Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 401 110. The Last Night Of Suramar

Chapter 401 110. The Last Night of Suramar

Ms. Lilith Yuejun has been very busy recently.

After returning to Suramar City after the "lucky escape" after the last distress, her luck turned and she became the political advisor of the great magister Elisande very smoothly.

This is a very prominent position. In the high society of Suramar City, a family who can get this position means that they have won the trust of the Grand Magister and will directly participate in the management of the city's people's livelihood.

Its power is equivalent to the minister regent of the human kingdom in the eastern continent.

It has to be said that Lilith Yuejun is a very sensitive woman in political affairs. At the very beginning of taking office, she sensed the great magister's determination to integrate Suramar into the new world ten thousand years later, so she followed suit. .

First rectify the armaments in the city, vigorously rectify several large workshops that provide weapons and equipment for the city guards, abolish the incompetent, promote new craftsmen, and greatly improve the operating efficiency of the workshops.

On the condition of supporting the reconstruction of the Strys family, in exchange for a part of the city's trade network under that family's rule, they made great efforts to track down internal corruption. It took a month to search and suppress a fortune for the great magister. Considerable military spending.

He also participated in the reconstruction of Astava Port, which was to be rebuilt into a military port where warships could dock.

Although Nightborne's fleet construction plan is still on paper.

These three small-scale reforms made Ms. Elisande very satisfied.

She relied more and more on this new advisor who could guess her mind, and praised Lilith's talent in public several times.

Correspondingly, more important work was transferred to Lilith's side, making Miss Yuejun very busy every day, and the time to go home was getting later and later every day.

He keeps participating in various gatherings, sometimes appearing in a certain area of ​​the city, giving speeches to the nobles and the people, and also participating in part of the "open" plan of the great magister.

He was even invited to select emissaries from among the nobles to go to various regions of the world for Ms. Elisande.

This kind of life is very tiring, but Lilith enjoys it even though she is tired. She seems to have been born for such a life, and the feeling of power makes her feel like a duck to water.

Tonight, Ms. Political Consultant returned home very late, and under the escort of a group of elite magic swordsmen from the Night Fortress, she slowly returned to the manor in her luxurious magic chariot.

His butler still brought several servants to welcome the mistress at the entrance of the mansion.

Lilith carried a suitcase containing important documents, and with the help of a maid, she stepped down from the magic chariot, covered her mouth with a probability of exhaustion, and yawned.

Still smelling of alcohol, she said to her housekeeper:

"I'll wash up first, and then send the supper to my study. I have to deal with some work. I won't have guests tonight. Don't let other people disturb me."

"Okay, master."

The butler immediately went to prepare the instructions arranged by Lilith.

Five minutes later, the consultant lady was lying comfortably in her luxurious bathtub. The water temperature maintained by magic was bubbling with steam, which made Lilith, who had worked all day, become lazy after lying in the water.

A sense of exhaustion crept into her heart, causing her to doze off in the comfortable water, and then wake up ten minutes later. With a lazy temperament, Miss Yuejun walked out of the bath, wrapped a towel around her, and walked out barefoot. out of the bathroom.

Dazedly saw a familiar figure sitting on the sofa outside the bathroom, without thinking much, he said casually:

"Annaris, do you want to take a bath too? The water is still hot, go in quickly."

After finishing speaking, Lilith picked up her pajamas and was about to put them on, but just as she stretched out her hand, she suddenly woke up with a jolt, and looked back while clutching the towel on her body.

That's right! It really is my sister!

Anaris, who had been kidnapped by pirates for more than a month, was sitting on the sofa in her old clothes, holding a few documents in her hand to check.

That was the work Lilith put in her suitcase to take home and deal with.

"Annaris? You're back? Ah, thank the gods."

Lilith's face showed sincere joy. She took a few steps forward with her bare feet, took her sister's arm, and wanted to pull her up from the sofa and give her a warm hug.

Poor Anaris, after more than a month with the pirates, she must have been terrified.

She now needs comfort from her family.

"Did Talisa rescue you? I knew that my friend was trustworthy, and it was right to entrust this to her"

Lilith was talking, but she couldn't pull her sister on the sofa.

