition of human being?

"Master, Zai Bing is looking for you outside."

At this moment, the Red Queen stepped forward to report the news.

Ye Hang's expression changed and he glanced at Mark, who was on insurance.

"You should think carefully first and think clearly. There will be a genetic enhancement experiment that requires your cooperation."

After he finished speaking, he patted Mark on the shoulder and turned to leave the laboratory.

Ye Hang wanted to see why Zaibing came to him. .

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