Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 400 109. Shadow Trial Project, Get!

Chapter 400 109. Shadow Trial Project, Get!

"We are demon hunters, we don't need anything, we only need the blade in our hands, and we can hunt and win."

On the boat in Suramar, Altruis thought for a moment, but still shook his head. He rejected Laike's desire for knowledge, and for good enough reasons.

"I won't tell you, it has nothing to do with the reward. It's because the knowledge is too obscure and dangerous at the same time. Although I promised Elisande, I will train demon hunter recruits for her.

But I have no intention of sharing this knowledge with her.

Few people can understand it, and even fewer can use it properly. In fact, every transformation of us old hunters is an adventure walking on a tightrope.

Allowing demons to take possession of our bodies is madness, and a method only used when desperate.

Lord Illidan has asked us not to use this power unless we are in despair. Every time it is used, it will push us further into the dark side of the soul, until the final fall. "

Speaking of this, the victim seemed to feel helpless for the dark fate of the demon hunters, and he said softly:

"For demon hunters, no matter how many enemies there are, there is nothing to be afraid of. Our enemy is always only ourselves. But as a human being, how can we win the war against ourselves?

Fall and destruction is our ultimate destiny, even Lord Illidan is the same. "

"Well said, but it's pointless."

The pirate clapped his hands and said:

"Everyone is going to die. Death should never be feared, but should be accepted calmly. I heard a saying that whether you can get a Dzogchen ending depends on which point in time you regard as the ending.

do you understand me?

As a human being, don't think too much, don't put pressure on yourself, be a kind person, it will make you feel relaxed.

So, give me the knowledge I need.

Don't say something about danger is obscure, if you can't understand it, it's because I'm not good enough, and it has nothing to do with you. As for danger. Danger is my middle name.


If you make me happy, I have something good for you. "

"I said, I don't need any gifts from you."

The victim still looked the same.

But perhaps something from Bu Laike moved him, he was silent for a moment, and then said:

"You are probably a lunatic, and if you want to actively pursue taboos, I am happy to satisfy you.

The secret of the devil's transformation is not difficult to say. You noticed the various magweave on us, which is indeed a necessary condition to release it.

There are currently two sets of magic pattern systems passed down by the Illidari, both of which were summarized by Lord Illidan. These magic patterns come from the natural fel magic patterns of different demons in the Twisting Nether.

We learn from them and use their knowledge against them.

In daily battles, we will use magic patterns to absorb evil energy and release combat skills.

During meditation, these magic lines can help us better suppress the inner demons caused by the infection of evil energy.

In the desperate desperate time, we will release the restriction of the magic pattern, no longer suppress the restlessness of the inner demon, let it take over our body, and let the demon in the heart control the evil energy that is no longer suppressed.

As you said, then we will become true demons and bring destruction to our enemies.

The expansion of combat power in this state of demons is extremely exaggerated.

For those of us veterans, once we release our inner demons, we will have three to five times stronger power than normal, and pioneers like Lord Illidan will release ten times the power! "

Having said that, Altruis "looked" at Laike, who was listening attentively, and said:

"I've said so much, do you understand its danger?"

"Danger, no! Desire, yes! And more and more."

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike said:

"I want your two sets of magic pattern system as a reference, and I guess what you are going to tell me next is that even if I know and learn this knowledge, I can't use it.

Because I'm a human and I don't have the innate energy affinity of an elf? "

"Yes, that's what I'm going to say."

Altruis patted his knee and said:

"Since it's called Demon Transformation, and its source of power comes from demons in your heart caused by evil energy, the basis for acquiring and learning this forbidden knowledge is that you must first have demons in your mind.

For us, the inner demon is the center for absorbing and controlling evil energy, and it is the dam that supports us to capture evil energy without being overly demonized.

It is not only our lifelong enemy, but also our source of strength.

During the War of the Ancients, Lord Illidan also taught some foreigners the knowledge of demon hunters, but they couldn't even complete the training of hunters.

It's not that those fighters are not strong enough, they are all real warriors, but even if they draw magic lines on their bodies so that they can draw evil energy, they are all stuck at this step. "

The victim made a powerless gesture and said:

"They lack a natural affinity for energy, so they cannot give birth to their inner demons in their hearts while receiving a lot of evil energy.

Without the birth of inner demons, it is nonsense to want to become a demon hunter, not to mention using evil energy to strengthen their bodies, they can't even use the most basic combat skills.

Also, because of receiving a large amount of evil energy in the body, he was forced to transform into a demon creation, lost his mind, and changed from a warrior to a prey. "

The atmosphere on board quieted down.

The boatwoman Delin, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, shivered as if she was listening to a horror story.

As if sensing the fear of the boat lady, the victim "looked" at her, causing the boat lady to turn her head hastily and cover her ears.


She didn't want to hear things that would give her nightmares tonight.

"Alisande wants to train the demon hunters belonging to Suramar, she has her own considerations."

Altruis let out a cryptic laugh, and continued to the brooding Bo Laike:

"The Nightborne in Suramar generally have a terrible addiction to demons. This thing is not a good thing at any time. Only when they are training demon hunter recruits can they more easily shape their own demons.

But that's about it.

From what I know, even out of ten thousand night children, a real demon hunter cannot be born. They can succumb to their own demon addiction, and they simply cannot survive the more terrifying inner demons.

They can become crazy and belligerent.

Under the lure of the demons in their hearts, they fall with the sun. They can indeed use the power of demons, but their minds will quickly fall and eventually collapse in the tug-of-war of the mind.

Be crazy.

Or worse, become a human demon and they will indulge themselves and do very terrible things. "

"You think Elisande doesn't know?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"But maybe that's what she's after!