She lowered her head in doubt, and saw the eyes of Anaris looking up at her. They were still those beautiful eyes, but what shone in them was a light that made Lilith feel strange.

With a bit of coldness, and a bit of sarcasm, in the end it is helplessness and the joy of reunion after a long absence.

The eyes are very complicated.

"Talyssa did go to save me, sister, your best friend's loyalty to her friends is very trustworthy, but she has not been able to fulfill her promise to you.

In fact, it has nothing to do with her that I can come back.

It was I who fought for my own freedom. You can't imagine how I spent these days in the fleet, and I have no intention of explaining those sufferings to you. "

Anaris held Lilith's wrist backwards, pulled her down, and pulled her sister onto the sofa, letting the towel wrapped around Lilith's body fall apart, revealing her slender and slender body.

The gray skin was exposed to the air, making Lilith feel a little trembling.

Especially what my sister said next made Miss Yuejun feel like she was struck by lightning.

"I came back by order of the captain, sister."

The Yuejun girl took out a blood-stained elf gold coin from her close-fitting pocket, put her in front of her sister, and said:

"You 'lost' the token that His Royal Highness Bu Laike gave you, and I helped you find it."


Lilith Yuejun was able to win Elisande's trust within a month, which proved that she was a very smart woman. From Anaris' demeanor and words, she tasted something ominous.

Also ignoring the gesture of showing her happiness, she held her younger sister's hand and said in a deep voice:

"I didn't betray him!

I have been doing things according to his orders for a month. What happened to Talisa was just an accident. She is very strong, and I have no way to hide this news from her.

I have been at his service, and I have earned Elisande's confidence.

I did all this for you, sister.

I'm sorry I left that ship this way and left you there alone, but believe me, I made a deal with Captain Braike.

As long as I do things for him, you will not be harmed. "

"I know, and I believe, you don't have to explain this to me, sister."

Anaris sighed, put the blood-stained gold coin on the table at hand, and picked up the few documents. She looked at the text on it and said softly:

"You don't have to worry about me not understanding you anymore.

Living outside of Suramar for more than a month has taught me a lot. I am no longer the stupid and rebellious little girl who didn't understand the difficulties of the world and responded angrily to the kindness of her family.

Now I can understand why my father wants to pass on the position of Patriarch to you instead of me.

At the beginning, I was really not qualified.

I know that you reached an agreement with His Highness Bo Laike to protect me, and I thank you for what you have done to me, sister, the first thing I do when I come back tonight is to say thank you sincerely. "

She reached out and held Lilith Yuejun's cheek that was very similar to hers, and said softly:

"You are my only family member, Lilith, not only you will protect me, but I will do my best to protect you in the future. I will report to the captain exactly what you did in the city.

He has built an underground network for his followers in the city.

You don't have to take the initiative to find them, they will send people to contact you, and they will cooperate with you to accomplish many things. In the future, you will be on the bright side, and those followers will be on the dark side.

You will be the eyes of the undead fleet in Suramar City, observing and recording everything that happens in this city for His Highness. "

"What about you, Anaris?"

Lilith felt an ominous sense of separation from her sister's words. She held her sister's finger on her cheek and asked eagerly:

"Won't you stay? Won't you stay with me? If you insist on leaving, what's the point of me doing this? I'll still lose you!

You're already one of them, right?

When I was still insisting, you chose to give up, it shouldn't be like this!

This is not the tradition of the Yuejun family. "

"That's the second thing I want to tell you, my sister."

Anaris stood up, took out a bottle of good magic wine from the wine cabinet outside the bathroom, took two more wine glasses, poured wine for himself and his sister, and put the wine glasses into her hands.

She raised her glass to Lilith and said:

"Goodbye, my sister. I am going on a long voyage tonight, but there is no need to be sad about my departure. In the past thousand years, I have been enjoying a life where I can see the head at a glance.

For trivial stimuli, I lived a stupid and rebellious depraved life. I never knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted, and I could only regard the better you as a role model and an enemy in life.

Make things difficult for you everywhere, find trouble for you, so as to gain a sense of shame.

But those boring days are over, and I have found my goal during the one-month voyage, and I have made a new plan for my life.

