Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 471: The alliance pattern has changed

   The recent training sessions for the Nuggets have become easier. It is a simple confrontation, at most one run and double run tactics.

   In the game, the Nuggets made the game easier. If the tactic fails, the ball goes directly to Li Nan's hands. Li Nan makes breakthroughs, points the ball, or plays in the low post, all of which he decides.

   The team's tactics are simple, and everyone's performance has gradually stabilized.

   However, in this way, Li Nan's personal round possessions increased, and his personal singles data also reached a career high.

   Under such circumstances, the Nuggets' record has also improved, winning two games and losing one game.

   At the end of November, their record came to 10-6.

   The Nuggets' record is not very good, but their ranking is not low, ranking 4th in the West.

   Because, this month, the performance of the league is not very good, no, to be precise, the strength of the 29 teams in the league should be more average. The competitiveness of all teams is on the rise, and no team can be ignored. The pattern of the alliance is completely different.

  Western Ranking:

  The first is the Lakers, 10-5

   Kobe has focused on maintaining his left ankle throughout the summer. He returned to a normal state this month. O'Neal didn't seem to have recovered from the holiday. However, they can still win.

  The second place is the Jazz, 10-5

   Karl Malone has maintained a very good physical condition and he is still the backbone of the Jazz. However, the decline of Stockton and Hornacek is too obvious, and the chances of the Jazz winning the championship seem to have become a lot more ethereal.

  The third place is the Mavericks, 10-5

   Although there are some trade rumors in the team, the Mavericks are still so strong on the field. They are still so reassuring in the regular season, but whether they can make a breakthrough in the playoffs, this is what everyone is worried about.

  The fourth place is the Nuggets, 10-6

   The fifth to eighth places are the Kings (9-7), Trail Blazers (9-7), Suns (9-8), Timberwolves (8-7)

   Under the guidance of Adelman Princeton's tactical system, the combination of Weber + Peja + Divac + Williams + Christie played even more pleasing to the eye.

   Nine, ten, and eleven are the Sonics, Spurs, and Rockets.

   The supersonic speed is supported by Gary Payton alone, and Wen Baker has been in decline since the suspension.

   The Spurs have been supported by Robinson alone since 1996. Years of injuries have made him worse off.

   The Rockets are now Francis’s head, and the second head is Mobley, who was bought from the 76ers. Olajuwon’s state has declined significantly. Barkley did not renew his contract in the summer and faded out of people’s sight. It seems that he is about to retire.

  The last place is three teams, Warriors, Grizzlies, Clippers, all have 4-11 records

   These three teams also continue to show up. There will be three new-generation centers in the draft next year. This may be an opportunity for them to rise again.

   Eastern ranking:

  The first is the Pacers, 10-4,

   After losing to the Nuggets at the start, the Pacers lost to the Bucks, but after two consecutive losses, they quickly adjusted their form. Played a wave of 8 consecutive victories and quickly climbed to the top of the list.

   The second place is tied for the three teams, the 76ers, the Bucks, the Magic, the record is all 10-5

   The combination of 76ers Iverson, Pippen, and Mutombo is becoming more and more mature, but this can't stop the strong team from too many, they don't have the dominance of last season.

   The Bucks are a sudden emergence. They were not optimistic at all before the start of the season, but now they have reached the second position. Ray Allen’s shots have increased, and the Bucks have played better offense every game.

The Magic’s McGrady+Hill combination did not disappoint everyone. Under Rivers’s guidance, the combination of the two fully produced a chemical reaction. Hill devoted more to the organization, McGrady focused on scoring, and the Magic had already There are signs of a rise.

   The 5-8th place is the Heat (10-6), Nets (10-6), Knicks (10-7), Raptors (9-8)

   The Heat are still a strong team in the regular season, but in the eyes of everyone, they are like the Mavericks. Can they go far in the playoffs?

   The Nets' Nowitzki + Bodilloga + Marbury trio is also becoming more and more tacit. When the results are good, they even ranked in the top three in the East.

   The three musketeers of the Knicks have great firepower, and the Knicks under Jeff Van Gundy are still full of possibilities.

   Under the guidance of Lenny Wilkens, the Raptors focused on pushing Carter out. The record in front of him was not very satisfactory.

   The Celtics, Hornets, Pistons, and Cavaliers who came after eighth were in close pursuit and did not fall behind. If one of the top eight is not careful, it is likely to be passed.

   The bottom three are the Bulls, Wizards, and Eagles.

  The last one is the Bulls 3-13.

The Bulls are also the worst in the league. This year they still want to continue to play badly. They can't do it. The team didn't find the baby in the summer. With Brand and Artest alone, the team can't fight. . They can only continue to make a fuss about the draft market.

  While the Wizards are close behind with a 4-12 record, this momentum is not weaker than the Bulls. They seem to have some big moves.

   The third-to-last Eagle Xia Tianqi made a wrong move and got deeper in the quagmire of reconstruction.


  The league announced the player of the month: Li Nan (Nuggets)

   The result is very surprising, it turned out to be Li Nan, who has not the best record in the team.

   Sports media people everywhere naturally come out habitually.

   "The best of the month should be given to Karl Malone! Stockton, Hornacek, and Russell are all declining, and the Jazz can have such results all because Karl is supporting."

   "The Nuggets' record is not the best. This month's best was given to Lee. It's a bit unreasonable. It should be given to us Tim Duncan of the Dallas Mavericks."

   "The Player of the Month award should be given to the team's best Shaq! Shaq is still an unstoppable Big Mac in the basket."

   "No, the best of the month should be given to Allen! Allen led the team to a 7-game winning streak start!"

   "No! It should be given to our King Weber! Their basketball is so beautiful!"

   The official media seemed to have waited for some time before giving a response.

   They published Li Nan’s November data:

   averaged 38 minutes per points, 6.6 rebounds, 7.4 assists, 2.0 steals, 1.8 blocks, 47.4% shooting and 41.2% three-pointers.

   People who questioned Li Nan because of the Nuggets' poor record, saw the official statistics of Li Nan, and fell silent.

  Because the data of Karl Malone, O'Neal, Iverson and others are much worse than Li Nan!

   Karl Malone, 23.4 points, 11 rebounds, 3 blocks,

   O'Neal, 24.5 points, 9.6 rebounds, 2.1 blocks,

   Iverson, 25.8 points, 3.4 rebounds, 5.4 assists,

   Webber, 21.5 points, 11 rebounds, 4.5 assists,

   Tim Duncan, 23.3 points, 11.6 rebounds, 2.7 blocks,

   One month after the start of the new season, many people have not yet entered the state. Many stars still play close, not so hard.

   And Li Nan’s condition this month is actually not good. After all, he is now averaging 25 shots per game, and there are still many opportunities to handle the ball, and he will only score in his early 30s. Of course, this is compared to Li Nan's performance last season.

   However, seeing Li Nan’s 30+ data this month, many people secretly made up their minds...

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