It's better to be able to harvest real elite hunters, but if they can't be harvested, then a group of humanoid devils who have fallen into madness are much easier to use on the battlefield than difficult-to-learn magic swordsmen.

The training cost of such an army is very low.

As long as she recruits enough cannon fodder.

Look around you, there are homeless people everywhere in this city, just need some magic wine, the great magister can easily recruit more than 100,000 cannon fodder.

Tsk tsk, hundreds of thousands of crazy demon hunters are terrifying to imagine.

But that has nothing to do with me.

I already know the risks and threats you mentioned, but I still need this knowledge. I need you to write me a set of grimoires. How long will it take to finish? "

"A few days."

Altruis pointed to his brain and said:

"The knowledge is all here, you just need to write it out. But I won't write it for you. Who knows what you crazy people will do with it."

"Oh, it's time to negotiate the price, right?"

The pirate rubbed his hands together and said:

"That's what I'm good at, and I like the fun of haggling. But since we're short on time now, let's skip the haggling that doesn't make sense.

Now, here you are. "

He took out a perfect soul stone from his magic bag and threw it into the hands of Altruis. The victim held the thing in his hand, and his usual stern expression also changed.

He is a hunter who specializes in dealing with demons, so he knows what's inside without even sensing it.

"Ah, would have given you a full Legendary Demon Soul."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said with a sad face:

"It's a pity that something went wrong. My useless subordinates used it as a sacrifice to summon an Angelani abyss lord. This soul is the reward for helping us fight the war.

As a result, the trash demon was killed by a very powerful guy with a big fireball within five minutes of leaving the portal.

Not even a single person was killed.

Naturally, the contract will not take effect. After the demon died, half of the demon's soul was returned to me, which is the thing you held in your hand. "

He glanced at Altruis, and said persuasively:

"Although it's a broken demon soul, it's still a legend. It doesn't matter if you're weak, but the essence is the key! This is an eredar demon, and its knowledge can make you stronger.

Its spirit also replenishes your weakness.

Since you are about to go to that ghostly place of Eresalas to do your best, I think you urgently need the power to protect yourself and your companions.

The demon you'll meet over there is a tough one.

A group of weak hunters passed by, they could only feed it.

So what you hold in your hand is your companion's chance to survive! Illidan handed them over to your commander, you can't disappoint him too much, can you? "

The victim was still silent, but there was already a hint of hesitation.

Pirates grasped this point keenly, and he went on to say:

"As for what I'm going to do with that grimoire that records forbidden knowledge? I'll tell you this, what I do with it has nothing to do with you!

All the consequences of it cannot be blamed on you.

In fact, I can ask for it directly from Illidan. I believe that Illidan will definitely teach it to me very readily.

Because he saw my excellence and potential.

In fact, you may not know that when I meet him, he will give me his Glaive of Azzinoth, and he will do great things. It's just that I'm indifferent to fame and wealth, and I'm embarrassed to take things from my friends.

So I said no.

Does this answer make you more determined? "

Ten seconds later, Altruis stood up, pulled up the hood of his robe, took a last "look" at Laike, and said:

"Who should I give the things to?"

"Cheer up, I'm starting to appreciate you, sufferer."

The pirate snapped his fingers and said to the Demon Hunter Commander:

"As I said just now, just find a garbage dump in the civilian area and throw it in, and then you don't have to worry about it, it will naturally be delivered to me.

Also, I'm not trying to sow discord.

But there's a girl among you named 'Elisanna Ravencrest,' look at her.

She is different from your group of people who have lost everything. She still has some concerns in her heart.

She is not as determined as she appears on the surface.

It is impossible for Elisande to give up this opportunity. Maybe poor Irisana will still be loyal to Illidan, but in fact, in my opinion, she is the one among you who is most likely to become the lackey of the Grand Magister people.

The most tragic thing is that when she is being used, she herself may not even be aware of the manipulation from the Grand Magister.

In terms of playing with your mind, all of you together can only be beaten by Elisande. A woman who can rule Suramar for 10,000 years, even if she is not as good as Azshara, is definitely not a good person. "


Altruis nodded.

He jumped up on the boat lightly, and under the horrified gaze of the boatwoman Delin, two black and gray demon wings spread out behind him like wings.

With two slaps, the victim is sent into the night sky and disappears.

"Remember him, Durrin."

Bu Laike comforted the terrified boat girl and said:

"In the future, when you encounter things that you can't solve, neither can Old Gani, and I'm too far away to support you, you'll go to him.

He and his demon hunters are the only people in the city you can work with.

But these guys are too reckless to do things, don't deal with them until the necessary time. "

After speaking, the pirate himself escaped into the shadows, and without making a sound, dived into the water, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Joy welled up his cheeks beneath his helmet.

It's not just because of the forbidden knowledge that Altruis gave him, no, this knowledge is the "tool" he needs, and Bu Laike's Warlock rank is stuck at level 30 and cannot be upgraded.

To go through a shadow trial.

And now, he has found the subject of the Shadow Trial.

This is a very special trial, it does not require Laike to go into battle to kill the enemy, what it needs is the condensation of dark wisdom from the caster, and the pirate needs to be inspired by the knowledge of the transformation of the demon hunters.

He wants to perform an unprecedented sorcerer's magic with his own hands.

A magic developed by himself.

"Everyone deals with demons, why can demon hunters have cool transformations, but warlocks can't?"

Boo Laike roams underwater and feels right at home.

Lying in the water with his limbs stretched out, he thought to himself:

"Isn't it just a demon, what a big deal."

"I am limited by race, so I can't give birth to demons, but can't I catch one from the outside? Are you right? Your Excellency the Dread Demon King, who will mold if I am trapped in the lamp?"

(end of this chapter)

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