I can finally walk out of the shadow you brought me, I will no longer be bound under the surname of 'Moon County', I will leave the land of family glory, in the endless sea, writing belongs to Anaris , not the story of Yuejun. "

She clinks glasses with her sister.

In a crisp voice, she said:

"When I return to my hometown from the waves of the sea with my legend, the family tree will also extend a new branch, and I will be worthy of the greatness left by my ancestors.

My story will also be a new beginning for the family tree.

I'll be the Pirate King of the Nightborne.

Thousands of years later, the children born in this city will fall asleep listening to my adventure stories, and countless young people will follow my example and plunge into the blue sea of ​​plunder.

They will imitate me and start their stories.

What I will create is a completely different history from the Yuejun family in the past ten thousand years. I will be proud of it, and you will also be proud of me.

Our sigil is flower and sword.

Lilith, do you understand? This is the arrangement of fate. "

Anaris drank the wine in her hand, and she said to the sluggish sister in front of her:

"You are the flower that blooms in the glory of the family, and I am the sharp sword that cuts through thorns and thorns. Twin sisters are destined to be famous in history. We are no longer proud of the family inheritance.

Yuejun's surname will shine again because of us. "

After a brief silence, Lilith also laughed. She gracefully poured the wine in the glass into her mouth, then looked at her sister, and finally at the blood-stained gold coin on the table.

She laughed dumbfounded and said:

"It seems that I have really underestimated my sister. You don't need me to intervene, and you can live well without me worrying. Then go, Anaris, and take the share that father left you family property.

I will give you as much wealth as I can as my support for your career.

The first two things are all said and done.

It's time for the last one.

Our Highness is not a pedantic benevolent person. He once told me that he is a person with clear grievances and grievances. I involved Talisa in this matter, and let him down once by my negligence and my mistrust.

So, you came tonight to say goodbye and to execute punishment, right, sister? "

Lilith brushed her hair and stood up.

She opened her arms to Anaris and said:

"Come on, complete the task he gave you, and let me remember this mistake."

Anaris Moonshire drew the black snake-shaped Demonstrike from her waist, and took hold of the weapon that Laike himself had given her.

She walked up to her sister and hugged her tenderly.

The sharp blade cut a scar on Lilith's slender and naked back. The blood surged, making the consultant lady tremble in pain. The sister's hand covered her mouth, and put the tiger's mouth on Lilith's teeth. middle.

"Let me share your pain, let me remember your lessons. Leave me a wound too, this is the bond between sisters, no matter where I go, when I see it, I will think of you.

never forget"

Captain Yuejun said in his sister's ear:

"Don't worry, I've grown up, I'm not afraid of pain anymore."

The next moment, the pale-faced Lilith bit her sister's hand, and as the dagger slid around her waist, Anaris' hand was also bitten open, and her sister's blood also flowed out.

This strange scene of punishment completely fell into the eyes of the little girl from the blue dragon, Xing Xingxing, who was holding a few pieces of Anaris's clothes and staring at this bizarre scene in front of the bathroom in a daze.

The chubby little blue dragon on her shoulders also covered its eyes with its paws, not to see the blood flowing down Lilith's ketone body.

"Have you picked out your clothes and jewelry?"

Bu Laike's voice suddenly rang in Little Xingxing's ear, startling the blue dragon.

Looking back, she saw Bu Laike's Eye of Keir Rogge hovering beside her, and she snorted and said:

"I have chosen, I have chosen several boxes of jewelry, but the two of them."

"That's not something you should worry about."

The pirate was also admiring the scene in front of him, his voice sounded from the vibration of the magic power line of the eye of Keir Rogge, and said:

"As expected of a highborne elf full of artistic cells, even the punishment for the rebellion is so artistic. I did ask Anaris to teach her sister a lesson that she will never forget, but I didn't expect her to do so in this way Achieved.

But it's not bad, Lilith will never make the same mistake again, and I have also gained an ambitious and qualified captain, and a treasure of a ten thousand-year-old noble family.

It feels good to be rich again. "

"Go and pack up, little Xingxing, we are leaving here, it's time to set sail."

(end of this chapter)

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